Days of Our Lives - Monday, June 5, 2023


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Dec 30, 2012
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Gwen is on the computer mumbling about Chloe when Leo comes in, upset about Colin and recapping for Gwen what happened. He is panicking and she seems uninterested at first until hearing the recap. They continue their boring conversation about whether or not Leo should go to the cops. Leo, for some reason, thinks Colin is attractive and wonders if they have chemistry. Gwen tells him to focus on other things, as she needs him to dig up dirt on others, Dimitri Von Leuschner, who Leo thinks is hot and Gwen thinks can be a good story.

Sloan is worrying about her brother as Jada enters, searching the trash bin for evidence. Sloan says she isn't dumb enough to hide her brother or evidence from the idiot police who lost track of Colin. Jada rips into her, telling her that if she is involved in Abe's disappearance or aiding & abetting her brother in any way, she and Colin will both pay. Sloan reminds Jada about conflict of interest and how Jada's sister is involved; Talia was the one committing the crimes Colin was accused of, wants her to hurry up and leave, mentions Nicole's pregnancy, possibly by Eric.

Sloan recaps the biscuit romp for Jada, who is shocked and upset, but decides to act uninterested. Sloan points out Jada's own pregnancy and relationship, blames Nicole. Jada found nothing, Sloan tells Jada about Leo and how he ran into Colin, Jada wants to know why she withheld such information. Sloan says it isn't her job to investigate, asks if Jada wants to arrest her as an accessory. Jada won't give Sloan the opportunity to sue for wrongful arrest. She warns Sloan she isn't yet off the hook and leaves.

We get yet another recap from Gwen about Dimitri's past and roots. Leo doesn't want another psycho after him so he tells Gwen to have someone else do it. They go back and forth until Gwen mentions how someone can win a Pulitzer or make money off of a bestseller, podcast, or movie based on this story, a notion as ridiculous as the storyline.

Leo, of course, is lured in by the promise of winning prizes and making money, so he starts babbling, but ultimately declines. Gwen will do it herself, won't share the prize with Leo, she teases him and leaves. Leo looks at Dimitri's photo, makes a comment about Dimitri being homocidal instead of homosexual; a shame. Jada arrives, wants him to spill all about running into Colin or else he'll be in jail.

Today's daily filler begins with Kristen and Megan receiving Dimitri in the foyer, Megan embracing her son. They recap Beyond Salem stuff, he talks of having trouble with US Customs and Megan wants her son to marry Kristen. Kristen is shocked and outraged, as is Dimitri. Megan assures them it's a wise move, they aren't related by blood. She wants them to toast to it. Dimitri says that he is too young for Kristen and not compatible with her; Megan insists otherwise, Kristen doesn't like the comment about her age.

Dimitri is apparently in line to collect Von Leuschner money as long as he gets married by the time he turns 40 (which is very soon). Dimitri wants to know how much money, Megan says enough for her and Kristen to take over the world, if he is in. The boring Pinky & the Brain conversation continues with a few entertaining snipes from Kristen and Dimitri at each other. The boring conversation continues even more; sorry, folks, there's really not anything notable until they hear Gwen's voice outside, looking for Dimitri.

Nicole is mad at EJ and Eric's arguing when Kayla arrives, saying she has the test results. However, there's an emergency, she updates them on Colin and Abe's disappearance. EJ offers to leave and send his men to look, Nicole is worried and asks for more information but there isn't any, Kayla must leave, gives a grateful Nicole the envelope. Eric says they should wait until Abe is safe, EJ says they need to get this over with, they argue again until Nicole shuts it down and opens the envelope.

Nicole says that Eric isn't the father, EJ is elated and kisses Nicole, Eric congratulates them as EJ says this is for the best for him and everyone involved. EJ tells Eric that Sloan is spared the pain of him raising Nicole's baby while she is with EJ. Nicole thanks Eric for wishing them the best of luck. Nicole and Eric share a wistful look as EJ kisses Nicole and hugs her, this changes everything. Eric looks on as he enters the elevator.

EJ says he felt this was meant to be, they keep kissing, is elated. Nicole says they should wait to share the news, because she is worried about miscarriage. He is totally sympathetic, but warns her not to let the past determine the future and her feelings about it, they decide to enter Kayla's office as she is getting off the phone about Abe's disappearance. EJ is happy about the news, Kayla is glad for them, Nicole's concerned about if she can carry the baby to term.

EJ asks if there have been advances, they'll remain hopeful. Kayla can give them a referral, she wants to speak to Nicole but will have to go give a statement now about Abe to the board. EJ promises Nicole that he'll do whatever it takes to have Nicole bring the baby to term, she is hopeful, he tells her he loves her and kisses her, they embrace as she looks nervous.

Xander is preparing to open a bottle of champagne for Chloe's first day on the job. Chloe enters and starts drinking directly from the bottle. Xander is shocked, Chloe says the day went so badly that she quit, updates Xander on Gwen's lack of a welcome. He regrets how Gwen treated Chloe, she says at least Xander tried. Xander says Chloe didn't try hard enough, is letting Gwen win by quitting.

