Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 5, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Bayview - Marlena arrives to see Everett/Bobby, who only wishes to see Jada. Marlena wants him to explore the past, and let Everett out. He won't play; Marlena leaves.

Pub - Jada tells Rafe (looks like they're eating breakfast) about her visit to Bobby. She tells him about Bobby's play for her, and his carrot he dangled. Rafe thinks he's just manipulating her and he has no information about any murder. Jada is going back despite Rafe's "no". Rafe has lots of crimes she can study/investigate; he is worried about their relationship but she is insistent. He wants to go with her; she needs to go alone. Rafe accepts and hates this.

Square - Melinda is flummoxed as she watches her phone waiting for a message from Kristen. Connie Vininski comes up to apologize for her behavior on Valentine's Day. She's very sorry. She leaves. Kristen and her slinky CEO dress saunter up; she's CEO so she can be as late as she wants. Kristen wants to know what Melinda has on EJ and why he wants Trask at DiMera? They review Kristen's murder of Trask's daughter; Melinda admits it's tough seeing Kristen, but she is a professional who can put aside their differences.

DiMansion - EJ asks Stefan where Gabi is? She's returning from Arizona and visiting Arianna. EJ needs her for a press conference so he will look good. He needs her to say how valiantly she fought for him. Stefan reminds him (in that fun 1960s writing style) of the real reason. EJ wants this kept quiet, Stefan tells him that not even Gabi knows. EJ tells him the cost he's paying to Melinda. (Their banter is somewhat amusing.) Gabi arrives; what did she miss?

Spectator Offices (establishing shot) - Eric arrives as Nicole is working. Nicole needs him for some photos for a story. He is moving to Paris for a prestigious magazine job and has quit. Nicole is shaken. Xander has released him from his contract (I thought he was freelance but whatever). They have a long goodbye wherein they discuss his many tragedies and her drunken kiss. She needs to leave to cover the presser, offers him one last shot to see Jude. He can't.

DiMansion - Smooches for Gabi and Stefan; Gabi glows about Arianna, whom she wanted to bring back with her, but she's enrolled in a summer program. EJ interrupts, he needs Gabi for his press conference. EJ gives them the time, zips away. Gabi wants to know what is really going on? She overheard their talk about blackmail. It's truth time. Stefan closes the door, lets the cat out.

Square - Melinda vows to keep her head down and work herself to the bone at DiMera. Kristen fears she would always be looking over her shoulder, waiting for Melinda's long game. EJ arrives and tries to smooth things over (this EJ is very funny). EJ will offer Kristen his DiMera shares' voting rights (not their dividends) if Melinda is hired. Kristen is skeptical but accepts the offer. She'll have the interim lawyer get Melinda a contract with a suitable pay package. Kristen slithers off. EJ reminds Melinda this means her silence, Nicole walks up as Melinda says "Nicole won't hear about it from me."

DiMansion - Gabi has learned the secret, which EJ learned "months ago." They recap; Gabi is glad for her independence, but wants to out this information to Eric. They can't keep it to themselves. She has been separated from her own child (twice but she only mentions the recent time) for almost a year, she's not able to do that to someone else. Stefan doesn't want a war with EJ. Gabi points out that Eric is a good guy, Ari's great-uncle, and doesn't deserve this. Stefan thinks this is the price they're paying for her freedom, life is unfair as she knows, and Jude will have a good life since EJ is a good father. He begs her not to rock the boat. She will try.

Bayview - Jada arrives and wants to dive right in. He'll give the info when she gets him sprung. She realizes Rafe was right, he stops her by agreeing, then stalls until she counts down her exit. It's about Li Shin's murder, he admits.

Square - Nicole wants to know what she won't hear from Melinda? They pivot quickly, claiming she'd be mad if Melinda was working at DiMera. Nicole seems to buy it, Melinda leaves to buy expensive office furniture. EJ tells Nicole that Kristen hired Melinda to spite him. Nicole is here for the press conference sans photographer. EJ feels bad for Eric but thinks this is good for him.

