Days of Our Lives - Thursday, September 26, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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42:59, written by new head writer Jeanne Marie Ford, which bodes well for us!

We return to Eric and EJ at the pub. Eric is whisper moaning that Holly will come around and realize how wonderful he is, despite the fact he has done nothing to reach out to her since she found out the truth, yet has had time to do a lame photo shoot and sit around the pub. EJ has a differing opinion.

He thinks Holly now knows that Nicole is a chronic liar and that Eric deprived her of her father (this is such an odd narrative, as Holly would not exist if Eric had not mowed down Saint Daniel). EJ says that Holly will never trust Nicole or Eric again, but fortunately she has him to lean on. Eric wonders why Holly would trust EJ after all the lies he told about Jude? EJ tells him that Holly’s opinion of EJ has changed, and so has her opinion of Eric.

Back to Holly rifling through Brady’s briefcase, hoping to find, what? Selfies next to Sarah’s bloody body? She claims she took a wrong turn on the way to the bathroom. Tate wants to know why she is going through Brady’s stuff?

Xander’s thug bumps into Brady and has a flashback of Xander yesterday reminding slow viewers that he is up to no good. He tells Brady that he is “Brian Jones” and while I am certain this is a fake name, I shall refer to him as Brian going forward. Brian claims that he sits next to Brady in AA meetings. Brady has no recollection of him.

Back to Xander being busted by Sarah. She used location tracking to find him. She knows he is not in the park on Titan business. He lied to her, he promised he was not going to confront Brady. Xander denies lying, he looks around the empty park. Does she see Brady here? Sarah asks if he joined a rugby league? She saw the man give him something and that he put it in his pocket. Xander again claims he is on Titan business.

Sarah does not think any Titan business is conducted in an empty park. She tells him to look at her in the eye and tell her it has nothing to do with Brady and his crazy revenge fantasy. Xander can’t tell her that. Sarah, like Gollum, wants to know what he has in his pocket. Xander shows her the gun. In a few hours, Brady Black will be a dead man.

Eric says that Holly was his stepdaughter for barely a year so he wins that contest. Except on the show, Eric was Holly’s stepfather for a few weeks before bailing for Africa. But I digress. EJ asks if Eric is familiar with the concept of the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Holly is furious at Nicole and Eric. Eric says "for now". EJ says that Eric and Nicole ditched Holly in Salem so they could go live in the 15th arrondissement, or was it the 14th? I doubt Eric could afford either of these rather affluent areas in Paris, unless Nicole has taken a side gig dancing at Moulin Rouge.

Eric glowers. He wants to talk about deception. This is not a contest. He cares about Holly. EJ reminds Eric that when Holly overdosed he moved heaven and earth to get her the best care. Eric says he also moved heaven and earth to go after Tate. And now he is trying to pit Holly against him and Nicole. EJ says that they did that to themselves, by lying to Holly her entire life. All so Nicole could preserve the image of “Saint Eric”.

Holly tells Tate to calm down. Tate says she was violating Brady’s privacy. Holly tells him she was looking for evidence that Brady was driving the car that hit Sarah.

Brian says he is not shocked Brady doesn’t recognize him, he tries to stay pretty incognito at those meetings. That second "A" (anonymous) is there for a reason, am I right? Brian claims to be four years sober. Brady says he is surprised Brian never shared. Brian is more of a listener. He says he has been moved by what Brady has shared about his son’s plight at the hands of his girlfriend and the bogus drug charges.

Brian has been through similar stuff with his kid. Brady says in the end all worked out for Tate. Brian has read in the paper about Brady’s hit and run. He says he is sure that it is eating Brady up inside, and if he ever wants to grab a coffee or read the "big book" together Brian is available. He shakes Brady’s hand and something punctures Brady’s hand.

Sarah is freaked out by the gun. She thought Xander came to his senses and realized that this kind of "justice" won’t solve anything. Xander says it is the justice system that is not interested in solving anything, and that the only reason Brady is not in a wheelchair right now is because his mum intervened. And Fiona only did that because Brady seduced her and now she has misplaced fondness for him, like somebody else he could mention.

Sarah says he knows she means her. Brady was her friend. Xander says look at what Brady has taken from her, from Victoria, from them. Sarah agrees it is true. She may never walk again, but she is still here. She has her life and it can be a good one. Xander says her bravery is commendable, but it is breaking his heart, seeing her muster up all her energy to be positive. So if she won’t be angry he will be angry for them both.

