Days of Our Lives - Friday, August 23, 2024


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Jan 17, 2024
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Great show! Written by one of the new head writers Jeanne Marie Ford.

Smith Island. Sound of squawking birdies set the scene. Tate, in his black underwear, is doing one handed push-ups. There is a knock at the door. He opens it to find Sophia in a bathing suit. He was expecting somebody else.

Sarah’s hospital room. Holly has remembered that Sarah is her aunt. She enters with a bag of Sweet Bits donuts. Grandma Alice's recipe. Holly wants to know how Sarah is doing? She is alright, just worried about Xander. He is not handling the situation well. Holly says he is probably just hurting for Sarah. Sarah says that his anger and frustration that he can’t do anything about it might lead to him taking it out on the wrong person.

Commish Jada is barking orders down the phone about getting matches on the license plate. Xander bursts in without knocking and accuses her of sitting around and wasting time. Why is she sitting at a desk when she should be out investigating his wife’s hit and run? Jada gets off the phone. She says she knows Xander is upset but he hasn’t got the right to barge in without knocking. Xander tells her to spare him the etiquette lesson and explain why she has not yet arrested the person who mowed down his wife. Jada gives him a hard Paddington stare.

Townhouse. Brady is talking to himself. Dude has lost his car. He remembers it being missing. He can’t figure out where it went. Phone rings. It is Maggie. We hear her voice but she is not seen at all in this scene, which is odd. Brady asks about Sarah. Maggie tells him she is paralyzed. Brady goes wide eyed.

NotAbby is pacing the murder room. She glares at a picture of real Abby. She gets on phone and tells her accomplice that she can’t do this anymore. Unseen person lectures her on how high the stakes are. NotAbby is annoyed that she is living in the house where Abby was murdered with Chad and his two brothers, both of whom she apparently "slept with". Chad keeps staring at her like he is waiting for her to remember something. He has been patient and understanding, but how long can that last? Cue a knock on the door. It’s Chad with coffee. NotAbby snarls “not that long apparently” into the phone.

Brady is sorry. He wants to know if the paralysis is permanent? Maggie reports that the doctors say she might regain the use of her legs with the help of steroids and physical therapy. A better report than Sarah gave poor Xander on Wednesday. Brady wants to know what he can do? Maggie wants him to pray for Sarah’s recovery and that the culprit is found.

Xander continues to Xander. He asks Jada if she has even lifted a finger on the case, or is she just happy cashing a paycheck in the new cushy job she has inherited due to Rafe’s misfortune (he picks up and looks dismissively at her nameplate as he says this. Jada continues to glare). Jada advises him to watch his tone. Xander wants results and a name. Jada says they are doing everything they can. Xander doesn’t buy this. He says the Salem PD is a pathetic excuse for a police department (not wrong) and that nobody here does their jobs, or the monster who paralyzed his wife would already be rotting in jail.

Cut to said monster. She has poured herself a nice looking drink complete with celery stalks. She has one of her usual flashbacks. This time to Xander telling her about Sarah’s paralysis. She mutters what has she done and sips at her drink.

Holly says Xander is just frustrated. Sarah knows Jada is doing everything she can but Xander is not going to stop until somebody is arrested, and she loves him for that, but she hopes he does not get himself locked up. Holly, who is new to Xander, asks if he does this kind of thing often? Sarah replies "You could say that." Xander is very protective of her. Holly would totally freak if somebody hurt the one she loved. Sarah wants to know who that might be?

Sophia knows how busy Holly is doing her menial job at the Bistro and her aunt in the hospital. Tate points out that Sarah could have been killed. Sophia says she thought Tate might be lonely, so what does he feel like doing?

Jada didn’t know Sarah was paralyzed. Xander is not interested in her apologies. He just wants her to do her job. It’s been days and she’s got nowhere. Jada says that is not true. Xander has not seen an arrest. Jada says if he hadn’t stormed in here looking for a fight she might have been able to give him some news. Xander asks if she found something? Jada tells him they have a lead on the car.

