Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 8, 2024

This Bobby crap is nonsense. As is the crazy lady killing Li. Was nice to see him but guess he is really truly dead.

Still not a Jada/Rafe fan. They need to bring on new character for him.

I am sad to see Nicole leave but will be glad the Nicole/Eric saga ends. They are not soul mates. Not happy they are leaving together. I thought he might not take Nicole's call so it would be extended, so I'm glad she went to airport. But I guess thank the lord Eric finally has a child. Yay for the drugged biscuit dough.

I know EJ was wrong but still think he was better for Nicole, who I thought for sure was going to hit him, but she had restraint. EJ did have some good points. He did lose that child twice, and truly wanted to be his father. He was being a daddy and not pushing Jude off on Nicole. But that's all moot now. Now revenge on Gabi, who I think will grow on me.
I know that everyone thinks that once Gabi finds out that Stefan slept with Ava (yuck) that ONE time, that she will blow up and end the marriage. I I actually don't think it's that big of a deal. Sure, he cheated, but at that point, there was no chance that she would get out of jail for a long time. Yes, they were drunk, but it was ONCE, and the rest of his time has been spent truly trying to get her released. Now, HE will have trust issues with HER for what she did, but I really think Gabi could forgive that one transgression, since he is truly remorseful. Plus, that would really make EJ mad.
Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) did an outstanding job today, so many different emotions, all affecting EJ in different ways. Bravo! Hope they reveal why Gabi shot off her mouth after promising not to do so.......quickly.

Soaps seem to think nothing of having various characters, on a whim, just have meaningless sex. Seems it could be a think for one or two characters, but Days seems to have all it's characters with that frame of mind. No one has morals. Tom & Alice would be so disappointed in their offspring, bet Stefano & Victor would be taken aback a bit.
@Poirot, maybe Victor, but Stefano, who fathered countless children, some we won't even know about until it will be convenient for the writers?

And, I think Gabi did what she did from a very emotional perspective. She had JUST gotten out of jail for things she never did, was beaten snd lost her ability to have children (until it is time for a miracle baby), and just got back from seeing her child who was ripped away from her, and she acted purely emotionally and was the only one to do the RIGHT THING. Maybe Gabi became more compassionate and didn't want anyone else - even Nicole - to go through what she did. Yes, she promised Stefan, but when she saw it play out, she reacted impulsively. I don't think she had planned it.
It was a thoroughly bad day for EJ and all of it was his own fault. About the only plus was that he kept his cool thereby avoiding being bounced around the Town Square by Rafe for a second time.

Gabi is one nasty piece of work. All her revelations were probably motivated by hatred for EJ, not by sympathy for Eric or Nicole. Stefan Zero better watch his back going forward.

It was good to see Li again. It’s too bad a Rolfian-like miracle won’t restore him to life. After all, it simply won’t do for a member of the wealthy, sophisticated Shin family to be killed by a loony nobody like Connie.
Thanks, Jason.

Connie opened the door to the apartment with a key. She mentioned she wanted to be with Li where he lived
and died. Maybe she's sub-leasing while Wendy and Tripp are gone.

Not surprised Bobby didn't tell Jada the whole story about who killed Li.

It was funny when Bobby told Jada the Salem PD didn't catch the right person twice for the crime.
That's how the Salem PD works.

Why was the DiMera fireplace going? Was the staff burning evidence of something? Maybe they
were making s'mores.

I can't wait to read the Salem papers about Jude since none of the reporters left and lots of pictures were taken.

I laughed when EJ was blowing his top.
ALERT! I actually watched this entire show without fast forwarding.

So EJ did manage to suck me in. Kudos to the writers and actor for that. Let's face it, Nicole slept with Eric then we have the baby daddy drama along with the dead baby. Then all of it turns around and EJ finds out the truth about paternity. Then he sees Nicole kissing Eric. I sort of like how this played out instead of EJ originally just dumping Nicole.

I think EJ did really love Nicole. So yes, it was a terrible thing to do but everyone, including Nicole, knows she never got over Eric. She even treated nice Rafe poorly because of that fake saint. I think it's absolutely true that if he outed Eric as the father he would have been setting the stage for their reunion.

And Li! OMG I really wish we saw more of funny Li when he was on before. He had a few funny scenes back when he was with Gabi but otherwise he was just awkward. Serious waste of talent. And I like the twist of Connie as the killer and that they're playing it out for us.

Oh and I love that people in Salem can just get jobs in other countries and off they go to work. Also a police station that turns into an airport gate made me laugh. They have an interrogation room at the airport.
Li doesn’t have to be really dead just because the crazy lady is seeing things. It was good to see him. I wish they hadn’t ruined him by making him a stalker/obsessive. He and Melinda could have been a nice couple. He’s a great outside character related to no one except Wendy.
Not a fan of Connie being brought back either. Just get this over with.
Gil getting a post-mortem redemption for a hated character's murder is just - weird. (Edited to add: I liked Li, but fans seemed to despise him especially after the Stefan reveal.)
Another one running around free in Salem who should be put away.

Fed up with Bobby, too.
Maybe we'll luck out, she'll kill the only witness to the crime, and Rafe can toss the file in the "probably solved" file and we can all move on!!
talking Jada into an abortion
I don't like this characterization and don't think that was what happened. That is what Eric thinks happened. And let's remember his vitriol at his "true love" during that time.
If Greg Vaughan (Eric) was given the material Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) is, maybe he could show he's just as good an actor.
I'm not so sure, although I know he was acclaimed as Lucky on General Hospital so perhaps the limitations of his character and/or the director are hindering him. He's not a bad actor by any means, and the scenes of him mourning Jude and handing him over were well-done. In my opinion, he's more of a "play-it-straight" actor who takes the cue of the page and the director without embellishment.
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He did lose that child twice, and truly wanted to be his father. He was being a daddy and not pushing Jude off on Nicole. But that's all moot now. Now revenge on Gabi, who I think will grow on me.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Sure, he cheated, but at that point,
I agree completely. And I think it would be foolish to wait so long to recast and then immediately tear the relationship we've been waiting for for years (so much so they had to make him a twin and then a zombie) asunder.
bet Stefano & Victor would be taken aback a bit
Tom and Alice would certainly revoke many Salemites' citizenship, but Stefano (the man with >7 illegitimate biological children) and Victor (the man who preferred married women for decades) probably consider everyone else prudish.
she had sympathy for Eric and thought he deserved to know the truth about his own child.
They should have inserted a flashback (that would have happened between DiMansion & the Square) where Gabi won Stefan over to her plan by playing on his feewings about losing out on the great father that Stefano definitely would have been, which was supposed to be his villain origin story. Has Ron forgotten that great writing he did to introduce us to the former Sam Maitland?
I wish they hadn’t ruined him by making him a stalker/obsessive. He and Melinda could have been a nice couple. He’s a great outside character related to no one except Wendy.
Killing of Li, making Chase a rapist, and vanishing the extraneous teens are the biggest blunders the show has done. Salem needs new blood and we haven't had significant additions since the Hernandez clan more than a decade ago.