Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
42 minutes. Some Body and Soul aka soap opera.

Same morning.

Kate's telling Abe that Roman agreed to let them use the pub for their soap opera. Abe keeps looking at his phone. She says Roman will talk to Kayla about using the hospital (will they make patients leave?) Abe is waiting to hear from Johnny and Chanel. He explains to he didn't tell Chanel about her leading man.

At the soap opera office, Johnny asks Alex if he's auditioning for Arrow? Chanel's surprised he's an actor. Alex says Abe was the one who suggested it. He says Abe was supposed to tell her. Chanel says he didn't.

The woman is in the DiMansion living room pouring orange juice. Her phone rings. She says she has to get into character, Abigail. Chad, in the Horton living room, is calling to see how her night was since she was alone? She says she's not alone with all the DiMeras in the house, then says she had a peaceful evening. Chad has a not happy face.

Gabi's dreaming she's in bed with Stefan and they made up. Stefan says he never felt anything for that tacky mafia princess. Gabi wakes up and smiles. She rolls over and sees EJ (ooops).

Gabi ties her robe then EJ wakes up. EJ thought what happened was a dream. He looks under the covers and says I guess not.

Chad asks "Abby" if she has plans for the day? She wanted to talk to Gabi at breakfast, but she didn't answer her door. Chad says he can come over and have breakfast with her. "Abby's" not interested and says she's only having yogurt. She tells him to stay focused on the kids. He says they still have back to school shopping to do. She's relieved he'll check with her later, and they hang up.

Stefan walks into the DiMansion living room and says he heard Gabi told things to Abby. "Abby" says yes, when you took advantage of me when I was mentally unwell. Stefan's looking at tape on floor and says Gabi told her that because they're in a rough patch. "Abby" says it's not her fault he's a creep. (ha ha)

Kate and Abe discuss Chanel and Alex. Kate says what happened with Allie was years ago. Abe says there's still a sore spot. He explains that's why he wanted to cast them together. Paulina said the director might be upset filming them. Abe says Alex is attractive. Kate says that would happen with any actor playing the role. Then Abe mentions Chanel had a threesome with Alex. (oh my)

Chanel asks Johnny if he knew? Johnny says no. Abe said he found a guy, but didn't say it was Alex. Alex and Chanel start bickering about doing the parts. Johnny watches. Alex mentions Abe saw them fighting the day before. Chanel says that wasn't a romantic fight, but an "I hate you" fight. Alex and Chanel are still going on. He mentions she's now married to Allie's brother. Johnny is laughing. Chanel asks Johnny why Abe would pick Alex? Johnny says Abe was spot on.

Abe and Kate waste time talking about the threesome. Abe says it might be awkward for Johnny to direct. Kate agrees it will be uncomfortable.

Stephanie is with Chad in the Horton living room. She's surprised to see him since she wanted to talk to Doug and Julie about visiting Abigail. Chad thinks it's a great idea. Stephanie thinks it would be helpful if "Abby" saw people she knew. Chad says she's being brave. He tells Stephaie that she puts people at ease.

Stephanie talks to Chad about having the love of his life back. He says there arr no words. Chad is worried about Stephanie since they had a relationship. Stephanie says he shouldn't. They knew things didn't work out since "Abby" is still alive. They talk about the kids and Stephanie has special memories. She's surprised he's there since he was spending time at the DiMansion. He says "Abby" asked him to move out.

Stefan agrees he was a creep. He admits he shouldn't have gotten involved with her alter. Stefan says he didn't know much about DID and he didn't want to know the truth. He admits he thought he loved alter and made mistakes, then says he's sorry and says she forgave him before, but you don't remember. "Abby" forgives him again and says she doesn't remember what he did before. Stefan hopes the real Gabi will do the same.

