Days of our Lives - Thursday, April 25, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
37 minutes with lots of Konstantin.

Establishing shot of Titan’s offices. Theresa comes in with the last of the things she needs to turn in to the CEO of Titan, and not HR or IT, including the last of the back-up drives. (She is wearing a black V-neck dress with side slits that go up to there.) Theresa and Alex need to have a conversation about the paperwork Maggie needs to sign in order to come back to the company. Alex wants Theresa to take them over to Maggie. Theresa tells Alex to grow a pair as Maggie and Alex will be working together and he needs to figure out just how to do that.

Kristen is on the phone saying she’d love to chaperone her daughter’s field trip, then she realizes that she does not have the required skill set to wrangle a bunch of elementary school brats. (her words not mine) Kristen pawns off the chaperoning job to Brady.

John and Steve sit outside and discuss the missing Mrs. Konstantin. Shane has informed Steve that the extension of Konstantin’s visa was denied. John and Steve believe that will take Konstantin out of Maggie’s life.

Sarah and Xander are at the K-Mansion, Maggie tells them that Konstantin’s visa has expired. Xander replies appropriately with hallelujah. Maggie says we have tried to figure out how to keep him here but failed, Xander says hallelujah, part two. She then drops the other shoe that she will be marrying the Kon man.

Steve and John talk about all the things they will do once Konstantin leaves Salem. John is worried about the RETURN OF THE PAWN. They ramble on and on. John thinks Konstantin is going to make his long game a short game to get Maggie’s money.

Xander is not fond of this idea of Maggie and Konstantin. Maggie tells them it will be in name only. Xander tells Maggie he won’t let her go through with this.

Kristen is trying to convince Brady to take on the chaperone job. Only supervised visits and this would qualify as it would be beautiful.

Theresa's leaning over the table in her V neck dress giving Alex a good long look. She turns down a dinner with Alex because she is going to look for work. Once Victor’s will clears probate, Alex will be moving back into the K-Mansion. Alex will give Theresa a glowing reference. They part as friends. Alex tries to put his little Alex back to rest.

Xander tells Maggie that she’s making a huge mistake. Alex walks in. Both Alex and Xander think Maggie will be a huge asset to the company. Maggie tells Alex that in full disclosure, she and Konstantin will be getting married. I have absolutely no idea what face Alex makes upon hearing the news.

Theresa runs into Konstantin who has red roses and candy. She teases "are those for me?" Konstantin tells her they are for his fiancée; did Theresa forget he is betrothed? It’s emblazoned on Theresa’s brain. Konstantin says we should have a double wedding. He then recaps the changing of the letter about Alex being Victor's child.

Alex reacts to the news and is not thrilled. He doesn’t think anyone is going to be happy. Alex tells Maggie she’s going to do what she’s going to do, but his vote is in the nay column. He goes to leave and Xander wants to walk him out, but Alex says no. Xander insists. This leaves Maggie to attempt to explain it to Sarah, who is supportive, but not. Sarah's not on board, but she gets a promise from Maggie to protect her heart. IF Konstantin hurts Maggie, forget Xander, Konstantin will have to deal with Sarah.

Kristen is on the phone talking with someone on how to set up a scholarship. Whoever this person is they will send all the information over to Kristen. Rachel comes in with a paper her mom needs to sign so Rachel can go see the biggest whale in the world. Kristen says well maybe not the biggest, but the most famous. Kristen breaks the news to Rachel that Daddy will be taking her, not Mommy. Rachel is less than thrilled. Rachel says I thought you told me I can’t be alone with Daddy. Kristen says but you won’t be alone, you will have Lily and Pepper and Wyatt there, all your friends. Rachel wants both Mommy and Daddy to go.

Theresa ends up at the Pub and sits with Brady as he picks at his food. She tells of clearing out her desk at Titan. Theresa is all teary as she feels she’s a total failure.

John and Steve continue a pointless conversation that goes in circles about the shooting of the mysterious Catharina. And the sudden dropping of hatred of the killer of the girl. Konstantin wanders in and tells them that Johns not to blame for the death of his daughter but Steve is, who didn’t do a good job handling the pawn.

Brady and Theresa talk about their sobriety, and their sober times, and their not so sober times. Now Theresa can do what she wants to do.

