Days of Our Lives - Friday, August 23, 2024

Well now we know for sure fake Abby is working with Dr. Greene. But he was with Sarah when she on phone with mystery person. Did they just screw that up? But seriously what is Dr. Greene up to??

Holly made me laugh when she said it doesn't matter if he got to 1st base or scored a touchdown. Not a big sports fan I take it?
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Thanks, brisbydog.

Was "Abby" talking to Dr. Greene when he was with Sarah? Or did someone edit something wrong?

Are the woman and Dr. Greene working with Clyde or is there something else going on?

Today I wanted to slap Chad since he thinks the woman remembered she was Abby and killed by Clyde.
What a fake memory? Everett did a better job.

Will they let Clyde out of prison? Then maybe he kill the woman.

Where, oh where is Brady's car? Where, oh where can it be? Maybe it is getting fixed, but the garage
will have a record of the repair.

Will Holly tell Tate about the picture of Aaron with Tate's name?

Too bad Daniel is dead. He could fix Sarah with the snap of his fingers. :)
Yep, definitely too many cooks in the kitchen, some not knowing how to cook! Spoiled the broth, for sure.

O.K. I can understand Re-Ron not liking whatever story when he returned, but why not do your best to either end it, or put it in the direction of the storyline YOU prefer to write.

Actually, I like nearly all the characters/actors. I am not all that happy with Gabi being so mean, but I do like her standing up for herself, and not backing down. But somehow, so far, she & Stefan don't seem a good fit. (and that is probably the writing)

Reserving judgment on Chad & the Abby being presented to us.

Honestly, we all saw the very dead Abby, murdered, her blood all over from the knife wound. Now, being Abby, she would have had a funeral, been at the undertaker, etc. but now she supposedly is not dead. And wherever she was, and escaped, she got into an accident, had plastic surgery, blah, blah. A lot to swallow.

I'd rather Days have used it's old reliable doppelganger being the one killed, while Abby was kept a coma, drugged, hypnotized, whatever. but now, she is fake, pretending amnesia to account for no memories. It all is a big FAIL for me.

Heck, there are so many twists and turns, probably done so viewers don't catch on quick. What if Dr. Greene & this fake Abby are related, siblings perhaps, cousins........and agreed to work together for whoever is behind it all?? Who in the past might have been holding on to a grudge for this long time, and I don't mean Clyde. Waiting so suspicion would not fall on them. They might be thought dead..........or might be someone they all never met, did not know the person existed.

We can go round and round.....Vivian? Anna? Tony? Dario?
I wasn't shocked by Mark because I asked a while ago about the DNA stuff and someone said that he did the test. So I figured that he was up to something and the phrasing about her being a daughter of Jack was just a head fake for us. I assume she's not related at all and seriously we don't need another new family member for anyone. Only in Salem can men AND women have unknown children roll into town out of nowhere on the regular. I think maybe she'll be a sister to Greene and not girlfriend.

It is annoying that it's another person coming on the scene with a grudge most likely. We already had that with Gwen and Sloan. Maybe there's no grudge but they just need Clyde's money for their sister or some such nonsense.

I loved Xander and Sarah today. Someone mentioned before about how nice it was that there was no nonsense with them dealing with her diagnosis and I agree. I hope it stays that way. I don't need Sarah suddenly deciding to be a martyr and leaving Xander to "help" him or anything else. Just be a normal couple handed a bad deal please. Although I would have preferred that she have mild injuries and they could be happy for a while even as they wait for justice. I guess at least Abe and Kate are happy with their soap opera.
It occurred to me watching today that no one is running the Spectator right now. Jack just went back to Boston with Jennifer, Xander doesn’t work there anymore now that he’s at Titan, Chad is ignoring the world to make this woman Abby, and Leo is trying to stage an intervention with Marlena. Oh yeah, and Everett is dead.

As for Dr. Mark Greene (they called him that every time someone talked about him today), he did have a phone call with his “girlfriend” a few weeks back when Leo was trying to figure out which team he plays for. And when the actress was first announced coming on the show, the name Marin Greene was floated around. I could be wrong, but I thought Mark mentioned something about an older sister. So, is this her? Or is she Mrs. Greene, the wife no one knew he had?

It seems Fiona is everything Xander said she was when telling people why she shouldn’t have been invited to the wedding. She’s gonna get caught at some point with as often as she thinks out loud talking to Victoria.
On July 4th, Aaron mentioned that his mom was planning a barbeque:
Tate wonders why they [Brady and Rachel] are there? Rachel says they're going to see fireworks. Brady says he can get two more tickets. Aaron has to go since his mom is having a BBQ at home. Tate says he has to go home and pack for his trip.

Here's the summary:

So, is there a mom at home? Was Aaron lying to Tate? Is NotAbby another sister, or Mark's girlfriend, or someone else?

Here's the picture that was posted to social media in June, then quickly yanked.


Also note the picture was taken when they were taping Christmas scenes (the little cart behind them is decorated with holiday items).
What didn't you like?
I don't like Sophia chasing Tate. I supported her revenge against Holly because Holly treated her like dirt. This is just trashy and also not like the character as portrayed. Cheap drama.

I don't like Dr. Greene being involved in this Abby mess. Abby is toxic to everything, and this includes her alters and impersonators. I'm hoping for a hail-Mary-type that he's just another dupe or got involved with her innocently and maybe she was always talking to someone else. If he's involved in the plot, he'll go the way of Dr. Ben Walters.

To JS's point, are they orphans or is there a mom barbecuing? Re-Ron doesn't pay attention to his own stuff, so he definitely didn't care for consistency with the temp writers' creation.

Which reminds me of the (I lost count)-th thing I don't like today. Chad has come upon "Abby" now three times when she's on the phone. The woman knows nobody. WHOM IS SHE CALLING OR TEXTING? Chad has become even stupider.
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Thanks for the summary. The teens were awful. But the rest of the show was pretty good! I definitely didn’t see that coming with Dr. Greene, and I’m intrigued. I hope this can make the plot more interesting.

I wish Fiona would just come clean. We don’t need the dragging out of another hospital storyline, or any other story, for that matter. And as dumb as Brady is acting, he doesn’t deserve this.
Which reminds me of the (I lost count)-th thing I don't like today. Chad has come upon "Abby" now three times when she's on the phone. The woman knows nobody. WHOM IS SHE CALLING OR TEXTING? Chad has become even stupider.

EXACTLY!! Also, who is paying for the phone? Whose name is it in? How did she get it? Is there a contract or is it a burner phone, etc.? Will we ever know? Do the writers know?
Whoever does the hospital hiring should be fired. Dirty Dr. Greene joins the ranks of such people as the guy who bought body parts from Warden Jane, gambling addict Dr. Baker, lover boy Dr. Dingo, and Love Doctor Jonas who reportedly drooled over hotties in hospital gowns and specialized in bedding mothers and their daughters.

The writers have morphed Sophia from annoying to unbelievable. Her behavior is typical of adults like Sami and Kritter Kristen, not a high school kid.

An angry Xander is always worth the price of admission, but his barking at Jada was inappropriate. Hit-and-runs can be difficult to solve. How often are such events reported by the TV news accompanied by a request by the police for persons with information to contact them?

It’s too bad that the foolish writers killed off poor Jake. He’d fix the damage to Brady’s car no questions asked. As for Brady himself, he’s in for a world of hurt. All will be well, but in Salem, Brady’s predicament will drag on endlessly until the writers have squeezed the last drop of drama out of it. The same goes for Sarah. She’ll be parked in her wheelchair until the writers can’t do any more with it.

Finally, Fake Abigail has already become unbearable. Perhaps, if somebody told her about the sad fate of Fake Rafe, she’d flee Salem in a panic.
EXACTLY!! Also, who is paying for the phone? Whose name is it in? How did she get it? Is there a contract or is it a burner phone, etc.? Will we ever know? Do the writers know?

Also how does she have all these clothes. It's why Chad and Jack look so stupid. They never ask what she's been doing, where did she get money, did she ever leave that room. She said she had amnesia so I guess in Salem world that means she was just sitting in a room doing nothing after she left the hospital. Their lack of curiosity would make more sense if she looked like she just got out of the hospital and had just been dumped in that room. Not to mention she barely fought the idea of leaving with them.
I do wonder at times, why the Days writers seem devoid of common sense. But then I know, scenes are deleted to fit the time period....and will agree that whoever does it......quite often must be deleting the wrong scenes as WE see scenes that we wish had been eliminated, and wonder why we aren't seeing things which should have been addressed.