Days of our Lives - Monday, September 2, 2024

ShaunP(not ShawnD!)

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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37 minutes today - entirely about Body & Soul. We’re in for a long fall if this is what ReRon and company think is good writing. Happy Labor Day!

Apartment 227: Paulina and Abe can’t believe that Brady fell off the wagon and hit Sarah. Abe will call John later. But onto better things: Paulina is excited Abe is going to make Chanel a tv star.

DiMansion: Chanel is running lines when Johnny comes in and says good morning. She’s prepping for her audition.

Stephanie’s apartment: Alex comes in asking if Stephanie heard about Brady? They talk about how awkward things will be with the family since Justin is representing Brady, and Xander will be furious. Alex is really there to see about Stephanie’s laptop, which is in the shop and will be fine. She even got the job without it - working PR for Body & Soul. Alex may also be working on it.

Body & Soul office: Marlena walks in and Leo apologizes for canceling their date to watch Drag Race because he’s been swamped. She says the reason she’s there is to tell him they need to fire Hattie Adams so that she can play Charlemagne.

Pub: Roman brings Kate breakfast in an empty restaurant. He’s glad he could give the staff the day off for Labor Day. Kate wonders if he might consider closing for 2 days per week so she and Abe can film Body and Soul there?

Abe admits it was Johnny’s idea to cast Chanel, but she hasn’t even auditioned yet. Paulina’s not worried since Chanel is the total package.

Johnny worries if Chanel will be ok being away from the bakery if…when…she gets the part? She has it worked out with the staff and is excited about the audition, which Johnny says he will be directing. Chanel wonders if they’ve cast her love interest yet?

Abe told Alex he’d be perfect for the show. Stephanie asks if he’s ever acted before? He says no, but it can’t be that hard. She wonders if he’ll be able to convince people he’s someone else? He hopes so. Leo told him his character name is Arrow, and he’s a heartthrob with chiseled features and washboard abs. Stephanie says then you won’t have a chance.

Marlena tells Leo that Abe offered her the job first and now she wants it so Hattie has to go. She needs her BFF Leo to help her get her dream role. Leo says it’s not that easy. They can’t just fire Hattie without cause just because another actor wants the role. Plus, they’d have to pay out her contract. Marlena says she’ll do it for free. She doesn’t need the money. She’ll even offer Leo free therapy for a year.

Kate throws the pitch to Roman about how the crew would take care of everything to rent out the Pub. If he doesn’t do it for his wife, he should do it for his friend Abe.

Paulina gushes about Chanel being a star opposite whoever is cast as her love interest. So who is it? Alex Kiriakis. You’re joking, right?

Stephanie offers to run lines with Alex. He’s off-book. Stephanie reads the part of Faith and Alex kind of nails it.

Paulina’s worried that Johnny will have a problem with Alex being cast considering his history with both Allie and Chanel.

Johnny secretly hopes the guy is ugly. Chanel hopes not since Faith and Arrow are supposed to be the hot, young super couple, who both have evil twins, reminds Johnny. He has an idea of how to relax her before her audition, getting closer. Chanel grabs her tablet and says you’re going to run lines with me!

Stephanie continues to run lines with Alex, who is getting flustered, forgetting which word to use and the details about Dr. Stenbeck who was his surgeon after his brain transplant. He wants to take it from the top again.

Marlena lays it on thick with Leo reminding him that he thought Hattie was her and he should get rid of “that broad.” What’s it going to be: his BFF or that crazy Hattie Adams? Leo says even he has lines he won’t cross. Finally breaking character, Hattie admits she was acting as Dr. Evans to test his loyalty, hugging “Lenny.” Leo says don’t ever do that again, he’s had it up to here with doppelgangers. Cue Bonnie’s entrance.

Roman finally gives in and tells Kate she and Abe can film Body & Soul at the Pub two days per week. Kate asks if Roman will talk to Kayla about using the nurses' station for the hospital set?

Paulina hopes not to shock Abe with news about the history between Alex, Chanel, and Allie. Abe says that explains the love-hate chemistry when he saw them arguing at the Square. Paulina says it’s ancient history and as long as Johnny and Chanel are ok with Alex, it shouldn’t be a problem. Abe hasn’t told them about Alex yet. Paulina warns Abe to give them a heads up now before the audition.

This is so bad. I mean really bad. Alex and Stephanie continue with the scene about how Arrow recovered on a tropical island after Dr. Stenbeck transplanted his twin brother’s brain into him with a microchip containing Arrow’s memories. He fought a militia group on his way back to Pineview only to find Faith about to marry his father.

Faith only agreed to marry Drex after Arrow died in her arms and his brain was transplanted into Charlemagne to save her. And it was only when his ghost came to her at his grave on their 3rd wedding anniversary telling her to move on that she did. Arrow says that was Dr. Stenbeck’s AI-generated hologram that Drex ordered to control the family empire. But now they’re together and they need to believe in love. Stephanie reads it says they should kiss.