Kristen and Rachel talk of how Mommy and Daddy don’t always get along. Kristen tells Rachel that she and Brady are working on getting along better. She explains that she has a boyfriend, his name is Alex Kiriakis. Rachel runs off to get a cookie. Kristen calls Alex, asking if he has plans tonight? Alex doesn’t have plans but Kristen does.

Alex and Xander discuss the lack of Konstantin’s good points.

Steve, John and Konstantin talk about how Konstantin blames Steve for the death of Catharina. Steve tells John that Konstantin is trying to create a rift between the two of them.

Alex is at the DiMansion and apparently the conversation is taking place in Kristen’s bedroom. Kristen thought that the bedroom would be a nice private place. She thinks to amp up the plan, the two of them need to spend the night together so that when Rachel comes into the room in the morning to get her permission slip, she will find Alex in bed with Mommy and go blab to Brady.

Alex thinks traumatizing a child is not the best idea. Kristen is rubbing up against Alex, neither of these two are especially moral creatures so it’s a plan. Kristen will have Cook fix dinner and they can stream a movie before bedtime. Alex doesn’t think they should pretend to be lovers. Cue the hot steamy sex.

Brady and Theresa continue to drink empty coffee cups and talk about nothing. Brady has things to do so he has to leave. Theresa has to get home to Alex.

Konstantin comes home with his flowers and candy. Ellie will arrange the flowers, but before that, Maggie wants Konstantin to read the pre-nup. Konstantin is shocked. Maggie tells him once it’s signed, we can set a date. Konstantin signs the form. Maggie puts it in the safe in the living room as Konstantin watches.

Xander and Sarah discuss Maggie and Konstantin. Xander is uneasy with this. Sarah brings out the "people can change", as we know, Xander. Xander agrees that Maggie deserves happiness and love but Xander wants her to find it with someone who isn’t a gold-digging reprobate with ties to organized crime. He will not accept Konstantin into the family.

More less-than-thrilling talk between Theresa and Brady. Theresa continues to pick at Brady’s meal. She is hurt by the non-proposal thing. Did she go too far?

Meanwhile Kristen and Alex are getting busy. A song is playing in the background the lyrics “You’d better watch out, things are going to change.”

Jason will get to write up the rest of the Kristen/Alex activity tomorrow for those waiting anxiously.
Kristen is old enough to be Alex's mother. What the blazes is wrong with the writers? Do they just put names in hats, (one male names, the other female) shake them up, then draw a name from each, and voila! this is how we get to pair up a new couple????
When Rachel sees Asinie Alex and Kreepy Kristen in bed together, I have  HUNCH all heck is going to break loose.

I want someone to toss Konstantin into a hungry alligator infested swampy pond. Or would that be cruelty to animals??

How much longer will Konstantin be on screen?

Since NO ONE here likes him can I start a thread of ways for Konstantin to meet his demise? Where would it be placed?
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Wow. Of all the times Kristen has proven to be a terrible mother, this one really takes the cake. To PURPOUSFULLY plan to have your child walk in on you and a man in bed together for the sole purpose she will run to her daddy to squeal. Wow, just wow.

And being so hateful to kids she can't go on a field trip with her daughter who really wanted mommy on the trip with her???

Rachel is annoying and spoiled, but she deserves a way better mother than Kristen can ever even dream to be.

It's just absurd. This episode sounds boring with all the Konstantin mess and absolutely absurd with the poor parenting of Rachel. Brady needs to regain full custody. And not just that, Rachel needs to see her mother for what she is and WANT to be back with her daddy.
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Why on earth would the school ask Kristen to chaperone? Have they not met her? So Alex says you want to traumatize your child but then says oh, she'll know if we aren't actually doing it? These are 2 of the most despicable characters. I love Robert Scott Wilson (Alex) but hate Alex. And if 60 year old Kristen gets pregnant I will scream bloody murder. I wish Brady would tell Rachel that the only reason she was conceived was because mommy was wearing a Nicole mask. Talk about traumatizing a child.

