Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
39 minutes

Outside shot of townhouse. Brady opens the door for Theresa. She has a bag of snacks for Tate. Theresa looks around living room and asks where Tate is? Brady says he's not here.

Tate meets with Aaron in the small park area. Aaron tells Tate his brother is letting him go to camp. His brother thinks both of them are going. Tate hands Aaron his driver's license, in case they ask for ID at the camp. Tate tells Aaron he told the DMV he lost his license and they are sending him a new one. Then he tells Aaron not to show the ID before he goes goes to camp. Alex runs up without his shirt on and asks them what's going on?

Replay of EJ in the DiMansion living room, talking to Stefano about how Stefan and Gabi are going to pay for what they did. He finishes his drink and throws the glass into the fireplace. His face turns red when he screams. EJ says they are going to wish they were never born. Holly walks in. She asks who he's talking about?

Stefan and Gabi are in Horton Town Square. Stefan is furious that Gabi told the secret. Gabi said she didn't promise she wouldn't. Stefan's upset she told the secret in public when it was a private matter. Stefan asks her why? Gabi says because Eric needed to know the truth.

Replay of Nicole at the police station, ooops, the airport. Nicole tells Eric she had to stop him from getting on the plane. Eric doesn't understand. Nicole tells him Jude is his (yes Eric, you are the father). She says he's our son.

Nicole and Eric sit down. Eric asks how can this be when the test results said he wasn't. Nicole tells him because Sloan did changed the results to show EJ as the father (the ol' Sami switcheroo DNA test). Eric wonders how this happened? Nicole tells him how Gabi announced it, then explains to Eric that Stefan found the test results and blackmailed EJ to get Gabi out of prison. Then Gabi did the right thing for once and told everyone at EJ's press conference.

Nicole goes to the stroller and takes out Jude and hands him to Eric. Jude grins at both of them (cute baby). She hands Jude to Eric. Eric cries, says he can't believe Jude is his son. A PA announcement for last call to board the plane to NYC. Eric says he's not catching the plane and he's not taking the job.

Nicole says Jude missed him and cried so much living with her and EJ. She says Jude is so happy in Eric's arms. They discuss Sloan knowing and that she wanted him to raise his own son. Eric feels bad for EJ. Nicole says don't. Eric asks if EJ knew the truth the whole time? Nicole says yes. She thinks EJ did it because if they knew the truth, they could get back together. Eric says let's get out of here.

EJ apologizes to Holly. Holly thought he was talking about her and Tate. EJ said she missed his press conference. Holly said she knew the details about Gabi. EJ explains that Gabi told personal business at the press conference, then tells her that Jude is Eric's son since she'll find out anyway. Holly talks about the DNA tests getting switched. She feels sorry for EJ since he found out Jude not being his son. EJ admits to Holly he knew the truth before Gabi said anything.

EJ tells Holly that when Eric brought Jude to the house, he already knew he wasn't the father. Holly asks why he did it? EJ knew if Nicole knew Eric was Jude's father, she would run back into his arms. EJ says he knows that's true because she left with the baby and he knows where she went. EJ tells Holly he knows what she thinks of him. She says she's shaken and confused.

Holly knows Eric will be a good father. EJ says Eric is a good guy and he's the villain. Holly says what he did was terrible and why she would hate him because of what he did. She tells him she knows why he did it and you'd do anything when you're desperate, and lying is the only choice you have. (she has flashback talking to Tate on the phone and Aaron taking his place). EJ is thankful for what she said. Holly leaves.

Theresa can't believe Tate's not there. Brady says his bags are packed and he did a last minute errand. Theresa blows her top thinking he went to see Holly. She blames Brady for not watching him. Brady reminds her he took Eric to the airport. He reminds her in a few hours Tate will be 1000 miles from Holly and everything will be fine.

Theresa changes the subject and asks Brady why he talked to Alex about her only marrying him for his money? Brady said it was a casual conversation and maybe how something happened. He asks why she cares since Alex doesn't think that? Brady didn't want to hurt her. He was speculating what happened since she got Victor's briefcase when she was alone. Then she knew Alex was Victor's heir when she slept with him. (Bingo).

