Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024


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Dec 29, 2012
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39 minutes. It's a new day and it's a Connie day.

It's Tuesday. Two phone hang ups for Stephanie.

Cardboard Li's in Connie's bedroom. Melinda is still trying to get the rope undone on the bed. She stops when she hears the door opens. Connie is bringing in breakfast. She tells Melinda she has to eat this time and not scream so loud. Even with the soundproofing she heard Melinda in the other room. Connie undoes her gag. She tells Melinda and Li to behave when she's gone, she's going to the office and find out what Gabi did, and hopes Gabi took the bait.

EJ's in bed looking at his phone when Stefan walks in. He's looking for Gabi. EJ hasn't seen her. Stefan hasn't changed his mind about wanting Gabi back. He's holding a ball of tape in his hands and won't fall for her games anymore since she slept with his brother. She won't take the house from him either. EJ says he'll tell her and reminds Stefan he blew up his marriage.

Gabi's by the pub when her phone rings. It's Stephanie by the park. She wants the phone number for Connie. Stephanie wants to call Connie and invite her to the service for Everett.

Outside shot of hospital. Jada touches Rafe's face. She tells him she's learning his mother's recipes after Gabi translated them. Paulina walks in. Jada tells Rafe to wake up so she can make him is favorite dishes (wow, she cooks). Paulina interrupts her and talks to her about learning recipes in her spare time. She says Jada needs to sleep in her spare time. Paulina asks if the commissioner job too much? Jada says the job's only temporary because Rafe has to come back.

Paulina hugs Jada and tells her Rafe will come back. She knows Rafe hears Jada. Paulina's trying to get more help at the Salem PD. She tells Jada when she was unconscious she felt the love of her family and knows that helped her. Paulina gets ready to leave and tells Jada if she needs help let her know.

Jada tells Paulina that Stephanie is doing a memorial service for Bobby and no one is going to be there. Paulina says she'll stay with Rafe while Jada's gone. She can stay since she has her phone and tablet. Jada feels someone needs to be with him today. Paulina wonders why Jada wants to go to the memorial for Bobby. Jada can't believe Bobby would hurt Rafe.

Melinda wonders if Gabi found someone already since she talked about it yesterday. Connie knows because Gabi would have revenge. She tells Melinda there's two guys that live in the haunted mansion with her and would make things messier. Connie knows what Gabi does will be the end of her marriage with Stefan. She looks at Li and says they will have revenge with both of them.

Stefan tells EJ he sunk to a new low. EJ wants him to leave. Stefan starts to leave and tells to stay away from Gabi. EJ gloats about the amazing night they had. Stefan says "Hijo de puta" (SOB in Spanish) to EJ. EJ replies Gabi has called you that SOB. Before Stefan leaves, he throws the wad of tape at EJ.

Stephanie tells Gabi thanks for the help. Gabi tells her Connie never mentioned Everett and reminds Stephanie that it would be a sensitive subject because of Rafe. Stephanie gasps. Gabi says she's thankful Everett's dead and will be rotting in hell. She hangs up. Gabi says "Hijo de puta" (SOB i Spanish). She turns around and Ava is there.

EJ comes into the living room dressed. Johnny is there getting breakfast. EJ asks about his job. Then he says any great director has to start somewhere. Johnny's not pleased. EJ says he's trying to watch soap operas, but they have over the top story lines, evil twins, love triangles and the recasts. Stefan walks in and asks Johnny if one of the storylines is about a brother sleeping with another brother's wife (that's a big can of worms). Johnny asks if he's missing something? Stefan says to ask his father. He takes a croissant and coffee then leaves. Johnny asks EJ what he did?

Gabi wants to know what Ava wants? Ava tells her she can tell her, but don't hate Stefan. He still loves Gabi and to give Stefan another chance. Gabi says Stefan doesn't want that now and walks away.

Paulina reminds Jada she closed the case. Jada says she has problems with it since Bobby was two people. She thinks she could have prevented it. Paulina says no one knew he was sick and could have prevented what happened to Rafe. They hug and Jada leaves.

Connie is cutting meat and Melinda says she can help her. Connie says she wouldn't give her weapon, then her phone rings. She re-gags Melinda. It's Stephanie. She's is inviting Connie to Everett's memorial. Connie says who? Then Stephanie says maybe you knew him as Bobby, and says you knew each other. Connie asks who said that? Stephanie said it was Leo and you told him you knew Everett from way back. Connie gets upset. She says Leo made a mistake and hangs up.