Fiona’s drink needs more vodka. Knock on door. She hides the booze in a drawer. It’s Brady, so she didn’t need to do that. Fiona wants to know if he found his car? Brady's angry that Fiona didn’t tell him Sarah was paralyzed. She admits she downplayed it a bit hoping it wasn’t permanent. She is terribly upset. The mother of her granddaughter might not walk again, so Brady isn’t top of her list right now. Brady is dying. Fiona tells him to calm down. Brady says Fiona is not the one who might be the blame for Sarah’s paralysis (well…)

Sarah is trying to get the intel on Tate from Holly when who enters but Dr. Mark Greene, no longer unseen! He was just doing his rounds. Sarah introduces Holly but he knows her. They explain the debacle about the prom and how Holly ditched Aaron for Tate.

Tate wants to know why Sophia would want him to hang out with her? Sophia gaslighted his girlfriend. They aren’t friends. She made Holly feel bad that they aren’t having sex yet. Sophia just thinks that might be "hard" on him. Tate is fine. Sophia says she has heard it can be uncomfortable when a girl "teases" a guy and doesn’t put out.

Tate is not like most teenage boys. He doesn’t walk around thinking about sex all the time. Sophia is eyeing "little Tate" and begs to differ. Tate covers with a pillow and says it is just because it is morning. Sophia says there is nothing to be ashamed of (I’m ashamed typing this). Sophia doesn’t want to leave him alone with all his pent-up sexual energy.

NotAbby hangs up. Chad has coffee, Abby’s fave with vanilla creamer. Chad was worried about her sleeping in the murder room. She assures him that she survived. She asks if it is hard for him to be in this room? It is of course. She was thinking about Clyde coming in with a knife and…. She either has a flash of memory or pretends to have one. I’m going with pretending.

Chad wants to know what she remembers? She says she was on the bed and Clyde said “I know what you’ve been up to”. Chad feeds into this by telling her he was talking about her investigation into the drug ring. NotAbby says it is all fuzzy. Clyde is walking towards her with a knife. She starts screaming “no no no” and Chad embraces her. She says the memory is gone now. Chad says it is a huge breakthrough. Her memories are in there somewhere. Her face says different.

Tate tosses away the pillow. Sophia is making him uncomfortable. He loves Holly. Tate tells her to relax. She removes her cover-up and comes at him.
Sarah is going over the details of the prom debacle. Holly tells her Aaron was in on it. And it didn’t matter because Tate’s parents busted them anyway. Mark says that is why the boys are off at lacrosse camp. Sarah says that all the parents wanted distance between the two, probably Nicole is happy as well. Mark has been browsing the camp’s Instagram page, loads of pics of Aaron enjoying camp, but weirdly they are all captioned “Tate Black”. How about that? Holly says that is totally weird. Sarah looks suspicious.

Xander asks Jada if they have found the car that hit Sarah? Jada says not yet but they have video and a partial plate. They are working on matching cars. Xander gets on his phone and says if she gives him the plate he can get Titan security on it as well. Jada is not going to do that. It is a police investigation and she doesn’t want Xander or his team interfering. Xander says this is the only thing that matters to him.

Jada says he has to let her do her job. She does not need Xander to go around scaring possible suspects. They are going to go car by car and rule out suspects. It will take time. She tells him to go be with Sarah. She will call him as soon as they make an arrest. Xander warns her that she had better find whoever did this before he does. Jada has a headache.

Fiona says they aren’t even sure Brady hit Sarah. Brady thinks it is pretty obvious he did. Fiona says whoever took the car could be the hit and run driver. He doesn’t remember anything that happened. There is no use of him thinking about it. It can’t help Sarah. She pours him vodka. Brady swills it back. It did not make it better. Xander and Sarah just got married, they have a daughter, they have their whole lives ahead of them. Maggie bangs on the door at that moment, this time we see her. She has the stroller that purports to contain Victoria with her.

Fiona bundles Brady, his glass, and the bottle of vodka into the bathroom. She opens the door to Maggie. Fiona is now on grandma duty. Maggie needs her to watch the baby while she visits Sarah. Fiona asks about Sarah’s condition. Maggie says Sarah is trying to be brave but she must be terrified, thinking about her future.

