Days of Our Lives - Thursday, September 5, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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Good episode! All Brady car crash plot

Sarah wheels into her bedroom to find Maggie sitting on her bed scrolling on her phone. Maggie covers that she was wanted to ask about the decorations for Victoria’s birthday party. Sarah knows Maggie is actually there to help her get into bed. Maggie worries it is difficult for her. Sarah got coaching from a physical therapist. She says "prepare to be awed" and tries to get onto the bed. Maggie is hovering. Holly is staring from the door.

Xander is also scrolling on his phone in the K-Mansion living room. Fiona comes in and heads right for the booze, catches herself, and gets a bottle of water. Xander asks where "her little granddaughter" is? Fiona says she is in the kitchen with Bonnie gorging on ice cream. Xander asks if she is settling in ok? Fiona says her room is gorgeous and the staff are amazing. She can’t fathom why Xander ever moved out. Xander nods at Victor’s portrait and says that his "father" was not the gracious host that Maggie is. Justin comes in and greets the duo. He asks about Sarah. Justin offers his help. Anything he can do. Xander says that Justin needs to fire his client.

John is on the phone with nnseen Belle. She offered to come and be Brady's lawyer, but John told her that Justin had it covered. Paul also offered to come home to offer moral support. They look emotional.

Brady is in the interrogation room. Tate is escorted in. Brady looks devastated.

Xander continues to be Xander. How can Justin defend Brady? Sarah is family! Justin says he loves Sarah, but Brady is also family. He points out that everybody deserves a defense. Xander doesn’t think so. He says that getting behind the wheel drunk is not a lapse in judgment, it is a crime. Fiona is squirming next to him. And after running down Sarah, he went on his way and didn’t even check on her. He does not think Brady should ever see daylight again. Justin gets that Xander is suffering. Xander thinks scum like Brady should be locked up and the key thrown away. Fiona snaps at him, for God’s sake Xander, it was an accident!

Holly continues to observe Sarah’s attempts to transfer to the bed. Maggie is insisting on helping. Holly says she wants to help too. They get Sarah’s feet up onto the bed between them. Sarah jokes that the bed was moved up a foot and whoever did it will be hearing from her lawyer. Maggie says she won’t need help for long, she will be in and out of the chair like a pro soon. Holly apologizes again. She recaps the tale of the key. Sarah tells her that the search for the key did not put her in the chair, and there is only one person to blame for that.

Brady was not expecting Tate. He thinks Tate must be ashamed of him. Tate is not. He feels bad. He wants to understand. Brady says it starts with one drink, then one more. It is hard for alcoholics to stop. The kicker is he doesn’t remember the accident. That’s how drunk he was. It’s a blank. Tate doesn’t understand why Brady even started drinking again. What set him off?

Back at the townhouse, John is still fiddling with his phone. He talked to Dad Van Dyke that morning, who is sad for them all. He wants to help too. Marlena notes what a kind man he is. John appreciates all the family support. But it is a lot. He is lucky to have Marlena. She promises she is here for him and they will get through it together.

Holly doesn’t want to be let off the hook. More whining about the cabin and Tate and the key fiasco. Sarah says she can feel guilty about lying, but not about what happened to her. The only person is to blame is the driver who hit her. Holly guesses she is right. She still wishes she could go back in time and put the key where it is meant to be. Sarah tells her in one moment things can change. We have no control of what happens to us. We just have to handle what we can. Maggie is grateful that Sarah is getting stronger every day.

Tate has been updated that Brady started drinking post Theresa wedding fiasco. Brady says it isn’t her fault, but when he saw her marry Alex it hit him hard. He went to the pub and it went downhill from there. Tate points out that the wedding was weeks ago. Has Brady been drinking this whole time? Brady reminds him of the time in the square where he ran into him. They were both lying that day, but his was worse, because something terrible happened that can’t be undone. He didn’t want Tate to see him in the throes of his addiction. He is glad Tate isn’t ashamed of him, but he is ashamed of himself. Tate takes his hand.

Victor looks on as Xander asks Fiona why she is defending Brady, who she doesn’t even know? Fiona isn’t defending what he did, but she says he is an alcoholic with a disease, who did not mean to harm Sarah. Justin agrees. Xander accuses him of taking sides. Justin says it is not about taking sides, it is about being compassionate to somebody who made a terrible mistake and is remorseful about it.

Brady is a member of the family, a family who did not write off Xander when he locked Bonnie in a garden shed. Xander retorts that he doesn’t remember Justin offering him legal representation then. Justin points out that Xander is lucky he doesn’t need a lawyer now after he nearly choked Brady to death. Xander says if he gets another chance he will break Brady's neck.

John needed that hug. So did Marlena. John is going to go and talk to Brady. Marlena offers to go with. John thinks he needs to do this one alone. Marlena tells him to tell Brady that she loves him.

Brady has now told Tate the whole sordid tale, and it is ok if Tate wants nothing to do with him. Tate points out that Brady didn’t turn his back on him during the overdose ordeal. Brady points out that Tate was innocent. And he tried to keep Holly and Tate apart. Tate doesn’t care. He just wants to be there for Brady.