Johnny finishes the same line and kisses Chanel. She says if her scene partner kisses her like that they’ll have to carry her away. Johnny has to get used to the idea of some other guy kissing his wife. They head upstairs to the bedroom. Zoom in on a phone on the table with Abe calling.

Bonnie rips into Leo about the script and how Kassandra is supposed to be the star of the show but Charlemagne has more lines. Hattie defends Charlemagne’s character, but Bonnie thinks she’s Marlena. Once she realizes it’s Hattie she hugs her but Hattie isn’t happy since she thinks the star is Charlemagne. Leo sits down wondering what he’s gotten himself into.

Abe leaves a message for Johnny. Paulina doesn’t want them blindsided at the audition. Abe doesn’t want to cause problems for Chanel and Johnny’s marriage, but he couldn’t deny the chemistry when he saw Chanel and Alex arguing. He thinks it’s perfect for Faith and Arrow.

Alex pulls back from Stephanie saying he’ll leave the kiss for the audition. Stephanie encourages him and gives him the note to slow down and not race to finish the scene. They hug and he leaves.

Bonnie bursts into the Pub looking for Kate to talk about her grievances with the show. Kate already left to see Abe. Hattie walks in and asks Roman to decide which should be on the cover of Soaps and Style magazine?

Leo comes into Stephanie’s apartment gushing about her press release introducing him as the writer. He wants to see if she can get him an article in Soaps and Styles magazine. He thinks it should be titled “Queer as Soap.”

Paulina is more worried about Chanel and Johnny than Faith and Arrow. Kate knocks at the door, sharing the news that Roman agreed to let them film at the Pub. Paulina says while you’re delivering good news, your partner is causing issues.

Chanel and Johnny enter the Body & Soul office talking about the history of soap operas back in the 1930s that they researched. They start kissing as Alex walks in saying he’s here for his audition and with any luck, he’s going to be the Arrow to her Faith.
Body & Soul office: Marlena walks in and Leo apologizes for canceling their date to watch Drag Race because he’s been swamped. She says the reason she’s there is to tell him they need to fire Hattie Adams so that she can play Charlemagne.
So this scene begins, Leo is constantly talking to "Dr. Evans", who is answering him........but I am confused, wondering why Marlena is not speaking like Dr. Evans always does. She is blathering like Hattie does...........and of course, the truth eventually come out. Hattie it is! I don't get why Hattie continued letting Leo think she was Dr. Evans....Did I miss something?

ShawnP.....great job, thank you so much. You really nailed everything down.
Except she did not speak at all even close to how Dr. Evans would have been talking.............Weird.......

By the way, am from Chicago where the beginning of soaps began on radio in 1930. Wasn't alive then, but wonder if my mom listened. (Today is her birthday!) Come to think of it, she was from Milwaukee, and came to Chicago to go to nursing school, so undoubtedly was busy with classes then.

Happy heavenly birthday, Mom. Today was YOUR day. God Bless you, love you.
Thanks for the summary ShawnP! I won’t bother to watch this episode. I hope the storylines get better but I have my doubts. My subscription expires a week from today and I don’t think I’ll be renewing this time since there hasn’t been any good deals and I refuse to pay $80 for this kind of writing. But I am so thankful that to have the summary so I can check in to see what’s happening.
LOL, well, no one connected with the show would pan all this, they need their jobs. Thus they do their best to keep the viewers watching, trying hard to keep the show from being canceled. What is surprising is the NBC suits either didn't pay attention, or didn't care. (I have been told that they see the episodes /or scripts way in advance. Maybe not??)
Dear Lord, to quote Roman Brady: "What da' hell????" What in the world did I just read regarding that Body and Soul nonsense? Re-Ron's fake Body and Soul storylines are even worse than the ones they made up on Friends for when Joey played Dr. Drake Ramoray, like how he got a brain transplant from the woman who was the big star on the show (played by Susan Sarandon).
Thank you, ShaunP! I am sure it was laborius, especially on Labor Day, to watch and write the summary.

I knew immediately it was Hattie and not Marlena, and what a stupid stunt. And when Bonnie came in like a bull in a china shop, I wanted to scream at her, too.

I really dislike the Body and Soul story line, but I fear we are in for a bumpy ride, so fasten your seat belts.

Do we want Alex and Stephanie back together? No.

Will Chanel still want to audition knowing that Alex will be her love interest? Probably, because she really does seem to want this, even more than she wants to be involved with Sweet Bits. Instead of trying acting, how about franchising Sweet Bits, as was suggested before? Based on her reading the lines, even if for the first time, she has no acting talent.

Body and Soul should be canceled again before it even relaunches.

Leo is right questioning his agreeing to be part of this mess.
Bet she had fun with that scene. Has she ever said how she feels about playing Hattie?