Gabi says EJ doesn't have to offer her breakfast. Last night had nothing to do with feelings. EJ mentions hate. He says she ruined his marriage to Nicole, and Gabi says he put her in prison. They start to argue about who started the one night stand. She only did it to hurt Stefan. EJ says Stefan will be destroyed when he finds out. EJ puts on his pants, but no shirt.

Stephanie and Chad discuss why he moved out. He says he and "Abby" are strangers. Then he mentions the kids. Chad tells Stephanie that "Abby" seems like a different person. He mentions her personality, the way she talks and her expressions. He says if it wasn't for the DNA, test he wouldn't believe it was her. (bingo)

"Abby" tells Stefan she knows why Gabi is upset since he slept with someone while she was in prison. Stefan says it was a one time drunken mistake. He starts to walk closer to her and she points at the tape. Stefan says he's never seen Gabi so angry. He mentions their passionate times. They fight and make up. He's not sure if they'll make up. She wants a divorce. "Abby" says maybe not when she cools down.
EJ says the hate sex was great, but he's still thinking about Nicole. He's upset she's with Eric in Paris. Gabi says to take it out on Stefan since he told her about Jude. EJ thinks it's great to have revenge on Stefan and wants to tell him what they did. Gabi tells him to stop.

Kate says they're getting ahead of themselves. After seeing the auditions, they may not hire either one of them. Abe says Johnny's putting them on tape, and if they goes to the office, he can warn them about each other (too late). Kate says she'll go with him. They get up to leave.

Chanel's surprised Johnny likes her and Alex as a couple. Johnny says not in real life. Chanel and Alex agree it won't work out. Johnny tells them some great cinema couples hated each other in real life. Chanel asks if Johnny ok with it? He says if both of them are comfortable with it. Johnny's not happy with the idea, but says they make magic together. He wants them to put their passions in the audition. Alex and Chanel agree to try.

Abe and Kate arrive at the office and he's surprised they're still here. Chanel's not happy with Abe. Kate tells her Abe left messages for her and Johnny. Johnny's ready for the audition.

Chad doesn't think he should complain since he got his wife back. He wants to respect her space, but says it's hard to be cool. Stephanie says he can be.

Stefan wants to know if Gabi told "Abby" anything? She says no, but she's angry because she still loves you. "Abby" says why would Gabi still be here? Stefan says the lawyer told her to be. "Abby" says they worked it out before, why would it not be different?

EJ's surprised Gabi doesn't want to tell Stefan right away. He reminds her it was her idea and why is she dragging her feet. Gabi says she wants the bombshell to have maximum impact. EJ says she's having second thoughts since she still loves him.

Chanel and Alex doing their audition. Alex tells Arrow's story after he died and now she wants to marry his father. Chanel talks about how she wept for him while they took out his brain and put it in Charlemagne's head. (WHAT??) Johnny is pleased. Abe and Kate are serious. Chanel and Alex go on and on. Alex grabs Chanel's hand, and starts to kiss her. Chanel asks if they have to do it? Kate and Abe say yes to prove their love story. Chanel's not happy. Johnny's not happy, but says yes she does. Alex does his last line. Chanel and Alex kiss. Johnny's not happy at how long they kiss.

Johnny yells cut. Chanel asks how they did? Kate says they're going to be a super couple. Abe says they're hired. Chanel and Johnny hug. He tells her a star is born. Kate whispers to Abe that Chanel and Alex will have a lot of fans. Abe says Johnny won't be one of them.

Stephanie asks Chad if he's sure she should visit Abigail? Chad says "Abby" wants to see people who were important to her and Stephanie was her best friend. He says to share their memories together (not a good idea). Chad tells Stephanie that "Abby" had a memory of when Clyde killed her. Stephanie says she's happy to help. They hug.

Stefan thanks "Abby" for the pep talk. He wants to go upstairs to talk to Gabi. "Abby" says she went upstairs and didn't find Gabi in her room. Stefan wonders where she can be? (oh my)

EJ and Gabi discuss her not having feelings for Stefan. EJ wants to go tell Stefan now. Gabi wants to think. EJ thought she learned how to be ruthless from Samantha and Kate. He asks if she's the same person who went after Lani Price and wanted Julie's heart to explode? (not really) He wants to know why Gabi is going soft since Stefan hurt her more than those women? He understands since he would make up with Nicole if he could. EJ says no one will have to know if she changed her mind.

