Days of our Lives - Monday, September 16, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
39 minutes. Harold has a new title! I’m so disappointed in Super Max prisons in Salem.

At the Pub, Steve and Kayla are talking and eating but Steve is a million miles away. Steve tells Kayla that he can’t stop thinking about our not so deceased niece.

DiMansion, the said not so deceased niece is on the phone telling “someone” that Uncle Steve isn’t going to be as easy to fool as the other relatives. She’s upset about Steve grilling her and knows he doesn’t believe her. As Fake Abigail tells Mark she’s freaking out, Chad walks in.

Maggie comes into the living room so happy to see Sarah back home. Sarah tells of her visit with Eric and their nice little chat. She asks about Victoria. Maggie is pleased to report that Victoria is playing with her new toys up in her room. Ha! Got you, Victoria is of course sleeping. Maggie asks about the session with Marlena? Sarah tells her it was kind of a bust. Even with hypnosis it was a bust.

At the offices of Basic Black, a replay of Xander wanting to harm Brady and Fiona telling Xander to stop. Fiona tells of a confession. Xander turns and snarls what could you possibly confess to that would make me stop wanting to hit this son of a b-word?? Fiona looks off.

Steve and Kayla continue talking about how strange it is that Fake Abigail looks so different from real Abigail. Kayla tells Steve that Fake Abigail has several doctors, it’s easy to get them all confused. But Kayla knows Steve doesn’t believe Fake Abigail at all.

Fake Abigail turns to Chad and says, I didn’t see you walk in. Chad says it’s because it he is light on his feet. He asks Fake Abigail who she was talking with? Her story is really beyond stupid, but anyway here goes. Fake Abigail tells Chad she was ordering sushi, well, failing at ordering sushi. Chad tells Fake Abigail that he heard her say she was “freaking out”.

The cover up of the freaking out, was because Fake Abigail forgot the address to the DiMansion, remembered she doesn’t have a credit card, and the Estate Manager, Harold told her there were restaurants that have a running tab for the family and she forgot the pin number for the tab. Chad offers to text Harold and have him order her some dinner. Fake Abigail asks why Chad has dropped in? Like Victoria, his kids went to bed early. Chad spoke with Stephanie and heard they had a nice visit so he thought he’d come over. Fake Abigail thought Stephanie would have told Chad that Fake Abigail had lied to her.

Stephanie's sitting in her living room watching the urn of Everett forlornly, when who should knock on her door, but studly Alex. Stephanie invites Alex in. Alex wanted to be there for Stephanie. They agree to have drinks after a brief mention of Body and Soul that goes nowhere and is gone quickly.

Sarah tells Maggie that Marlena walked her through the accident, but when it comes down to it, Sarah just could not remember the details of the face. She couldn’t put Brady in the car. Maggie thinks that Xander had to be unhappy with the outcome. Sarah agrees, Maggie asks where is that handsome husband of hers? Sarah tells Maggie of the work emergency that came up. Maggie “hmmms”

Xander tells Fiona that he doesn’t plan on killing Brady, he’s just going to maim him, then tells Fiona to leave as this is going to get ugly. Fiona yells, Alexander you don’t understand! Xander asks just what don’t I understand? Brady and I slept together! Brady looks unhappy with that news, Xander is confused. (I’m not sure that this will help Brady’s future)

Chad and Fake Abigail talk about doctor names, family names.

Steve tells Kayla that the he thinks Fake Abigail is covering, Kayla interjects that’s code for lying about who she is talking too, when she’s on the phone. Steve asks Kayla well, if she’s not talking to a doctor, then who is she talking to about this plan? Kayla wants Steve to admit he doesn’t believe Fake Abigail is real Abigail.

Maggie wants to know just how was Xander after the failed session? Sarah does admit he was upset. But Sarah tells Maggie that she was so in her own head. Sarah went to the ladies’ room splashed water on her face, when she got out, Xander was gone, Fiona drove Sarah home. Maggie and Sarah are worried about Xander’s rage towards Brady and that he is going to have to get over it.

Xander asks Fiona why she would say anything so vile? Fiona tells Xander because it’s the truth. Don’t you remember I told you I was seeing someone? Xander’s brain flashes back to the men’s underwear he found in her hotel room, those were Brady's? I believe you can see his skin crawl, with this memory. Brady chooses this moment to try and interject words, Xander tells him to shut it and Fiona admits to Xander that yes, those men’s panties belonged to Brady.

Xander tells Fiona that he was actually happy for her that she had found someone. But all this time you’ve been sleeping with my nephew! Xander’s anger is at a 12 on a scale of 1-10. He grabs Brady by the collar and tells Brady that he’s changed his mind, he is going to kill him. Xander asks Brady that it wasn’t enough for you to drive drunk and hit my wife, but you had to bed my mum? Fiona tells Xander that it wasn’t like that, we didn’t know about the family connection when we met.