Mark is checking Sarah’s chart. Sarah asks if he sees a speedy and miraculous cure for spinal cord ischemia. He does not. He is optimistic though. If anybody can come back from this it is Sarah. Holly peaces out. She promises more donuts next visit. Mark asks her if she talks to Aaron to get him to fix the "wrong" tags on the camp’s Instagram.

Tate is uncomfortable. Sophia is coming on strong. He doesn’t want this. She won’t tell if he won’t.

Chad doesn’t want to pressure NotAbby but is there anything else she remembers? She does not. He is thrilled though; it is a big first step. Now she has remembered the worst, she might start remembering the good stuff. He hugs her. She looks guilty. Hug ends. Chad feels he is pressuring her too much. She gets it. Would she like to spend the day together? They could do a ride to the lake. She says it sounds lovely, but she needs time alone to process. Chad stutters a bit. She likes seeing the hope in his eyes. She is going to go for a walk. She has GPS on her phone. She will be fine.

Maggie says it is strange, that after everything Sarah went through, she was finally happy and settled, but now a random person took it all away, and then fled like a coward. Brady is poking his face around the door listening. Fiona agrees it is awful and says Maggie should get back to the hospital. Maggie thanks her for watching Victoria. She is so happy Sarah tracked her down. It is a blessing for Xander to have his mother, especially given what he is dealing with now.

Fiona says they are all in this together. She sends Sarah good thoughts. Maggie says and good thoughts that they find the driver too. Maggie departs, Brady enters. That was excruciating for him. He hates hearing Maggie in pain. He knows they can’t say for sure it was him. Fiona tells him to stay the course. Brady asks if she is up for babysitting? Fiona says it will do her good to spend time with gorgeous Victoria. Brady leaves, Fiona assuring him that it will all be ok.

Xander comes into Sarah’s room with flowers. He is introduced to Mark. Sarah is Mark’s friend and he is taking a personal interest in Sarah’s case. Xander should call if he has any questions. Mark leaves and Sarah takes the flowers. She thinks they are beautiful. He thinks she is. She is sure she looks wonderful right now. Xander is in love, she is always perfect to him. He finds the donuts and is told Holly brought them. She tells him that Holly defended Xander’s overprotectiveness, and that she would do the same for somebody she loved, who Sarah assumes is Tate Black. Xander isn’t a fan. Tate is Theresa’s son, not to mention Brady’s, even with half of Theresa’s nasty personality he will break Holly’s heart.

Tate is resisting. Sophia reminds him of the saying "What happens on Smith Island stays on Smith Island". Tate says nobody has ever said that. The photo of Tom and Alice is observing this. Holly comes in just as Sophia has her paws on Tate’s naked chest. Holly lays into Sophia. Sophia says Holly can’t really stake claim in a guy she hasn’t even gotten to first base with.

Holly says that is none of her business. Tate is trying to speak. Holly says Sophia is a lying skank. Sophia is offended Holly is condemning her for being "sex positive". Holly tells her to leave. Sophia tells her not to be late for work. Holly wants to know what she walked in on.

Xander thinks Holly can do a whole lot better than Theresa’s son. Sarah wonders if someday people might say that about Victoria. Xander would never let his precious princess date just anyone. Or in fact, anyone. Sarah says locking her in a tower is a great plan. Xander concedes he won’t do that. He won’t let anybody hurt Victoria or Sarah ever again. They are kissing when Maggie comes in. She approves the PDA. Xander lets them know that Jada has a partial plate and a lead. They are tracking down matches, and with any luck they will be knocking on the door of the person who put her in this hospital bed.

Fiona tells Victoria that her Mummy will soon be home safe and sound. If she can just keep Brady and his conscience from ruining everything.

Brady is serving himself more vodka. Jada knocks on the door. She is investigating Sarah’s hit and run. She needs to see his car. She walks into the townhouse forcefully. I don’t think it’s in here Jada.

Chad is looking fondly at the Abby pic. It won’t be long, he muses, you are finally coming back to me.

