Days of our Lives - Monday, September 9, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 minutes good show today

Night, dark shot of the townhouse.

Tater Tot talking with grandpa about telling Holly Bolly about how daddy dearest died. Tater feels it’s his responsibility. His fault that Holly is upset. John disagrees, it’s not Tate’s fault.

Eric runs into the now very snotty Holly who tells him it makes sense that he would come to town to stick up for his brother, considering what he (Eric) did. Cue stunned response from Eric.

Back to the all-purpose interrogation room and Brady can’t believe that EJ just dropped the charges. Justin tells Brady that there is no proof. Brady says but I did it, Justin says did you? Brady is upset that he’s not spending time in jail. He thinks Justin went against his wishes. Poor Justin, finally gets a win and Brady makes him feel like it’s a loss.

Xander is in the K-Mansion talking with Maggie about how just a few short months ago, he and his mum were completely estranged. He now relies on his mum, Sarah knew exactly what he needed. As Xander is saying all of these kind words, Mummy is upstairs trying to smother his beloved Sarah. But she pulls back, she can’t do it, but can she? Sarah can’t remember.

Xander is telling Maggie that he is grateful to have her in his life, she’s a splendid mum, grandmum and a gem of a human being. Maggie takes the compliment.

Justin comes in and Xander goes off on him. Justin tells Xander that Brady is a free man.

Ava runs across Brady sitting outside the Brady Pub. She wants to know if she’s consorting with a wanted fugitive? Ava thought he’d be in jail. Brady tells Ava that he thought confessing to a crime would have done it but nope, he’s a free man.

John got Eric’s voicemail as he called to tell Eric that Holly knows. Tate still feels terrible. John assures Tate that it’s not his fault. He asks Tate how he found out about it? Tate tells of overhearing his mom and Grandma Kimberly talking about it. Tate never said anything because he thought it was a family secret that everyone knows but no one talks about. Tate just assumed that Nicole had told Holly.

Eric isn’t trying to defend Brady; Eric is there to support Brady. Holly tells Eric, I know what you did, I know you killed my father. Eric doesn’t know what to say. Apparently, Eric had 17 years to tell Holly but he never did. Holly can’t believe that her entire family kept this secret. She wanted to look it up online but she’d hear her mom’s voice in her head, saying you don’t want all those gory details, so she’d stop, beside the guy was just some rando who died in the accident at the same time too. But he didn’t die, he was living right under her roof.

Tate is worried about Holly. John tries to talk sense into Brady. Holly was furious with Tate, for what? John says for what? Telling her the truth about her dad? Tate says well this came out during a big fight. John asks what was that fight about? Tate explains that Holly doesn’t like that Tate supports his dad after what he did to her Aunt Sarah. She doesn’t understand how he could possibly want to support Brady. John looks on.

Ava tells Brady that is sounds like he has a good lawyer. Brady can’t be held legally responsible, but morally he is guilty. Ava reminds Brady that she was there the night of the wedding and she was drinking and she drank with him. A month-long bender that resulted in the accident.

Mummy dearest is smothering Sarah as Xander walks in. Fiona recovers nicely, Sarah has fallen asleep Fiona was making her comfortable. Sarah wakens and Xander tells of the distressing news. Brady is a free man. The DA isn’t pressing charges? Fiona is curious if they have another suspect? Xander tells Sarah that now it’s up to her to remember the driver, she is going to have to put Brady behind bars.

Justin tells Maggie that Xander seemed pretty upset. Maggie suggests Justin should lock his door till Xander calms down. She still doesn’t think Brady did it.

Ava and Brady discuss drinking. She thinks she should have checked on Brady. Brady asks why? Ava said she felt bad that Brady was drinking alone. She was going to say something but then she knew he wouldn’t be driving home. Brady says how did you know that? Ava tells Brady he was talking with that woman; she had an accent. Brady looks off into space.

Fiona grills Sarah about her tiny memory. Xander thinks Sarah should just say that she sees Brady. Sarah says NO and I’m not pleased that you’ve suggested it. Xander says he’s just so desperate to make Brady pay, then oh wait, Dr. Evans helps people access their memories, she’s an expert, right? Sarah agrees that Marlena does do hypnosis. Xander tells Sarah that she can see Marlena and recover her memories. Fiona looks less than pleased.

John tells Tate that he can’t blame Holly about how she feels. But Tate says Holly can’t understand that he wants to be there for his dad. John tells him that he knows, just like he will always love his son no matter what. John also tells Tate he doesn’t think they know the whole story either. Tate asks if John thinks it’s possible that his dad is innocent?

The dark park where Eric and Holly continue their conversation. Eric explains that Nicole and him hated lying to Holly. He tries to explain that Holly wasn’t even born yet. Holly tells Eric that he not only killed her father but he stole his life too. You married his fiancée, then raised his daughter. Holly gets sick looking at Eric now. Eric tells of being a family when Holly was a child. She says so what, is he going to throw her under the bus again?