Brady tells him that Theresa may not be the only parent Tate has in prison soon. Tate is confused. It was an accident. Why would Brady go to jail for that? Tate says Sarah will forgive him because she is a doctor and understands Brady has a disease. Tate himself has already forgiven him. Manly hugs. Times up for Tate’s visit and he is escorted out.

Maggie wants to know if Sarah needs anything? Sarah is good. She wants to check on Victoria. Maggie tells her that Victoria is taste testing all the ice cream flavors with Bonnie. She worked up an appetite at the pool, and pulled herself up on the railings. She will walk soon. Sarah looks sad. Once Victoria walks it will be impossible for her to keep up with her. But she will find a way.

Sarah is glad her little girl is growing up. She is lucky. She has a wonderful husband and a beautiful little girl. That chair won’t stop her from being the best mother and wife. Maggie is proud of her. Sarah is proud of her too, despite all the losses Maggie has had, she is so tough. And tomorrow is Victoria’s birthday. Maggie assures her that Sarah’s smile, and the way her face lights up when she sees her, is all Victoria cares about.
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Justin goes to check in at the office. Xander hopes they have lost Brady’s paperwork. He complains to Fiona again about Justin defending the drunken swine who left Sarah for dead. Fiona says she is on Xander’s side. Xander loves how caring and supportive she is. Fiona loves them both and she will always be there for them. Xander is going to check on her. He wants Fiona to go with him. She asks if they want some time alone? Xander says that she is always glad to see her. That goes double for Fiona. They head off.

Marlena opens the door. It is Eric. She is thrilled to see him. He has missed her. Marlena missed him and Jude. Eric says they are all doing well. Marlena thanks him for coming. No way was Eric staying in France with his brother in trouble.

John is with Brady. Brady is in a pity party. Nobody should be loving him. They should be visiting Sarah and then they’d see how much they love him. John says that they are capable of loving him and loving Sarah too. John says that he will be cleared of charges soon. Brady says he doesn’t want to be cleared, he wants to pay for his crime.

Xander peeps in on Sarah. She is going over the birthday list. Xander wants an assignment but Maggie has it covered. He invites Fiona in. Fiona says they want to do whatever they can for Sarah. Xander grouses that he tried and failed to get Justin to ditch Brady as a client. Fiona looks remorseful.

Justin finds Maggie in the living room. He thought she’d be out. Justin tells her about Xander not being thrilled about Justin taking Brady’s case. He said no but now he is wondering. He asks Maggie how she feels about it?

Holly and Tate are in the park. He tells her about how depressing it was to visit Brady. He feels so sorry for him. Holly is confused. Why does Tate feel sorry for Brady?

Eric has been updated on Brady’s bender since Theresa’s wedding. Marlena is so sad for him. Sober for so long and then driving drunk. She can’t believe that Brady could be so reckless and cruel. He didn’t even call somebody, he just left Sarah lying on the road. Eric says he is the last one to judge after what he did to Holly’s father.

Holly says Brady is where he belongs. Sarah is paralyzed. She can’t even lift herself into bed. Tate says that Brady is wracked with guilt and hates himself. It was an accident. Holly says it was not just an accident, but a crime. Brady chose to get behind the wheel drunk. Tate mentions that Brady was sad about his mom.

Holly doesn’t think that is much of an excuse. She is meant to feel sorry for him because he forgot driving drunk could kill people? Or just ruin their lives in Sarah’s case. Tate wishes she wouldn’t be so judgmental. Brady is suffering too. He doesn’t know why they are arguing about this. It’s not black and white. Holly says it is. Thanks to Brady, Sarah may not walk again. How can he defend him?

Maggie does not want Justin to stop defending Brady. She still loves him. She is profoundly disappointed in him. She is horrified that he got behind a wheel drunk and hit Sarah. Justin says that they are all struggling with somebody they love doing something like this. Maggie is able to relate more. That insidious disease lies in wait for a moment of weakness, and the only way to fight it is to ask for help. To reach out to your sponsor. But Brady never gave her a chance.

Brady doesn’t need a lawyer. He is going to plead guilty. John says he doesn’t even know what he is pleading guilty to. He has no memory of the incident and now his car is gone there is not even anything connecting him to it. Brady mutters something about Kristen interfering and thinking of Rachel. John says Brady should do the same. Brady doesn’t want them to be ashamed of him. John says Justin defending him is nothing to be ashamed about. John says not only are his kids heartbroken, but it will be devastating for him, his old man. For him, would Brady please reconsider pleading guilty.

Sarah understands that Xander is angry, but Brady is family, and that is why Justin can’t abandon him. Xander thinks Brady should rot in hell, family or not. Fiona worries this kind of negativity will wear on Sarah. They should focus on Victoria’s first birthday instead. Sarah would like that. Fiona is at their complete disposal for the party or for anything else. Sarah is a daughter to her now, she hates that she is suffering. She does not deserve this.

Marlena knows Eric still lives with the pain of what he did to Daniel. Eric thinks about him every day. When he and Nicole were married they made the decision not to tell Holly about his involvement. She was too young to know the details. Marlena is aghast that Holly still doesn’t know. Eric says that EJ threatened to tell the truth to her when Nicole asked for the divorce, but he didn’t. Nicole and he have agreed he should tell Holly the truth this trip before she finds out from anybody else.

Holly is still ranting about Brady running over Sarah and leaving her for dead. Tate is still defending Brady as an addict. Holly says he should deal with his addiction then not make somebody else pay for it. Tate says he wasn’t thinking clearly, he is an alcoholic who had a relapse. He is tortured with guilt. Holly should have some compassion. Holly says she doesn’t, maybe Tate has forgotten her father was killed by a drunk driver who wasn’t in his right mind either. Tate has not forgotten that. But that was a terrible accident too, and she forgave Eric, right? Holly says "Huh?" OOOPS!

Maggie wishes that Brady had called. She wouldn’t have judged him. Sponsors just support and listen. All he had to do is pick up the phone and call her. If he was impaired, she would pick him up. She would prevent him from destroying himself or anybody else. Especially getting behind a wheel when he had been drinking. She still can’t believe he actually did this.

Brady would do anything for John, but not this. John respects his decision to take responsibility, but he can’t do it with all the facts. Brady says the facts are that he got drunk and hit a woman with his car and left her at the scene. The facts are straight forward. John says maybe it is that straight forward, but he just wants to ask him not to plead guilty until they know the whole story. For all Brady knows, there might be mitigating circumstances. There might be a hell of a lot more to this story.

Fiona can’t believe this has happened to Sarah, and so soon after their wedding, on what was meant to be the happiest night of their lives. Xander is holding Sarah’s hands while she looks forward, something is happening. Fiona continues that she is glad that it wasn’t so much worse. As she talks, Sarah is flashing back on the accident, she has a blurry vision of the driver. Xander sees her face and asks, what is it? Sarah turns and looks at Fiona. Fiona looks away. End of show.
Really good episode. I like when all the stories are linked, and the show takes time to breathe and let people have the conversations they should be having, particularly John urging Brady not to plead guilty, and Maggie being aghast that Brady did not call her when he took that first drink.

Even the teens were used well today, as that conversation where they each took the opposite side was believable, as was Tate blurting out that Eric killed Daniel. Ludicrous that Nicole sent Eric alone to break this to Holly though.

And you can already see that Sarah has compassion for Brady and will have it for Fiona. I wonder if she will clear Brady but not reveal that Fiona was the driver, if in fact she really registered the truth.
Thanks brisbydog. Guess some secrets in Salem can be kept for years, as unbelievable as that seems. Guess Holly never cared to find out.

I do like that Xander in love still has angry Xander simmering under the surface. As he tries to get sweet sugar-high Victoria down for the night, it may resurface towards crazy Auntie Bonnie after all that ice cream.
Well done, brisbydog! And you got a good one!!

The scenes between Brady and Tate and Brady and John were very good. John is right that Brady should not plead guilty when there is no real evidence, like the car. Why the heck hasn't Marlena hypnotized him yet? If it comes out that he was at Small Bar, that poor waiter could testify that he was with Fiona.

I do hope that blurry vision of Sarah's revealed enough for her to see that the driver was not Brady.

I am glad Holly is still so upset about her being the catalyst for the accident. While Sarah did not want her to think that, what she said was true about the key and Sarah would not have been there at all if she wasn't going to Maggie's, but on the ferry.

I did not realize that Tate knew about Eric killing Daniel. When did that happen? Was it on screen?

Holly was mad enough about this drunk driving accident, she will be furious and unforgiving about Eric and ask why her mother, with or without Eric, did not tell her when she was old enough? Whether she will ever find out about Chloe carrying her instead of Nicole remains to be seen.

I think Sarah is putting up a brave front to hide her real feelings. When she spoke about all the things she will not be able to do with Victoria, she was choking back tears, even if it was not visible.

I think there will be tension galore between Maggie and Sarah. Maggie's assistance might be overbearing to Sarah, and this could cause a rift.

Please let Fiona be revealed soon, before anything else happens to Brady. This is one storyline we really, really don't want to go on much longer. Maybe it will be tomorrow's cliffhanger.
When Sarah was talking to Holly it seemed she didn't know Brady was the driver. But when Xander came, obviously she did know.

Marlena should have known talking about Brady driving drunk would make Eric uneasy, but it didn't seem like she did. I knew when Eric said before someone else tells her that someone else was going to tell her. But seriously, everyone knows, so how has she not heard it before?

It's time for Fiona to get caught. Did Sarah see a face? Please? I don't like Brady taking the rap.
The thing is, Brady remembers NOTHING about that night, only confessed because the car description and partial license fit him.....and I guess a bit of front end damage......which is why Kristen got rid of the car, to "help" him! Maybe he will get a memory jog.......I hope so.