Days of Our Lives - Tuesday July 30, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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40 minutes. It's a new day in Salem.

Chanel wakes up & thinks she's late for work. Johnny reminds her she's taking the morning off. He says the morning belongs to them. They kiss. He starts to get frisky & she pushes him away.

Kate & Abe are in the office of Body and Soul. Abe can't believe they're doing this (neither can the viewers). Kate says Body and Soul relaunched today. Abe says we're in charge, then they fist bump.

Stephanie is in HTS with her laptop. Her phone rings. It's Jada at the cop shop, she tells Stephanie she talked to Marlena about how Everett has come out, but is still Bobby. Marlena didn't say anything, but Jada thinks she agrees with them. Stephanie asks about him stabbing Rafe? Jada said didn't mention it to Marlena. Stephanie mentions Everett's name & him doing something like that. Someone walks behind her. Leo stands in front of her & asks what did Everett do now?

Bobby opens his door. Connie is there with a latte & donuts. Bobby's upset since she came by & no one needs to see them together. He reminds Connie he told Jada that Bobby knows who killed Li. Connie says she's not worried. Bobby asks why? Connie has a flashback of when Jada talked to Stephanie about bringing Bobby in for questioning. Jada doesn't want anyone to know yet Bobby might have stabbed Rafe. Connie tells Bobby she has a perfect record & when she commits a crime, she gets away with it.

Stephanie tells Jada she has to call her back, then she calls Leo an eavesdropper. Leo takes out his pad & says when it comes to Everett, he smells a story. Stephanie tells him to put it away. Leo sits down. He says the paper is sad to work for with a new old owner (Jack) & editor out of the loony bin. Stephanie says she will tell him & no one else needs to know. Stephanie tells Leo that she & Everett broke up. Leo is shocked since Everett, before he went away, always talked about her. He's knows something is wrong.

Bobby asks Connie how many crimes she committed & got away with? Connie says stabbing Rafe doesn't count as her crime. Bobby says he didn't do it. Connie reminds him he wanted a favor to keep his mouth shut. Bobby says she's not his friend & doesn't want to see her again. Before Connie leaves, she tells Bobby she bought him the latte. She wants repaid for the donuts. Bobby doesn't like donuts. Connie says they're for Jada. She reminds him Jada doesn't like Everett. He says Marlena knows Bobby & Everett are integrated, then pays her. She wants a donut since she bought a baker's dozen. He goes to get one. She takes the room key out of his wallet.

Jada puts down the file about Li's murder. Paulina walks in and they hug. Paulina asks how she is? She says she wants to make Jada the temporary commissioner. Jada doesn't want to take Rafe's job. Paulina says it's only temporary, and that Rafe would be glad Jada got the person who attacked him. Jada agrees & she will find out who stabbed Rafe. Paulina is going to do a press release & gives Jada her private number. Paulina sees Li's file. Jada says she's reopened the case.

Chanel & Johnny discuss what the doctor said about waiting 6-12 months to get pregnant. Johnny says she's on the pill. Chanel says she's not taking any chances. He doesn't understand. Chanel says since she slept late she didn't take her birth control pill, then reaches over to the nightstand & takes one. They discuss about having a baby at the right time & kiss, then get frisky.

Abe & Kate are looking at actors' photos. They're having an open casting call. Kate says they need to get the show up & streaming before viewers forget about it. There's a knock at the door. They open it and see Marlena dressed up. Abe calls her Marlena & is happy she changed her mind. The woman says no & walks into office. Kate says she's in character. Abe says she's Charlemagne. The woman says no, I'm Hattie Adams.

Abe and Kate are surprised to see her. Kate says you left town. Hattie says she did to find herself and mentioned she went to a convent & nudist colony. She didn't fit in, but she does fit in Salem. She tells them how she helped get rid of Steve-ano when pretending to be Marlena. She says she's an actress, but when she came back there was a strike. Hattie saw an ad for an acting job on Body and Soul. Then she flew to Salem because she looked like Charlemagne. Kate wants Hattie to play Charlemagne. Hattie wants a script.