Theresa explodes and says you really think I would open his briefcase?? She says you actually think I would do that?? Brady asks, so you didn't open it? Theresa says she didn't, she was grieving too since she loved Victor. Theresa says again that she didn't open the briefcase. She's upset he's calling her a snoop and gold digger (but you are). She doesn't do that anymore and wants her son proud of her. Brady knows that's true since she wouldn't have agreed to sign the pre-nup. (but will she?).

Tate introduces Aaron to Alex. They shake hands and Aaron says Alex is the playboy guy. Alex mentions he stays fit and listens to podcasts when running, but his ear pods are charging. He says he overheard them and know what they are doing. Tate begs Alex not to tell his mom. Alex changes his face and says he had fake IDs too.

Alex knows Tate gave Aaron a fake ID, then tells Aaron not to drink and drive. Alex says he has two more miles to run and leaves. Aaron and Tate can't believe they're getting away with it. Aaron is worried about TSA. Tate cashed his ticket in and got one in Aaron's name. Tate says in a few hours you'll be in NY and I can spend my summer with Holly.

Gabi tells Stefan she's been thinking about what he said about Eric, and EJ keeping Jude away from him. Gabi talks about being away from Ari and not knowing how she's doing. She didn't want Eric not know his son. Stefan says she didn't do it for Eric, but to stick it to EJ (that's a fact). Gabi says she didn't do it to stick it to EJ. Stefan says if it was about Eric, she would have told him privately and not in front of everyone.

Stefan says she did it to embarrass EJ since he sent her to prison. Gabi says EJ got off easy and you're on his side. Stefan says no. He hates him. Gabi says he got what he deserved. She wants to go home and forget about it. He tells her they can't. Stefan says he loves Gabi, but he's furious with her. She's furious with him. Stefan is worried about the fallout with EJ. Stefan says he has to prepare for an all-out war with EJ, then walks away.

Theresa is anxious that Tate's not home. Brady says his flight leaves in three hours. Theresa decides to track him down. She opens the door and Tate comes in. He tells them he was saying goodbye to Aaron. Aaron says the flight is three hours and the airport is 15 minutes away. Brady says there might be traffic and he can drive him. Tate says Aaron is taking him.

Theresa wonders about that since he just saw him. She says they can't trust him and they're taking him the airport. Tate keeps telling his parents they don't have to take him. Theresa says we're going, and tells him to get his stuff. Her phone rings. It's Alex. He needs her to come to the K-mansion to sign the pre-nup documents. He promised his lawyers they will have the documents by the end of day. Theresa says she has to leave. She hugs Tate and leaves.

Holly and Aaron meet in the park. She's worried Tate isn't there. Aaron says nothing will mess this up for you guys.

Gabi is having wine in the square. Eric comes by with the stroller. They talk about him having Jude. She says she owed him one after she withheld her bone marrow from Rachel to get her immunity deal. She's happy for him and proud of herself.

EJ is pouring a drink. He has a flashback when Nicole left with Jude. Stefan walks in and wonders if EJ would pour him a drink. EJ says sure, with arsenic in it. EJ reminds Stefan how he let Melinda go free to get Gabi out of prison. He asked for his silence. Stefan says he wasn't scheming and was going to keep promise. EJ says the damage is done. He lost his wife because of your wife. Nicole walks in.

Alex is in the K-mansion den when Theresa walks in. She asks where the papers are? He says almost here. Alex says he saw Tate in the park with Aaron. Theresa surprised Tate didn't mention it.

Tate, Holly and Aaron arrive at the waiting area of airport. Aaron says not to worry, Tate Black is spending the summer at Lacrosse camp. Tate and Holly look at each other. Aaron says they are free to do whatever they want. Aaron hugs Tate. He tells them he'll see them in three months, then leaves. Tate asks Holly where they should spend the rest of the summer?

Gabi's in the square. She's having flashback of press conference and telling Nicole that EJ knew. Gabi sips her drink and smiles.

Stefan leaves EJ and Nicole alone. EJ's happy she came back and they can talk.

Brady's looking at the Lacrosse brochure. There's a knock on the door. Eric opens it. He walks in with Jude in a car seat. Brady is surprised he's there. Eric says he wanted Brady to meet his nephew.

