Days of our Lives - Friday, September 13, 2024

A truly rare event took place today — somebody actually took EJ seriously. Yes, it was only foolish Holly, but it actually happened.

When Holly was checking into Eric causing the death of Love Doctor Jonas, did she learn that he only got out early because of some risky prison heroics, which does put a different spin on things?

Kritter Kristen said today that she believes God forgives. With her record, shed’d better pray that this is true.

Once again, the writers insisted on trotting out the bad old Xander. If mummy dearest hadn’t intervened, the angry X-Man would be looking at charges of assault with a deadly weapon, or if DA EJ was in a bad mood, attempted murder.

Doc Evans shouldn’t throw in the towel when it comes to Sarah’s hypnosis. If she could say that Brady wasn’t driving, she might be able to provide a basic description of the driver. “Gray-haired woman” would be enough to make mummy dearest Elvis’s latest target. Surely, he’d love to tell Xander that he’s going to send his mum to prison.
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Thanks, brisbydog.

I wasn't sure if Sarah meant she didn't see Brady and she knows it wasn't him or not. She would have told Xander
if she knew it wasn't him.

I think Sarah saw Fiona driving, but doesn't want to hurt Xander. If she didn't see Fiona, she may remember
later it was her.

Holly was upset Nicole and Eric went away without her. Holly didn't want to go since she want to spend her senior
year at Salem High.

Will Holly find out Daniel's heart is in Brady?

Fiona saw the bat was missing from the birthday party. Xander said the bat was used for a piñata. Who used the
bat since it was a regular bat and not a plastic one kids would use?
Thanks for the summary.

It was a pretty good show, although Sophia is super annoying, Tate is naive, Holly is clueless, and though I somewhat pity EJ, I despise his manipulations. Kristen is becoming somewhat more bearable--her scenes with Marlena were amusing:rotfl:

I wish Fiona would just confess, but I know the writers love to drag such storylines out, so I'm not surprised. I do think Sarah knows something, but isn't sure how to approach the situation because of what it will do to Xander--who's already, sadly, embracing his dark side again.
This is in character for Xander. It's not nice, but he is reverting to the dangerous person that we keep being told he still is. Last year when Kate warned Rex to get away from Sarah because Xander would hurt him, I just shrugged. Xander had been too good for too long for Rex to be at risk. The situation with Brady is different. Brady truly believes he crippled Sarah. Xander is convinced.

Brady is getting off with no charges and wants to be punished. Xander feels helpless and needs to make him pay. It is a perfect storm. I do feel like he was stalling though, hitting the desk and the boxes, like he really doesn't have the stomach for it anymore. Brady just standing there hoping he would do it was probably a turn off too. If he'd fought back he'd have already hit him before Fiona arrived.

Speaking of Fiona, how good was she in the hospital scene with Xander? I really felt her complete fear of losing her son as fast as she got him back. No way is she confessing to the accident Monday, although I think Sarah already knows, I think she will come up with something to absolve Brady though. She just needed time to figure out how to tell Xander in a way that won't destroy his relationship with his mother. Sarah understands addiction. I just wish they hadn't done the pillow scene. That was a step too far.

So far, I'm really enjoying this story, I just wish we'd had more time with Fiona after the double wedding to properly explore Xander’s reaction to the Victor reveal.
Holly was upset Nicole and Eric went away without her. Holly didn't want to go since she want to spend her senior
year at Salem High.
I was on vacation last week so was catching up last night on episodes and this bugged me so much. Nicole wanted to take her and she begged to stay behind and now she's acting like Nicole just left to Paris and left poor Holly on her own.