Sarah says what breaks her heart is that her husband, the father or her child, is playing vigilante, planning to take somebody’s life in her name, and that he could go to prison forever. She can’t handle losing him on top of all of this. Xander promises she will never lose him. Sarah asks how he thinks he can get away with murder? Xander says he isn’t going to murder anybody, Brady is going to shoot himself.

Fiona is still sipping on her martini. Sophia pops up and asks if there is something wrong with the cheesecake? Fiona decided she would rather imbibe her calories. Sophia says many people do, they just aren’t honest about it. Yep, says Fiona, that’s me, honest to a fault. Sophia is about to clock out. Does she want a box for the cheesecake?

Fiona says her son’s family don’t do leftovers, would Sophia like it? Sophia is shocked at the offer. Fiona says once upon a time she was a waitress scarfing down cold cheese sandwiches and soggy chips on shift. She invites Sophia to join her. She would enjoy the company. Sophia accepts the offer and plants herself down.

Tate asks what Holly what she thought she’d find in Brady’s briefcase? She thought she might find a written confession (uhhh he already confessed). Tate asks if she thinks she is Nancy Drew? He realizes that is the only reason she came over. She doesn’t care about fixing things with them, it was all about getting dirt on his dad.

Eric tells EJ he is not in the picture. EJ says he is, because a distraught young girl came to him for solace. He told Holly that he begged Nicole to tell Holly the truth about Daniel. Eric says that is a lie, EJ never had that conversation. How would you know that asks EJ. Does Eric have a side hustle as a fly on the wall? Eric reminds him that before he left town EJ threatened to tell Holly the truth. EJ laughs that if Holly hears that from Eric she won’t believe a word of it. Will Holly believe anything Eric says ever again? She is horrified by both Eric and Brady and will never get over it.

Brady shakes his hand and claims something stuck him. Brian says his ring has a sharp edge. He wishes Brady the best and takes off. Brady looks baffled.

Sarah asks what Xander means about Brady shooting himself? Xander says that they all know Brady is feeling massive guilt about what he did and about escaping legal punishment. Sarah asks if he is going to force Brady to shoot himself? Xander says more or less. Sarah wants details. Xander says all she needs to know is it won’t be traced back to him.

Sarah remembers who he was when they first got together, and it was the root of everything that went wrong for them. She tells him he is not that man anymore. She makes him look at her. He is not that man anymore because of her and Victoria. He told her that his love for them changed him. Was that a lie? She begs him not to do this.

Sophia is eating the cheesecake. Her parents don’t let her eat sweets. Fiona says they just care about her health. Sophia’s grandma lived to 90 on four chocolate bars a day. She has to fill out college applications. Fiona is shocked that she is still in high school. Her parents want her to be a doctor or lawyer, but Sophia doesn’t know what she wants. Fiona says she has to make time for fun. Sophia is in orchestra and cheerleading. Fiona says no, real fun, like a boyfriend, or girlfriend. Sophia has somebody she likes but he is with somebody else. For now.
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Holly still cares about Tate, but him being happy about Brady is hard on her. This is heartbreaking for her. Tate says what about him, his mom is in prison, his dad drove drunk and almost went to jail, so yes, he is happy, because he would have been kind of like an orphan. Holly didn’t think about Tate’s part in this. Tate is sorry about telling her about Eric. The way she treated Tate after, with an insincere apology, didn’t help.

Holly says they were apart a day and Sophia was all over him. Tate says he didn’t invite her. Holly wants to check his phone for proof of that. Tate says it is not about Sophia, it is about her sneaking in Brady’s room. Holly tells him EJ says that there was no other way. Without hard evidence there is no punishment for his dad.

Tate wants to know if EJ sent her here? Holly denies. Tate says you are working with EJ to bring down my dad, even after what he did to her and her mom? Holly doesn’t care about her lying mom. Tate says at least she has a mom. Holly says yeah, in freaking Paris. Tate’s is in freaking prison, and that is where she wants his other parent too. Holly is not sorry for thinking Brady belongs in prison. Tate tells her to get out.

Sarah says if the justice system won’t punish Brady then let karma do it, or the universe. She gets a pain in her back. Xander is immediately concerned. This fuels his anger against Brady. Sarah says it is ok. It is killing him seeing her like this. Sarah asks how killing Brady will fix things. It won’t fix her. It won’t fix anything. It will make everything worse.