EJ tells Nicole he can explain. She doesn't want to hear it. She came back to pack her things, then takes off her wedding and engagement rings. She wants EJ to have them because she wants a divorce. EJ shakes his head.
Salem has lax TSA rules. Everyone walked into the ticket counter area even though they aren't flying.

You can tell ReRon is back because the men are not wearing shirts.

Where are Holly and Tate going to meet this summer? Nicole will be moving out of DiMera mansion. Holly will
probably too and not have access to tunnels.

Hopefully the plane won't crash and people look for Tate. That's what I thought of today. Or will Aaron have
amnesia and think he's Tate. We know something is going to happen.
Thanks kat. The Eric and Nicole love story is complete, for this moment. I don't for a moment believe we will get a happily ever after for this couple. We haven't in the past and considering the backstage uproar, it's doubtful they will think of the fans at all.

Tate creeps me out as a teenager. Sorry, I know older people play younger folks all the time, but I just don't buy him as a teen. And the writers haven't been teens in a long time because this 3 months of summer love has holes the size of semi trailers.
Thank you, Kat, great job!

I was thinking the same thing about something happening to Aaron all because he was doing Tate a favor. Will not speculate on what, there are many scenarios rolling around in my head.

Theresa is so annoying by making it her mission to keep Tate and Holly apart. I still maintain that if they were allowed to date out in the open, none of the drama would have had to happen, nor the coming drama which might result in something bad.

The scenes between Eric and Jude were precious. I am glad Eric finally is a father/knows he is a bio father, but also hope that he, Nicole and Jude ride off into the sunset and stay together this time, finally. We won't be seeing them soon, but it would be nice to know they are finally settled.

I never thought Nicole didn't love EJ, but not the same love as she has for Eric. EJ was second best. They were good together this time around until he reverted to his devious ways. Will he grant Nicole a divorce so easily?

I'm surprised Theresa's nose didn't grow when she looked Brady in the eye and said she never snooped in the briefcase. Soon she will fall from grace. I wonder if her involvement with the Victoria kidnapping will ever come to the surface? I don't see how, though, since Konstantin is gone.
Tate, this plan of yours is crazy. It will never work. I never thought about a plane crash. I thought Alex had magical Salem hearing but he didn't.

Only Konstantin knew that they changed Xander to Alexander, so who is going to out her? She's very annoying being all insulted and up in arms for being accused of doing exactly what she did.

Ok first off, Jude is cute as a button. Wish I could be happy about an Eric/Nicole reunion but I cannot. It is ridiculous they keep putting them together. He married her then immediately went to Africa. Then he convinced himself that she pretty much made Jada get an abortion and wrote her off. Not soul mates. Should not be together. But both actors are leaving, so whatever. I hope Nicole comes back without Eric.
Yes, I know that's what Theresa fears. That's why she panicked when she heard Sarah was trying to track down Xander's mother to attend the wedding, since Ms. Cook knows the truth about Xander being Victor's child, and true heir to his estate.
Did Nicole really say to Eric that EJ knew the whole time? He has known for Salem weeks, and it was a shock to him as well. For a former baby stealer who kept Eric's twin's baby away from her for an entire year, knowing the whole time, she sure is on her high horse.

I think that once Fiona Cook spills that Xander is the true son, Brady will put the pieces together and Theresa will give herself away
A few thoughts on what has been happening lately.

Oh Theresa, it's scary how easily she lies to Brady's face. When the truth is revealed, and it will be, it will not be pretty for Theresa.

Baby Jude is adorable. Reminds me of my grandson.

But I hate the Eric and Nicole love story. Oh please, he has had his chance with her. First he left for Africa right after they got married. Then he blamed her for Jada getting an abortion. It's always something with him.

Aaron and Tate really didn't think this through. So Aaron goes to camp as Tate Black. All the recruiters see him play. They will make scholarship offers to Tate Black, not Aaron.

As much as I hate what EJ did, he plays it so well. He conveys so many emotions without even saying a word.
Her brother Andrew knows. Why he kept it a secret I can't remember.
She lied (of course) that she was just helping a sweet old man (Konstantin) score points with a lonely widow (Maggie) and it was a kidnapping for a good reason. Andrew agreed to cover but said it was the last time. We will see.