Days of Our Lives - Thursday, September 12, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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It is a new dawn in Salem. At the hospital, Dr Evans is shuffling paperwork and waiting for somebody to enter the scene. It is Eric! She shelves what she is doing and notes his morose expression. This is his usual expression, but I guess it is worse than usual because she inquires what is wrong. He whispers that Holly knows that he killed her father.

New exciting establishing shot! Salem High! Holly is staring at a photo of dear, lamented by nobody Dr Dan. Said photo is set in the screen for us so we can stare at him too and be glad he is long dead. Incoming call from Nicole. Holly eye rolls.

Sarah is rubbing her shoulders in her new bedroom. Xander strolls in with baby monitor in hand. Apparently the first birthday party was a huge success, so much so that Victoria woke up for the occasion but is now back in her usual state of perma sleep. Sarah says the party was perfect. Xander hops on the bed and takes over the shoulder rubbing. Sarah says it is perfect too. Xander says she is. He reminds her of the hypnosis session with Marlena. Now that EJ is no longer pursuing the case, the only way to put away Brady is for Sarah to remember. No pressure.

Fiona is cleaning up the debris in the living room. There are toys and balloons everywhere and she relocates a bat (from a pinata I assume). She has a paper party cup of some beverage which she is sipping. Naturally she turns to chat with Victor’s portrait (which is festively decorated below with a Happy Birthday banner). She muses that it is hard to imagine a few one year olds could cause such chaos. Apparently Victoria has friends? Their granddaughter had fun. Wish she could have enjoyed it too. Impossible for her to enjoy the party, for obvious reasons.

Victor judges her. Fiona reacts, telling him not to look at her like that, it is not like she actually went through with smothering Sarah with that pillow. Anyhow, she continues, if Victor is so outraged why doesn’t he tell her how to stop people from finding out she was behind the wheel that night and that Brady is an innocent man? Take note of those last, shouted words, that are very clearly stated, as Brady enters the room and apparently does not hear them, so guilt-ridden and sad is he.

Kristen is reading the Spectator online, headline is about EJ declining to press charges against Brady, with a fetching shot of Brady making eyes at the camera. We see she is in EJ’s office. He enters and thanks her for waiting. She whines. They exchange small talk. She mocks him for dropping the case against Brady and asks if he invited her here to gloat? EJ says no, he has decided since he can’t send Brady to prison, he is going to send her back to prison instead. Kristen has a smirk face.

Kristen was under the impression that you must commit a crime to go to prison. EJ is frustrated that he can’t charge Brady since his car disappeared. Kristen says Brady’s car was stolen, and that EJ has a ring of car thieves on his hands he should be investigating. EJ notes that it is odd that these car thieves could not wait to get their paws on a damaged car with an incriminating license plate that was a major piece of evidence. Kristen has no time for this. What does Brady’s car vanishing have to do with her? EJ points out that Kristen was the one who disappeared it.

Fiona says Brady’s ears must have been burning, she was just telling his grandfather that Brady was a free man. Brady whines that his confession was worthless since he can’t remember anything, and he wants to be punished. Fiona asks what he is doing at the K-Mansion? Brady is here to see Sarah. Fiona does not think that’s a great idea.

Marlena thinks how hard it must have been on "poor" Eric to tell Holly the truth. Eric corrects that Holly didn’t hear it from him. He was on his way to tell her but Tate had got to her first. Marlena gets fierce with an "oh my gosh". Eric says they should have told Holly years ago (no kidding) and that she is furious at Nicole and him and has every right to be (correct).

Holly picks up, tells Nicole she has nothing to say to her, and hangs up. Tate comes by and inquires about Nicole’s calls. She recaps that she has nothing to say to her mother, who is protecting the man who drove drunk and killed her bio father she never met, and whose death in fact is the only reason she exists, due to helpful Aunt Chloe stealing an embryo. Uh, does Holly know that? She may start drinking again once she finds this out, and that Brady is drinking Daniel’s heart to another early grave. But I digress.

Tate understands how hard this is for Holly. He thinks she should let Nicole explain. Holly says Nicole will just say she did it for her own good, same song and dance Eric played for her. Tate is surprised she spoke to Eric. Holly said Eric claimed he was about to come clean. Holly says Eric just had to say that since she knew the truth.

Marlena’s heart is breaking for Eric. It must be so upsetting for him. Eric and Nicole need to make a plan to handle this. He tells her that Holly won’t even answer Nicole’s calls. Nicole can’t fly with Jude right now as he has a head cold. Marlena offers to talk to Holly. Eric says that Holly will ask her how long she has known the truth. Marlena says and then she would have to admit knowing from the beginning.