Paulina talks to Rafe about Brady pleading guilty and got released because there was no evidence. She thinks nothing is right about it. Gabi walks in. Paulina tells Gabi she is there because Jada had a personal matter. Gabi tells Paulina that she can go since she's there. She goes on that Rafe wouldn't want to see Paulina first when he wakes up since you sent his sister to jail.

Ava and Stefan run into each in the square. She tells Stefan she ran into Gabi and talked about taking him back and Gabi says he does't want that anymore. Stefan tells Ava that Gabi slept with his brother.

Johnny gets upset with EJ for sleeping with Gabi. EJ said Stefan cheated and Gabi did the same thing. Johnny asks when Stefan did that? EJ says when Gabi was in prison Stefan slept with Ava. Johnny understands why Stefan did that since he was alone, but he's mad EJ did it with Gabi.

Jada sits on a park bench with Stephanie, she's holding the urn. Xander, Alex and Chad can't come. Stephanie mentions Connie. Leo thought Connie was a friend of Everett's, but she didn't know his name when I called her. Jada thinks that strange since Everett's name was in the news since he stabbed Rafe.

Jada and Stephanie discuss how Leo knows about Connie. Leo told Stephanie he saw Connie come out of Everett's room. They talk about how Everett/Bobby never mentioned Connie's name. Stephanie tells Jada she found a place for the ashes by trees since Everett liked nature. Jada agrees. They get up and hold hands as they walk to the area.
Connie takes off Melinda's gag off and her to promise no more yelling. She does and asks about call. Connie tells Melinda that Leo has been talking. She talks about Everett/Bobby killing himself. Melinda says she murdered him. Connie remembers she told Melinda and that she stabbed Rafe. Connie gets upset that Melinda knows so much. She picks up a knife and says no one will ever know. Melinda gets upset. Connie remembers Li told her to spare Melinda's life.

Melinda tells her you'll be disrespecting his wishes and you don't want to disappoint him. Connie looks at cardboard Li and says she won't do it. Melinda wants to know what Connie plans to do? Connie is giving her steak and her room. Then she and Li can have their privacy again if she''s gone. Connie agrees she and Li need privacy, but she's not sure what do until her final revenge against Gabi. She wants Gabi and Stefan to suffer after their marriage gone. Then all can move forward. She looks at cardboard Li.

Ava can't believe Gabi slept with EJ since they hate each other. She wonders if they were fooling him, but Stefan saw Gabi's clothes, and Gabi admitted it and said it was awesome. He says Gabi hurt him in the worse way. Ava is sorry Gabi hurt him. Stefan tells her he appreciates her friendship.

Paulina tells Gabi she'll respect her wishes, but tells her she didn't want her sent away for something she didn't do. Gabi says she hired EJ and he sent her to prison with hardly any evidence. Gabi mentions Stefan trying to help her then stops.

Johnny can't believe EJ slept with Gabi since he hates her. She took his company. EJ says he still hates her. He did it because Stefan told her his secret. Johnny says this is about Nicole. EJ doesn't want to talk about it with him. Johnny knows he was hurt when Nicole left him. Johnny says he loves EJ, but it wasn't Stefan's or Gabi's fault his marriage fell apart. It was EJ's fault. Johnny says he'll lose his whole family if it keeps it up, then he leaves for work.

Connie has her purse and puts the knife inside. Melinda asks why? Connie says Leo has been talking and she might need to shut him up for good. She turns to Li and asks if that's ok? She knows he doesn't want Melinda, Stefan or Gabi killed, but Leo doesn't have any friends. Melinda says there might be someone who cares. Connie puts the gag back on Melinda when she leaves the room.

Jada is on the phone by the Salem Inn. She wants the address for Connie. Ava walks over and tells Jada that Connie lives at Li's old apartment. Stefan walks over. Jada wants to know how she knows? Ava says Connie got her friend and Melinda told her Connie is a fraud since she lied on her resume. Melinda was going to fire her, but then took a leave of absence. Jada walks away. Stefan wants to know what's going on? Ava wonders why Jada would want to know about Connie?

Paulina wonders why Gabi so upset and she knows it isn't about her. Gabi apologizes and looks at her ring. Paulina notices. Gabi tells Paulina her marriage falling apart and EJ has been supportive. Gabi asks Paulina to stay when she goes to work. She tells Rafe something in Spanish before she leaves.

Johnny returns to the living room with an envelope that was delivered. EJ opens it. He says Nicole got what she wanted and found a way to get it when he didn't sign. He pulls it out and tells Johnny it's his divorce decree.

Stephanie's on the park bench holding the urn. She says goodbye to Everett.

Melinda's trying to get the rope off her. She looks at cardboard Li and mumbles something.