Alex signs his contact. He didn't know how much he wanted job until he was in front of the camera. Abe says he's a natural, and that Alex and Chanel will be huge hits. Alex hopes they can work together.

Johnny and Chanel are in Horton Town Square. Chanel can't believe she's going to be on TV. Johnny asks if she's ok working with Alex? (someone needs to ask him) Chanel says it's part of the job. She's happy to work with Johnny. They kiss.

Kate and Chad bump into each other outside of the pub. Kate talks to him about finding Abigail. He's happy, says it's a miracle. Kate was afraid it wasn't true when they first found out. She thought Clyde was lying. Chad nods his head.

"Abby's" talking on the phone to Mark. She says things are going well. She convinced Chad to move back in with the kids, and says now they need to figure out the rest of their plan. Stephanie walks into the room.

Gabi's getting cold feet and sits on the bed. She wants to get even with Stefan. EJ sits next to her and says she doesn't have to decide right away. He tells her to think about it because once the cat is out of the bag, there's no going back. Gabi's surprised he's being nice. He says his heart was broken recently. He would do anything to make his pain go away. There's a knock on the door. Stefan walks in and asks EJ if he's seen Gabi?
Why doesn't anyone, question who Abby is talking to on the phone? She doesn't know anyone, so who is she talking to? Where did she stay in Poplar Bluff/Grove whatever?

I refuse to watch the B&S portion of the show, unless of course it's on when I need to do a summary.

Thanks kat for writing up today.
Arrow's brain in Charlemagne's head. :rotfl:
On Friends, when Joey was on Days, his character Dr. Drake Ramoray had a brain transplant from Cecilia Monroe, played the show's big star, Jessica Lockhart (played in real life by Susan Sarandon) who was being written out of the show. Would be like Days getting rid of Deidre Hall (Marlena) and saying Marlena's brain was going to be transplanted into Tripp. :rotfl:
Thank you, Kat!

While I am no fan of Body & Soul, I have to admit that Chanel and Alex did a good job. Johnny did not look happy.

Can't wait for the fallout from EJ and Gabi. Now she does not need to tell Stefan, he saw them for himself. Her dream is proof that she does still love Stefan and won't be giving up on him so easily. Now that they are even in the cheating department, maybe she will dial back on her revenge plans.

When "Abby" said she would grab a yogurt for breakfast, I was hoping Chad would remind her that she hates yogurt.

Same with the orange juice guzzling, but that was only Stefan who witnessed her drinking the juice.

She can't possibly know all of the real Abby's habits and likes/dislikes. Eventually, she will flub up. Or will someone say that she does not remember what she prefers?
The way Re-Ron likes to use really old characters, it could be some Salemite who hasn't been seen/mentioned in decades, though.

Or it could be someone connected to a Salemite in some manner, like how Re-Ron had Eve in cahoots with Vincent, who was the fiancé of Wendy, the midwife who delivered Thomas, then Ben took outside and killed.
I don't think fake Abby likes Chad at all. At least he does question it being Abigail even though the DNA test proved it was her. But of course she turns her back to the door when she's on the phone plotting. Doesn't everyone? Hope Stephanie heard her. Of course, you never know with Salem hearing.

Oh Johnny, you knew Chanel and Alex would have to kiss in character. So why did you push it if you can't handle it?

Arrow's brain in Charlemagne's head.
It seems like Arrow's brain being transplanted into Charlemagne's head is a reference to Dr. Daniel Jonas' heart being transplanted into "Brady's" chest. Faith told Arrow, "you were dead and your brain was gone". When Days killed Daniel Jonas, they also put his heart in Brady Black.