Xander knows Gwen can be a bit much, Chloe calls her a witch. Xander tells her the Spectator can be her perfect job, they recap how Chloe has stood up to bullies before, blah blah blah. Chloe doesn't want to be miserable until Gwen finds another victim, Xander will help Chloe do battle with Gwen.

Chloe is tired of fighting and being miserable, Xander asks her to do this for him, he and Gwen have been doing this song and dance, he'll be so sad and brooding if Chloe quits, things get flirty as Chloe agrees to give the job another try, she wants Xander to pour glasses. He offers to go out, she wants a movie and delivery, he offers to prepare a feast because he is named Cook. They toast to her ultimate victory and Gwen's inevitable defeat.

Later, Chloe comes into the room as Xander finishes making a traditional Scottish breakfast-for-dinner. Chloe doesn't know most of these dishes but is impressed and excited. She likes it, says there's a lot of pressure with him watching, compliments Mr. Cook on his skills. Xander claims the French got champagne from the Scots, they start flirting, he says the Scots invented kissing, says they at least perfected it to a skeptical Chloe, then they start to kiss.

Sloan opens the door to Eric, initially thinking it's the cops. Nothing new about her brother, but she mentions how Jada came over. Sloan says she heard about Abe but doesn't think her brother is responsible because he is too desperate and smart. Eric tells her he heard about this from the hospital, Nicole's results show that EJ is the father. Eric tells her not to pretend she isn't happy; she admits she is, but also knows how he is hurting because he wants to be a dad.

He thinks it's for the best because this is the wrong time. She hates him being in pain, he appreciates it but looks forward to their future and says he loves her, she loves him, they embrace, he is all she ever wanted. Sloan flashes back to the night of the swab, regretfully decides not to swab Eric because she doesn't want to lose him to Nicole.
DaysDG, thank you....and you are right. this WAS much better than last week! Just a shame the writers ignored the fact the swab was from a female, & that would show up in the test. Oh, well, surprises and twists must be in store.

And thank you!
Since the lab was doing the test and such why didn't they do a gender reveal also?

So Dimitri is 39. Will we ever hear of his age again? If he's 39, then Auntie Kristen is what, 41? Ages like time and dates are curious in the Salem Time Warp.

Poor Gwennie, she may become the point of attraction for the next story. EJ and Chad will be thrilled to have her living under their roof again.

I'm all in for the World Domination story. That should have many chuckle points that are supposed to be taken seriously, right??

Thanks DaysD for taking Monday. I can't wait till Wednesday to see what the writers have gotten into.
So, is everything tied to the 3-month comment (Dimitri's birthday) now? Nicole will be 3 months more pregnant when he turns 40? Or will they forget that and make her almost due? And, while I am not surprised that Sloan didn't swab Eric, I am disappointed. That still doesn't mean that he is the father and I am sure there will be more switching shenanigans to come. I would like for Sloan to get pregnant, but that would be too many babies by the time Sarah gets back.
I guess neither EJ nor Eric wanted to insult Nicole's integrity by asking to see the test.

Nicole just said EJ since it would be easier, but we still don't know, the test is no good.

How can a paternity test with no male DNA be overlooked? Did Nicole experience parthenogenesis? Are the testers banned from actually seeing the test? Is Kayla banned from seeing the test?

Sorry for my being clueless here.

parthenogenesis, a reproductive strategy that involves development of a female (rarely a male) gamete (sex cell) without fertilization. It occurs commonly among lower plants and invertebrate animals (particularly rotifers, aphids, ants, wasps, and bees) and rarely among higher vertebrates.
Clearly the writers think they're setting up a future story with the baby. You know, will be born with some sort of genetic issue that requires a bone marrow transplant and magically EJ won't be able to donate. Then we're back to the triangle/quadrangle with Nicole/EJ/Eric/Sloan and after weeks Sloan will have a crisis of conscience and blurt out that she messed with the test results 9 months ago. Eric comes in to save the day. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Mime Bo, Mime Bo, Mime Bo! (chanted to the tune of "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!")

Thanks, DaysD.

Poor Chloe, Gwen stuck in her a broom closet for her office with landline with her computer.
Chloe decides not to quit because Xander doesn't want her to. Why can't Chloe decide
on her own?

Xander kissed Chloe and she kissed him back. Will they go to the next step? Let's hope not.

The tech dept at Salem University must have gone to to the same school as the Salem PD
since they didn't realize the samples they had were both women.

Dimitri said he didn't want to marry Kristen because of the age difference. Then we find out
he's 39. Should we wonder about the age difference between Kristen and Brady?

Did Gwen come at the wrong time or right time? Megan had that sly look that Gwen might
be the one to marry her son? I'm sure Gwen would have to sign a lot of papers first.

Nicole looked sad when she realized Eric not the daddy. Eric is sad too he isn't the daddy.

When will we find out who's the daddy of Nicole's baby? And will we still care when we do?