Johnny & Chanel are in bed. She wants to lay there all day. Johnny reminds her they're meeting Paulina for breakfast. Chanel says her mom is always late, then get frisky again.

Jada tells Paulina she needs to proceed with caution. She tells her whoever killed Li might be tied to Rafe as well. Jada tells Paulina she has a plan & hopes to execute it today.

Bobby looks out the door. Connie comes out with a donut and tells Bobby & Everett to have a good life, then walks away. Bobby closes door & his phone rings. He puts on his Everett face since it's Jada on the phone. She wants him to come to the station to talk. Bobby says he'll be right over. Before Bobby leaves, he takes a mint for his breath, grabs the donuts and his wallet, then closes the door. The door reopens. Connie comes in wearing gloves.

Stephanie talks to Leo about Everett. She tells him Everett ripped out her heart. He wanted to work on his mental health. Leo tells Stephanie that Everett hasn't been acting like himself since he's been back. He's been moody and withdrawn. Leo says he had to say his name three times to get his attention. A light bulb goes off in Leo's head. He says what if it wasn't his name? Leo says what if Everett didn't break up with you, but Bobby?

Abe gives Hattie audition scenes. Abe wants Kate to play Lorna. Hattie tries several times to do the scene. Abe tries to explain what he wants, but without success. She tries to apologize and Abe says that's how he wants it done when she plays Charlemagne. Hattie gets excited and says she got the part.

Paulina arrives at the pub where Johnny and Chanel are sitting. Paulina says she talked to Jada on the way and gave her Rafe's job temporarily. They hug. Paulina tells them Jada already has a suspect in Rafe's attack.

Leo tells Stephanie that Bobby broke up with her since he wants to be with Jada. Stephanie tells him no because Marlena wouldn't have released him if he was. Stephanie says it's ridiculous. Leo says no, it's logical and credible. Stephanie tells Leo he can't print his theory. Leo says he can make it a blind item.

Stephanie reminds him that he would be writing about his boss and his mental health in the paper. Leo asks if he could be right? Stephanie says no. Leo then wants to talk to Everett about getting back with Stephanie. She tells him to drop it. Before she leaves, Leo talks about cupid being alone. Then he says to himself it could help talking to him.

Jada's in the interrogation room. There's a knock and Bobby comes in. He gives the donuts to Jada as peace offering, then apologizes for what happened in the hospital room. Jada understands and was worried about him. Bobby tells her he's having some of "Bobby's" feelings. He talks about his therapy session with Marlena, and says under hypnosis he remembered things he blocked out before. Jada is excited since he got his memory back. She reminds him Bobby knew who killed Li Shin and he can tell her. She gets out her notebook.

Chanel asks about Paulina ordering oatmeal. Paulina says she's watching her cholesterol. Chanel plans to add healthier items to Sweet Bits. Paulina is happy both of them are still in town. Chanel tells her mom when the time is right they will start a family. Paulina is overjoyed. She tells them when the time is right, she'll be a grandma. She asks about LA? Johnny says he's going to find work in Salem and he mentions jobs in Chicago. He also mentions unscripted things on TV. Paulina mentions school board meetings.

Abe says he needs to talk to Kate privately. Hattie leaves the room. Kate doesn't want Hattie since she can't act. Abe says they'll hire an acting coach. (Abe seems to care only about how Hattie looks). Kate gives in and says ok to Hattie. Abe calls in Hattie and says she's hired. Hattie is excited. Abe has to leave. Kate will go over her contract.

Bobby says he's thinking about the murder now, but it's fuzzy. Jada says that maybe he doesn't want to remember because you're the one who stabbed Li? He laughs. She mentions Rafe being stabbed like Li. Jada says he was Bobby when he went to Bayview and when he came out. He was Bobby when he stabbed Rafe.

Connie is typing on Bobby's computer. She says that should do it, then pulls out a bag with gloves inside. She mentions the gloves have Rafe's DNA on them.

Kate gets upset since Hattie wants to look at her phone and not the contract. Hattie looks it over and wants more money. Hattie wants to know what scale pay is? Kate tells her more than what she got from the diner. Hattie's not happy with the pay so she wants perks. She can't get those either. She has to do her own makeup and hair. Hattie's not pleased. Kate asks if she wants the role or not? Hattie asks where to sign?

