Days of Our Lives - Thursday - Nov 28, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
37 minutes

Abe is eating chips in the living room at the apartment. He hears Paulina coming and puts the bag behind a pillow. Paulina turned down the temp on turkey since Lani/Eli are stuck in DC. She sits down and finds the bag of chips. Abe said he's hungry since he hasn't eaten for awhile. Paulina leans over and kisses him. Eli enters apartment. Then Lani comes in pushing a stroller. Lots of hugs and kisses.

Gabi's in kitchen talking to Ari on phone. Ari says she had tofu turkey. Gabi tells Ari if she comes next year she'll make vegan everything. When she hangs up, there's a knock on the door. It's JJ. Gabi says dinner is over. Jada's at work. Rafe and Javi are watching football. She's doing the dishes, which is fair since the others cooked. JJ offers to help with the dishes. Gabi says that's ok. She asks why he's there? JJ needs help with something.

Chad's yelling out the dining room at Horton house to the kids. He tells them not go get dirty since their grandparents coming in 45 minutes. Julie comes in from kitchen. Chad asks if Eli and Lani coming to dinner? Julie doesn't think so since their plane is delayed. Julie mentions today is a day of gratitude. Then she asks the Abby imposter is living there?

Cat's in the Horton living room. She's talking to Aaron on the phone and apologizes over and over that she's sorry about things. She's doing everything to get Mark and their mom come back home. While she's talking, Jennifer and Jack walk into the living room. They all stare at each other.

Lani and Eli are on the couch when Paulina comes out from the back. Abe is reading "Goodnight Moon" to them. Lani said the twins didn't sleep on the plane. Eli said the kids kept walking up aisle and waking others on plane (oh my). Lani gets up and goes back where kids are to see if they're asleep. Paulina talks to Eli about how she misses them and the kids. Then she mentions living closer. She offers a job Eli, a job at the Salem PD.

Gabi asks what kind of help JJ needs? JJ asks her if she meant what she said about helping getting Abby's body back. She asks what he needs? JJ says to be his sister.

Julie talks about how upset she is about Cat being in the house. She wants to know why? Chad it's hard to explain. Julie says she doesn't want Cat at the dinner table with family. Chad says she'll be upstairs having dinner. Julie wants to know why he's doing so much for her? Chad says he's doing it for Abby.

Cat hangs up the phone. Jen is upset that when she came in she saw Cat's face. Cat says she wasn't supposed to be there when they came. Jack says their flight landed early. Cat tries to leave, but she tries to apologizes first. Jen walks over and slaps her.

Jack pulls Jenn back. Cat says she deserved it. Jen says that's the least you deserved for posing as our dead daughter. Jen says you didn't fool me, I saw it in your eyes you were a fraud. Cat says she's sorry. She only did it to save her mom and if she could go back. Jenn doesn't know why Chad let her in the house. Jennifer says she should walk out that door and never come back.

Chad explains to Julie he was protecting her since Doug has been sick and worried about him. Chad thought the less she knew the better. Julie says Doug is fine. She still wants answers. Chad said Clyde called. He wants me to turn over Cat. Julie asks what is he waiting for? Chad can't do that and have Clyde murder her. Julie wants to know why she's here? Chad reminds her they found out Abby's body is missing. He wants to find her and the only one that can help is Clyde. Julie realizes Cat is being used as bait. Chad tells Julie that JJ is going to help with the plan.

Gabi's surprised JJ wants her to be his is sister and asks isn't that Cat's job? JJ explains that Clyde wants Chad and Cat check into a hotel as a married couple. Gabi says they'll be sitting ducks. Chad wants a decoy couple, you and me.

Paulina explains to Eli they need him because of the turnover. ShawnD left town, Officer Goldman in prison, Harris is who knows where, and Rafe quit. Eli's surprised about Rafe. Paulina says he quit since Jada is now commissioner. She hopes he and Lani could work together again. Eli tells Paulina that Lani is enjoying her time with the twins. Paulina keeps badgering him.

Eli tries to talk when Lani and Abe come back to living room. Lani said Abe had to sing a lullaby. Paulina tells Lani and Abe that she wants Eli and Lani work at the Salem PD. Lani reminds Paulina she can't since she has a felony convection. Paulina thinks she can work around that. Lani says no. Abe suggests Eli can work at Salem PD. Lani can get a job that offers good hours and benefits. He says Lani can be a cop on a TV show (really).