Eric tries to explain he thought of Holly as his daughter, (she could be) he didn’t want to ruin their relationship. Holly informs him that the truth has ruined it as she now truly hates him. She calls out Eric on being a hypocrite. How she would go to Eric as her real dad. But the truth is she’d have a real dad if it hadn’t been for him. Eric says that Nicole hated him as much as Holly does now. Holly says she will NEVER EVER NEVER forgive Eric.

John explains that Brady may have information about the accident that we don’t know yet, and that he will stand by his son forever, just like I’ll stand by you forever too.

Maggie is having issues with Brady. He’s family and she feels like she let him down, She's worried about how she will react when she sees Brady next. How will Sarah react? Maggie wonders what Victor would do so she talks to the picture. Justin holds her.

Ava and Brady talk, Ava was checking to make sure he wasn’t going to drive, nope she knew he was going to walk back to the Salem Inn with that woman. Brady doesn’t want Ava to tell anyone that she saw Brady with that woman. Why, is the woman married or something? Brady responds with a she’s a something, she’s Xander’s mother. Ava is amused.

Fiona thinks hypnosis is a cheap parlor trick. Sarah tells her that there is strong medical research showing it’s effective with a professional. Fiona doesn’t think it would hold up in a court of law. Sarah reminds Xander that Brady is Marlena’s stepson, she might not be willing to put him away. Xander tells Fiona and Sarah that Marlena is a woman of integrity, she will do the right thing. Fiona wonders if Marlena would. Fiona reminds Xander that he at one time shot Marlena. Xander wants to know how his mum knows about that? Fiona flashes back to a shirtless Brady telling Fiona about the time Xander shot him (Brady) and oh yeah, he shot my stepmother too.

Justin is telling Maggie that there is a very good chance this entire case isn’t over. Maggie wonders how? Justin tells of EJ looking for evidence of Brady hitting Sarah. Maggie says that Sarah had a short snippet of memory.

Xander asks mummy dearest just how she knew that tidbit of information? Fiona tells of doing a bit of internet searching of Xander’s past. Sarah and Fiona want to drop this, Xander wants the man who hurt his Sarah put away.

Ava didn’t know that Xander’s mom was in town. She's having a ball with the knowledge of Brady and Fiona getting it on. Ava promises Brady she won’t say anything, then offers to be an ear for Brady if he ever needs to talk.

John and Tate are watching baseball on the TV. Tate is worried about Holly and not paying attention to the game at all. John tells Tate it wouldn’t hurt to check in with Holly; to let her know he (Tate) is there when and if she wants to talk.

Eric tells Holly he isn’t expecting her forgiveness, but he does want her to know how truly sorry he is. That her father was a good man. Holly says yeah, that’s the thing, I never got the chance to know him because of you, then she leaves, Eric sits and has a flashback of a younger Eric talking with Sarah about how Holly’s dad died. Sarah tells Eric he’s a good man who made a mistake. Eric calls Nicole he tells her that it’s late, and is sorry for waking her.

Holly comes home and tells Maggie that she’s just found out who really killed her dad.

Tate sends Holly a message. John assures him that Holly will contact him when it’s time. Brady walks into the apartment. Tate is happy. Hugs all around.

Justin walks into the pub. He wants a burger. But alas the pub is closed, but the front door is unlocked. Ava offers to make Justin a burger when she prepares her own for the evening meal. She says she heard that Justin did something kind today for a client. Justin said yes, but no one is happy, not my client, not part of my family. He assures her he is good for the cost of the burger.

Fiona takes the soup downstairs to reheat because it’s certainly gotten cold, by now. 30 seconds after Xander brought it in but anyway she leaves with the soup. Xander says he knows that Sarah’s physical recovery is important. But he needs to put Brady away for doing this to her. Fiona is listening at the door. She can’t let Sarah remember.
The storyline would be more compelling if it took the characters' histories into account. Maggie, not Xander, should be the one pushing for Brady's conviction. Furthermore, given how often Brady has been framed for crimes, he shouldn't be so quick to confess.
Great job, Robin!

Agree, good show.

Holly had a right to her missive directed at Eric, and Nicole was so wrong to keep this from her. As I said before, when she was old enough/mature enough (let's not go there!), she and Eric, together, should have told her the truth. The way she found out about Daniel's death was terrible. I just hope, in time, she will forgive Eric. Since he now lives in Paris, she won't have to see him much. There goes my hunch that she will move to Paris after breaking up with Tate. I don't see that happening, though she still might break up with Tate.

Are there hints of an Ava/Brady pairing? They both need a break from romance for a while.

At least, thanks for Ava, Brady recalls Fiona. Wil he now remember Small Bar and go there to find answers? That waiter will probably run away when he sees Brady. If he is there, Brady needs to play it smart and say he wants to apologize for his behavior that night but can't remember what happened, could he fill him in?