Xander seethes that he is a Kiriakis, he is Victor’s son, and if Victor were here he would be taking matters into his own hands. Sarah says he is not Victor. And Brady is Victor’s grandson. Brady is dead to Xander. Sarah says Brady is still a son, brother and a father. Xander is unmoved. He is sure Brady’s funeral will be jam packed and quite moving. Sarah is frustrated. Why won’t he listen to her? Why is she not getting through to him?

Xander says because he is doing this for her, and for all the other innocent people that Brady might have mowed down, but no, everybody is feeling sorry for Brady now. Sarah, her mother… Sarah snaps that she does not feel sorry for Brady. He did a terrible thing. He was reckless and stupid and does not deserve to die. He did not know what he was doing. Xander disagrees.

When Brady got drunk, he chose to get into his car, take out his key, and put it in the ignition. All decisions and choices that could have led to Sarah’s death. Sarah says but it didn’t, she is still here. Xander reminds her that Eric also drove drunk and killed Sarah’s brother, so Brady knew exactly what could happen and he did it anyway, and he deserves to pay for what he did. Come on darling, admit it, he says, you want justice too.

Brady staggers into the penthouse and drops his keys. He is completely out of it. He has clearly been drugged by Brian’s magic pointy ring.

EJ adores Holly. He has empathy for her. He knows how she feels. Nicole is incapable of putting anybody ahead of Eric in her life. Holly knew that, that is why she didn’t want to go to Paris to play second fiddle. She is better off on her own, than living with the man who killed her father. Eric makes an ineffectual attempt to menace EJ and warns him to stay away from Holly, but it is kind of laughable, especially to EJ who mocks Eric as trying to play at being a tough guy.

Jada suddenly appears out of nowhere and breaks it up. EJ wants Eric arrested for assault. Jada says that charge would go nowhere and he should step outside. EJ wants Eric to step outside. Eric whines that he lives here (not Paris?). EJ is there to get a statement from Ava (in those clothes). Jada says she will deal with Ava and tells EJ to take a walk. EJ leaves, looking his nose down at Eric on his way out. Jada wants to know what is going on? Eric whisper moans that EJ is turning Holly against him and Nicole, and sadly they have given him all the ammunition to do it.

The pub must be right off the town square as EJ immediately bumps into Holly, who is upset, and throws herself into his arms.

Fiona tells Sophia to spill the beans. Sophia confides that the guy she likes is into somebody else but they are all wrong for each other. They are basically Salem’s version of Romeo and Juliet. Fiona scoffs and we all know how that one turns out. Sophia says the girl has screwed him over so many times and he takes it.

Fiona says maybe he’s in love. Sophia says he has no idea what love is, but she can show him. Sadly he looks right through her. Fiona tells her that men are quite foolish about matters of the heart. Sophia needs to make her attentions very clear. Sophia says that is what she is doing. Fiona says if he keeps wasting time on his pseudo relationship, she should cut her losses and move on.

Tate finds Brady on the couch. He is slurring his words and giggling. Tate makes the completely understandable assumption that Brady is loaded. Brady tries to stand up and falls over. Tate gets him to bed.

Sarah is upset that Brady wasn’t charged. She thought he should be too but she is trying to move on. Xander asks how that is possible when she will run into him all over town? How is this right and just? Somewhere inside, Sarah feels the anger and rage too. Somewhere, Sarah wants him to be punished too. Sarah says yes, by the criminal justice system. Xander says that is not going to happen. He pulls out the gun, this, in the old days, before judges and juries, this is how people paid for their crimes.

Sarah accuses him of trying to live out some cowboy western fantasy. Xander tells her not to mock him. Sarah says he is not making sense. He needs to give her time to remember who was behind the wheel. Maybe it wasn’t Brady. Xander says they know it was Brady. He gets a text from Brian saying it "is done". Xander says it’s Henderson with the van. Sarah is to go home and not give this another thought. How on earth can Sarah do that? Xander tells her to focus on how much he loves her, to the depths of his soul. He kisses her. She looks angry.

Holly is with EJ at the DiMansion. He wants her to tell him what happened. She tells him Tate caught her going through Brady’s briefcase. She is mad at herself for getting caught. EJ says it is ok. Holly says it isn’t. She told Tate she didn’t want to fight anymore, and she meant it, but she can’t see how they can be together if he keeps defending Brady.

Tate has put Brady to bed. He tells him to sleep it off. He hopes Brady didn’t get behind the wheel this time. Brady is mumbling. He didn’t get behind the wheel. He says something about how Tate’s mom and him called him Tater Tot when he was a kid. Tate leaves in disgust, almost running into Xander outside. Xander uses a credit card to break into the townhouse.

