Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 26, 2024

At first I was saying Chad is an idiot for being totally convinced she is Abigail. But then at least he did question her but was then apologizing to her for doubting her. Yep, still an idiot. I am still hoping real Abigail doesn't come back. She was stabbed to death.

Yes Mark & "Fabby", please tell us your next steps in this evil (probably ridiculous) plan.

Oh lord, Kristen "saved" Brady. So now she can say sleep with me or the car will return. Heck, maybe even marry me. Ugh. I was hoping Fiona took car.
Hmmmm, this is August, and if today's episode was filmed in Days now 9 months between filming and airing? Was 5-6..............did the cast get a huge vacation at some point? That is really too far ahead, soon it will be a year! Or am I way off on the filming time period.
Holly & Tate could have treated Tate's injury themselves without Tate leaving the cabin. Holly could've went to a store for an ace bandage and an ice pack. She probably could have found a medical supply store to buy crutches.

Holly could have wrapped his ankle.

The recommended treatment for an acute injury like that is RICE. Rest, ice, compression, elevate.

Also ibuprofen is sold over the counter.
I really liked Kristen today too but I couldn't help but think that the stuff with Brady was with ulterior motives and I'll hate her again in a week.

The stuff with Mark was weird. It seemed like it was written that he was called in to do her a favor. Or maybe they just didn't expect someone would ask for a DNA test but that's weird. She said something like it was lucky that he was there which sounds like it wasn't planned for. I think she'll be his sister.

I'm sorry but Chad just drives me crazy. I feel like he's always on the verge of crying or something and he sort of stutters although that's not the right word. I can't really put my finger on it. And it's not just related to this story. I think this is why he bugged me with Stephanie too. Maybe it's coming across as constant insecurity.
Thanks for the summary. I actually liked Kristen today as well and even do not totally hate Fiona. Just wish they hadn’t done this storyline, or if they were going to, did it months from now.

The Fake Abby thing is dumb but Dr. Greene’s involvement does make it more interesting.

The teens as as unwatchable as ever.

All in all, not a bad episode.
I'm sorry but Chad just drives me crazy. I feel like he's always on the verge of crying or something and he sort of stutters although that's not the right word. I can't really put my finger on it. And it's not just related to this story. I think this is why he bugged me with Stephanie too. Maybe it's coming across as constant insecurity.
Quavering voice might be the term.

I googled "term for when someone has a shaky voice on verge of crying" and the result I received was quavering voice.
Oh that's a good description. I can't really place exactly why it bothers me. I think it's his go-to emotion no matter what. Grieving for Abigail? We get that. Want to keep Stephanie from her boyfriend so she can hang out with the kids? Same thing. Your sister points out that this chick might be squirrely? Same.