Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024

Arrow's brain in Charlemagne's head.
It seems like Arrow's brain being transplanted into Charlemagne's head is a reference to Dr. Daniel Jonas' heart being transplanted into "Brady's" chest. Faith told Arrow, "you were dead and your brain was gone". When Days killed Daniel Jonas, they also put his heart in Brady Black.
Or Re-Ron was poking fun at the fake storyline they created for Joey on Friends, when he starred on Days and his character had a brain transplant.
Perhaps, but I don't think anyone had mentioned the Daniel/Brady transplant storyline which is an actual real Days storyline.

Related to that, if Holly marries Tate, her father-in-law will have her father's heart. He will be her "father at heart".
This "Fabby" aka Fake Abby, storyline needs to end.
Good one. “Fabby” is almost as bad as the awful “Chabby” of yesteryear.

If EJ decides to give lectures about his hate-sex encounter with Gabi, people should attend. After all, nobody knows more about hate boinks than Elvis. And if Elvis wants to stick it to Gabi, he should start telling anyone who will listen that she’s not nearly as hot as Sami.

Meanwhile the Fake Abigail farce continued as Stefan Zero abjectly apologized for his alter “Gabby” affair to an imposter. Won’t he feel like a fool if and when the ugly truth is revealed.

Finally would-be soap star Chanel was really laying her nasty side on the unfortunate Alex. If her bakery customers saw this vicious little outburst, she’d never sell another cookie or muffin.
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So I didn't totally hate the B&S stuff today. I think it was the fact that it was the ONLY thing happening during yesterday's episode. That being said, can this please not go on for months?!

The instant regret from Gabi seemed odd since she's been on the warpath for a week. That whole conversation was sort of pointless since Stefan walked in anyway.

So Chanel's mother, stepfather, and Allie's grandmother all know about their sexual history. That's not weird at all! :sarcasm:

While I'm not a fan of the supposed resurrection of Abigail, I am intrigued by who this woman is, what the connection to Mark is, and what could have happened that is causing them to do this to Chad and family. I hope the writers don't mess this up and give us something actually interesting.
Stefan says it was a one time drunken mistake
Correct me if I 'm wrong, but I thought they were together twice?
Alex and Chanel agree to try.
I'm sorry, but NOT EVEN IN SALEM do people fall into jobs this easily. They at least pretend to do a year of med school or law school. People don't fall into acting. I feel very badly for the actors who had to play this tripe.
Would be like Days getting rid of Deidre Hall (Marlena) and saying Marlena's brain was going to be transplanted into Tripp
Or Stefan's heart in Julie, Daniel's in Brady, and Jake's in Stefan. I think he might be spoofing the constraints under which he writes. (But I'm probably giving to much credit.)
Yes but it's a little much to accept so many in such a small population. Also, for me it wasn't the brain transplant, it was the microchip that seemed like a meta-reference.

I'm just struggling to make sense of the nonsense with this story.

Can anyone confirm how many times Stefan and Ava boinked? I don't know if I have the stomach to re-read any Jan/Feb summaries.
Speaking of transplants that aren't real, I was thinking of Face/Off earlier today. I know soap opera characters have had surgery to look like other people, but I'm not sure if two characters have literally swapped faces. (Not counting actors being recast as different characters).