Days of our Lives - Friday, September 13, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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Salem High establishing shot. Repeat of yesterday with Eric walking in and Tate filling him in on Holly being mad at the world. This time though, Sophia is listening.

Repeat of Holly offering to help nail Brady. EJ tells her about Kristen stealing the car and that without forensic evidence he has nothing. Holly concludes that Brady is going to go free.

Brady wants to know what EJ said to Kristen? She lets him know that EJ figured out she took the car. Brady figures out somebody overheard him. He worries that EJ threatened her. She says he wanted her to flip on Brady but she called his bluff. Martyr Brady tells her to go back and give EJ what he wants.

Hospital establishing shot. Xander is pacing like a caged animal. He hates that Brady might go free. He needs the hypnosis to work. Fiona worries about Sarah having to relive the night. Perhaps it's better if she doesn't remember? Xander doesn't see it that way. Once Sarah remembers that Brady was the low life scum who left her for dead, he is going down. Fiona looks suitability worried.

Sarah is under. Marlena’s soothing voice begins. She asks Sarah to picture a large screen. Sarah sees herself walking in the parking lot. She hears the car. Marlena tells her to look at the driver. Can she see a face? Sarah can see someone.

Kristen refuses to lie to EJ. Brady doesn't want to risk both of Rachel's parents in jail. Kristen assures him that there is no risk, EJ can't touch either of them. Brady lets her know that Sarah is under hypnosis and soon he will be in jail where he belongs. And he will be relieved.

EJ assures Holly he's doing everything he can to nail Brady. If she finds anything though feel free to bring it in. Holly turns to go but EJ stops her. He wonders where her ire against Brady is coming from.

Tate complains that Holly could not wait to get away from him as Sophia lurks by the water fountain. She hadn't heard that EJ dropped the charges and is mad at Tate for standing by him. She really wants Brady to pay for hurting Sarah.

Marlena wants to know exactly what Sarah sees. She sees the gray car and bright lights. Blurry shot of Fiona. Sarah says she doesn't see Brady.

Fiona hopes Xander won't be too disappointed if Sarah does not remember. Xander chides her about her negativity. Marlena told them that sometimes people block painful memories as a coping strategy. He says this makes sense as Brady and Sarah were once close. Fiona tentatively asks if he has considered the possibility that the driver was not Brady?

Kristen says Brady is determined to pay for the accident. He just wants to atone. She says he can do that without going to jail. He says a few Hail Marys won't work for this. Kristen the former nun reminds him that God is forgiving. Brady needs to think about Tate and Rachel who need their father. Brady asks if that's why she fought so hard for full custody. Kristen mutters that she wants to do something about that.

Holly is furious that Sarah is struggling and Brady is facing no consequences. Does that sound fair to EJ? Especially after what Eric got away with. She knows Eric drove drunk and killed her father.

Tate gets it. It's worse because of... Eric finishes, because of what I did. He tells Tate that Holly is mad at him, not Tate. Sophia listens as Tate says he's not sure that's true.

Xander asks Fiona to look at the facts. Mr. Recovering Alcoholic got wasted and woke up in the driver's seat of his car, a car they know hit Sarah. And if said car hadn't disappeared he wouldn't have gotten off on a legal technicality. Brady's days of freedom are over. Fiona was hoping that there was a silver lining to the charges being dropped. No long trial. No agonizing about the outcome. She thought they could focus on positive things like Victoria's birthday and moving forward. Xander can't move forward until Brady is doing bench presses surrounded by barbed wire.

Fiona wonders if Sarah feels the same way. She and Brady are friends, and Brady is Xander's nephew. Xander asks if she really thinks that means Brady should go free? Fiona points out that neither of them has led a life of virtue and yet Xander gave her a second chance. She is emotional as she says she does not take that for granted. Xander let her back into his life and she gets to spend time with her granddaughter. For so long she thought she was out of his life forever. She can't bear the thought of leaving it all behind. She starts to cry.