If only Eric had had a chance to tell her first. He has such a caring and compassionate way about him that Holly would have immediately understood. Eric says he and Nicole were deluded. True words Eric. Marlena says that no point going back, he and Nicole must now find a way to go forward. They both love Holly. And where there is love, and a will, there is always a way. Sounds like a greeting card.

Kristen is blustering. As if she had the power to make Brady’s car go poof and disappear. EJ says an officer on duty heard Brady say that Kristen took his car. Kristen says the cop is stirring up trouble or Brady was drunk. EJ says Brady was in custody and they only serve coffee, water, or the occasional prune juice. Kristen is a busy woman and has no time for this. EJ continues that the cop was on duty when Brady had a visit with John and heard him say this through the paper-thin walls. Said cop heard Brady say that Kristen got rid of his car to save him from prosecution. So, he has Kristen dead to rights. He mocks shooting her.

Maggie has checked on Victoria who is still exhausted from the party. Xander hands off the baby monitor to her and says he will get the car ready to take Sarah to her appointment. Maggie and Sarah talk about how much fun Victoria had at the party and how she adored the attention. Apparently, she is an extrovert like her mom. Maggie loves her with all her heart. She wants to know if Sarah is up for the session with Marlena? Sarah says that the sooner she does it, Xander thinks she will more likely be able to remember if it was Brady behind the wheel. Maggie knows how Xander feels about making Brady pay, but how does Sarah feel? Does she want that as much as Xander does?

Brady doesn’t understand why seeing Sarah is a bad, bad idea. He promises Fiona he will not divulge that they were together the night of the accident. Fiona appreciates that. Brady will also not say anything to Xander. Fiona says that would hurt them even more, but that is not what she means. Sarah is too fragile and seeing him would be triggering. Brady says he and Sarah had a good relationship, and Maggie is his sponsor, he just wants to tell her he’s sorry. Fiona says it is all about him and easing his guilty conscience. Brady asks if he is being selfish? Fiona says he is, Sarah is in no way ready to see the person who put her in a wheelchair. And she is also worried about Xander. If he finds Brady here, he will tear him limb from limb. Enter Xander, looking murderous.

Marlena continues to enable Eric. Holly is like a daughter. He feels her pain. You can only be as happy as your least happy child she says. Greeting card #2. Eric moans that is true. Marlena says that she has learned that you can’t be strong for your kids if you are wrapped up in their sorrows. You can’t suffer along with them. Eric is confused. Marlena says you fail your kids and sometimes you cause their problems, but you have to tell them you did what was best in the moment, and that you love them. And then give it time. Eric repeats, time. Compassion…love. Marlena assures him Holly will come back to him.

Tate wishes he had kept his mouth shut. Holly tells him it wasn’t his fault. Her mom and Eric should have told her a long time ago. Tate wanted to check on her last night, but his dad came home. Tate has to break it to her that Brady is not facing charges anymore.

Brady behind bars will solve nothing for Sarah. It won’t get her walking again. And what would it do to Maggie, his sponsor who cares about him? Maggie says that shouldn’t be an issue; Sarah needs to do what is best for her. Sarah wants to do the hypnosis, but not to ID Brady for the police. Ever since she had that blurry memory, it is nagging at her, she needs the clarity of knowing what happened that night.
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Xander notes that Brady has "met" his mother. Fiona says she told Xander’s "cousin" (nephew?) to leave, he is not wanted here. Brady will go. He wanted to see Sarah. Xander will not let Brady anywhere near Sarah after what he did. Brady just wants to say he is sorry. Xander tells him he will be sorry; Sarah is seeing Marlena so she can remember seeing his drunken mug behind the wheel of the car that left her paralyzed. And as soon as that happens his wife will get the justice she deserves, as EJ will be able to nail his sorry behind to the wall.

Kristen thinks EJ needs a hobby. He is not very good at being a prosecutor. EJ says that tampering with evidence is a serious charge as is obstructing an investigation. Kristen probably doesn’t want to spend the next ten years behind bars, despite Statesville practically being her home away from home. She can say goodbye to her cushy job at DiMera, everything she worked so hard for gone in an instant. Or everything she manipulated and schemed for, he corrects.

Then, he says, there is Rachel, his adorable niece. Kristen can forget those tea parties with her. And all this for a man who has thrown her to the curb so many times. But, he says, good news, he is ready to cut her an immunity deal. All she has to do is throw Brady under the bus!

