Days of our Lives - Thursday, October 10, 2024


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 minutes

Clyde and his “lawyer” Jackie Chiles aka Dr. Mark Green, Clyde, and Clyde’s making threats.

In Paris a wonderful outside shot of the Eiffel Tower all lit up, I’m guessing to establish it’s nighttime. Cut to Chad’s vacation home. Fake Abby is shocked it’s so nice. (I never watched the online series, so I don’t know if this is the same set) Chad talks of it being their home and how Abigail and Chad and the kids were so happy there.

Julie and Maggie are talking in the living room. It is daylight in Salem per the light coming in the windows. Maggie dropped by to share her famous lemon bars with Chad and the kids, and finds out about the trip to Paris. Maggie asks Julie if she’s finally met Fake Abby, Julie says well, that’s a conversation for another time. Doug is upstairs playing solitaire on the computer, I have a fresh pot of tea, we haven’t talked for a while, will you stay? Maggie agrees to stay.

Replay of EJ refusing to accept Sarah’s statement.

Fiona at the Small Bar. At a table behind her, Eric nurses a club soda and is staring at her. Eric flashes back to overhearing Sarah lying. He introduces himself to Fiona saying he knows she’s been romantically involved with his brother. Fiona doesn’t’ have much to say about their relationship. Eric sits because he wants to know more about the accident. Fiona asks why do you think I would know anything other than Brady got blind drunk and ran over my daughter in law? Eric tells Fiona, well you left with him that night, so...

Back to EJ wanting to know what is going on. EJ thought that Sarah and Xander wanted Brady punished for what he did to her. Xander tells EJ we do, but Sarah isn’t sure about Brady. Sarah has a flashback about hearing of the serum and having to disavow her statement and get Brady free.

At Clyde’s visiting room, Mark tells him that everything is pulling together. Clyde is doubtful. He doesn’t understand that generation, believing failure is a success. He doesn’t understand why Chad hasn’t married Fake Abby. Mark tries to explain that no one believes the rock-solid evidence of DNA, that Fake Abby or Mark’s sister is the real Abigail. Fake Abby has to cover at every turn.

Meanwhile in Paris, Chad and Fake Abby are walking around the living room aimlessly. Stimulating viewing. Fake Abby picks up a trowel that’s been painted and we hear the story of about it. It’ so exciting I’ve dozed off. All Fake Abby likes about it is its colors. Chad goes to get some wine so they can celebrate. He opens a bottle of red, pours it and they drink, no opening and letting it breathe or anything.

Fake Abby wants to hear about Paris. Chad starts to tell her in Frenchlish (French English) about their Sunday walks to the park with the kids, with the fake waterfall and how Fake Abby wanted to recreate the TLC video “Waterfall”. Fake Abby remembers that song. Chad was the stand-in for Chilli not Left Eye. Chad did the entire dance routine, at the end of the song he lost his footing and learned the meaning of the words from the song. But it’s a great memory, and he doesn’t think that he’s ever heard Abigail laugh so long or so hard.

Mark is expressing his fears about bringing Chad’s kids into this revenge thing. Clyde thinks it’s a one big happy family reunion. Fake Abby doesn’t want to traumatize the children. Mark tells Clyde how horrible this plot is.

Julie tells Maggie that Fake Abby doesn’t look anything like Abigail. Julie doesn’t think Fake Abby is real. Then she asks after Sarah. Julie reminds everyone who doesn’t know, that Maggie was paralyzed for years and used crutches.

EJ threatens Sarah. Was she lying on the police report or now?

Fiona wants to know how Eric found out about this, of her being at the Small Bar? Eric tells Fiona that he asked the waiter about that night. Fiona getting defensive wants to know if Eric is doing a little investigating? He tells of his brother being in trouble. Eric thinks there is more about that night, so could Fiona fill in the blanks for him? Fiona hems and haws and Eric continues on. She talks of spending this day with her son and his new wife. They had just gotten married and we were celebrating.

She continues, then I got a text from Brady asking me to meet him here. Eric asks "and you two had been in a relationship for some time by this point?" Fiona says yes, but I was going to break it off with Brady that night. Eric is like why? Fiona says she had found out who Brady was and his contentious relationship with her son, so she thought for family unity she’d dump Brady. Eric then says so you came here to the bar and...?

Fiona tells of Brady being very drunk, getting into an almost fight with the waiter, that she kept it from going bad with a very generous tip. She and Brady sat down, Brady had a few more drinks and then left, and you know what happened. Eric says "well, no I don’t, what happened next?" Fiona says "well, he got in his car and he hit Sarah. She ID’d him to the police." Eric says but I still have questions. You see, you said that Brady left alone, yet the waiter said the two of you left together.
EJ is being pompous accusing Sarah of lying. Xander tells EJ that Sarah is the most honest person in the world. EJ’s comeback is "except when it comes to the father of her children." Sarah stops Xander from whatever decent thing he was going to do to EJ that would have us all cheering and tells Xander it’s okay, she has this. Sarah admits to being less than honest in the past which is why she can’t go forward with this as she can’t remember for certain who was driving the car.

EJ tells her too bad, so sad, a conviction has been guaranteed to the mayor based on her sworn statement, so it’s a done deal. EJ won’t have egg on face because Sarah’s attack of conscience. Xander asks so you will gladly convict and innocent man just to protect your fragile little ego? All hail the incorruptible justice system. EJ tells Xander to give it up, we all know that Brady is guilty. If Sarah retracts her statement, EJ will arrest Sarah for perjury.

Maggie and Julie talk, we find out that Julie isn’t a Xander fan. That Sarah has to learn to live a new life. Julie thinks, or sort of says, that Sarah lied about Brady being the one who hit her.

In Paris, Chad tells more of their life there and how Fake Abby was feeling neglected. How Austin showed up and Fake Abby didn’t have an affair with him, but it was rough times. Fake Abby gets a memory.

Clyde tells of Mark’s sister not being no saint. He's lucky that Mark and his sister will do anything for him to save their momma’s life. (Really? Really? This is beyond stupid and believable) Mark says soon his sister will be Mrs. Chad DiMera. Clyde says well that won’t work for me, what I want is the Widow DiMera. Mark looks even dumber than possible.

Widow DiMera, Clyde says, by dying I get all of the money. Clyde’s lawyers have been busy working and Clyde will be out of Supermax in time to collect Chad’s fortune. Because you see, Clyde is ONLY jailed for Abigail’s murder, apparently the deaths involved with his drug running and such are forgotten. With Abigail alive, he didn’t kill anyone. His lawyers have found a way around the drug convictions and he will be a free man soon.

Fake Abby does a number of fake memories, she feels like Abigail Johanna Deveraux DiMera. Chad responds accordingly and they hug. Fake Abby remembers how much she loves him. (barf) She kisses him as if he were a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.

Julie and Maggie talk about Brady’s disease and even so, he’s a good person.

Xander tells EJ he can’t do that. Sarah tells of being on pain meds and her memory is flaky. EJ says that he has Sarah’s statement and if she retracts it, she will serve the 10 years in prison. Good luck with that EJ.

Fiona creates a tale of trying to get Brady a cab but he refused. She got back to her hotel via a cab. That’s where she was when Xander called and she remembers the fear in his voice, she’d rather not have to relive this over and over. Eric asks just one more thing, were you drinking that night? Fiona gets indignant, she claims to be a recovering alcoholic. Eric says so you just sat there and watched Brady drink? He thanks her for her time and leaves.

Xander is very upset with EJ. Sarah asks Xander to calm down. He goes to talk with Kristen.

More Julie and Maggie talking about nothing, but killing a few minutes. I’ll take it because friendships and meetings like this should happen more frequently.

Chad and fake Abby continue to kiss. Fake Abby starts stripping him, then she stops and says I can’t do this.

Mark asks you have a chance at freedom, so why take a chance now? Clyde tells of looking at his hitman.

Xander crashes into the DiMansion, bellowing for Kristen.

Eric arrives to talk to Sarah. She correctly assumes it’s about Brady. He asks Sarah if Brady is innocent, or are you covering for your mother-in-law? Sarah stares off into space.

Fiona sits talking to her martini, hoping Eric bought her story.

Maggie and Julie hug and say goodbye. Julie is upset all the misery of this family is caused by one man, Clyde Weston.

Clyde tells Mark either Chad dies or your Mamma does.

Fake Abby tells Chad she can’t go on, then she has a flashback of talking to Mark, where she tells him she has to go through with this. Because of this memory, they shouldn’t be intimate yet. Chad agrees to wait. Fake Abby wants to get married.
Xander and Sarah are hit by the stupid stick today. First off, why are they meeting with EJ with no lawyer present? I know Justin is repping Brady but they should not be just calling up the DA like this. Surely Sarah has an attorney? Second, no way in any universe does a traumatized woman in a wheelchair on pain meds get ten years for perjury. Especially since she is the Mayor's doctor. Xander and Sarah should have just stuck to their guns.
This whole business of not having a clue how to write and end a story is just asinine. I guess since Ben is gone, now they just bring Clyde in for everything, regardless of any sense. It does sound like Fiona is going to confess under duress of being caught, but the whole EJ threatening to put Sarah away for recanting or changing her testimony is also ridiculous. EJ is just as one-note as Clyde and Paulina, and that character doesn't have to be. It seems like all they care about is coming up with a bunch of excuses to bring in former characters and by the time they get around to airing, no one cares anymore.
Cut to Chad’s vacation home. Fake Abby is shocked it’s so nice. (I never watched the online series, so I don’t know if this is the same set)
From the preview scenes, it looks like the same apartment from the digital series of Chad and Abby in Paris. It was later used again when Sarah ran to Paris with Rachel after finding out Baby Mickey actually died shortly after birth. They also tweaked it to be different Salem apartments after the Chad and Abby digital series.
about their Sunday walks to the park with the kids, with the fake waterfall and how Fake Abby wanted to recreate the TLC video “Waterfall”. Fake Abby remembers that song. Chad was the stand-in for Chilli not Left Eye.
That's kind of funny since Tionne Watkins, a/k/a T-Boz, played Abe's secretary, Sheila Watkins, for a while. She was a childhood friend of Eli's, or was from his neighborhood when he was young.
She kisses him as if he were a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thank you, Robin!

That apartment in Paris is adorable.

Methinks "Abby" hasn't had any affection in a while the way she introduced herself to Chad's lips. I'm surprised she didn't cause bloodshed!

It was nice to see Julie and Maggie together. Have a hankering for lemon bars now.

Is Xander going to steal the "miracle" drug from Kristen? He looked like he wasn't going to wait for her to give him any options. I can see him looking for it, not knowing exactly what he was looking for, and not even sure it was the right medication. I hope that is not the case.

Clyde needs to be ended. Mark is in a very bad situation. I wish he and "Abby" could come clean to Steve who can try to help without anyone being killed. Wishful thinking.
So tired of the Abigail b/s. Very tired of Clyde Weston being behind everything. Didn't someone have the chance to kill him but didn't do it? It's ridiculous all the crap he can do from behind bars.

It is very sad that Eric is doing John's storyline. Still can't believe Drake Hogestyn (John) is dead. I am hoping Eric questioning Sarah about her mother in law will jog her memory.
Today I closed my eyes and pictured John in the Fiona/Eric scenes. I would have so much preferred that. I just loathe Eric, and it feels completely out of character for him to be suddenly a super investigator. I get that he wants to help his brother, but the last time Brady asked for help, Eric assisted in him abducting Stefan and zapping his brain with an electric mixer. He is not that bright, and I don't believe that he would solve this case. If he said John was feeding him clues I would buy it.
I really thought that Fake Abby was going to break today and tell everything. And was amazed that they had kept that out of the spoilers, because really? How long has it been since she's seen mommy dearest? The kids Aaron and Felicity don't even remember her or speak of her, Mark has never asked for proof of life from Clyde so what is the point of all of this? Just to get out of jail? He couldn't have killed someone who is now alive? But no one believes it?

I really like Fake Abby and I hope we learn her real name and she sticks around in Salem.
I think that when Drake Hogestyn (John) became so ill, and unable to work, the show had to really scramble, rewrite where they could, and it does seem that Eric is getting story that was supposed to be John. And of course they lost John Aniston (Victor), so Clyde is getting the story that was intended for Victor.

They had to scramble........although I think they should have just shut down filming for a couple months, they are way too far ahead with filming and airing. And it is not necessary to be 6 months ahead.
Thanks, robin.

The apartment in Paris is the same when they did "Chad and Abby in Paris". You can find episodes or clips via the internet.

Not surprised Clyde mentioned he's going to be free since his victim is alive. Why hasn't anyone else realized that? Wait,
it's Salem.

Has Eric watched Columbo? When he was getting ready to leave Fiona, he said wanted to ask her something else.

Eric was spot on with Sarah. He wondered if she was covering for Fiona.

EJ is mean, mean, mean. He wants to put Sarah in jail for 10 years if Brady doesn't go.
@gramcracker ............sometimes hard to find the right word............improbable, impossible, unlikely, preposterous, unimaginable, implausible, .....or then...that old saying........when pigs fly! LOL

Clyde was in solitary confinement.........No outside visitors, and extremely limited contact with relatives. There is no way he'd be able to have Mark visit.

And then, it is the Judge who decides length of a prison sentence, not the DA. So since EJ is not a judge, he has no say so, (guess he probably could suggest............but EJ is definitely saying HE will sentence 10 years. (and would he not be called on the carpet for threatening a severe punishment? )
brisby.......I do hope Days is able to to get back on track, end the Behind The Scenes junk, restore common sense.

Maybe get someone in charge of "checking" on plausibility for the situations that don't jibe.