Xander, who has been intently listening, assures her she can stay as long as she wants. He doesn't know what they'd do without her. She's been a godsend. Fiona breaks. She has something to tell him.

Marlena asks if Sarah doesn't see Brady who does she see? Sarah can see someone but can't make out the face. Marlena tells her to hold the memory. They will take it frame by frame. Sarah says the following, exact words "Yes. I know who it is."

Fiona doesn't know how to say it. Xander is reassuring her. Sarah comes wheeling in. He jumps up and asks if she remembers. Sarah is looking at Fiona.

EJ knows that Holly looked up to Eric as a second father. Finding out he killed her real father... well. Holly complains she trusted him and her mother. EJ tells her he pleaded with Nicole to tell her and warned her that she would find out some other way. Holly says they both know she was just protecting Eric. EJ knows.

Eric is not the best person to give advice but he thinks Tate needs to give Holly space. He takes off and Sophia steps in.

Rachel misses Brady. Kristen is trying to shield her but Rachel is smart. Kristen wants her to know that her father will be in her life always. Brady wants to know where this is coming from? Gratuitous flashback to yesterday, EJ telling Kristen she still loves Brady. Kristen says Brady is giving up but he won't give up on his daughter. She wants him to promise he won't give up on her future or his own. Brady promises

Sarah says she thinks it was someone she knows but she can't see the face. This goes against what she just said in the previous scene. Xander wants her to try again. Sarah doesn't want to talk about it right now. She wants to go home. She wants to splash water on her face first. Fiona offers to go with but Sarah says no. She needs a moment.

Xander is a mess of conflicted emotions as she goes. Fiona goes to comfort him. He asks what she was about to tell him. She says it doesn't matter. He walks deliberately away and pulls out his phone. He needs to go to Titan. Now. He wants Fiona to take Sarah home. This is something only he can handle. He looks set on something. Trust me, he says, this is a matter only I can handle. We all know this is not about Titan.
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Sophia heard about Tate's dad. She's glad he's free given that his mom is already in prison. I am hypnotized by her lacey arm sleeves. She says at least Tate has Holly for moral support. Tate sighs if only.

EJ is sorry he spoke for Nicole. He has been thrown off balance. He got his final divorce papers today. He didn't want to turn Holly against her. Holly says Nicole used to tell her she was the most important thing in her world, but she flew halfway around the world to be with Eric and their love child. She just left Holly behind to be with her new family. Holly is an after-thought. EJ tells her that's not true. Holly says that if it comes down to a choice between Holly and Eric, or anyone and Eric, they both know who comes first. EJ knows. Oh, he knows.

Marlena is dictating into her recorder, "patient remembers headlights but became visibly upset when pressed for more details." Again, not what Sarah said. Kristen barges in. Rachel wants Marlena and John to attend Grandparents Day at their school. Marlena is surprised. Kristen tells her she wants to revisit the custody arrangement now Brady might go to prison. It made her rethink her decision about cutting Brady out of her life. Marlena says "is that all it was?"

Back at the K-Mansion, toddler debris is still everywhere. Fiona says Sarah must be exhausted. Victoria is still sleeping. Fiona says she can clean up while Sarah rests. Sarah says the staff can do it but Fiona wants to be useful. She says it was a lovely party. Sarah inspires Fiona with her positivity. Sarah says that was kind of her to say but she looks evasive. She is going to lie down. I think she knows. Fiona starts the clean up. She picks up the piñata but can't find the matching bat. Realization on her face she mutters "Oh no no no no."

Brady continues to write on his pad. Xander comes in. Hello Brady. Throughout this scene he is slowly umnbuttoning his cuffs and rolling up his sleeves. He tells Brady that Sarah is done with Marlena but didn't remember. In theory this would be Brady's lucky day, but it isn't. Brady knows he's probably there to fire him but there's no need, he just finished writing his letter of resignation. Xander isn't here for that. He picks up the bat. He recalls Brady telling Sarah he wishes he was in the wheelchair instead of her. He's come to make that wish come true. Brady looks resigned. He wants this. He wants to be punished.

EJ understands how Holly feels but Nicole loves her. From afar says Holly. EJ tells her lying about Jude was indefensible but it affected Holly as much as it did Eric and Nicole. Holly agrees it did but she gets it. EJ was in love with Nicole. He supported her when he thought they lost their baby had died. When Holly was in a coma he got her treatment in Italy. Holly probably would not be here if not for EJ. He did so much for Nicole and her. EJ tells her that legally she isn't his daughter but he will always care for her. Eric said the same thing to her, muses Holly. She should never have believed him. But she does believe EJ.

Sophia gets why Holly is on Team Sarah. But she should understand why Tate needs to support his dad. Tate blabs that it's not just about his dad, but Holly's dad.

Sarah is on the couch alone when Eric comes in, continuing his futile search for Holly. It's good to see her. Henderson let him in. He tells Sarah Holly is upset with him. Sarah thought he was in Paris. She realizes he's here to support his brother. Eric tells her he's terribly sorry.

Kristen waffles on about Rachel's needs and how she doesn't want to be the villain. Marlena wonders if this isn't about her feelings for Brady. Kristen complains she sounds like her brother. Marlena says "which one?" Kristen says "the one with the imperious English accent." Marlena asks what EJ thinks? Kristen says EJ thinks she's still in love with Brady. Marlena queries if Kristen agrees with that assessment?

Brady can yell all he wants. Xander sent all the staff home. Brady stares at the bat and says I deserve what's coming, Xander. Xander tells him not to dare play the brave martyr. The love of his life may never walk again thanks to him. This bat was for the birthday party for his daughter. The party Sarah could barely sit through because she was in so much pain. Not physical pain. The mental kind knowing her life will never be the same because of Brady. Sarah may never walk again, take their daughter to the playground, go down the slide or play in the sandbox because of Brady.

Xander wields the bat. This is for every tear she wiped away when she thought nobody was looking. He smashes it on the desk. This is for the brave, beautiful smile she puts on for the world. Whack goes some boxes. I'm going to use you as a human piñata, Brady so you will know the pain that Sarah has to live with for the rest of her life. He lifts the bat and takes aim at Brady. Brady braces for it, unmoving. Fiona lunges in and tells Xander to stop.

Eric was planning to come to see Sarah. He asks how she is? Sarah tells him she's ok and about the unsuccessful hypnosis. Eric looks at the mess and asks about Victoria? Sarah lights up. Her little face was covered in icing. Eric has seen photos on Maggie's social media. Sarah notes how they both got their happy ever afters. Him with Nicole and her with Xander. They have a lot to be grateful for. Eric knows it must be hard. It is but Sarah is grateful for her daughter and her husband. Eric says lots of people love her, including him. He awkwardly side hugs her.

Sophia pretends to be sad for Holly. Tate defends Eric a bit. Sophia says it sucks for him and Holly to be on opposite sides. Tate agrees it isn't easy. Sophia is totes here for him. She grabs and hugs him.

Holly grouses that Eric only got 2 years for killing her father. EJ says the justice system is sometimes unjust. Tate's dad will now get away with it too. EJ promises he will do his best to put Brady away. He is so proud of Holly. She runs at him and hugs him.

Kristen is still defending her sick relationship with Brady. It ranged from all consuming love to frothing at the mouth hate (And the occasional toddler diaper change and little league baseball game). It's no secret she has never given up. She will never be over him. Marlena is creeped out. Thanks for the invite from Rachel, please stop talking. Kristen says she's glad that it took this for Brady to realize they are meant to be. Eww from me and Marlena. No hugs here.

Xander wants to know why Fiona is here? She had a bad feeling at the hospital and should have stopped him then. She begs him not to do this. Xander asks why not? Why would she care? She doesn't know Brady. He reminds her that Brady drove drunk, hit Sarah and drove away. He can't get away with it. Fiona says it's not about Brady, it's about Xander, and begs him to think about Sarah and Victoria who need him with them, not in prison. Xander scoffs that he'll get a good lawyer (not Justin as he's Brady's lawyer so that's a start). Isn't that what Brady did? Brady tells Fiona to go.

