Days of Our Lives - Thursday, September 12, 2024

The night Chloe got insemination with Holly there was an unseen drunk man causing issues at the clinic. Speculation then was that it was Eric and somehow he got into the "samples"
Yes, I noted that in post #7
But since they've only kissed as of now, it would be interesting if they changed Holly's paternity at this point, especially since they sort of set up a possibility when we got the flashback of Daniel, Nicole and Chloe at the fertility doctor's lab, when the nurse came in and apologized for the delay, but she was dealing with "some drunk", which could've been Eric at the time. Theoretically, he could've somehow substituted his sperm for Daniel's without the nurse knowing.
Except Nicole didn't carry Holly. She was conceived a year after Daniel's death by Chloe using Daniel's frozen sperm and one of Nicole's eggs. Holly only exists because Eric killed Daniel.
If Days was the type of show that did time travel, that would be an interesting scenario. Eric goes back in time and convinces his younger self not to drink and accidentally erases Holly.

Although, Days did demon possession so they could do time travel. If I remember correctly, Eugene Bradford (John deLancie) was working on a time machine in the 80s (whether it worked or not).
I have the video clip (poor quality) of Eugene building his Calliope robot in the basement of Donovan Manor, along with his penguin friend, Admiral Perry.

Here's a screenshot:

Wilde woman, I'm sure you know more about this! Spill it. Lol

Edit: I read pigeon not penguin! Bloop
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Eric Martsolf (Brady) is going such a great job with this material. I really feel Brady’s pain.
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Eric says they should have told Holly years ago (no kidding) and that she is furious at Nicole and him and has every right to be (correct).
I don't like Eric, but I like that he is consistent in this way. He lets people (that aren't Nicole) feel their feelings.
Holly says Eric just had to say that since she knew the truth.
Well done writers, you had me rooting for a character I'd loathed from birth who did terrible things out of the SORAS gate for about a day, and now I want her excised violently from Salem. Too much to hope the new writers will start with a serial killing storyline? Those always work so well.
since [Holly and Tate]'d be biological cousins
They'd only be second cousins, which is actually legal, although frowned upon, and against general decorum unless one is a king.

They could also pull a double-whammy switch-a-roo after Tate breaks up with Holly, impregnates Sophia, and then Tate finds out that he was actually not born of the stolen embryo, but of Kristen's own from a drunken fling with Brady Brady doesn't remember. Then Tate and Holly can be true wuvs again while Tate's also conflicted by his pending fatherhood by Rebound Sophia.
except for Passions
And Guiding Light.
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Eric goes back in time and convinces his younger self not to drink and accidentally erases Holly.
Whatever writer does this - I will tattoo their name on my face.
Holly only exists because Eric killed Daniel.
Another reason to hate Eric. Not for killing Daniel, but for creating the drugged-out framer.
Since Holly was aged after EJ and Nicole were a couple, I wish they went with the angle that he was the stepfather that she was raised by. That way there would be some logical consistency. (As much as can be allowed in Salem.)

Really really good performances from Maggie, Sarah, Brady, Xander, and Fiona in the sorrow scene. Fiona never made eye contact with the other actors. Nice touch.
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They could also pull a double-whammy switch-a-roo after Tate breaks up with Holly, impregnates Sophia, and then finds out that he was actually not born of the stolen embryo, but of her own from a drunken fling with Brady he doesn't remember. Then he and Holly can be true wuvs again while he's also conflicted by his pending fatherhood by Rebound Sophia.

I've read this a few times and I don't understand.
I'm not sure it's true to say Holly only exists because Eric killed Daniel. Her embryo existed before because Chloe was going to carry the baby for Nicole and Daniel, right? Wasn't the plan for Chloe do that when Daniel was alive? I thought Holly was going to be born either way. She'd just be a different age maybe because the timing would be different.
Yes, the embryos were created while Daniel was still alive. I think Chloe had a couple unsuccessful tries at carrying their baby. Their contract stated she could try again whenever she felt ready. She did the final embryo transfer after Daniel had died, but didn't tell Nicole, as not to get her hopes up.