Square, slightly different area (different businesses in the background and a podium nearby) - Rafe teases Gabi as she readies for the conference with Stefan. Connie comes up and is glad Gabi's free; Li could not rest in peace with someone wrongfully accused. After she leaves, Rafe thinks she was odd.

Evans-Black Townhouse (establishing shot) - Marlena is shocked about Eric's move even though she understands his need for space. He admits he has super amazing love for Nicole.

Square, podium area - EJ gives his press conference, naming Gil as the actual killer of Li Shin. Lots of bloviating and shots of Rafe, Nicole, and Gabi. He asks Gabi to the podium to speak. Gabi thanks Stefan for his unwavering devotion and her brother and detective Hunter for their work.

DiMansion - Melinda arrives to sign her contract. She reviews it quickly, likes the pay package, and signs; now she answers to Kristen. Kristen wants the low-down; Melinda says EJ was doing it for EJ.

Who Even Lives Here Anymore Apartment (Eric/Nicole/Allie/Tripp/Ava) - Connie arrives. She remembers stabbing Li in the back (new flashback).

Square, podium area - Nicole asks what role DA DiMera played in overturning Gabi's case? Gabi talks about the evidence from Trask, the immunity deal, her initial prosecution and his retraction. Gabi points out that EJ freed her out of love - for Nicole. The only reason Gabi was exonerated was because EJ was afraid of losing his wife to Eric Brady, with whom Nicole is still in love and who is the father of (Nicole's) baby. Reaction shots of Stefan, EJ, Gabi, Nicole. END
If they make this Gabi, Stefan, or Ejerk imagining this come Monday I will be absolutely furious .

Here are my speculations:

I totally understand Gabi blowing the whistle. She was separated from her child for a long time.

So hoping this is real, Nicole ripping Ejerk to shreds will be fun to watch. Will Justin could be her lawyer.

Kristen will be totally gleeful. This reveal will look bad for Ejerk being DA.

Trask at DiMera Enterprises, Ejerk revealed for his evil manipulations. Who's left to be DA except Justin, who may be the ONLY un-buyable person.

At least the baby storyline is wrapping up.

Plot point, the writers seem to be forgetting Ejerk buying up Titan stock.
She was separated from her child for a long time.
Twice! Stefan should sympathize, too, since supposedly he was so hurt by not knowing his "weal" mommy and daddy.
Plot point, the writers seem to be forgetting Ejerk buying up Titan stock.
You're right. Unless they're (haha) playing the long game and that's his fallback?
Great job as always, Jason! You had a good cliffhanger to write up (and agree with rfsexton, this better not be imaginary, though I think it is probably real, yet who knows?)

Assuming it DID happen, I think Eric will find out before he boards the plane, since they made a point of mentioning, a few times, that he had a flight out later that afternoon.

Does Stefan still have the paternity proof in his possession? Nicole will want to see it, and many questions to be answered.

Glad to see Connie, but then the big reveal about her stabbing Shin, whaaaaaat? Just because he rebuffed her? How did she even get into the apartment? (Dumb question, I guess, since Salem doors are not the best barriers.) And who DOES live there now? It still looks like it did when the former tenants lived there.

If Bobby's claims that he knows about the Shin case, did he somehow see Connie go to the apartment? Just what is his involvement here? He is so creepy, looking Jada up and down. Another great performance by Blake Berris as Bobby/Everett.

Jada did not seem all that pleased with Rafe's joking around and insinuations. What hold does Bobby have on her? It reminds me a bit of the Colin/Talia relationship to a degree. These women both knew/know the boyfriend/ex husband were/are bad news, yet they can't "quit them."

I don't think Trask will get to enjoy her generous DiMera package once the entire Jude story comes to the surface.

EJ's takedown will be rough. He won't know what hit him, until Nicole does!
I mean this dragged out plot was over in an instant, but I loved the last two minutes. One of the things I love about Gabi when she's written well is she'll throw a match and just burn something to the ground. That was super fun, and I hope they don't cheapen the whole thing by turning into someone's dream.
Given some of the more recent spoilers, I think the outing of the baby story is real, so that's great. Welcome back, Gabi! Too many people now know and it had to get out soon, so that was perfect.

I guess the soaps.sheknows speculation about Connie being the killer was right. How random was that?????
Oh man, what an episode!

I'm having a hard time accepting the "new Gabi". The new actress (Cherie Jeminez) is beautiful, but, she is no Gabi Hernandez. Camila Banus just... I'm struggling to find the words. But it's as if wardrobe is trying to dress Cherie Jeminez the same way Camila Banus dressed. And Camila has the body type for those outfits, Cherie does not.

New Gabi (Cherie) is gorgeous. She just looks kind of, not so good in those Camila Banus (former Gabi) style skintight outfits. And the lipstick too. It's just not working. They need to let the new actress redefine who Gabi is. Because I want to love her as Gabi, and dressing her like Camila Banus was dressed just isn't doing it.

I can't wait to see what happens on Monday regarding the Jude story. Perhaps Nicole and Eric decide to both be there for Jude. Maybe not together, but Nicole can be off screen, Eric in his apartment with Jude. Either way, I'm just happy this mess is wrapping up. Oh, how I will miss my beautiful Ari Zucker (Nicole) on my screen. I'm still so sad for her and disappointed with the way she was treated by NBC and Ron Corday and all of the above. God speed, Ari.

I also think we got a glimpse of that pain in Ari's eyes in her goodbye scene with Eric. There was a moment, where I think she broke character a little. But it was beautiful and also fit the character and story, but I think that was Ari Zucker (Nicole), sad to see this result to her personal battle off screen. I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her.

Bobby/Everett. This is a story that also needs to wrap up. Sometimes I wonder if Abe and Kate's new soap story, where a favorite soap was cancelled, feels like the writing on the wall being read aloud. Is "Body and Soul" script code for "Days of Our Lives"??? Because some of these stories sure feel like end game for a soap. The comments from Abe and Kate referring to a soap beloved for decades just coming to an abrupt end, yikes. I certainly hope they aren't talking about Days.
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If you think about when these stories were being written, it may have seemed dire behind the scenes. They even make reference to backstage drama in their conversation about Body & Soul. I thought that line was pretty awful actually because if it's a Days parallel, they made it sound like people from outside the show causing trouble for this beloved institution instead of the institution failing itself.
Let's remember that, while we are seeing this now in July, it was filmed over 6 mos ago, and written way before that. Maybe subtle reference is being made to the fired guy's tenure, fingers in the pie, etc., his influence over Corday, etc.
She just looks kind of, not so good in those Camila Banus (former Gabi) style skintight outfits

I like the job the actress is doing but I really hoped they'd put her into slightly more serious clothing. No one, not even some young woman, is walking around like that every day unless they're being filmed for a reality show. My favorite thing about Allie when they brought her back was she dressed like a normal person.
What a bad day for EJ. He gives his shares to Kritter so he could keep Melinda quiet only to have Gabba-Gabba reveal everything. As Stefano used to say, “Elvis, you fool.”

Bobby has become unbearable. It’s time to use electroshock therapy on this creep to help free Everett. If the writers need help in portraying this, they could watch the old ’60s film “Shock Corridor.”

Pity the poor Parisians who are about to have “Le Sourpuss” in their city. How long will it be before travel writers are doing articles on how Paris has somehow lost its joie de vivre.

Finally, if Kritter ever tries to get rid of Melinda, she could threaten to form a public interest group, which will use her barracuda talents to make life miserable for shady corporations by filing nasty lawsuits against them.