If Brady confronts Fiona, of course she will lie yet again.

What is Fiona going to do now, try to kill Marlena so she doesn't hypnotize Sarah? She can't interfere with that, can't be in the room. I should hope that Sarah and Xander pick up on how she seems to be stopping Sarah from remembering. I really hope Sarah clearly sees Fiona.

Lines are definitely drawn in the sand with several family members involved in the car accident. If you support/stand by one person, then how can you do the same for the other?

Good scenes between Tate and John.

What would Victor say? He would say there must be evidence/proof. Period.
The storyline would be more compelling if it took the characters' histories into account. Maggie, not Xander, should be the one pushing for Brady's conviction. Furthermore, given how often Brady has been framed for crimes, he shouldn't be so quick to confess.
But even Maggie was framed for the accident that killed Adrienne and ultimately Baby Mickey (Sarah's baby). So she understands that things aren't always what they appear to be. She thought she was responsible until shown that she wasn't, so she'd understand that there might be more to this case.
I had a hard time with the timeline what with Holly NOW being 17, Daniel's death not that long ago, the happy couple of Sarah and Eric, the not pictured but also not forgotten happy couple of Brady and Nicole and the hardware store in Canada. And let's not forget the happy couple of Nicole and Rafe tossed into the mix. Just when were happy Daddy Eric and happy Mommy Nicole supposed to tell semi adult Holly?
I really wish Daniel had died in 2007. Then I'd never have had to see him, as I wasn't watching the show then.
I am so fortunate. I skipped 2007 through 2018 and missed all the Daniel years. Alas I did see him when I went back to watch Xander's early appearances, and I am confident I would have loathed him.
I thought Fiona was going to change her mind about smothering Sarah, but nope. Yeah, no one can know I hit her so I'll just kill her. Is she going to kill Marlena so she can't hypnotize Sarah? Still no one notices that every time they want Sarah to remember, Fiona wants to stop it?

Eric was being a little dense with Holly. With what she was saying he should have known she already knew the truth. It's a sad situation but he did kill her dad. They did give explanation as to why Holly never googled it before. Nicole said she didn't want her to read the gory details.

I'm surprised that Brady told Ava that the woman was Xander's mom.

When Maggie was looking at Victor's picture and said wish you here, I said me too.
Am I correct in remembering that when Eric drove drunk and killed Daniel, that Brady was also involved in the accident and in fact got Daniel’s heart as he needed a transplant? Now how is Holly going to react to that fact when she finds this out?
Am I correct in remembering that when Eric drove drunk and killed Daniel, that Brady was also involved in the accident and in fact got Daniel’s heart as he needed a transplant? Now how is Holly going to react to that fact when she finds this out?
Yes, Brady, who was also injured, got Daniel's heart after the accident. It would appear Holly doesn't know that Tate's dad has her father's heart.
After Brady got Daniel's tan heart, Brady and Nicole ran off taking infant Holly and Toddler Tate, to keep Holly with Biological Mom not Birth Mom Chloe. Xander found them and that's when Brady was shot by Xander. Brady's heart stopped beating, all feared he was dead and Nicole laid baby Holly on Brady's clean no scar chest and it started beating again? Brady and Nicole never went back to Canada or the hardware store ever again after that, or am I confusing a couple of stories.
If foolish Brady is so determined to be punished, he ought to play the role of Nancy Drew and find evidence against himself that DA EJ could use against him.

Foolish Holly’s anger at sad sack Eric is understandable, but directing her harsh words against him is just adding to the misery of a man who’s already been severely punished by life.

Fiona must be busted. It would make for a good scene if Toto from “Wizard of Oz” ran into the K-mansion and bit her on the butt, causing Sarah to say: “Mom, Toto hates witches. Is he trying to tell us something?!”

Finally, how would Holly react if some unkind person told her that if her father was still alive, by now his raging libido would have caused him to commit some sexual crime that put him in prison?
Thanks, robin.

Is it still Labor Day? Ava told Justin that Roman gave the staff the day off.

Oh my, Ava knows Brady's secret about Fiona. Will Ava be able to keep it a secret? She might
tell Kristen. One of them may figure out Brady was at the Small Bar if John doesn't.

I'm glad Sarah told Xander she's not going to lie.

What will Fiona do now if Sarah sees Dr. Evans?
After Brady got Daniel's tan heart, Brady and Nicole ran off taking infant Holly and Toddler Tate, to keep Holly with Biological Mom not Birth Mom Chloe. Xander found them and that's when Brady was shot by Xander. Brady's heart stopped beating, all feared he was dead and Nicole laid baby Holly on Brady's clean no scar chest and it started beating again? Brady and Nicole never went back to Canada or the hardware store ever again after that, or am I confusing a couple of stories.
That's pretty much it. We got the ridiculous scenes in which Daniel's heart, struggling in Brady's chest, connected with his infant daughter and began to heal itself in Brady's chest. :rolleyes: