Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's the same night.

In Xander/Sarah's apartment, Xander, Sarah, Maggie and Fiona are eating wedding cake. Xander and Sarah are still in their wedding duds. Sarah is sharing her cake with Xander. Xander says he's happy they're married again. Sarah is happy the moms were able to come to the wedding. Maggie said it was joy to marry her two favorite people on the planet. Xander gets a text that Brady didn't go to the meeting.

Brady's at the Small Bar downing drinks. He pulls out his phone and looks at Tate's picture.

Nighttime shot of Smith Island. Tate and Holly are eating. Holly talks about Sophia being mean. She doesn't think Sophia will out them since then she'll have to work at the Bistro. Tate hopes Sophia will keep quiet. Holly gave her money and more is on the way. Tate's phone rings. It's Brady.

Nighttime shot outside the hospital. Jack walks into Kayla's office. She asks how Popular Bluff went? Jack says you know we found John. He doesn't think it's a coincidence John was there, but not sure why. Kayla asks if he and Chad came alone? He says no.

Chad and the mystery woman are at the nurses' station. She's pouring coffee. Chad says it isn't good. She tastes it and agrees. They talk about how two strangers came and brought her to Salem. Chad thanks her for coming. She thinks it's a mistake.

Fiona asks who Brady is? Xander says his idiot cousin, but now his idiot nephew. Sarah stuffs cake in his mouth and says to be nice. Maggie says there must have been a good reason Brady didn't show up. Maggie explains she's Brady's sponsor. Fiona asks if Maggie's in AA too? Maggie says yes and asks if she wants to go to meeting together? Sarah's phone beeps. She finds out Theresa was sent to prison and figures why Brady didn't go to the meeting. Xander says Brady should've called. Fiona keeps trying to act innocent.

Holly is worried Sophia told Brady about them. Tate finally answers the phone. Brady wants to know if he got to NY ok? Tate says he forgot and he's in a car going to camp. Brady can't hear him well. Tate says not many cell towers in the woods, then asks where he is since Tate hears music.

Jack tells Kayla they met someone who could be Abby. He says the woman was in an accident and had plastic surgery. She, also, has amnesia. Jack wants Kayla to do a DNA test on the woman.

The woman tells Chad she thinks it's a waste of time because what are the odds I'm your dead wife? (it's Salem) Chad says they did a search for her and we found you. The woman is afraid he and Jack will be disappointed. Chad says that's why they're doing a DNA test. She wonders what next if she is Abby? She doesn't know him. Jack comes out and tells them Kayla is ready to do the test.

Xander and Sarah bring drinks. They get champagne, the moms get sparkling cider. Xander says it's time for toasts. Fiona goes first and says a Scottish wedding blessing. Xander toasts Sarah. She's the love of his live and pushes him to make better decisions. Xander's thankful that Sarah reached out to his mom. Because of Sarah, he and his mom can work out their issues. Fiona drinks most of her glass and needs a refill. Xander says he'll get it. Fiona goes and put champagne her glass, then drinks most of it.

Brady lies and says he's at home watching TV. He's glad Tate's back at camp and he saw his mom. Tate wanted to stay in Salem and Brady acted like he wanted to get rid of him. Brady says Tate made a commitment and he already misses him. They say goodbye to each other and hang up.

Holly asks Tate if Brady knows where he is? Tate says his dad thinks he's in camp and it will be a few weeks before he comes home. Holly hopes they won't have to meet in secret when school starts. Tate says his mom gave her blessing. Holly reminds him we still have to be careful. They kiss.

In Kayla's office, she's taking a DNA sample of the woman. She already took one from Jack. They will know in an hour if they're father and daughter. Kayla says they can stay in her office then leaves. The woman says she's hungry and wants to go eat. Chad mentions the cafeteria and she says she had the coffee. Chad knows a place they can go. She agrees and they leave.

Sarah returns after checking on Victoria. She's still sleeping. Maggie offers to take care of Victoria if they go on a honeymoon. Xander likes that idea since they want to spend a couple of days away. He can't be too long since he's CEO of Titan. Fiona says she'll help. Xander surprised she's staying in Salem awhile. Fiona gets a text from Brady. He wants her to come to the Small Bar. Fiona's happy and Xander asks if it's from her secret beau? Fiona texts Brady that she can come.

Brady gets the text that she's coming. A waiter talks to Brady about this was his home away from home. The waiter explains he heard Brady telling someone he was at home. Brady gets upset and what he says on the phone is private even though he's in a public place. The waiter walks off and calls him *bleep*. Brady jumps up.

Holly and Tate are still kissing. Holly tries to take off his shirt. He stops kissing her. Holly says they should have sex.

Kayla returns to her office and talks to Jack. Jack tells Kayla that Chad and the woman left to get something to eat.

Chad and the woman walk into the DiMansion living room. Chad tells the woman he texted chef and she's making something to eat. He tells her this is his family estate and he lived there with Abby and two kids. The woman realizes Chad brought her there to help with her memory. Nothing seems familiar to her.

Brady walks up to the waiter and tells him to his face what he called him. Fiona comes in and calms Brady. She tells the waiter he'll get a generous tip. Fiona sits down and is happy he texted her. It was hard for her not drinking. Brady talks about Xander. She tells him Xander's upset he didn't go to a meeting. Brady tells her he saw Tate in the square and his dad in the hospital, and he missed the meeting. Brady said he needed a drink. Fiona agrees and wants to order a round.

Maggie tells Xander and Sarah she finds Fiona delightful. She asks about honeymoon. Sarah says they will do a big one later. She's thinking about Green Mountain Lodge. Maggie suggests the Horton cabin. (oh my). Sarah doesn't understand why she didn't think about that. Xander says are you sure it's empty? Sarah says yes. Maggie says Johnny and Chanel spent their honeymoon there. Sarah's excited they can start their honeymoon tonight.

Holly and Tate discuss having sex. They kiss and his shirt comes off. They tell each other neither one has had sex before. He brings up not having protection. Holly pulls out a packet from her purse. She gives Tate a box of condoms. She bought them after she talked to Sophia. Holly reminds him of the hotel room on prom night. Tate says he did that so they could be alone, not to seduce her. They kiss and he says it's a bad idea.

Jack calls Jennifer and says he'll call her when he gets the results. He hangs up and tells Kayla that Jennifer's trying to stay neutral and not get her hopes up. Jack says if it's a hoax he'll have to grieve all over again. Kayla is sorry the family going through this. She asks about JJ? JJ thinks Clyde is lying and Abby's not alive. Kayla hopes JJ's wrong. She goes to check on the tests.

The woman looks at Stefano's portrait and asks if he's lord of the manor? Chad says that's his father who died years ago. The woman finds a vase and picks it up. Chad tells her Abby bought that when they were in Paris. The woman says she likes shiny things. Chad doesn't want to pressure her. She understands and he wants her to Abigail. The woman is eating a big sandwich and says it's delicious. Chad says Abby liked it so much they got the recipe from the Vietnamese restaurant. Chad gets a text. The DNA results are ready.

Fiona's confused when Brady talks about mother of Tate, and another woman gave birth to him. They laugh. Fiona says why go through a whole pregnancy when they could have a stolen baby after it's born. (it happens). Fiona suggests they go to her place. Brady says no. He has to go home since his family needs him. They get another round for the road. Brady leans over and kisses her.

Holly wonders why having sex a bad idea? Tate doesn't like how Sophia made her feel unsure. Tate explains that he didn't like how Sophia said it was weird we were waiting. Holly agrees and says when they do it she wants the spend the whole night with him. They kiss. Holly says she needs to get back and return the key.

Xander and Sarah are dressed in casual clothes in Horton Town Square. They both have suitcases. Sarah gets a text that they can get the last ferry to the island. She gets a call from Maggie who can't find the cabin key. She wonders if Johnny/Chanel still have it? Sarah says no, she put it in the drawer herself. Sarah decides to go to the K-Mansion and help find key. Xander is going to the ferry to get tickets.

