Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
36 minutes; today's show is all Body and Soul

It's the same night.

Replay of Johnny and Chanel in the DiMera living room. Johnny talking to EJ on phone about the bomb and Gabi. Johnny tells Chanel his dad is fine and Gabi didn't have serious injuries. The fire chief says the house is ok, but EJ lost his stock of Chateau Margaux (wine - poor baby). Chanel says she likes cheaper wine. Johnny reminds her in Italy she kept ordering expensive wine after they got married. They kiss and Chanel's happy they don't have to move out. She needs to rest, her first day of filming tomorrow with Alex.

Alex and Bonnie at the table in the square. Bonnie's excited Alex, her stepson, is playing her son on the soap opera. She thinks they're like the old Hollywood families. She can't stop blabbering. Alex thinks it's interesting he's playing her son on the soap. Bonnie brings up contracts. She hopes Justin is negotiating his like he did hers. Bonnie wants every penny she's worth.

Kate and Justin in the B&S office. Kate's looking at a contract. Justin says Bonnie wants an extra week of vacation and paid over scale. He gushes about her and asks if they have a deal? Kate looks at him.

Stephanie's at her apartment. Abe comes over. She's working on the press release of the show. Abe came over because something has to be done tonight.

Leo's in his hotel room typing a script. He talks to himself how much he loves the characters and talks about Romeo and Juliet, but his characters are going to be better than Shakespeare. There's a knock on the door. It's Hattie. She has a pile of scripts. She wants them rewritten. (Days needs to do that too).

Leo wants to know what's wrong with the scripts. Hattie says Kassandra has too much of the storyline and Charlemagne is the star of the show. Hattie wants Charlemagne to have more lines since she's the star and points at herself. She says the audience will turn on Leo for him not doing that (sounds familiar LOL) and that people will turn off the TV and go to the movies or read a book, or change channel on TV. Hattie says it will put Bonnie in her place. Leo senses a rivalry. Hattie says Bonnie has become a super diva.

Alex is surprised Justin's getting her better contract. Bonnie says Justin's a crackerjack lawyer (is that how he got his law degree, in a box?) Alex tries to explain to Bonnie the show's on a tight budget. Bonnie says it's a big show and they have money. Kate will fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Kate tells Justin they have a deal. He folds the page to where to sign. Kate says if Bonnie doesn't accept her original deal they will find someone else to play the part.

Abe tells Stephanie they're going to take her suggestion of a photo shoot of the cast. Stephanie says you didn't have the money. Abe says Eric is doing it for free. Stephanie says she will get the cast in for the photo shoot.

Leo is trying to help Hattie, but she doesn't like what he wrote. He says there is a chain of command and his scripts are approved by the producers. (Interesting. Who approved this?) Hattie says Bonnie made changes. Leo's surprised, says he doesn't have time to do rewrites. Hattie badgers him. He says he'll try.

Bonnie goes into character with Alex. She asks how she did? He was amazed. She changed some words. He says she's a great actress. Alex doesn't have his lines memorized yet. He's worried about working with Chanel and says there's tension between us.

Johnny talks to Chanel about working with Alex. She's not happy to spend 8 hours with him. Johnny says 12 hours. He talks what happened with Alex and Allie in the past and Allie likes her new life. Johnny says she seems happy with him. They talk mushy to each other and kiss, then discuss how they will spend 12 at work with each other. Both phones beep. They got pink pages of script. Chanel's upset because Faith and Arrow have sex. They both don't understand why a sex scene so early since Faith and Arrow are star crossed lovers. Johnny says it shouldn't happen for months.

Bonnie talks to Alex about Allie and Chanel breaking up (old news) and wants more details. Alex wants her to use her inside voice (does she have one?) Bonnie says no one is listening. Alex says this is Salem. Bonnie says to use his tension in his acting and talks about a book she read, then goes on and on how he should act (good grief). Alex is surprised. She says she learned about it from Johnny. She shouldn't hold back and what she learned when she acted like Adrienne she can play Kassandra. Justin comes up. Bonnie kisses him and asks about her deal?

Abe arrives at the soap office. He tells her Stephanie is contacting everyone in for the photo shoot and says Eric texted him he's coming since Kate's worried. Kate throws paper in trash and explains to Abe that Justin was trying to get more money for Bonnie. No deal.

Bonnie's upset she's only getting scale (boo hoo). Justin says take the old deal or lose the part. Bonnie says Kassandra is now a part of her. Hattie arrives with a stack of paper, a lot of pink paper. Bonnie'ss upset her part was rewritten with wacky scenes and wants to know who did it? Hattie blames Leo. Leo comes up to them.

Chanel needs to talk to Leo about the scene. Her phone beeps again. She has to go now to a photo shoot for the cast.

Stephanie's at soap office when Eric comes in. Kate is thankful Eric's doing the shoot. He knows how much the audience wants to see the soap (not this audience) and wants to be remembered if they win an Emmy.

Bonnie yells at Leo about making her look like a doormat. Before more discussion, Hattie gets a text to go to studio for the photo shoot. Bonnie's excited. Leo's disappointed he didn't get one. Bonnie kisses Justin and takes Alex with her. Hattie is stopped by Leo. He's upset Hattie blamed him for the scripts. Hattie says it's always the writer that takes the blame (yes it is, Re-Ron, this is all your fault).

