Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, April 16, 2024


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Dec 29, 2012
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36 minutes. Here, there and everywhere.

It's Tuesday. Julie holds two cell phones.

Outside shot of the hospital. Sarah comes to Paulina's room. Paulina tells Sarah she feels groggy. She can't focus on work or TV and she misses her family and husband. Sarah says the medication is making her feel that way. She touches Paulina's neck to see how it is. Sarah tells Paulina she needs to stay two to four days, then take precautions going back to public life.

Outside shot of the cabin. Replay of Johnny coming back with firewood. He says again about there being no dry firewood and he had to go to the shoreline to get some (did the Salem elves leave some there?) Julie asks where Chanel is? She tells Johnny that Chanel went outside looking for him. Julie says Chanel's been gone about 10 minutes. Johnny calls Chanel, but she left her phone in the cabin.

Ava and Harris are at the community apartment with moving boxes. She tells Harris she didn't have that much stuff moving in. Harris says it won't fit in his place and she can't take any furniture. Ava doesn't want to leave her reading chair. They kiss. She is happy to leave to keep Wendy and Tripp safe, since since Clyde wants the black book. Harris can't track him and says he's had more stealth training than Clyde. He says he will bring Clyde to justice.

Still in Horton Town Square, Nicole's upset with EJ about the press conference. EJ said he mentioned Tate before anyone got there. Nicole accuses EJ of wanting to bury this and not apologize because he was embarrassed. EJ mentions he had the hearing about Stefan. He's not sure yet if the judge will accept or reject the deal. EJ starts to walk away when Chad and Xander show up.

Ava talks to Harris about justice for Clyde. He would do it his way and she would do it her way. She threatened to kill him last time because he hurt the two men she loved (where's my tissue? <lol>) Ava's worried if they can't find the black book. Harris says they have to have a plan so no one suspects they are looking for something in the Bistro. Both say they trust the other.

Johnny is upset Chanel doesn't have her phone and neither can call one another. He says he has to go look for her. Julie doesn't think that's a good idea. Johnny says he has his phone and he and Julie can keep in contact. Julie wants to give him a thermos of cocoa before he leaves. Johnny is anxious to go.

EJ tells Chad and Xander they were too late for the press conference. He already said his apology to Master Black. He looks at Nicole and says isn't that right? Chad and Xander both say he's lying. They say he did it early so the press wouldn't be there. They have questions. Nicole walks away since she got a text. Xander wants to know what EJ said? EJ says he apologized and none of Tate's family was here (no they weren't). Xander doesn't believe him. Chad walks over to Nicole.

Chad wonders why she's not there by EJ? Nicole says that's not her job. Chad asks why EJ started early? She doesn't know and she got there at the end. Chad asks how Holly is doing? Holly's going to school today. Nicole says she's at a crossroads. She took care of Holly for almost a year and doesn't know what to do with herself since she lost her baby boy. Chad says he's sorry. Nicole says God has other plans for her, but she doesn't know what yet.

Xander's talking to EJ (Ava and Harris are behind them). EJ lies to Xander and say Tate's family was satisfied with his apology. Xander asks if there's any news about who shot Harris and set him up? Harris and Ava look at each other. EJ says not yet and the Salem PD still working on it. Ava and Harris walk behind Xander. Xander asks Harris about the investigation. Harris says he needs to talk to the police commissioner. Xander asks about Clyde. EJ says they put out a nationwide manhunt for Clyde. Ava tells Harris she wants coffee and they walk away.

Sarah understands the isolation is a drag for Paulina, then she mentions the Johnny and Chanel going to Smith Island. Paulina says she knows. Sarah opens her big mouth and says she hopes they don't loose power and have enough firewood. Paulina gets worried. Sarah says they always have enough firewood. Later, Paulina is looking at the transcript of EJ's press conference.

EJ said he had to follow the evidence and that's why Tate Black was arrested. Then EJ offers his apology since the system doesn't work right. Paulina calls EJ smug and sleazy. (it's about time). She gets more upset. Sarah is checking her pulse and tells her her heart rate is going up. Paulina closes her laptop and Sarah tells her think happy thoughts.

Johnny has the thermos strapped on and is ready to go. Chanel's phone rings. Julie says it's Paulina. Julie asks Johnny if she should send the call to voicemail? He says no and answers it. He lies to Paulina that Chanel in shower. Paulina was worried about the snowstorm. Johnny says he'll have Chanel call her back later. Johnny tells Paulina that she doesn't need to worry about Chanel. He leaves. Julie prays to St. Anthony, the saint of lost souls and lost things.
Julie is poking the fire. She has flashback when Chanel was worried about Johnny and outside in the snow. Chanel's phone rings again. It's Paulina. Julie tells Paulina she wanted an overnight getaway and didn't realize the kids were there, and now she's stuck because of the weather. Julie tells Paulina the kids are playing in the snow. Paulina wants Chanel to call her.

