Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 12, 2024

I would have thought Stefan & Gabi already did the deed but guess they had restraint for some reason.

Everett & Bobby is getting really old. Why doesn't Marlena suspect that Everett isn't really out? That Bobby is lying so he doesn't have to tell Jada anything?

Connie was not covered in blood. Not at all.

Gabi is not good at keeping her mouth shut. Who will she tell that Abigail might not be dead?

Kristen is just a horrible character. Hate seeing her - ever.

Really? Connie stabs him while he's on phone so someone can hear? Not that I want Rafe stabbed but I hope it's not a dream. That would be super lame for Friday cliffhanger.
I thought he (Gil) dropped it when he first came in the apartment, shocked to see Li on the floor?? But maybe not
Thanks! And thank you robin for checking. I rewound a few times but I didn't rewatch that scene.

I did notice that he never touched Li near his wound and his hands weren't bloodied, so I guess the blood must have run from Li and pooled to leave the thumbprint?
I was wondering the same thing about no blood on Connie. She seemed to be covered in it, in Bobby's flashback sitting on the bench. I said the same thing to myself today when they showed the flashback. So, unless she went over to him and started touching all around him to get the blood on herself and we haven't seen that yet, then poor editing. LOL
I think I'm alone but I like the Bobby, Connie and Li stuff. I give them credit for coming up with Connie as the killer and I wonder if that was planned all along. Gil doing it was just a big meh copout to me and it would have been like let's just come up with anyone so Gabi can move on. I also like that their bringing two stories together. Maybe it's just because I'm enjoying Blake Berris (Bobby/Everett) and Remington Hoffman (Li Shin). Even the actress playing Connie is doing ok.

I spent the time thinking Marlena needs to have her license checked. First she tells Rafe that Bobby isn't a danger. Ok why's he locked up then? Then she falls for this nonsense that Everett is back. And I was really hoping Jada would have had some radar going off about the timing of this. Some detective work.

Thanks for the summary.
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem.

So Bobby faked being Everett and Marlena didn't even notice.

Gabi was overdressed for breakfast with Rafe. Maybe she can be Connie's new cha cha partner.

Connie was lucky she was wearing gloves when she killed Li.

Will Gabi and Ava work together and start Gabi Chic again? How long will it take Gabi find out what
Stefan did with Ava?

Was Rafe actually stabbed and if he was, is he dead?
Recap a million times better than actual show. Thank you for your sacrifice.
OMG, another dog of an episode. The writers are quite consistent in a negative way.

Speaking of the writers, they should keep the mighty Rafe out of their dumber plots. The thought that a blithering idiot like Connie could so easily stab Rafe is absurd.
I don't understand why she doesn't just kill Bobby? Killing a cop to please the witness makes zero sense.
Agree. Gabi killed Nicky, why not Bobby? It would give her something else to do beside trying to seduce Zero or babbling about GabiCheap.
Wait - let me guess. . . 1) this is a dream, or 2) she will push Rafe into the open grave and attempt to fill it in.
Please no, poor Rafe was once bricked up behind a wall and dumped in Salem Harbor. He doesn’t need to join the buried alive club.
Shouldn't Abbie's casket be filthy? It looked like it was just bought and put there. Did no one notice?
You’re right. That thing looked as if it came straight from a funeral home.

Finally, I’m with all those who say that Bobby/Everett should go (addition by subtraction) and that Li should be discovered to be alive and well. Killing him off was a mistake and it’s not too late to correct it.
Inquiring minds (well, mine) want to know how could Marlena (a trained psychiatrist) possibly think that Everett is out to stay? Haven't he and Bobby changed places before a few times? And, does Bobby have Everett's memories, but Everett doesn't have Bobby's, or am I mistaken about that? Guessing since Bobby was manifested to "protect" Everett, that would make sense.

Do we know if Li and Gil had a past? If he knew that Li still had a pulse why didn't he call the authorities? I know Gil said he "didn't need this kind of trouble", but he could call anonymously after he left. So, in a way, he is also responsible for Li's death. Strange though, Gil didn't touch where Li was bloody, did he? How did Li's blood get on the book?

So, Connie now lives in the apartment that half of Salem has lived in? Wonder whose name was on the lease? Wendy and Tripp were in it last, weren't they?

Are John and Steve in Greece?
Bobby/Everett could have been deemed a danger to himself or others before when Everett was hidden and after Bobby attacked Eric. I hope I'm remembering that right. I remember Eric punching someone, but then I think Everett punched Eric around that same time. That Everett's supposed emergence and demand for release means he has to be let go is one of the more believable things going right now. I just don't care except for how this impacts Rafe. I lost interest in Bobby/Everett with the twentieth reversal of course the writers took with his backstory. No point in keeping track when they'll write whatever they wanted at any given moment.

I am confused about the Nicole/Threesome Musketeers/Wendy-Tripp/Li Death apartment. Did Ava move to the pub? I thought she was just visiting Harris and working there. Who is paying the rent at the other place? Connie can only have been there for a month or so. Where was she living before? Half of Salem has no place of their own, but there's this empty apartment with a murderous squatter?
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Do we know if Li and Gil had a past? If he knew that Li still had a pulse why didn't he call the authorities? I know Gil said he "didn't need this kind of trouble", but he could call anonymously after he left. So, in a way, he is also responsible for Li's death. Strange though, Gil didn't touch where Li was bloody, did he? How did Li's blood get on the book?
Great questions! However by posing them, you have now thought about this story and scene 15× more than the writers did, combined. :rotfl:
Half of Salem has no place of their own, but there's this empty apartment with a murderous squatter?
Sounds about right. DUH PLOT, you know!
Did Ava move to the pub?
I thought she had for a while, I thought that (and her being hired by Roman) were part of the problem for Kayla?