Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 24, 2024

I still call bull on the adoption being called off because Sloan filed a legitimate civil case against Paulina, and not because the potential father killed somebody drunk driving.
I thought the same thing, but had a busy day so didn't have any backtracking time to call it out!! Thanks brisby.
Oh, wow, Greg Vaughan (Eric) was outstanding today, the emotions were all there. Only negative comment I have is against the writers or director, as that was a lousy Friday cliffhanger. Nicole would not have just said nothing when handed a baby, and told "your son did not die". First thing would be "what are you talking about??". And Eric would have replied.....Sloan switched babies.

And now, while Jude is rightfully returned to his mother......when does it get revealed Eric is the dad, not EJ? Bet it's gonna be a while. Eric was very attached to Jude, it was just like him to do the right thing, even tho it hurt him so much to do it.
I am so happy! I've been on vacation since the 12th so have only been reading recaps. I tried Peacock when we were camped but it didn't work. So today driving 70 westbound in the motorhome I thought I'd try it and it worked. So I watched this one. Finally Sloan fesses up and Nicole gets her baby, her real baby back. I guess it's sad that Eric doesn't know Jude is his but I have issues with Eric. I really like Nicole with EJ but not sure why. He isn't the most upstanding. But I like how he treats her. And sweet. The campground we are at now I can watch tomorrow. Yay!
I really like Nicole with EJ but not sure why. He isn't the most upstanding. But I like how he treats her. And sweet.
Don't forget that he cheated on her with her sister, Taylor. Plus, he forced her to wear a diamond bracelet with a tracking chip inside it so he'd know where she was 24/7. He'd have never told her about Jude if he hadn't seen her drunkenly kissing Eric.
So. o.k. I admit I have liked Eric for a long long time, but not anymore....and I can't explain it. Have always loved Nicole. EJ was mostly negative character, but had good moments. Used to enjoy Leo, but......he has become a bit annoying of late.

It all goes to show What occurs with a change in headwiter, or script writers, producers, etc. And Days sure has been playing musical chairs with them all.

I realize writers have to deal with actors coming and going, illnesses, tempers, etc. And the actors have to deal with scenarios they don't like, that they know their character just would not do......and on and on.

And it all rolls back to Ken Corday, who doesn't seem to keep as good an eye on it all as his parents did. Plus the decision to move it all to streaming, which I hate., as do many others, plus it lost a great many viewers unable to access. A faithful daily viewer all these years, but now am missing or skipping episodes.

O.K. let me say (and I know I am repeating myself) I have a "big dish" satellite, on a very tall pole, and once upon a time was able to get Days via Canada, bless them all. A day ahead. Which is how I got into the summary business. LOL. And Betty & Ted were the bosses there. The years pass, time changes everything. The Cordays have passed, my partners in Day ahead retired, and actually, Day ahead no longer exists. Canada went to same day like the U.S.
Back to the show.........both Nicole and Eric are leaving the show. (Ari Zucker & Greg Vaughan). If they agreed to stay long enough to write their characters out, bless their hearts.

We really have good actors on the show, so am hoping they all get a chance to show what they can really do. Am not fond of the Stefan character, or the Gwen character, but that is the writing. EJ needs a story centering on him, DiMera.......whatever. Don't like Chad embracing his DiMera side. Tired of Stefano having offspring all over the place.

However, summer is coming, which means "holding pattern". Bet you all have ideas to wish Day would at least give a thought. LOL