Days of Our Lives - Monday, June 5, 2023

It was another glorious day for University Hospital — nobody noticed that the “Eric” swab was from a woman.

It was good of Chef Xander not to give Chloe haggis. My wife once tried it on a tour of Scotland and found it inedible.

Megan, Kristen & Dimitri — barf, barf, barf. :sick::sick::sick:

Jada should have stayed at her desk. For all her nastiness, she didn’t learn a thing.

If there was any doubt, Sloan is now a true Salemite — faking a paternity test.

Poor, nervous Leo just doesn’t have what it takes to do serious investigative reporting. He should stick to high school graduations and dog shows.
It is SO irresponsible of Nicole to lie about the test results. If the baby gets sick, at anytime in their life, they need to have a REAL medical history from both parents. Would the powers that be, for the sake of "da plot," actually go down the road of this happening, and the baby's life is in danger? Then Nicole would be forced to tell the truth? While it would be cruel for her to lose a baby, I wouldn't be surprised, but disappointed and saddened.
O.K. what did I miss? When did Nicole lie???

All she did was say Eric was not the father according to the test result. Now Sloan lied, saying the swab was Eric's, which everyone believes......but it is actually of course it would not match up. Nicole doesn't know that. She believes the swab was Eric's, and so does Eric.

Color me confused. Did something happen??? Was there a real test?
Honestly I don't get how they were doing a DNA test on this baby at this point. And did Nicole actually go in to have something done herself? Maybe that was when she went to get the tests?
It was a paternity test.......Sloan was to get a cheek swab from Eric, but did it to herself, then turned in the swab saying it was Eric's. Only one swab was needed, since whatever the result (to a sample of Nicole's blood or cheek swab of positive or negative, would prove either the male donor was the father, or was not. And if not, then another man was the father. In this case since only 2 men are said to be possible fathers, if Eric's was negative it meant EJ is the father.

However, being the test was NOT done in the hospital, and was falsified by Sloan, the true father is still unknown to the audience.
Don't they need to test the baby though? I suppose Nicole could have gone in to have some procedure done to get the baby's DNA but it seems super early to be doing anything at all. I do realize I'm way overthinking this considering the show we're talking about.
Do the lab people necessarily know that the test was for paternity? Just the 2 DNA samples don't match??? It might not matter to them whether is was from a male or a female.

Maybe Kayla is going to shed more light on this.
No. They would know it was a paternity test. That’s a specific testing procedure that Kayla would have ordered. And my understanding is that checking the sex of the participants in the test is part of the procedure. In addition to checking the sex of the fetus (Nicole could know the sex of her baby now), they’d check the parent samples. For better accuracy, Nicole might have also submitted a sample. They would see that there was no Y chromosome in the paternal sample. Maybe they’d think something was mislabeled or contaminated, and they would say they needed another sample to run the test. Sloan would have some explaining to do.

You can test at 8 weeks, and I’m guessing that’s why Nicole had to wait a few days. She’s at 8 weeks now.