Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 8, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Bayview - Replay of the countdown. Everett/Bobby says that he knows who killed Li Shin in November and the cops don't.

Abandoned Apartment - Connie enters and remembers stabbing Li in the back (new flashback repeated). Connie says that it was Gabi's fault.

Square - Replay of Nicole's question and Gabi's statement that EJ freed her out of love for Nicole, so he could keep her and her son whose father is Eric.

Pub exterior entrance - Eric calls Holly to tell her he's moving to Paris today.

Square - Rafe approaches the podium, says this is not the place. Nicole wants to know why she'd say that? Gabi has proof. EJ terminates the conference to deal with this family matter. Stefan is shocked. Gabi feels this wrong must be righted. Nicole wants to know how she knows this? Gabi says her husband told her. Stefan somewhat reluctantly confirms this. (EJ is funny as he fumbles and smirks and tries to cover in these scenes.)

Bayview - More sneery Bobby/Everett talking about the evidence and no witnesses. Bobby was a witness to someone going in to the crime scene but Everett wasn't. He didn't know anyone's name since he'd just moved to Salem. He will tell her more tomorrow. She leaves, he smirks.

Abandoned Apartment - Connie has visions of Li who keeps reminding her she killed him. They talk about their date and how he thought she was crazy.

Pub - Eric tells Roman goodbye. He dreamt last night that he was Jude's father so he can't say goodbye to him.

Square - Stefan confirms Gabi's statement that he saw the DNA results. EJ swears at Stefan; Nicole apologizes to EJ. Gabi tells Nicole that EJ knew. Nicole's face turns on a dime. Gabi recaps the test, switch, and immunity deals as well as Stefan's blackmail of EJ. Nicole glares at EJ, who lunges for Gabi. Rafe stops him. EJ calls Gabi ungrateful; Gabi points out his hatred of her and refusal to help even when Stefan was begging. Nicole has choice words for EJ and stomps off. Rafe prevents EJ from following her, thinks charges might be in order. EJ says to take it up with the DA's office, goes after Nicole.

Pub - Eric talks about how being Jude's father would have changed his life and magical love for the awesome Nicole. He has a flashback of the original DNA results.

DiMansion Front Hall - Nicole wants to know how EJ could do this? He didn't know for months. She should believe him because he loves her. He recounts Leo's reveal and Sloan's admission, his running another DNA result and his devastation at losing his son a second time. Once it sank in, he realized that she and Eric still had feelings for each other so he made a terrible choice because she means everything to him. (They start at arms' length but he gradually moves closer.) He was afraid of losing her. She tells him he has now. Nicole leaves.

Square - Rafe wants Gabi and Stefan to come to the station to make a statement. Stefan wants to talk to Gabi first. Gabi promises they'll come in tomorrow; Rafe leaves. Stefan wants to know how Gabi could do this?

DiMansion Front Hall - Nicole is packed and leaving this nightmare. EJ thinks they've weathered worse than this. This is the worst thing he's ever done. She leaves with Jude and a medium sized bag. Where she's going is none of his business.

Bayview - New flashback of Bobby/Everett silencing himself and coming upon a weeping Connie in the park in her bloody dress, saying, "I didn't mean to do it, Li."

Pub Exterior entrance - Rafe and Jada meet; he'll tell her about the press conference later, she tells him about Bobby's statements that will be revealed tomorrow. They go inside, where Rafe will tell her about the press conference. Connie appears from the other entrance.

An unusually busy Salem airport - Eric thinks about the day he gave Jude to Nicole. He gets a call from Nicole.

DiMansion - EJ looks at Stefano's portrait as he drinks and vows to revenge Stefano's son and his wife. He swigs, throws the glass in the fire, and screams.

Square - Stefan is mad that Gabi broke their promise/understanding. Why did she blow their deal?

Airport - Eric's flight is announced. He starts to leave, prepares to ignore the call as Nicole runs in and announces that Eric is Jude's father. END
Thanks for the summary. I am so happy that they got this out in the open so quickly (well, once it was stated on Friday), and that everyone knows, not only that Eric is Jude's father, but that EJ knew as well. The stuff about Sloan and Trask's involvement can come later, but, hooray for Nicole getting to the airport and telling him instead of her seeing his plane take off.
I can't imagine feeling bad for EJ. He knew what he was doing when he hid this information. Gabi has been sent to jail TWICE for things she didn't do and once for something she should have gotten a light sentence for (killing a man who raped her and was continuing to blackmail her into a relationship, i.e. continuously raping her). EJ knows all of that and could have helped her without having to be blackmailed, but he's a selfish jerk. He then lied repeatedly to Nicole. The humiliation is all he deserves.
hooray for Nicole getting to the airport and telling him instead of her seeing his plane take off.
I was actually surprised it happened this way. I'm wondering if Nicole's exit (not really a spoiler since it's been headline news as well as discussed in this forum frequently) will be earlier than announced, or if she'll make a brief return to match the dates we've been told?
I actually feel bad for EJ.
Me, too; a little. For one, Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) is a better actor than Greg Vaughan (Eric). He ran everything from panic, to rage, to desperation, to anger, to Three Stooges-style telepathy during his scenes today. For another thing, this sudden re-pivot to "Eric and Nicole love each other so much" means they've been acting selfishly and boringly the last year. I could forgive selfish acts that made the show interesting (see: my defense of EJ a few lines up), but not when it's boring.

That said, I don't buy that Nicole is worth this much consternating from a dashing international millionaire. Nicole chasing EJ made sense. EJ chasing Nicole is odd. That's why I was hoping for a grander plan/scheme. But we got bupkis.
I guess I feel bad for all the men who've been tossed over so the writers can keep pairing Nicole and Eric as if that's some great love story. Nicole is the villain of that piece. If she still loves Eric and can't get over it, she needs to stop pretending with Rafe, EJ, etc.