NotAbby is texting in the park. She can’t see who she is meeting. Relax, says Mark, I’m right here. End of show!
So why is Mark Greene going after the DiMeras? He is crazy and must have a death wish. I know he encountered Leo jogging shirtless. He is Sophia's brother/guardian. His brother has a crush on Holly and went to camp in Tate's place. Can't recall anything else. Do we know how his parents died. Maybe if a DiMera was involved it's a vendetta. Mark better know people who cross DiMeras frequently wind up dead.

I really was surprised to see Mark as the accomplice. I am hoping fake Jennifer is getting a guilty conscience.

I am now adding Mark to my wish list for Crazy Connie to dispatch. Maybe some Salemite could become his sister's guardian if I get my wish.

More comments later perhaps.
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Thanks Brisby! Admittedly, for me, was quite the shock for the accomplice to be revealed as Dr. Greene. Agree, great show. Boy, Sophia was sooooo over the top in her pursuit to get Tate in bed. Glad Holly caught her.

Hate that Brady thinks he is the one who hit Sarah, and now he is drinking! Hope Fiona goes on a really bad guilt trip, and confesses.
Why the heck would Fiona be giving Brady vodka, knowing he was supposed to be on the wagon, but then again, so was she.......and both fell off. Brady has repeated proclaimed he just would not drive drunk, doesn't understand why he did. (of course, he didn't! ) will Fiona really let him take the blame for what SHE did?
So why is Mark Greene going after the DiMeras? He is crazy and must have a death wish. I know he encountered Leo jogging shirtless. He is Sophia's brother/guardian. His brother has a crush on Holly and went to camp in Tate's place. Can't recall anything else. Do we know how his parents died. Maybe if a DiMera was involved it's a vendetta. Mark better know people who cross DiMeras frequently wind up dead.
Mark's parents died in a car crash. He has been raising Aaron and Felicity alone ever since. Considering that burden, plus medical school bills, he may be working with Clyde to cash in. He definitely was working the night of the DNA test done on Fake Abby.
Why the heck would Fiona be giving Brady vodka, knowing he was supposed to be on the wagon, but then again, so was she.......and both fell off. Brady has repeated proclaimed he just would not drive drunk, doesn't understand why he did. (of course, he didn'T! ) will Fiona really let him take the blame for what SHE did?
I think she's working overtime to keep him drunk and convince him not to turn himself in because she knows that if Brady goes down, it will also expose her own relapse.
Thank you, brisbydog!

So why is Mark Greene going after the DiMeras? He is crazy and must have a death wish. I know he encountered Leo jogging shirtless. He is Sophia's brother/guardian.
rfsexton: Sophia is not related to the Greens. He is the brother of Aaron and Felicity who works at Sweet Bits. I don't think we ever met Sophia's family.

It looks like Mark Greene knows about the Aaron/Tate switch. What's his deal, anyway?

Sophia has really broken bad. Will Holly believe Tate's explanation, especially given how little he is wearing?

I don't believe Holly even knows that Sarah was only where she was when she was hit because she was going to Maggie's to help find the only key to the cabin which Holly had. I wonder if that will ever come out?

Brady needs to have Marlena hypnotize him to possibly retrace his steps that awful night of the crash, even if it means confessing that he was drinking and possibly driving drunk. He won't mention Fiona, of course, but I hope it comes out soon that she was the driver.

I wish Xander hadn't burst into Jada's office and ranted at her. That is a hint at the old Xander. Just because she is not outside does not mean she is not investigating the crash. Due to the partial plate, she now will question Brady. I wonder what he will tell her about his car, since he does not know where it is. We don't know where it is, either.
Why was Dimitri with Rolf? I thought he left Leo for another man and I am sure it wasn't Rolf.
Dimitri was on the run for assaulting Jada and shooting somebody (Stefan? I can't recall). He left Leo to take the rap for their crime spree, then returned to set Leo free by confessing. He got sent to super max to cover up the Jude thing, where he met his new man.
I wish Xander hadn't burst into Jada's office and ranted at her. That is a hint at the old Xander. Just because she is not outside does not mean she is not investigating the crash. Due to the partial plate, she now will question Brady. I wonder what he will tell her about his car, since he does not know where it is. We don't know where it is, either.
It wouldn't be Xander if he didn't go around bellowing and demanding something be done. That's just Xander.