Leo's in his hotel room talking about something from his past (who cares?). There's a knock on the door. It's Johnny; he came by to talk about the love scene. Leo tells him how the scene should be shot which includes royalty free jazz. Johnny tries to talk to Leo about how the sex scene is too soon. Johnny mentions Agnes Nixon and how you have to make the audience wait and he wants the scene rewritten. Leo yells no more rewrites.

Stephanie says everyone checked in. Bonnie and Hattie walk in together. Kate wants them to go to wardrobe. Bonnie wants to talk about the rewrites. Hattie makes Bonnie leave Kate alone. Stephanie takes Bonnie to wardrobe.

Abe finds Justin in the square. Abe tells Justin he's sorry about the contract situation. Justin mentions good cop and bad cop. Abe laughs and said they would give everyone a raise if they had the money, and if the show's a big hit they can revisit Bonnie's contract.

At the office, Bonnie walks in wearing a glittery blue dress. Stephanie says she looks amazing. Kate calls her Kassandra. Eric has her go in front of camera and be herself. Bonnie does sexy poses. She looks over at door. Hattie is wearing the same dress and accessories. Bonnie tells Hattie to change. Hattie won't do that. Kate, Eric and Stephanie stare at them. Bonnie attacks Hattie and tells her take off the dress. Stephanie wonders what they should do? Bonnie and Hattie are shaking each other.

Chanel walks into the soap office wearing a dress. Kate says the perfect one for their ingenue. Chanel mentions it was still on the rack since it looked like someone rolling in the clothes. She stands in front of camera while Eric is taking pictures. Kate calls in Alex. He's wearing a leather jacket without a shirt. Chanel tries to walk away, but Kate says they're doing pictures together since they're the hot, young couple.

Leo's dressed for bed in his room. There's pounding on the door. It's Bonnie. Leo explains he did the rewrites and not Hattie. Bonnie says if he doesn't fix it, she'll quit (maybe all of them can quit). She says she won't if he un-pinks the pages now.

At the photo shoot, Eric wants Alex look in Chanel's eyes. Chanel and Alex whisper together about the sex scene. They both agree it's too early. Chanel looks in his eyes and tells him she's surprised he agrees. Kate tells Alex to take off his jacket.

Hattie finds Abe in the square. Hattie wants Bonnie fired, then says it's her or me. (do it Abe, fire them both)

Chanel and Alex are gazing in each others eyes. Eric says it's so sexy. Kate tells Chanel put her hand on Alex's chest. Eric says it's great. Johnny walks in and sees them (oh my).
Days like today make we wonder why I watch. All this Body & Soul stuff is absolute garbage. Bonnie is so freaking annoying. I still hate that she is married to Justin. Adrienne must be rolling over in her grave. "Hey, guess she really can replace me."

Eric was a little creepy with everything he kept saying while taking pics of Chanel & Alex. Think taking off Alex's coat got Stephanie hot. Just knew Johnny would walk in at the end. Garbage. Please no Body & Soul tomorrow. I wish Abe had never watched it.
Thanks for enduring this, Kat! You summarized very well despite it being a blah show.

Johnny can't realistically be mad at Chanel, she was acting. If she and Alex did not have history, he might have lightened up.

A full episode of Body & Soul was just wrong.

Despite it all, Chanel and Alex DID look good together.
Thanks kat for today's summary. If they go to one day a week being devoted to B&S (body and soul) then I suggest it be a "post your own summary day". I offer to start the topic and put in it's a B&S day and then let anyone who watched and listened to the entire thing write it up because there might be folks who enjoy this dreck. It's raw sewage.
Eric was a little creepy with everything he kept saying while taking pics of Chanel & Alex. Think taking off Alex's coat got Stephanie hot. Just knew Johnny would walk in at the end. Garbage. Please no Body & Soul tomorrow. I wish Abe had never watched it.
Eric creeped me out today also. He was one step above a porn attitude. The past few years have certainly removed any grace from the soul of Eric the priest. Today was mmm baloney?
Odd co-incidence, but just before watching Days, was watching a video piece in which a photographer was doing the same kind of dialog Eric did.......When you see them take 5 dozen shots......(and only use 1 or 2) the yakity yak is to influence those having their pic taken, so they will move around, change expressions, smile differently, etc. Thus the photographer may thus get a gem of a shot............instead of just still posing. Undoubtedly use way too much film, but I guess it is worth it to them.
Thank you for the summary, kat.

As robinsnest called it, this "raw sewage" of a show definitely doesn't even spark a teeny tiny bit of a desire in me to pay to watch this show on Peacock. I wonder how many Days fans have or will shortly be canceling their subscriptions?!
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Well, mine came via a special cheap offer, and being I watch nothing else on Peacock, (hate watching on the computer) when the time period ends, so do I...........especially with this idiotic trash that is being offered up. Trouble is, we know what we are seeing now, was written/filmed 6-8 months ago, and they NOW could be on the right track, which .........we won't see til next Spring......April/May.
I watch Days on Peacock, but last week my DVR started recording it again because it's airing on NBC at 2pm Central Standard Time in my area. I'm still watching on Peacock because I can watch as early as 5am instead of waiting until 2pm.

Peacock is more convenient for me, but those who don't have Peacock or don't like using it should check their local TV listings to see if it's on NBC. The only reason why I noticed was because I had my Xfinity DVR set to record it before it moved to Peacock.
I wonder how many Days fans have or will shortly be canceling their subscriptions?!
I would have cancelled by now except that there is occasionally a game that I want to watch that is only on Peacock. I will give this serious thought though. Days is really not worth the price any more.