Back with Eric and Marlena, who are embracing. She is so sorry for HIM that he is dealing with so much. Brady would prefer to go to prison and atone. Eric gets that. Marlena and Eric will help him with some ideas. Eric thanks her for her listening and wisdom. He thanks God for her. Marlena thanks God for Eric too. He is by far her favorite child. Ask Sami.

Kristen says that if she actually disappeared Brady’s car, how would that throw Brady under the bus? EJ says that he is guessing Brady drunkenly sobbed on her shoulder and confessed. He wants her to testify to that in court and he will let her off. Kristen is not intimidated. She tells him to take his offer and shove it.

Holly is aghast that EJ is dropping the case. Tate says that a confession is not enough. Holly clarifies that Brady just gets away with what he did to Aunt Sarah? That was a short scene.

Maggie wheels in Sarah and they stop when they see Brady. Xander says he was just leaving. Brady goes up to them and tells them he wants to tell them both how sorry he is. He is not expecting forgiveness. He didn’t come here for that. He can’t forgive himself. It’s not an excuse but he is an alcoholic. He was depressed and relapsed that night. He is ashamed of that. And even more ashamed that he drove drunk. He doesn’t remember getting behind the wheel.

He remembers the bar and then waking up behind the wheel. That he hurt her and left her on the road, he can’t even express his shame. He doesn’t want EJ to drop the case. He wants to be punished. But his confession is not enough. He wishes he could go back and trade places with her. He is sorry. He will regret it for the rest of his life. Sarah and Maggie look sad, Xander still looks furious, Fiona looks guilty.

Holly is mad that Brady gets to keep his freedom. Tate wonders if this is about how mad she is about Eric and she is taking it out on his dad. Holly tells him not to tell her how she feels. The bell rings for last period. Holly isn’t going. She leaves.

EJ points out that he will prosecute if Kristen doesn’t accept his offer. Kristen laughs at him. She has been in court way too many times to not know what the cop heard was hearsay, and if EJ could use it he would be using it against Brady and not her. So, are they done? EJ asks if she is happy with Brady leaving Sarah in the street like roadkill? Kristen only cares about Rachel who would suffer if Brady went to prison. EJ says he can spot a bluff too. She is clearly still in love with Brady.

Back at the K-Mansion. Brady, Victor's portrait, Fiona and Xander are facing Sarah and Maggie. Maggie appreciates everything Brady said, and she is in no position to judge. But she is heartbroken that he didn’t call her as his sponsor. There is no point looking back. They all need to move forward. Xander does not like that. She knows that his regret is genuine.

Brady knows that he should have called her that night. He looks directly at Sarah and says he doesn’t expect her to say anything, but he wanted her to hear it from him. Xander has had enough. He let Brady have his say out of respect for Sarah and Maggie who he knows would be angry at Xander if he didn’t let Brady grovel, but they have an appointment to get to. After Sarah remembers, Brady can do his groveling to the DA. He wheels Sarah out. The Mums follow. Brady is left alone looking miserable.

Eric has come by Salem High to trap Holly into a conversation. He runs into Tate who thinks Eric is there to give him a ride home. Eric wants to find Holly. Tate says that Holly will not talk to him. She is upset with him, with Nicole and now with Tate once she found out Brady was being released.

Holly is in EJ’s office texting. She heard he let Brady go free. EJ apologizes, he just did not have the evidence to prosecute. Holly asks, what if I help you find some? EJ looks intrigued.

Brady is now at Basic Black writing something on a pad of paper. Hopefully a resignation letter as I think he is about to be fired. Kristen appears. She wanted to warn him that EJ is still after his blood. Brady nods.

At the hospital, Fiona and Xander wait. With any luck, Sarah will remember whose face she saw behind the wheel. Fiona gulps.

With Marlena, Sarah worries that Marlena might be conflicted. Marlena says if she were conflicted she would not be doing this. She also wants to find out what happened. The truth. Is Sarah ready to see what happened that night? Sarah needs to know. She needs to know who hit her.

Great show. Full of wonderful performances (especially Brady's heartfelt plea to Sarah, and her silent but powerful response with just her eyes), characters acting in character, and nary a stupid in joke in sight.
so much so that Victoria woke up for the occasion but is now back in her usual state of perma sleep.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

On the episode of Friends when they're celebrating Emma's first birthday, the party is delayed due to Emma sleeping, which annoys the guests. Also part of the episode involved Ross recording each guest giving Emma a birthday greeting that she'd watch on her 18th birthday. When the twins who played Emma turned 18, they tweeted something about how they had just awakened from a great nap. (the twins went on to play Hope Logan on B&B as toddlers)
Then she and Tate couldn't be a couple since they'd be biological cousins. Jeannie T (Tate's mom) and Eric (if he was Holly's dad) are full first cousins.

