Days of Our Lives - Tue., Dec. 24, 2024

Days loves when viewers begin the guessing games, which is their intent, of course. I think it fun to try and guess the how and the why. Fake Rafe would be a good guess, as then an easy way to remove that character from Salem. Sort of gives the writer a breather, while they come up with new problem, or bring up a new villain, enhance an old one.
The word must be out that EJ is a sorry excuse for a DiMera. Fake Rafe never would have dared to talk to Stefano the way he did to Elvis.

Fake Rafe made Argentina in summer sound like Phoenix or Las Vegas, but summer highs in Bienos Aires average in the 80s. If that’s too much for the faker, he could summer in Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego where the highs average in the 50s.

Mayor Foghorn must go. Could she have been any more obnoxious to Jada? If only the governor could appear and oust her the way it was done with Mayor EJ.

Finally, enough about Stephanie’s love life. It’s one of the least interesting topics currently up for discussion in Salem. Snore.