Gabi says she doesn't look like Abby. JJ reminds her when Abby was Gabby (the alter identity). Gabi wants to know plan. JJ says they will check into a hotel. Chad and Cat will get the drop on Clyde while we're the decoys. JJ reminds her he was a cop and he will do his best to protect her.

Julie gets upset with Chad wanting JJ to help him. Chad says JJ wants to help and find Abby's body. The timer goes off. Chad goes into the kitchen to take out the rolls. Julie walks over to the pictures. She picks up the one with Doug and Hope. The phone rings, it's Hope. Julie says Happy Thanksgiving, but she doesn't feel like it.

Cat says she wants to walk out that door, but if there's a chance her mother is alive she wants to save her. Chad walks into living room. He tells Jack and Jen they weren't supposed to see Cat. Chad explains Cat is there to help them find Abby's body. Jen says she could be in jail if she was sorry for what she did. Jack and Jen go upstairs to see the kids. Cat says she's sorry (how many times does she say that?). Chad's phone rings. It's Clyde.
Lani says she's not an actress and how can she play one on TV? Paulina explains most of the cast on the soap are inexperienced. She says Lani could play Faith's older sister. She and Chanel have natural chemistry. Eli laughs. Abe loves the idea and keeps talking about it. Lani tells them she just accepted a part time job and it starts after the holidays.

Paulina tells her she can give them notice. Lani says she's going to work at the preschool where the twins are. Eli explains they plan to move back to Salem one day, but now the twins love their school and friends. Lani asks if Paulina understands? She says no. Lani says not yet. They plan to come back when they're ready, then hug.

Gabi asks JJ if has a plan B if she says no? JJ says no and if she doesn't want to do it, that's ok. Gabi says she has a stake in this too since Clyde terrorized her in prison. He broke her leg to warn Stefan. JJ didn't know that. She mentions that Clyde made Stefan and Ava work together. Gabi would still be married if it wasn't for Clyde, so she's in.

Julie asks Hope about Shawn Douglas and Bo. She's sorry about Bo. Julie knows Bo feels her presence there. Julie tells Hope that Doug is better and got up to dress the turkey (did he put on a dress?) Hope can't talk to him since he's resting now. Julie says they miss her so much and can't wait to see her again.

Chad's on phone with Clyde, wants to know his plan? He writes on paper and tells Clyde he still has her. Chad says he lied to her about helping her find her mother. He won't hand her over to Chad unless he has information first about Abby. Jack and Jen return. Jack wants to know about Clyde? Chad says he got time and place. They have to leave now.

Cat wonders how since it's Thanksgiving? Chad says he's had the DiMera jet on standby. Jack asks if they're going without backup? JJ comes home and asks what's going on? Chad says we have to fly out and meet him today. Jen says us. JJ says he's going with Gabi. They're going as decoys. Jen says no. She says Chad and JJ not going. Just send her.

After they hug, Lani says she's sorry they have to disappoint her. Eli says they'll be back soon. Lani hands out turkey cookies the twins helped make. Paulina says Chanel will be by later to get real food after going to the DiMansion. Abe eats a cookie and Eli goes to see Julie before dinner.

JJ stands in front of Jen. He says it's his decision and he's going. Jen would like to know where Abby's body is, but it's not worth the risk for him to go. JJ says Clyde needs to be brought to justice, so we won't be afraid of him. Julie walks in and says hi to Jack and Jen, then asks what's going on? She points finger at Cat and asks what she did now?

Chad says it's Clyde and they have to leave now. He wants Julie to watch the kids, and will tell them what happened when they get back. Chad leaves to say goodbye to the kids. JJ tells Doug they're sorry to leave and miss dinner. Julie says they will have celebration when they get back. Jack says to be safe. Jen tells Cat she needs to pray that both of them come back safely to us or else Clyde won't be the only one responsible.

Julie talks to Jen and Jack after everyone leaves. She says she should have gotten a smaller turkey. Jack says maybe Chad and JJ can put an end to the nightmare. Julie says they have to be brave for the kids and they will argue who gets the wishbone. Julie says dinner's ready. Jen's getting the kids. Julie wants Jack to get Doug.

Lani, Paulina and Abe are eating turkey cookies. Paulina is happy Lani's here. Lani says she is too. Paulina talks about last year's Thanksgiving with Lani in prison, Abe with amnesia and her being sick. Paulina says things better this year. Lani's out of jail, she's cured and Abe started a soap opera.

Julie's on couch when Eli comes in with a container of turkey cookies. They hug, and discuss how much they miss each other. Julie has Eli take the container to dining room. She wants to get Alice's candlesticks for dinner. Eli asks about Doug? Julie says Jack is getting him since he's been napping.