And I would still feel bad for EJ if he had told Nicole the truth when he found out and if he'd done the right thing about Trask, Gabi, etc. when given the opportunity. The minute he kept that info to himself, we all knew how this was going to go.

But Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) is a great actor. He plays corrupt and broken really well. I really wanted this pairing to stick, but of course, we get more Eric and Nicole drama. Maybe they'll leave together and we won't have to watch them go round and round again.
Okay, so Nicole knows what we've known all along. Will anyone pay for the crime committed? How could Lady Whistleblower miss this press conference? I can just imagine the headlines.

Weird twist on the Li killing. Nice seeing him today. Really wish they hadn't killed him, but then again, the writers didn't know what to do with him so kill away I guess.

Please finish the Bobby/Everett story sooner than later. Love the actor, hate the story.

Why did Gabi blow this secret out of the water? What plans does she have?

I'm guessing teen angst will start in earnest in September when most kids are in schools but Salem's teens are just starting summer camp hijinks.

Thanks Jason for the summary and doing double duty while I vacation in the mountains.
Thanks for the summary. This was a heartbreaking yet great show. Interesting seeing Rafe there having to deal with it all. I'm sure he's satisfied seeing the demise of his ex's relationship with EJ, the person he probably hates most.

Can't stand the Bobby-Everett storyline. Not a fan of Connie being brought back either. Just get this over with.

Loved Gabi and Stefan. I'm sure things will further blow up with them later, but the truth coming out was delicious.

I do feel some level of pity for EJ. He keeps thinking hiding these secrets will work out for him, yet it never does. At the same time, Nicole's constant desire for Eric made his actions understandable yet never justifiable. I'm really upset about how they're ruining EJ and Nicole yet again, all for a couple that constantly blows it every time they're together. But at least the truth came out.
Nice job, Jason!

I think we all read that Nicole's last appearance is 7/25, but that was not set in stone. I don't think we will know until we know. Since that is a few weeks out, maybe we will just see her a few more times while she makes her plans to leave EJ.

I thought Cherie Jimenez (Gabi) did a great job standing her ground. She has to answer to Stefan now.

So glad the secret is out, and more to be revealed with Melinda and, hopefully, that bad doctor who was paid off by Melinda.

Will Nicole and Eric go to Paris together? I think so, even if only as co-parents to Jude. Nicole will get a divorce as soon as she can. As for Holly, I think her story line will continue, and she will go to live with Maggie, as some of us hinted at before.

Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) did a bang-up job today. He really has absorbed EJ under his skin. I always believed he loved Nicole but could never forget that Eric will always be in her mind, even if he moved away. Will he be able to exact revenge on Stefan and Gabi? I have a feeling he is going to dig and dig and find out that Stefan cheated with Ava. THAT will be the straw that breaks Stefan and Gabi's back, on top of Gabi not keeping her promise to Stefan.

I wonder if there will be any fallout directed at Leo? But he DID try, a few times, to tell them their baby was alive, though he did not know about Eric being the father.

I am not a Connie fan as much as I was. Based on what she was muttering to herself, she wants to hurt/kill more people. Another one running around free in Salem who should be put away.

Fed up with Bobby, too. The story is getting tired. I think Jada's involvement with him will harm what she has with Rafe.
I am so over mopey, sad eyed Eric. I feel bad for Sloan, who found out her mother's death was a lie and her father was scum, then had to put her brother in jail, then lost a baby, then was married to somebody who was just not that into her. I feel bad even for EJ who has buried a baby he thought was his, mourned with Nicole, and then only recently found out the truth but is getting the brunt of it.

I can't believe EJ did not point out that Nicole did EXACTLY the same thing to him, i.e. gave him a baby that was his, but lied about the identity of the other parent. Nicole has had one foot out the door since the biscuit thing happened. she is always pining for Eric, and both of them are stuck with this teenage dream of each other that never works out in reality because she always does something he disapproves of and then he leaves her (to be fair, boinking Xander and talking Jada into an abortion were pretty big snafus).
Days writes and films so far ahead.......does anyone know if what we are currently seeing is the work of the temp writers or the regular writers. I get the feeling that regular writers have a lot to clean up and square away properly.

Just realized the writers are listed in the credits today, which means regulars are writing. Answered my own question.

I guess, with a couple of major actors leaving, getting others in place is what we will be seeing for a while. Going to be interesting to see what direction Ron C. will be taking.
If Greg Vaughan (Eric) was given the material Dan Feuerriegel (EJ) is, maybe he could show he's just as good an actor. I'm tickled pink Eric and Nicole are together. They don't have to get married, just be together with Jude. I am totally sick of Bobby/Everett. I can't believe the story for Connie and Li. Rafe is about the only character I would miss, but if Nicole is gone for good I see no reason to keep watching.
Ron Carlivati killed a lot of stuff he hated immediately: Radioactive Baby, Alex/Kristen, and took Bobby/Everett off screen for a full month while he rewrote that story. I don't think he is too keen on this teen scene either, I don't think this is not his original vision for Holly for sure.
I don't dislike Greg Vaughan (Eric), but him in this role is a stinker. So much sourpuss face. He's always being written as judgmental and petulant, allowing himself all kinds of emotional range and punching people, but if Nicole screws up, he's done with her. Rinse and repeat over and over.

I like Nicole better with almost anyone but him. But if they're going to keep putting them together, just leave them together! I thought we'd finally gotten to that point when they got married, but then Eric immediately left. They should have recast the part instead of sending him to Africa when Greg Vaughan (Eric) wanted to leave.