But since they've only kissed as of now, it would be interesting if they changed Holly's paternity at this point, especially since they sort of set up a possibility when we got the flashback of Daniel, Nicole and Chloe at the fertility doctor's lab, when the nurse came in and apologized for the delay, but she was dealing with "some drunk", which could've been Eric at the time. Theoretically, he could've somehow substituted his sperm for Daniel's without the nurse knowing.
Nice job, brisbydog!

I hate that Holly wants to work with EJ to put Brady away. What evidence can she possibly find?

Liked Kristen for once, turning down EJ's deal and standing by Brady, even though he is no longer her man.

Looking bad for Tate and Holly's future. Will he turn to Sophia?

Since Sarah is with Marlena, who instructed her assistant to allow no interruptions, will Fiona still try to interrupt the session?

Why isn't Brady being hypnotized? He should at least try.

I think Brady paid cash at Small Bar vs a credit card for a paper trail, but he does not yet remember he was there. As I said before, that waiter who argued with him is a witness to him being there with Fiona.

I am glad that Sarah is not taking Brady's confession as fact, realizing his confession is based on nothing concrete. Need him to be cleared and Fiona charged. Can't wait for Xander's wrath.

Agree that Brady's apology to Sarah was so well done and heartfelt.
What? We didn't get to see any of Victoria's birthday party.

I love how people talk out loud about their deepest darkest secrets. And it is ridiculous that Brady did not hear her confess. Brady was breaking my heart talking to Sarah & Maggie, and Fiona just stands there. She needs to go down. Xander needs to know his mother is evil incarnate.

I cannot believe Nicole is back with Eric. I knew she was but I hate it. He treated her like crap. And she just keeps taking it.
We didn't get to see any of Victoria's birthday party.
Sounds like it was full of one year olds and presumably their parents. There's no way Days could've afforded to hire all those toddlers, along with the extras to play their parents. Easier to show the aftermath of the party.
Technically they'd be first cousins once removed. Who knows if it would be legal in Salem, but in reality, the show wouldn't go there since incest is pretty much taboo on the daytime soaps, except for Passions when it was on the air.
Thanks, brisbydog.

Disappointed we didn't see the birthday party. We could have just seen Victoria dressed up.

Will Sarah remember what happened or not? Will she see the correct person or with Brady on
her mind, will she see him driving?

When Marlena mentioned they wouldn't be disturbed, I thought of Leo.

Great heartfelt apology by Brady. Will Fiona be able to do that?

Interesting to see Holly has picture of Daniel even though he died before she was born. It's
been awhile since we've seen a picture of him at the K-mansion.

Will someone tell Holly that Brady has her father's heart?

How will Holly help EJ with getting evidence against Brady?

Was Brady writing a resignation letter? I hope not a suicide note.
Would this be the time to have it come out that Eric IS actually Holly's daddy???
This is a great idea, and the way Salemites conduct themselves it not at all farfetched. All that’s needed is to concoct a one-night stand with Eric while Nicole was with St. Daniel.

OMG, are we now going to be treated to regular appearances by he Love Doctor’s picture? Stefano and Victor’s portraits are always welcome, but who needs the miracle surgeon? Even cardboard Li is better. Speaking of the horndog doctor, it would make a good scene if another student saw Dr. Dan Tan’s photo and said: “I know that guy — he seduced my mom and older sister when they were at the hospital.”

It’s now official, Elvis is the worst DA ever. First, he went after poor Brady without evidence and now he’s doing the same with Kritter. Did this guy really go to law school?
The show has to pay for using an actor's picture,,,,,which I guess is cheaper than paying them in person. There is probably an agreement in place before an actor passes away, or else with estate....

In re: idea if her suit against the fired guy & Days has been settled......but until it is over and done, we won't see Nicole unless recast.
Technically they'd be first cousins once removed. Who knows if it would be legal in Salem, but in reality, the show wouldn't go there since incest is pretty much taboo on the daytime soaps, except for Passions when it was on the air.
The offspring of first cousins are second cousins. Tate is Eric's first cousin once removed, but if Eric was Holly's biological father that would make Holly Tate's second cousin and that would also make Holly the first cousin once removed of Theresa.
This is a great idea, and the way Salemites conduct themselves it not at all farfetched. All that’s needed is to concoct a one-night stand with Eric while Nicole was with St. Daniel.
Except Nicole didn't carry Holly. She was conceived a year after Daniel's death by Chloe using Daniel's frozen sperm and one of Nicole's eggs. Holly only exists because Eric killed Daniel.