Ava and Harris walk to the Salem Inn. They discuss how Xander wants to know who set him up. Ava is sorry for the trouble she brought Harris. He says it was Clyde, not her. Harris says Stefan is a weasel, but under Clyde's control too. (Maybe Holly can use that excuse, it was Clyde).

Chad is trying to tape EJ. EJ says he has to leave. Xander and Nicole are standing there. Ava and Harris listen from the back. Chad wants to know about how much time Stefan is going to serve with his plea deal? Chad says readers want to know about the conflict of interest. EJ says Chad talking to him is a conflict of interest. By a store in the square, we see Stefan. EJ says there was a hearing this morning and we don't know the outcome yet. EJ is confident Stefan will serve time for the tainted drugs he had. Stefan says he already has as he walks up. Everyone is shocked.

Outside scene with heavy snow falling. Julie's on the phone with Doug. She tells him Johnny's looking for Chanel and when the roads are clear, she's leaving the island. Chanel's phone rings. Guess who? Julie tells Doug to hang on since she has to answer it. Paulina wants to know what's going on? Julie says she'll check. She pushes a button (not very well), and talks to Doug about coming up with an excuse.

Doug says to tell Paulina the truth. Julie talks about Chanel being missing to Doug, and Paulina overhears it all. Julie says goodbye to Doug, then tries to explain, but Paulina knows Chanel is missing. Julie tells Paulina the whole story. Johnny is looking for Chanel. There's no need to worry. They will be home soon. The door opens. Before she looks, she says to Paulina that they're here now. But it's only Johnny.

Stefan asks EJ if he's surprised to see him? EJ wants to know what happened? Stefan says the judge followed the law and agreed to time served. EJ says that's it for today, and he runs off. There are other reporters taking notes. Xander wants to know if EJ helped with Stefan's release? Chad wants to talk to Stefan. Xander has to be somewhere. Nicole tells Stefan it's unbelievable. Xander tells Stefan he'll talk to him later. Chad wants to know how he's out of jail? Nicole does too.

Sarah is at the pub when Xander walks in. Sarah asks how it went? Xander says the press missed most of it. No news about his case. Xander says Stefan showed up.

Ava and Harris are by the Salem Inn when EJ circles back to the square. Harris is upset Stefan is out of jail. EJ says it's Harris' fault since he didn't say who shot him to help Ava. Ava asks how Susan is doing?

Nicole is upset with Stefan since he put the drugs on the street that almost killed Holly. She says Holly is still family even though she's not a DiMera. He only arranged for the drugs to be dropped off and picked up by the dock, and he did to protect Gabi, then says he's sorry. Nicole wants Stefan to apologize to Holly, but she doesn't want him anywhere near her.

Stefan says that will be hard since they live in the same house. EJ, Ava and Harris walk up. EJ says don't be so sure about that. Chad follows Nicole when she walks away. She's upset, but understands that Stefan did it for Gabi. She says Stefan should have told someone. Chad says he's sorry. He says it's his family and shouldn't have happened.

Julie is holding a phone when talking to Johnny. Julie says Paulina knows about Chanel. Johnny takes phone and tells Julie to call 911. He tells Paulina that Chanel's been gone about 30 to 40 minutes. Paulina's upset. Johnny says he'll search the whole island, then they hang up. Paulina calls Shelby, she wants to talk to the Salem Public Works, now.

Xander tells Sarah he won't be talking to Stefan in jail today. Xander says since Stefan a DiMera he made a deal. Sarah's upset since the drugs are hurting a lot of people. Holly wasn't the worse of it. They wonder if EJ made a deal to get Stefan out? Xander tells Sarah that Stefan worked with Clyde. He wonders if Stefan has something to do Harris's shooting? Xander says if Stefan did it, he's going to pay.

Nicole tells Chad he's not his family. He's not responsible for what Stefan did. Nicole reminds Chad he printed an article about his family and has integrity. Nicole remembers when she was a TV reporter and how much she loved doing it.

Stefan doesn't want EJ reneging on the deal. EJ promised to give back half. Stefan doesn't want house. He wants to be co-CEO again. EJ tells him the board won't do that. Stefan says EJ can be CEO, but wants everything else. EJ says no. Stefan says if EJ won't give back what is his he'll tell Nicole that EJ knew the drugs were at the Bistro and EJ refused to help him. Nicole won't forgive him if she knows about it.

Julie tells Johnny that help is on the way once they can get through the snow. Johnny says he can't wait. He came back to get sled in case Chanel is hurt.