Chad and woman return to Kayla's office where Jack is waiting. Chad tells him they went to the DiMansion to eat. Jack is hopeful she recognized something. She says no. Kayla returns with an envelope. She didn't read them. She tries to give the envelope to the woman. The woman says Chad should open it. Chad reads the results. (sorry, no answer today).

Fiona is driving Brady's car. Brady in the passenger seat passed out. She wouldn't let him drive in his condition. Sarah steps out of Horton Town Square and is by the street. Headlights come towards her. Fiona looks at Brady. Sarah screams. Fiona looks at the road. Tires screech and there's a thump.
Poor Sarah. Two hours into her new marriage.

I laughed at Brady trying to explain the Tate pregnancy to Fiona. And her saying stealing the baby post birth would be easier. She will fit right in in Salem.

Yes interesting thought that the woman could be another Jack daughter but not Abby. That could work.

Sooo much better a show when Connie, Bonnie, Leo and Hattie take a day off!
They only used Jack's DNA for the test. Will the test match him? Would that mean she's Abigail or does Jack have
another lost child out there? The things I think about.
I thought the same thing, kat.

Maybe Tiffany (Gwen's druggie mother) actually had fraternal twin girls and the doctor stole the other one. :rolleyes:

Heck, with the shoddy DNA tests they take in Salem, she could be another long lost child of Steve, too. Or maybe the baby Adrienne miscarried back in the day, who secretly lived. :rolleyes:

Remember when Bonnie told Lucas that "Baby Bonnie" a/k/a Emily, was his child? The DNA test showed him to be the father, when she was really Rex's daughter.
Great job, Kat, thank you!

Today was a better show than yesterday.

Jumping on the "maybe the mystery woman is yet another daughter Jack didn't know about bandwagon." While we know THIS DNA test was not tampered with, any match does not mean she is Abigail. Chad is looking at her so intently and dreamily, seems he is already believing she is his wife. She did not seem phased at all when Chad mentioned the two kids. Still don't know if she is for real and can be taken at face value, no pun intended, or if she is a product of Clyde's machinations. How intense WAS this alleged reconstruction? Were her teeth replaced? Her eyes are different than Abigail's. Her frame/figure is not the same. What about birthmarks? Did Abigail have any?

How refreshing that Tate wants to put the brakes on an intimate relationship. I like that. Had Sarah not been run over, she and Xander might have walked in on Tate and Holly, even if nothing was happening. If there were two keys (and why is there just one key, duh plot), Sarah would not have been where she was at the time Fiona hit her, so blame Holly, indirectly.

We all know Fiona will run and prop up Brady in the driver's seat. She will have superhuman strength like all the other females who have dragged men around, like to the wine cellar at DiMansion.

While I can't stand drunk Brady, and he went overboard with the waiter, the waiter could have cut him off and told him to leave. But he also should not have spoken to a customer like that, a bit too meddlesome. If Fiona hadn't come along, Brady would have punched the waiter and been thrown in jail. Up until the Theresa mess, Brady was doing well with his sobriety.

When Fiona took champagne and not sparkling cider (which is so good), I thought Maggie would smell it, and then the jig would be up.

I just hope Sarah isn't comatose nor ends up with amnesia. Those stories have been done too many times.
Found the pictures from when teenage Eve hit little Sarah, back on 11/5/1987:

I really hate this Abigail story. Never a fan of her and Chad. I thought was rude to not invite Jack to eat. But taking her to DiMera house? Way to not push, Chad. Did she know Abigail had kids? She didn't react when Chad said it. Testing Jack will only prove she's his daughter. Could be another secret daughter like Gwen. They should test kids. I really like actress but don't want her to be Abigail.

Hate Brady drinking. Hate so many alcoholics. At least Fiona stopped him from getting into fight. But now she's run down Sarah. And do you just stand there when a car is barreling toward you? Please don't kill her.