Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct 11, 2024


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Spectacular show today, less the Chad stuff:

DiMansion - Xander rushes in; he's looking for Kristen. Kristen emerges from the back area of the study/living room. She tells Xander that Rolf is more confident than ever about his magic juice. They recap Sarah's recanting her ID of Brady to EJ. Xander wants the serum. Kristen won't proceed until EJ has dropped the charges although Xander tries to bluff through this. They discuss a strategy and Kristen actually seems to be trying to help. They can go public. Xander can't do that.

K-Mansion - Sarah is in front of the couch in her wheelchair. Eric rushes in. He wants to know the truth. Is she covering for her mother-in-law? Eric overheard a conversation that Sarah and Fiona had "yesterday" about a secret they're keeping from Xander and this is how he arrived at the conclusion Fiona was the driver. Sarah has a flashback to explaining her reasoning for pinning Brady to Fiona. Eric misunderstood, and Sarah says she would never cover for Fiona. Eric lays out additional facts, like that Fiona and Brady were together the night of the accident.

Square in front of the Salem Inn - Fiona is deep in thought when Sophia passes by and starts chatting her up. Fiona has a flashback of her martini.. Sophia recounts her victory with Tate. Fiona seems half-involved but wants to chat with Sophie to keep her mind off things. Without names, she recounts what happened with Holly and the briefcase. There's another juicy part about Holly and Tate - Fiona stops and asks about the names. It's a small world, Fiona lives in the same house with Holly Jonas. Sophia mistakes her for Grandma Maggie, Fiona scolds her for not paying attention (she had said she "barely knew" Holly). Fiona wants Sophia to forget about her martini.

Paris France with too much accordion music (near the Tour d'Eiffel, I guess) - Holly speaks on the phone with her grandma (seated in the private area) about her easy flight and the beauty of Paris. (It's kind of cute.) Holly is meeting Nicole at a café. Maggie wishes her luck. They recap the plot point about Eric killing Daniel. Maggie wishes her luck, ends the call. Holly waits for Nicole.

Also Paris but must be closer to L'arc de Triomphe, hotel room - Chad and "Abby" are talking. "Abby" doesn't want to be intimate, she wants to marry him. They don't appear as frequently as the other stories, which is good, since the conversation circles endlessly. The upshot is "Abby" believes her memory will return upon their fourth marriage. He accepts and they kiss, and we get to see "Abby" have a concerned expression as her lips spar with Chad's.

Private Area - Tate happens upon Maggie and the stroller. They recap Brady's sorrow at Sarah's laments. Tate feels like he's lost everyone he cares about because of his mom, dad, and now Holly dumping him. He asks if she's OK? Maggie tells him Holly went to Paris and why. Tate tells her about Holly's aborted investigation in Brady's room and her attacking Sophia. Maggie asks about Sophia's feelings for Tate because I guess Marlena is too busy to be his grandma right now. She gets a call and Tate scoots.

Square - Fiona and Sophia, seated across from one another, continue their chat about Fiona's secret. Fiona is grasping Sophia's upper arm. She demands secrecy - her family cannot know she was drinking. Sophia guesses she will keep her secret. Fiona seethes, "Don't guess. Swear." and reminds her that she's not "some teenage rival" that can be messed with. Fiona gets an assurance of her silence and stalks off. Sophia is left to process this interaction.

K-Mansion - Eric talks about the waiter, the Small Bar, and Fiona changing her story. They talk about how Fiona doesn't drink. Eric thinks it's moot since Sarah remembers Brady driving, and she does not lie. One-shot of Sarah remaining stony-faced. Eric is worried about his brother and Brady's kids. Eric tells Sarah to take care.

DiMansion - Xander fears EJ's wrath and Sarah being in prison. Xander begs Kristen - his wife deserves the chance to walk again. Kristen can't comply until the charges go away. Xander reminds her of the island, she owes Sarah. Both characters are thinking about their daughters. They're at a stalemate. Xander reminds Kristen that the DiMeras aren't the only ones capable of the unthinkable. He threatens Rachel's safety. Kristen matches this move, has the best card with the Rolf serum.

Chad's Paris Digs - More enthusiastic native kissing. "Abby" is so happy. They need to get her a dress and also find someone to marry them. "Abby" leaves and looks forlorn as she gets a one-shot outside the apartment (Number 56). Inside the apartment, later, he glances at a picture of him marrying Abby (Marci Miller). He gets a call from Steve.

Parisian Café/Private Area - Holly speaks with Maggie about her convo with Nicole. Holly had a good talk with a sincere-seeming Nicole, who had to run off because of Jude, but Holly needed time to process. Nicole booked Holly a hotel room near them (with what money!?!?). They will meet later. Maggie tells Holly that her dad would be proud of her. Later, as Holly is leaving, she passes by "Abby" speaking to Mark.

Square - Tate comes over to Sophia and tells her about Holly's trip to Paris. Sophia thinks it's great that Holly might work things out with Nicole. She still considers Holly her friend even though there's a rivalry. But if Holly stayed in Paris, Sophia might get Tate all to herself. Tate looks flattered.