Xander thinks Brady slept with his mother because Xander shot Brady’s mom. Brady says no it’s not like that. Xander doesn’t think he can believe a word that comes out of Brady’s mouth. Fiona tells Xander that when she met Brady for the “first” time they were two lost souls. Xander wants to know just how many times were there?

Fiona tells him that doesn’t matter. So far throughout the entirety of these scenes Brady’s been standing looking like a lost puppy. Fiona tries to explain to Xander that she and Brady were lost souls looking for a place to land, that’s all it was. Xander’s brain click to another spot and he asks if they were both drinking?

Stephanie and Alex talk about Everett. A rehash of the story that we are all happy has ended. Alex tells Stephanie that she will eventually fall in love again. She’s the whole package. They hug and of course it moves to kissing.

Chad can’t believe that Steve was here. Chad tells Fake Abigail that she and Steve were very close before… Fake Abigail completes the sentence, before I died. Chad was surprised Steve took so long for him to come see her with is own two eyes. Fake Abigail responds his one eye. Chad high fives Fake Abigail for the joke. More conversation about returning from the dead and the overwhelming feelings.

Steve admits he doesn’t think she’s Fake Abigail has returned from the dead real Abigail. He tells Kayla about walking into the DiMansion and Fake Abigail was talking to the portrait of Stefano’s about her brother. Kayla says JJ? Steve tells her that’s who she said it was, but why would Fake Abigail be talking to a picture of her dead father-in-law about a brother she doesn’t remember? And that she didn’t have an answer.

Steve tells Kayla that he told Abigail about the time he returned from the dead, with someone else’s memories. Fake Abigail brought up the DNA report. Kayla tells Steve that you can’t lie with DNA. Steve reminds Kayla that DNA tests in Salem are rarely untampered with. He wants to talk about Abigail's face. Abigail was stabbed in the abdomen, so why would she need surgery on her face? Kayla brings up the accident, Steve says he has a lot of questions. Steve wants another DNA test run, just between the two of them.

Sarah is going to text Xander. Maggie stops her. Sarah's upset that Xander’s having a hard time. Maggie wants Xander to learn to manage his emotions on his own.

Xander point blank asks if Fiona had been drinking, has she fallen off the wagon and landed on Brady? No, they were both at a bad place and found each other. Xander can’t believe she has feelings for Brady Black.

Stephanie’s apartment, she and Alex are doing what she and Alex do. Alex stops, because Stephanie is in mourning and he isn’t over Theresa. He doesn’t want to jeopardize their friendship.

Kayla refuses to take another DNA test against Fake Abigail wishes. Kayla uses his full name on this no, Steven Earl Johnson. You will have to find another way to do this.
Gazing into each other’s eyes, finally Fake Abigail asks what’s in the bag? Amazingly their wedding album survived the fire and smoke damage. The album is from their 3rd wedding. Thomas and Charlotte were there. Chad tells of their entire life, Fake Abigail and Chad. How their entire life has been an adventure. Chad has memorized the wedding vows. Fake Abigail wants to hear them. Chad recites them.

IF these are the same vows, they are really hitting home to this story. Fake Abigail is tearing up listening to Chad. She is blown away and tells him that no one has ever said anything like that to her, ever. Then she covers and says that I remember. Chad tells her it’s true, then we exchanged rings, and Julie told me I could kiss my bride. They lean in to kiss, when Chad gets a call. Charlotte has had a nightmare. He goes to leave when Fake Abigail tells him to take care of our little girl. After a brief conversation Chad leaves and Fake Abigail breaks down.

Steve still at the pub, still trying to convince Kayla that Fake Abigail is fake. He brings Clyde into the conversation.

Maggie is going to check on what Cook is doing for dinner. Sarah is going to look in on sleeping Victoria.

Fiona tells that once she found out what Brady did to sweet Sarah, she ended it. Xander can’t believe two alcoholics met and only one was drinking but Fiona swears that’s the truth. Xander fires Brady and storms out.

Alex and Stephanie are watching “Ted” the talking Teddy bear movie and eating Chinese food. They are watching this movie on Peacock. (I’m not sure if it’s the movie or the TV series)

Xander has transported to the K-Mansion asks where Maggie is? He's told she's checking on dinner. Sarah asks Xander why he has a bat? Xander replies he saw Brady. Sarah looks horrified, you didn’t hurt him, did you? Xander tells of wanting to harm Brady, but his mom stopped him by telling Xander that she’s been sleeping with Brady.

Brady is packing up his belongings and thanks Fiona for saving his life. Fiona thanks Brady for not spilling that Fiona was also drinking. Brady tells Fiona that Xander has every right to want to hurt him. Fiona almost confesses but instead ends their relationship.