Jada arrives outside Connie's apartment and knocks on the door. Jada asks if Connie is there and says she's Commissioner Hunter.

Stefan and Ava talk about Connie and no one told Gabi she was a fraud. Ava doesn't care and says Connie is Gabi's problem now.

Gabi walks into office and Connie follows her. Connie asks what's going on? Gabi has lots of things for Connie to do. Connie wants to know how things are with Stefan? Gabi tells her she slept with his biggest enemy, EJ. Connie's excited and they slap hands. She is happy Stefan is going to suffer. Gabi is going to take him for all his worth and she might want to keep things going with EJ. Gabi tells Connie she's living the good life. Connie seems upset. She turns around and pulls the knife out of her bag. (There's a new Gabi Chic sign in the office).

Paulina's still talking to Rafe and giving him a surprise when he wakes up. She decided a new approach to wake him up. She pulls rank and yells "wake up, Rafe Hernandez!" She says this is the mayor and she may have to give away his job. His head starts moving and his eyelids flutter. Paulina is in shock. Rafe opens his eyes and looks at the ceiling.
She tells him she's learning his mother's recipes after Gabi translated them.
It's a good thing that she didn't wait until Rafe woke up for this. His Spanish is terrible. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It was his fault. Johnny says he'll lose his whole family if it keeps it up.
No way this kid is a DiMera. This is what a Horton would say.
Great job, Kat, thank you!

Maybe Melinda can somehow make noise despite her restraints, and Jada will burst through the door and save her. Poor Melinda in the same (fabulous) pantsuit hasn't even gone to the bathroom in X number of days. Another reason to not eat/drink anything! Since she knows all of Connie's recent crimes, she had better be rescued.

Note to Connie: Leave Leo alone!

As long as we don't get Connie and Body & Soul in the same episode, I'm grateful.

Maybe Paulina can have a side hustle: ordering people to come out of their comas. Can she order Sarah's legs to work again?

Loved Johnny today. Agree with Jason, he does not act like a DiMera.

EJ needs to sign those divorce papers and move on. After all, he does not know it yet, but Gabi wants to come back for seconds. Maybe thirds. Why, Gabi, why?
Only good thing today was Ava giving Jada the clues she needs to catch Connie. I'm ready for that to be over.

If I were Gabi I'd be more into Hunky EJ over Dull Stefan too.

Paulina shouting Rafe awake was bad, but also made sense. Her voice can wake the dead.
I am more than ready for Connie to be over. I've noticed Body and Soul is suddenly absent. I worry we will suddenly get a week of it. They will have to burn it off to use up the actor guarantees surely? But the current regime who are editing the show must be more than aware that nobody is watching it.
I think it is interesting the characters that are still on the show. For example, what possible purpose could Ava still have and why is she sucking up time? Of course, I feel that way about Paulina, too, but she isn't going anywhere. And, they have totally ruined Abe and any respect for that character, who now seems to be some dimwitted idiot. REAL Abe wouldn't have been interested in the soap opera nonsense.

And, I think we have to care about someone to invest in caring about their story, which is why I don't think most people are interested in Connie's back story. Especially since she seems to have been a fluke idea to use her after her contest-winning appearance. It seems obvious that the writers had no clue about where to move these stories and just threw things at the wall to see what stuck. Between Connie and the stupid soap opera story, I really feel sad, but appreciative, for the people here who do the summaries day in and out (no pun intended).
Great job, Kat, thank you!

Poor Melinda in the same (fabulous) pantsuit hasn't even gone to the bathroom in X number of days. Another reason to not eat/drink anything!
This issue came up repeatedly back in the days of the magic sarcophagus, although the only onscreen acknowledgement of it was captive Vivian saying: “I made a mess.”

There was certainly a lot of talk today with both Elvis and Gabi showing off their social “skills.” These two are truly so bad that they arguably deserve each other.

One positive was a light going off in Jada’s mind about the truly awful Connie. It’s too bad that pistol packing Hope isn’t around to charge into Connie’s apartment. She could become the next notch on Hope’s pistol. (Bo Brady would be so proud.)

It was good to see Rafe’s yes open, but the way it happened as decidedly odd. Does Mayor Paulina now have to keep her voice down when she visits the cemetery to ensure that Salem doesn’t then have a zombie invasion?
Thanks kat. This was great pre debate viewing. Now to find a movie.

The Paulina waking Rafe from the coma was as stupid and dumb as it read in spoilers. I must live in a really strange family. None of my boys have hounded/asked me or my ex who and why they are sleeping with people. I feel like a large chunk of my life is missing. Not really.

On to tomorrow's excitement.