Paulina is out of bed and dressed. Someone is telling her it will hours before the bridge is open. Paulina tells the person the head of the plow crew needs to call her ASAP. She has flashback of Chanel when she told Paulina not to give up because she doesn't want to lose her. Paulina says she'll go and kick the cancer. She grabs her purse and scarf (no coat) and says "hang on baby girl, mama is coming." Paulina leaves her hospital room.
Thanks kat. I like Paulina. I want to have Paulina do something other than whine and boss people around.

I did like the shot of snow falling.

I'm guessing Chad is going to ask Nicole to come aboard as a reporter.

As I don't care one rat's patootie for Ava/Harris black book, burn down the Bistro and destroy the book.
Xander likes to talk and confront people. He may have found his calling as a reporter.

Paulina is awful. She could literally kill an elderly person or a child she encounters. But no, she knows better than professionals how to find her 'baby girl'.
I must have missed something. Why is Sarah in a hazmat suit? What kind of treatment is Paulina getting?

I am glad Ava trusted Harris and told him about Clyde calling. Hope they find him soon.

EJ is being just the most awful person. Something needs to happen to him. Maybe find out "his" son is alive but not his. I like EJ & Nicole because Eric has treated her like garbage, but EJ is a bad human. He treats Nicole good but no one else.

Nicole said she's been taking care of Holly for almost a year. Umm it's April. She OD'd on New Year's Eve. Maybe it feels like a year.

Paulina was more annoying than ever. How many times do you have to call? At least Julie is an idiot so Paulina knows. So there is a bridge and a ferry to Smith Island? Hope Paulina isn't contagious.
Because of Paulina's thyroid surgery and cancer, the treatment they've gone with is to have Paulina take medication that is radioactive. So until her body processes the medication, proper care must be taken around her. Or that is the story they've given us and are sticking with. I'm not interested enough to research thyroid cancer treatments, so they could be telling a wild fantastical story on treatments.
Paulina had hyperthyroidism, which is treated by radioactive iodone. This is potentially dangerous for anybody around her for a week and she needs to isolate. She just bolted out of there with no protective gear and could potentially kill a vulnerable elderly person she blows by.

Source: My cat had this treatment.
Here is a little bit about radioactive iodine.

Sleep alone for 7 days unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Avoid kissing and physical contact with others, and maintain a distance of at least 3 feet from women who are pregnant and children under 18 years old.

The radiation will pass out of your body through your urine within days. Until that time, you will give off radiation in your sweat, your saliva, your urine, and anything else that comes out of your body. It is important to avoid exposing other people to the radioactivity from your body.
Here is a little bit about radioactive iodine.

Sleep alone for 7 days unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Avoid kissing and physical contact with others, and maintain a distance of at least 3 feet from women who are pregnant and children under 18 years old.

The radiation will pass out of your body through your urine within days. Until that time, you will give off radiation in your sweat, your saliva, your urine, and anything else that comes out of your body. It is important to avoid exposing other people to the radioactivity from your body.
Oh, please, let Paulina Hulk bump into Kristen, Clyde, and Konstantin!!!!
Xander likes to talk and confront people. He may have found his calling as a reporter.
Good point — who would dare to say “no comment” to the glowering X-Man? He’d turn even the most hostile witness into a major-league chatterbox.

Paulina is absolutely awful. It’s too bad that one of her symptoms isn’t glowing in the dark. If so, how long will it be before the terrified locals start reporting that a zombie polar bear is roaming snowy Smith Island? In the alternative, if she gets lost on the island, Little Johnny will have to put on a hazmat suit and search for her using a Geiger counter.

Nicole was sort of exaggerating her journalistic experience today. If memory serves, her job as Titan TV’s roving reporter was wandering around the Town Square and sticking a microphone in people’s faces.

Finally. Newly-dull Ava was more interesting when she was sabotaging the Black jet and trying to forcibly seduce Steve. Her love interest Harris is no better — he’s managed to become a walking contradiction — a boring action hero. Finally, EJ and Stefan Zero are a disgrace to the family, not because of their lack of morality, but because they never do or say anything that’s even mildly interesting. Stefano must be shaking his head in disbelief.
Paulina leaving the hospital has got to be the stupidest plot these scab writers have written. So she would be able find Chanel, but not Johnny? Plus she is supposed to be mayor? Also this whole Chanel getting lost is dumb. I am not even getting into Julie leaving the Kmansion because of the kids? She lived with them at the very much smaller Horton house & was fine. Sorry just need to scream here!!!!!
I agree with everyone about Paulina. I can't even watch her when she's on screen. All the noises and facial expressions, they are so overdone. She needs to be more subtle.

I like Chad and Xander working together. But then again, I always like when Xander is on screen.
They get a B for effort...........I live way up north, and yep, have had snow storm in April, in fact, remember when it snowed on May 3rd one year. However, that is a lot of snow piled up for mid-April......which would still be around if there were several large snowfalls in March. This year, tho, that did not happen, in fact hardly any snow at all here. Guess it went elsewhere.