Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 24, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Spectator Offices (same sweeping shot) - Stephanie ponders and emotes before, during, and after leaving a voicemail for Everett. (We see a picture of Everett on her phone.)

Police Station - Rafe and Jada ask Marlena what is happening with Everett? Marlena can't reveal anything she knows about Everett/Bobby from their sessions, she can only speak about what they all saw in this room. It's like Bobby and Everett are two people who live inside the head holding the beard. They talk about dissociative identity disorder (DID) which Abigail DiMera had as well. Jada feels this would explain so much. Rafe wants to warn Stephanie because she posted his bail. Jada calls. Stephanie (at the Spectator office) answers, doesn't know where Everett is. Jada asks her down to the station.

Square - Chanel is eating ice cream. She's excited about her pregnancy and done with the dread, and wants to make big announcements. Johnny hesitates because of EJ and Nicole's recent loss. Chanel says she'll be showing soon, maybe a new grandchild will ease their pain.

DiMansion Living Room - Nicole gets an apology text from Holly. She sends back an "I love you" text. EJ comes in and she gives him the good news. He's glad; he gets a call from Rita and yells at her. Nicole asks why he's so wound up? He had thought it would be Paulina calling to give him his job back. EJ vows revenge with his plan to have her recalled. Nicole is on board for a non-violent revenge. EJ keeps checking his watch and she playfully tries to get information from him about it. He's expecting a delivery.

Petersen-Brady Apartment - Replay of Eric saying he knows Jude's not biologically theirs, and her saying that Jude is Nicole and EJ's baby, which she took because she was afraid of losing Eric and grieving her miscarriage and infertility, and losing the baby they were supposed to adopt because of her horrible past. She recaps how the on-the-lam Dimitri brought the baby to her because the hospital was swarming with cops.

Sloan tries to touch him and he pulls away as she explains her choice. Eric takes in the information, asks about the blood tests, she confesses she tampered with them. Why now, Eric asks? Sloan has a flashback. She explains she was putting out fires but they keep coming, explaining that Leo figured it out because he delivered Nicole's baby. Eric figures out that's what Leo was trying to tell them at the Inn, and was the source of the blackmail. Eric tells Sloan she's incapable of love.

DiMansion Living Room - EJ remains cagey with flirty Nicole. Johnny and Chanel come in. Johnny is sorry EJ was fired. They talk about Paulina's radioactive rampage. Chanel says she's pregnant. Nicole beams. She's shocked by EJ's lack of reaction, learns that EJ knew already. Chanel wanted Nicole to be the first to hear the now-public news. EJ wants a moment with Johnny, and they step out of the room.

Police Station - Stephanie arrives as Jada, Rafe, and Marlena talk about Everett and Stephanie. They bring her up to date on the DID. Stephanie learns that Everett/Bobby/his beard left Marlena's care against advice (and thus lied to her). Marlena says intense psychotherapy is needed, thinks Stephanie is the best shot they have to get him into treatment. She will do whatever she can. They have to find him, and be careful.

DiMansion Entryway - EJ scolds Johnny for this mistake. Johnny says it's not his business, Chanel is being optimistic. Johnny supports his wife and he'll try to be optimistic for her.

DiMansion Living Room - Nicole gives Chanel a book she got from her shower. She came across it and couldn't get rid of it, maybe this is why. She admits how hard it was to see the joy in Chanel's face because it reminds her of her joy and loss. She is so, so happy for Chanel, and is sorry for falling apart. Johnny and EJ re-enter. Nicole calls him grampa and tells the kids how happy she/they are for them. Johnny and Chanel go upstairs. Nicole focuses on the present, and that the pain will never go away so she has to deal with it. They hug as EJ again looks at his watch.

Petersen-Brady Apartment - Eric can't believe that Sloan did this to EJ and Nicole and him. She did it because she loves him. She hugs him as he cries. She would do anything for "us". She holds tight and he tells her to stop and pushes her away. He says goodbye to Jude; he's taking him back to EJ. Later, he's packing as Sloan tries to say goodbye to Jude. He refuses to let her. He tells Jude he'll never stop missing him. Eric picks up a real baby and says it's time to meet his real mommy and daddy. He then leaves with Jude, tells Sloan he'll be back and she will pay. Sloan weeps.

Johnny and Chanel's Bedroom - Chanel asks Johnny what EJ talked to him about? Johnny lies to her and says EJ has them covered. He asks about her talk with Nicole. She says it was sad, but she gave them a gift. They worry about her advancing pregnancy's effect on Nicole. Chanel suggests they move out.

Petersen-Brady Apartment - Sloan hugs a teddy bear and weeps.

DiMansion Living Room - EJ and Nicole are on the couch, Nicole is resting on him. She thanks him for his support. The doorbell rings. Nicole suspects it's EJ's delivery. Eric and Jude are at the door. Nicole asks what is going on? Eric tells her her son didn't die, Jude is your son. She is in disbelief as Eric hands her the baby. Jude fusses and Nicole comforts him. Eric looks sad. EJ looks content. Nicole embraces Jude. END
Nicole delivers. It's a huge mistake for the show to have let her go.

Sloan does a great job. I'm flummoxed that they made her an accomplice/villain instead of an unwitting victim who then held the secret. That could have been more compelling.

Once again, the filming delay kills the show. It's nearly impossible to track Sloan's feelings as they turn to suit whatever plot they were thinking we wanted 9 months ago.

I'm surprised everything came out today - they're rushing to something - but what?
The entire reveal was rushed. First, Eric packed up that baby extremely quick. I get that his righteousness would make him right the wrong quickly, but holy moly, that was quick. And upon presenting the baby to Nicole, if I was Nicole, I would have fainted or at least hyperventilated at the news, not just embrace the child, and then THE END. I am sure the whole confusion factor will happen on Monday when she processes what he said.
Lots of drama today with good intense scenes.

The loss of the original adoptive baby was a story I missed. I am glad we got the timeline for Jude told. I wish they also explained Melinda's involvement. She pulled a totally stupid stunt.
Thanks Jason. The story did seem rushed. Is it because the new writers are back on staff and they didn't plan for this to have gone on so long? But wow, has Sloan's skills as an actress grown. From one note bed hopper to a woman who has feelings. And Nicole, I agree, they were fools to fire her.

Personally, if I was giving a baby back to someone after inadvertently kidnapping it, I think I'd take the multi hundred dollar stroller too. But that's just me.

Great, now the Bobby/Everett news is out, how long will this take and was this part of the original plan for this actor?

Bring back the 5 week max lead time.
Great job, Jason!

I was so disappointed in the way the show ended and handled Jude's return to Nicole. Definitely rushed. I don't know if Nicole really understood what Eric was saying. It was almost as if he was dropping Jude off for babysitting. And what a cutie pie Jude is! Why the heck couldn't Eric just bring Jude in and explain it to Nicole? Won't Nicole ask EJ about this "delivery" and how he knew? Agree about leaving the stroller behind. Why? It just looked so odd to be walking around like that without a stroller or a carrier/sling. I trust that the scene will be replayed and then continue.

One scenario could be Nicole going to see Sloan and have it out with her, and Sloan, in a frenzy, blurts out that Eric is the father. With Eric right there, as he followed Nicole. Wishful thinking. This will drag out, and all Nicole will have is the half truth.

When Chanel suggested moving out, will Johnny tell her about California and the opportunity there? Would she move far away during a high-risk pregnancy? I don't think she will care much about moving away from Paulina now, but what about Sweet Bits?

I admire Chanel's new positive attitude and deplore EJ manhandling Johnny.

Stephanie should not go searching for Everett/Bobby. Who knows who he will be and what will happen?
I loved Johnny today. Way to stand up to his idiot father and defend his wife. I loved the exchange between Nicole and Chanel. I've had it with EJ, but at least he chose to get Nicole's baby back instead of continuing the lie. I know it's self-interest so he can play the hero, but still, I'm glad about the Nicole side of the equation. It's only a matter of time before the paternity shoe drops.

Eric is, well, Eric. I don't blame him for being crazy angry, but since he's this sanctimonious about everything, I still rolled my eyes a little. I agree that Jessica Serfaty (Sloan) was great today as well.

I don't give a fig about Everett. I like the actor and think he's doing a good job with this mental illness thing, but I just don't care.
embrace the child, and then THE END
I 100% thought that the show would end with Eric at the door. Obviously he was going to do the right thing, but the whole reveal could have taken up Monday. Pacing is a problem in Salem.
there’s one more big truth to be revealed about Jude.
Nope, we all know what needs to be known. Keep the smile on the kid's face!!
I think I'd take the multi hundred dollar stroller
Eric probably needs the store credit.
What a weird way to do the baby reveal to Nicole. To quote T.S. Eliot "not with a bang but with a whimper". Eric's whimper to be specific. Nicole just looked confused. I mean, way to give her some context man. I assume she will get further details Monday but this fell weirdly flat.

And the other "big" reveal: After months and months of Everett very obviously displaying two personalities, Rafe states it, Jada agrees and Marlena confirms (breaking her doctor oath as usual, blabbing to his recent ex wife, her boyfriend, and his currentish girlfriend). I am interested in this plot but only when Bobby/Everett is on screen, not when these 4 dullards chat about him. Weird for him not even to be shown when they finally confirm what is going on with him.

Chanel said something like nothing is going to stop us having this baby, which means they are on track for a miscarriage and they will never know if it was caused by radiation or just going to happen anyway.

I still call bull on the adoption being called off because Sloan filed a legitimate civil case against Paulina, and not because the potential father killed somebody drunk driving. That should have been the reason, adding further motivation on Sloan to give Eric his own kid.

I am shocked Sloan told the whole truth (minus the paternity). I thought she'd blame a hospital mix up. I felt sad for her today but I hate Eric so I will never care about him and his man pain. His obviously painted on fake tear that had started trickling before Sloan even told him about Jude made me laugh, probably not what the actor was going for. Today I just stared at his weirdly red face. Of course he instantly returns the baby the same night. He's such a saint. Sarah's response of bolting with Mickey/Rachel was far more realistic.

I feel bad for Sloan, weirdly enough, she has had an awful year and she would never have done any of this without Melinda pushing her every step of the way.
She absolutely did. She was there at the hospital when Sloan had the miscarriage and told her she needed to lie to Eric to keep him. She encouraged her to tamper with paternity tests and every time Sloan wavered and wanted to tell Eric the truth, Melinda talked her out of it. Her reasoning appears to be that she hates EJ. It doesn't make a ton of sense.
Thanks, Jason.

Where, oh where, is Everett? Or is he Bobby now? Where, oh where, can he be?

Jada said she never heard of DID before. Does it only happen in Salem?

Will Johnny and Chanel move out now with Jude at home or will they stay? They were looking before
but never found anything. Alex's apartment is empty now.

Interesting how much Marlena told them about Everett since she's not his doctor. I would think the
doctor/patient confidentiality still applied since he used to be a patient. But it's Salem.

Will Sloan be home when Eric returns? If she is, will he move back to the pub?

Will Eric talk to Leo about what he did?

So Jude is finally with his mom and fake daddy. Will Nicole keep his name? EJ will probably want to
change it.
Such a fuss over Everett. If people had cared this much about poor, messed-up Nick Fallon, he’d probably still be alive.

There’s little left to say bout the baby reveal except that it was a perfect role for Eric — looking hurt, weepy, and distraught all at once. The only question left is how long Nicole, EJ, and little Elvis Jr. Jr. (formerly Jude) will enjoy domestic bliss at the DiManson before the full ugly truth is revealed EJ? Then EJ will get to do what he does best — go into a towering rage, making threats, and planning DiMera-style revenge on those he deems responsible for “losing” his son. (Run and hide, Sloan.)

Finally, how long will the viewers be treated to Chanel fretting over her irradiated baby? Will there someday be scenes in which Chanel worries that her daughter’s sudden pre-prom illness is a result of having once been expoed to radioactive Granny Paulina?
I felt sad for her today but I hate Eric so I will never care about him and his man pain.

Haha! I was thinking he could have had a baby with Nicole a while ago if he didn't abandon his new wife.

EJ creeped me out with Johnny. Man, that's your grandchild you're talking about. Like holy disconnect.

I thought Sloan was really good today and once again I'm bummed that an actor becomes impressive when they'll be leaving. At least I assume she'll be leaving. Strangely the actors I came to like when this happened all went nuts. Claire, Ben when he turned killer and Charlie.
Here is my absolute speculation. Sloan totally wigs out, kidnaps Jude and goes on the run, triggering an Amber Alert. It would be a good story and publicity for Amber Alert.