Steve and Kayla continue the confront Clyde Weston conversation. Kayla feels safe because no one has gotten into talk with Clyde. Steve is HELLO, have we met? Kayla “ugghhh's"

Fake Abigail sits on the couch looking at her 3rd wedding album, says she can’t do this anymore. She receives a text message “Why haven’t you gotten Chad back down the aisle yet? You know what’s going to happen if you don’t. Your friend, Clyde”
I think she was almost about to spill the beans to Xander, but then had second thoughts, so figured better for Xander to be angry over an affair between her and Brady, rather than confess she is the one who hit Sarah, then in a panic, took off.....
Nice job, Robin!

I was hoping Fiona would somehow alibi Brady, even if she didn't tell the truth, but she did nothing to help him, only made it worse. She will get caught eventually, but how much longer do we have to suffer through this mess?

I think Brady already resigned ahead of Xander's firing him.

Fake Abigail is definitely conflicted and not enjoying playing this part. Maybe she is falling for Chad. With Clyde as her "friend," she has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. She and her brother, Mark, are in this with no way out.

For once, Alex took the high road. I was glad of that, and his mentioning that Stephanie is mourning. I like their friendship. Will it stay this way?

I think if Thomas meets Fake Abigail, he will see right through her.

Darn it, Kayla! I get the ethics of her not allowing another DNA test without Fake Abigail's consent, but this is critical. The un-tampered DNA test will reveal no match to Jack. Steve will figure something out, he just has to.
How does Clyde have a phone in solitary confinement??? I never cared for Xander and I sure don't now. I still wonder if Sarah isn't sure about who hit her. Maybe Steve can find another way to out fake Abby. When do we ever find out what she and Dr. Greene have against who?? The DiMeras? ( I think "Abby" needed underwear under that dress!)
Well, I thought Fiona was crazy for telling Xander she slept with Brady. Thought he'd kill him then. He wanted to but she got him to stop again. This woman is never going to confess. I hope Sarah remembers. Maybe knowing Brady and Fiona have been together will do it.

I always liked Stephanie and Alex. He sure has changed. Surprised he's not over Theresa though. Had to get a little plug in there for Peacock. This is the first year I had to pay more than $19.99.

Laughed when Steve said oh middle naming me now. But when does Clyde ever tell the truth? Get another DNA test, Steve.

Chad goes to see Fabby (fake Abigail). No pressure but look at our wedding photos and let me recite my vows to you, but no pressure. Glad they got interrupted before they could kiss. This needs to end. And personally I don't want real Abigail to come back. I never thought she and Chad were soul mates. But would Clyde really put his name at end of text. Seems really really dumb.
I do like Xander. I want them to find out about Fiona so badly.

I do NOT like this fake Abigail mess. But I think her dress seemed fine, didn't look see-through or anything to me. Underwear would have given her weird and inappropriate lines.
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Xander did the right thing, managed his emotions and walked away, just like Maggie said he needed to learn to do. I think that was our takeaway there. I did like how grossed out he was about his mum and Brady. Who can blame him?

Love Steve and Kayla, they reminded me today of how good they were almost 40 years ago.

Chad is boring. His vows were boring. This story is losing me.

Stephanie and Alex were there.
What was Fiona's thought process when she told Xander about her and Brady? Did she really believe that Xander would be less angry with Brady after learning that Brady had not only paralyzed his wife but also had an affair with his mother?
I thought she was trying to give Brady a fake alibi. "Brady couldn't have hit Sarah that night because he and I spent the night together." But she didn't do that.
Darn it, Kayla! I get the ethics of her not allowing another DNA test without Fake Abigail's consent, but this is critical. The un-tampered DNA test will reveal no match to Jack. Steve will figure something out, he just has to.
Kayla could at least order a Abby/Jennifer DNA test (with Fabby's consent since it would be extremely suspicious if Fabby said no).
IF Li's one night terrible date can get a 13 week contract, I want the Small Bar waiter to get a 13 week contract. I'd like to see more of him. And he could tell the police that Brady and Fiona left together. Since Brady doesn't remember much else beyond waking up in his car the next morning, they COULDhave spent the night together.
Kudos to Steve. He’s always on target. Clyde, Fake Abigail, and dirty Dr. Greene are doomed. There’s no escape from the detecting wiles of Super Patch.

Alex got a break today — his new, improved self got in a little smooching action with Stephanie. This is a positive development since Alex’s luv options in Salem are quite limited unless he wants to dabble in granny sex. That said, I don’t share Alex’s enthusiasm for Ted, the obnoxious, rude, teddy bear. I once watched part on one Ted movie and found it unbearable.

Poor Brady was the picture of apathy and indifference today as he failed to react to Xander’s angry threats and baseball bat waving. Luckily, he was saved by witchy Fiona, which proves that she’s not all bad.