Jack is upstairs by the bed. He shakes Doug. He shakes him again. He gets on his knees and touches Doug's head.

Jen finds Eli in the dining room. They hug and discuss where Lani and the kids are. Eli says they will come later. Jen says Charlotte and Thomas are excited to play with them. Jen tells Eli that JJ and Chad had to leave and it's a long story.

Chad's talking to Tom and Alice's plaque in the square. He asks for their help to bring Abby home. Cat comes up and apologizes for what happened with Jack and Jen. Chad says he's tired of the apologies (me too). He wants to move forward to bring Clyde down. JJ and Gabi arrive. Chad tells Gabi thank you for helping and sorry there wasn't much notice. She left dirty dishes and didn't tell Rafe what she was doing. Gabi is happy to bring down Clyde. She tells Cat it's her fault for them doing this. Cat says she got it already from Jack, Jen and Julie. Gabi is surprised she agrees with Julie for once.

Julie is holding the candlesticks when Jack comes downstairs. She asks Jack where Doug is? Jack tells Julie he tried to wake Doug. He's so sorry. Julie drops a candlestick. Jack catches her when she feels faint.
I agree with Chad, I'm tired of all of the apologies from Cat.

I'm also tired of all the non-perfect yet posing as perfect people pretending they are horrified in what Cat has done.

I'm very happy Eli and Lani turned down Paulina, something we haven't seen a lot of, refusing Paulina her wishes.

Tomorrow will be a rough day for Salem and their fans.
Problems with Missy Reeves (Jennifer) aside, she is so Jennifer to me. I like the replacement but my heart is with this one. I wish she had got to play the scene where Jennifer rejects Fabby, as it was not done well.

Abe, SHUT UP and stop trying to hire non acting family members and friends for your stupid show.

Doug is going to hurt.
Great job, Kat!

I thought the same thing about the twins. Too old for the stroller. Aren't they three or four now? Pre-school next year was mentioned. Last time we saw them, they were sitting on laps, now they are back in a stroller.

So glad to see Melissa Reeves back as Jennifer. It's too bad Chad didn't get to tell her and Jack about the plan before they saw Cat.

I understand the decoy plan but do fear it will go sideways.

Had a feeling Paulina would ask Eli and Lani to return to the force in Salem. It sounds like they have a good set up where they are now, and Lani working part time in the pre-school is ideal.

Agree about the choice of Jack to discover that Doug had passed was a good one.

That last scene was well done and heartbreaking. I felt bad for Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie) having to relive Bill Hayes' (Doug) death. She was flawless.
I thought the same thing about the twins. Too old for the stroller. Aren't they three or four now? Pre-school next year was mentioned. Last time we saw them, they were sitting on laps, now they are back in a stroller.
Carver and Jules were born on 12/24/2020. In real life they should be almost 4 years old. But considering what a pain it is to have babies/toddlers on the set, I can see why they pretended the twins were in the stroller. Easier than hiring two sets of twins to play them, and all the extra expenses that go into having babies/children on-screen.
If Lani and Eli wanted to ruin their lives, they’d have slavishly acceded to Paulina’s wishes. I also doubt that Eli would want his wife anywhere near her ex-nun friend, Kritter Kristen. Speaking of Lani, why couldn’t she join the cops? Ex-con Hope was once police commissioner.

If Rafe could see the anti-Clyde posse in action, he’d just shake his head. It would also show him that he was right to quit the Salem P.D. Why should he be a cop when people are taking the law into their own hands?

Dumping on Cat is becoming tiresome. Perhaps she should wear a “kick me” sign on her back.

Finally, it’s all very sad about Doug. He deserves the best send-off the show can put together.
If Lani and Eli wanted to ruin their lives, they’d have slavishly acceded to Paulina’s wishes. I also doubt that Eli would want his wife anywhere near her ex-nun friend, Kritter Kristen. Speaking of Lani, why couldn’t she join the cops? Ex-con Hope was once police commissioner.

Dumping on Cat is becoming tiresome. Perhaps she should wear a “kick me” sign on her back.
What crimes were Lani and Hope convicted of? I wasn't watching when those things happened.

I agree about Cat. It's ridiculous.
Lani shot her biological father. Hope shot Stefano.
Thanks, but you didn't really answer the question that was asked. I asked what specific crimes they were convicted of and depending on the circumstances shooting someone might not be ruled a crime and even if it was, I doubt either one was convicted of "shooting".

Presumably, you're suggesting murder or attempted murder, but I'm only guessing about that since you didn't say that.