Sophia thanks Fiona for the cheesecake. Sophia reminds Fiona of herself at her age. She encourages her not to lose faith. She gives her a huge tip. Sophia is thrilled. Fiona enjoyed her company. The martini remains a secret between them.

Sarah is home looking at a photo of her and Xander. She asks herself what she is going to do?

Jada couldn’t find Ava. Eric says he will pass on the message that Jada is looking for her. Jada gets a call from Sarah. She needs to talk to Jada now, it’s an emergency.

Xander is in the townhouse, gun in hand. He goes into Brady’s room.

Town Square, Sophia runs into Tate. Tate’s life is a hot mess. He and Holly got in a huge fight. Sophia is sorry, she gives him a "supportive" hug and tells him to tell her everything.

EJ tells Holly that Tate knows Brady is guilty, and that he knows Brady will be punished. Holly is grateful that he is so determined. EJ says that not just for justice, but for Holly. He won’t stop until Brady gets what is coming to him. He will pay for what he has done.

Fiona comes in on Sarah, she asks if she can get her anything? She just peeked in on Victoria, who, shockingly, is sleeping. She wonders where Xander is? Sarah says there is something Fiona should know.

Xander is in Brady’s room. He says the drug did its job. All he has to do is put the gun in his hand and pull the trigger. He is just sad that Brady won’t know the pain and torment that he has inflicted on his Sarah. He starts to put the gun in Brady’s hand but Jada knocks on the door and he swiftly hides the gun. She asks what he is doing there? Xander makes up the lamest lie in the world that he is there to offer Brady is support. What is Jada doing there? Jada got a call from Sarah. Xander says Sarah called her? Jada says "Yes, with some rather shocking information."

And end of show! Whew!
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I think they will be fine. Sarah is just learning how to save Xander from himself. I highly suspect she told Jada that she remembers Brady at the wheel; that neatly protects Brady from Xander, satisfies his need for justice, and keeps Xander from doing something stupid.
Great job, brisbydog!

Brady did say he did not drive, he was adamant about it even through his haze. He does not have a car that we know of. But that shot sure replicated the state of drunkenness.

I hate that Tate thinks he drank and that Brady is confused, will doubt himself and think he drank again. I hope he mentions a *bleep* to his hand when he shook hands with Brian. He probably won't remember. If he is given a blood alcohol test, I fear that drug will show up and "prove" he was drunk.

I wonder how much Xander paid Brian?

Xander was so sure he would not get caught, but he was not prepared for Jada. I am glad Sarah called her.

This plot sinks to a new low for Xander. I am very disappointed in him and reverting to bad behavior. Great way to be a good father and husband.

Wonderful duo (not), Fiona and Sophia. What did Sophia mean about showing Tate how to love? Does she have a lot of notches on her bed post at her age? She was such a sweet girl until she wasn't.

Has Holly learned nothing after almost dying? She is breaking bad with EJ's encouragement.
True, Brady probably lost his license after confessing to driving drunk, so that was not a risk factor.

I like the reminder that Xander is still dark. He is just like Victor. Remember the retaliation Victor reigned on Deimos for doing the same thing to Maggie? And to the goons who shot her? I like that we are not pretending that Xander is not still dangerous when provoked. I hate when they totally turn a complex character into a "good guy". He's not, except to Sarah, Maggie and Victoria. And Fiona, for now. But her time is coming!
Ejerk is a vengeful, self serving, jealousy-driven, doesn't care for anyone but himself, arrogant jerk. I want his thug to come after him and beat him senseless.
The thing is, Victor never claimed to be a changed man, while Xander always defends himself by saying he's changed whenever his past crimes come up. He should just own it and stop complaining about others getting away with things. If he wants revenge, he should go after it without all the whining.
Don't like what they are doing with Xander. He has Sarah & Victoria. He's a changed man.

I don't like that Tate immediately thought Brady was drunk. Being drugged is different and doesn't he know Brady hasn't been drinking?

EJ did have a good point that everyone is second fiddle to Eric for Nicole. Which I don't understand. Eric doesn't put Nicole first.

Thank goodness Xander was stopped. But will it be attempted murder? No one will believe he was there to just check on Brady.
Thanks brisbydog. Great summary.

Wonder if Brady's broken into briefcase might come into play? We know Xander didn't do it but, well, I can see various ways to bring that into a storyline. Xander worried about Brady's drinking, knowing he (Brady) has a gun, so he he breaks in to take it so Brady doesn't do something stupid? Worried about what important papers Brady might have taken when leaving Basic Black, he wanted to check it out????