Private Area - Xander comes up to Maggie and checks on Victoria. Maggie asks him if everything's all right? He tells her about the cure that Kristen is withholding.

DiMansion - Kristen talks to Stefano's portrait, which is glowering at her. She hopes her actions will get Brady cleared.

KMansion, Sarah and Xander's bedroom - Sarah hears Eric's recaps in her head and she sees Fiona's face driving the car that hit her. Fiona enters the room. END
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Since the marriage is for fraudulent matters, I'd think it wouldn't be legal/valid.

We'll have to ask DrBakerFan to chime in on this.
Another legal question would be "is Abigail Devereux legally alive?"

We know that AnnaLynne McCord's character (Fabby/Miss Greene) isn't Abigail but even if she was, Abigail probably couldn't legally get married without first getting herself reinstated as a living person in a legal sense.
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I tried to watch but the plots have been so disingenuous it is waste of time.

I am ready for Fabby to confess and leave.

I am ready for Fibona to be busted and jailed.

I am ready for Ejerk to be disbarred for totally unethical behavior. As far as I'm concerned he can go to the island, where there are gators or crocs to devour him, thus putting him out of our misery.
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Thanks Jason. I really wish some of "flesh out" Ron's terrible stories had common sense. As mentioned about the passport, it would have real Abby's face.

No judge or jury in the world would sentence a woman still recovering from a horrific traffic accident that happened last week, and most importantly Rolf. Really?

Looking forward to Monday when they will do one of two things: skip over today's show entirety and take us to Alex and Stephanie boinking.

It's challenging with this editing crew.
I really enjoyed today's show. Fiona is fun, and it's okay that she was mean to Sophia because Sophia is kind of an edgy gal herself. This dynamic could be fun.

Sarah is fantastic, as usual. I enjoyed Eric today, although he is not really Eric, he's Lucky Spencer (Greg Vaughn's character from General Hospital).
Well done, Jason!

Sarah cannot let on that she now knows Fiona was the driver. She must play innocent and above suspicion of knowing the truth, lest Fiona might try to silence her. But time is not one her side. She must tell the authorities before EJ goes at Brady.

Seeing bad Xander was disturbing. Threatening to take Rachel was something bad Xander would have done in the past. Kristen will not lie down and take this threat, she will try to be a step or two ahead of him. But would Xander REALLY do something to a little girl to get the magic formula?

Agree about Fiona and Sophia being entertaining. Will Sophia slip and let on that Fiona is drinking? Anyone at Small Bar who served Fiona that martini can be a witness to her imbibing.

Will Holly like Paris enough to stay there, even though Eric lives there now?

Eric's new boss must be very understanding to let him stay in Salem for an indefinite time.

Please don't let Chad and fake Abby marry in Paris, let something go wrong like it always does in Salem.
Since the marriage is for fraudulent matters, I'd think it wouldn't be legal/valid.

We'll have to ask DrBakerFan to chime in on this.
Chad would have grounds to annul the marriage on the grounds of fraud.
Another legal question would be "is Abigail Devereux legally alive?"

We know that AnnaLynne McCord's character (Fabby/Miss Greene) isn't Abigail but even if she was, Abigail probably couldn't legally get married without first getting herself reinstated as a living person in a legal sense.
She wouldn’t be able to safely marry as “Abigail” without jumping through a lot of legal hoops that establish that she’s alive. She could marry under her own name, but a marriage as “Abigail” could easily be annulled on the grounds of fraud.
Which little girl @JasonDíSpeech? Do you mean when he and Brady abducted Rachel to scare Kristen?

Xander would never harm Rachel. He was her dad for the first year of her life. Empty threat, which Kristen knew.

If they were thinking outside the box they'd have Kristen dress up as Susan and tell her little Elvis to do the right thing and let Brady and Sarah both walk.
For once Kritter Kristen was right about something — the way for Xander to deal with idiot DA EJ is to complain to Mayor Paulina or go to the media. (Leo would love a story about the heartless DA and the poor, handicapped mother.) They also could go to the bar association. Any way you cut it Sarah would be in the clear and Elvis would be ruined.

Speaking of playing hardball, Sophia should not be intimidated by the morally bankrupt Fiona. She should rat out the boozy granny to Eric “Nancy Drew” Brady. This would clear poor, downtrodden Brady, make her a heroine, and greatly impress Tater Tot. (Match that Holly.)

Finally, let’s hope that Sarah’s latest memory recovery sticks and finishes off witchy Fiona. Then if Steve can drop the hammer on the Faker and Sarah could be cured all would be well in Salem at least for the moment.
Thanks, Jason.

The music where Holly is supposed to be was annoying. I suppose the viewers had to feel Holly was in Paris.

I wish we knew the whole conversation that Nicole had with Holly. Did she mention where Daniel's heart is?

Fiona sure got upset with Sophia. Why didn't someone in the square come over?

Chad answered the phone and it's Steve. Is Chad as stupid as we thought or is he working with Steve?
It would be nice surprise if Chad has known the whole time what the woman has been doing.

Holly sees "Abby" in Paris. Will Holly hear what she says on the phone?

Sarah finally remembers Fiona was driving the car that hit her. What will she do next?