Xander lifts the bat. She physically pulls him back. Xander, she says, I have a confession to make. Brady and Xander both look at her. Fade to (basic) black
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Thanks for the summary, great job.

Did Holly ever do an Ewe Search after finding out Eric killed daddy who she never knew, of how long a prison sentence would be? Given it's Salem and he was a highly respected (cough cough) member of the clergy and child of pillars of society, that sentence sounds about right.

Fiona's confession tomorrow ought to make Xander's head explode. Should be great soapy fun.
That stupid Xander. Doesn't he know he'll go to jail for murder???? Do you think Fiona will confess? Probably drag it all out till Christmas.
Not murder. He just wants to put Brady in a wheelchair. And Brady was happy to let him so probably wouldn't even confirm who did it. I felt like Xander was stalling though. His heart wasn't in it when Brady was a willing target.

I think Fiona confesses she was with Brady and gives him an alibi. But I also think Sarah knows and may cover for a bit to protect Xander. This is a very delightful soapy mess. I'm enjoying it.
Well done, brisbydog!

It looked, to me, like Sarah WAS able to see Fiona's face, not just a blurry face with gray hair. But even though she might not tell Marlena/anyone to protect Xander, by not saying anything, Brady will go on trial, even without forensic evidence, if EJ has anything to do with it.

I did not like seeing the old Xander, nor do I like Brady accepting his fate so willingly, all the while not 100% of what he did or did not do.

Fiona said, again, that she does not know Brady, so if she confesses (even if not the complete truth), she will have to admit she does, even if not HOW she knows him.

Did not care for EJ's smug face when he was hugging Holly. All he wants to do is turn her against Nicole and Eric.

Sophia is so transparent (as are her clothes), but Tate is naive.
Maggie and Sarah aren’t idiots, and it’s shortsighted of him not to consider how they will feel when they find out he attacked Brady.
It's very Xander though. Victor said he would always be a bull in a china shop. Act first without thinking is his thing.

Brady would probably protect Xander as he thinks he deserves it. But Sarah and Maggie would know. Didn't Victor slaughter the men who shot Maggie? Maggie is cool with vigilante justice though. See Konstantin.

But I think Fiona is about to clear Brady with a lie.
Marlena queries if Kristen agrees with that assessment?
Marlena's face during this scene is priceless.

I'm sorry, I like Sophia. She gets things done.
Holly grouses that Eric only got 2 years for killing her father.
So that's the same, eh? More timey-wimey silliness.
I think Fiona confesses she was with Brady and gives him an alibi. But I also think Sarah knows and may cover for a bit to protect Xander. This is a very delightful soapy mess. I'm enjoying it.
I agree this is how the story should, nay, must go. Fiona is too good to lose.
I hope that Sarah saw Fiona and is keeping it quiet for Xander. She will not let Brady go to trial or jail and if Xander pushes her, she will admit it was Fiona. I HOPE. I do not think that Fiona is about to confess that it was her. She may give him an alibi, but won't own her part.
Oh Marlena, should you influence someone under hypnosis and ask do you see Brady? Sarah clearly said she sees a face. Why would she keep quiet about it? Is Fiona actually going to confess? Seemed like she was gonna at hospital will she now to save Brady?

Sophia is something. She's going to use all Tate's turmoil to get him into bed and take his virginity. He's a teenage boy probably won't be hard or it will.
Not murder. He just wants to put Brady in a wheelchair. And Brady was happy to let him so probably wouldn't even confirm who did it. I felt like Xander was stalling though. His heart wasn't in it when Brady was a willing target.

I think Fiona confesses she was with Brady and gives him an alibi. But I also think Sarah knows and may cover for a bit to protect Xander. This is a very delightful soapy mess. I'm enjoying it.
By giving him an alibi, she is revealing that a) she has been lying about being sober, b) she knows Brady, and c) she is perfectly willing to let everyone believe that Brady ran over Sarah. In doing so, she is opening a can of worms.