Abe's at the pub with Paulina and the others. Paulina says she was going to tell Johnny to ask Abe for a job. Abe tells Johnny he can be a director at Body and Soul, then mentions there will be inexperienced actors. Johnny accepts.

Bobby tells Jada that Bobby is gone. He tells her to talk to Marlena. Jada says "Bobby, are you going to commit another murder?" Bobby says he's not Bobby or a murderer. Jada mentions he was taking a shower when Stephanie came by and asks if he was washing off evidence? He laughs and says I'm not Bobby. Jada is going to call experts and examine him to see if he's Bobby or not. Bobby finally says he's Bobby. He tells her he didn't stab Li or Rafe, but he knows who did.

Connie takes gloves out of the bag to plant in his room. There's a knock on the door. It's Leo and he wants to talk to Everett.
This was all so very awful. I don't understand why the show is focusing on these plots that clearly, even on paper, range from boring to stupid. They have a gold mine in Xander and Sarah and they barely feature once a week, and all their important scenes are off screen.

Johnny and Chanel need to do ANYTHING that takes them away from Paulina. Connie is a disaster. Bobby and Jada are good but the show seems determined to keep her with Rafe and force Everett and Stephanie, which is not interesting at all. And Body and Soul is just embarrassing.

I am still interested in Chad and Jack's story but like Xander and Sarah, they are barely on screen in favor of stuff like today.

I don't even know how I would fix this except with a complete rewrite like @JasonDíSpeech suggested. It all makes me very sad.
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I am so sorry that anyone had to watch this mess. I had a hard time reading it, but I see that I am not the only one. What they have done to the character of Abe is revolting and humiliating. And now, Deidre Hall (Marlena and now Hattie) gets even MORE time when there are characters more of the viewers would like to see get nothing?
Connie is one whackadoodle Please catch her soon so she can be gone.

This Body & Soul stuff is ridiculous. They did slide in some cute stuff about writers strike. But Hattie, ugh. At least Johnny got a job. I love Johnny & Chanel.

I assume Stephanie just doesn't want Leo to go blabbing about Everett being Bobby. Might have been better to clue him in, because he's not going to let it go.
This soap storyline is bottom of the barrel. I was mildly interested when I thought it was a project for Johnny and maybe they'd bring in some other actors. But Abe playing director and Hattie playing starlet are just bargain basement bad. Kate being the hardliner boss would be fine because at least that makes sense. I'm sure whoever came up with this stupidity thought this would be cute and fun. It's neither. Make it stop.

With Nicole gone, the only storyline I still care about is whatever is going to happen with Xander and Sarah.

Please tell me Leo ends up strangling Connie. Mayor Price can give him a medal and a key to the city.
Chanel going into work that early seems normal, but actually only opening at 10:00 for customers seems odd.

My friend's daughter took a job at a bakery a couple years ago thinking it would be fun. She started at 4:00 to mix cupcake batter every day, so it was ready when the baker came in at 5:00. She lasted about 4-5 months before throwing in the towel and getting a job in the field that her college degree was for.
Truly a new low. ReRon was really mailing it in when he wrote this one — all the worst aspects of the show lumped together in one sodden mess. The only point of interest is whether the Body & Soul plot is meant to be a joke — two novice producers hire an inexperienced director and a person with absolutely no experience to play a leading role. Give us a break!!
Reducing Abe to this soap opera stuff is absurd. In my opinion if you want to do something kitschy you have to do it with the right people. Leo is about the only one it would work with and he's the only one so it doesn't work. Like Calliope and Eugene had their lane. The mini story when Abe was watching the show was almost cute but this is absurd.

Just so weird because the show is mostly doom and gloom and then we get this on the side.
I recall, a couple of decades ago, when "they" decided that Doug and Julie were now too old to be given serious or romantic storylines, they made them silly. I guess they were supposed to be comic relief. It didn't work. It was foolish. I felt sorry for the actors. I think they are doing that with Abe now. They can't come up with a serious storyline for him, so they turn him into a fool.