Hate seeing Konstantin and a picture of Victor behind him. He did look surprised about the pre-nup so I guess he is stupid. But Maggie put it in the safe with him behind her and I know he was quite a distance away, but I bet her saw her do combination and will steal it. He is a also a despicable character and I am so tired of him and Maggie being played for the fool. Enough to this nonsense.
Are we not allowed to have any romance at all on this show? It already made no sense that Alex and Theresa were so tight in the blink of an eye. When they broke up or whatever I barely knew they were together. Now he really wants her back but not so much that he has to keep it in his pants? Kristen makes the 6th woman that's he's been with since entering the scene. Gross. He's hit rock bottom.
It’s not the number of people Alex has screwed. It’s how senseless the sex is. There’s no reason for him to sleep with Kristen. I can’t even imagine why he’d want to. She stabbed Victor and is a general menace. I don’t get this. How is this supposed to get Theresa to take him back? What’s his goal again?
What’s his goal again?
Sex Alex and Brady seem to exist solely for sex and coffee for Brady and mixed alcohol for Alex
he (Konstantin) steals the pre-nup?
In Salem Days or actual days? I'm guessing in 2 Salem days and in real time late next month, would be my best guess.
Way too much creepy Konstantin today. If the Salem Aquarium has a piranha tank, he should be tossed into it. E.g.: Rachel: Daddy, there’s a creepy old man in the fish tank and they are eating him! Isn’t it cool?!

Alex and Kritter crossed the line from tasteless into total yuck territory. A young guy like Alex getting hot and heavy with the likes of old Granny Kristen is just not believable. And as the old saying goes, “how low can you go?”

Xander should call Immigration and report a fraudulent marriage. In the past, Salemites have been shot off the altar. Why not one dragged away by INS agents?. After all, if the woman who informed on John Dillinger to the FBI was deported, why not the grubby grifter?

Finally, if poor Maggie feels that she has to make up for Victor’s misdeeds, she’ll be busy for the rest of her. Just apologizing to all the women who were the target of Victor’s one-liners would be a full-tie job for quite a while
Thanks robin.

I'm surprised the lawyers didn't tell Maggie marrying Konstantin to keep him in the country and not for love
is against the law. It would be in most states, but it's Salem.

I'm glad the lawyers were smart and made a prenup. We can only hope John, Steve or someone will stop
the wedding in time. Maybe Nick the ghost can show up :)

So, Kristen and Alex can both put another notch on their bed posts. Will Rachel find them in the morning?
Will she tell Brady, and then Theresa finds out? Oh my.

Why was Theresa going to take home the back-up drive of Bella? Wouldn't that be company property?
Alex and Kritter crossed the line from tasteless into total yuck territory. A young guy like Alex getting hot and heavy with the likes of old Granny Kristen is just not believable. And as the old saying goes, “how low can you go?”
Alex is supposed to be older than Brady. Robert Scott Wilson (Alex) is several years younger than Eric Martsolf (Brady). As I've mentioned in other threads Stephanie and Theresa are older than Brady according to their birth dates (both in 1990 while Brady was born in 92) Wasn't Alex born in 87 or 88? I'm guessing Xander is supposedly older than Alex but who knows at this point.
Ah, actors have the ability and opportunity to play all kinds of ages, and Days does go overboard with it. They SORAS characters, to fit a story they want to tell, not taking into account how it ages the parents of those characters.

One day the actor is the parent of a 6 yr. old, the next a 16 yr. old, and 6 months later that actor is now the parent of a 22 yr. old, who is pregnant, or about to be a father. And so, we either lose the older actors, or the younger ones.......just get written out.
Alex is supposed to be older than Brady. Robert Scott Wilson (Alex) is several years younger than Eric Martsolf (Brady). As I've mentioned in other threads Stephanie and Theresa are older than Brady according to their birth dates (both in 1990 while Brady was born in 92) Wasn't Alex born in 87 or 88? I'm guessing Xander is supposedly older than Alex but who knows at this point.
Xander is younger than Alex. When he first came on the show, he told Brady he looked up to him as the big brother he never had, so he is in the birth era of Philip, Belle, Chloe circa 1993

The casting of Alex has messed up all the other characters who are the appropriate age order. No surprise there
I don't believe Kristen can get pregnant. Rolf had to make a miracle so she could have Rachel. And it was due to her age!! Someone mentioned boobs. Why do they try make tiny boobs come together? Looks plain stupid.
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