Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 12, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Bayview - Jada arrives as Bobby/Everett is eating his breakfast. He has a flashback to Monday's new flashback. Jada presses and he remembers his plot with Connie. He twists his face and Everett emerges.

Is this Still Tripp & Wendy's Apartment? - Connie makes breakfast for Li, who doesn't like mushrooms. She explains the inane plot of her killing Rafe so Bobby, the witness, can have Jada. New flashback of Connie arriving at Li's and asking to take her dancing or go bowling. In the relative present, Connie whines about Li and Melinda, and we get a new flashback of them discussing his psychiatry appointments and fake relationship with Melinda Trask. She begs him for a chance and he tells her to leave. He turns to call the police, she stabs him.

DiMansion, Gabi/Stefan's room - Gabi smooches Stefan as he wakes up. He refuses frisky time because of what she did at the press conference.

DiMansion, Study/Living Room - Kristen is meeting Ava at the house so the CEO office can be deep cleaned. Ava would rather not since Gabi, whose husband she boinked, lives here. They loudly recap how dangerous it is for them to discuss Stefan and Ava's brief affair. Gabi enters, Kristen scoots. Ava and Gabi exchange terse pleasantries before recapping the drug plot. She's glad Ava was in it with Stefan so he didn't suffer alone. Stefan enters, Gabi leaves. Stefan wants answers. He gets mad she's in his house. Kristen returns, explains. They loudly recap their affair and Ava's talk with Gabi. Everyone will keep it a secret. Kristen gets another call. Stefan and Ava discuss who might now, he says he's sorry Harris left.

Townhouse (same establishing shot) - Rafe visits Marlena to ask her professional opinion about the veracity of Bobby's claims, and whether Jada is in danger. Marlena is sure that Bobby is not dangerous but unsure about whether he could be lying or not. They recap trying to get Everett back from Bobby's control as I pull out my hair.

Crazy Land - Connie and Li discuss whether or not she's sorry, and the new flashback continues as Connie discusses whether stabbing Li was her fault or not. Connie texts Gabi from Li's phone (she's wearing long gloves that go with her gown). Someone comes to the door so Connie hides. It's Gil Carter. Present-Connie tells Li that she intentionally framed Gabi. Past-Gil checks for a pulse, finds one, but decides Li's beyond help and doesn't need this kind of trouble. He picks up the black book (which was on the floor in front of Li) and leaves.

Crazier Land (Bayview) - Jada tells Everett how long he's been in Bayview. Marlena enters and immediately recognizes Everett. She explains how his commitment was involuntary. Everett tells them Bobby's gone and he's back.

Brady Pub - Rafe and Gabi meet. She's glad to be out of prison. Rafe wants her to have Stefan come down, she explains how things are between them. He tells her about the developments in Li's case before he rushes to the graveyard. Gabi is curious, so he secretly explains the potential resurrection of Abigail DiMera.

Crazy Land - Connie thinks Li wanted to frame Gabi, too, since he said her name. He (Connie's vision of him, to be precise) thinks he was worried she was next. She plans to take out Bobby Stein next.

Bayview - Marlena will arrange Everett's release. Jada asks if Everett remembers their talk? He plays lost, Jada leaves, he remembers again his deal with Connie in case we all suffered head trauma in the last 20 minutes.

DiMansion - Stefan and Kristen have a talk about the secret.

Pub - Ava arrives, Gabi asks if she can bring Gabi Chic to DiMera since Basic Black left. (Let's hope some brave soul figures out if this makes sense or not.)

Pub External Entryway - Marlena and Jada discuss these developments. Everett left because he no longer qualified for an involuntary hold. Jada wonders if they'll ever know what Bobby knew, and whether or not Gil was really guilty.

Salem Inn - Bobby (who's pretending to be Everett in case I didn't make that clear) has checked in, kept his end of the bargain, now Connie must take care of Rafe.

Graveyard - Rafe is on the phone with Paulina checking the scene over. Someone needs to fill the grave. Connie approaches from behind and stabs him in the back, he groans/yelps as he collapses. (Note: There's a weird foggy effect in parts of this scene.) END
Egads, .......thank you JasonD ......Making sense out of a huge jumble of flashbacks and you managed to do so. What a disappointing friday "cliffhanger".

Anyone think Connie will live long enough to even go to mental hospital or prison??? She murders people right and left, obviously is not right mentally. Ken Corday better get busy and pay attention to what is going on with his show. And NBC needs to do the same.
Thank you, Jason!

I, too, think that was either a fantasy of Connie's when she stabbed Rafe or that she will push him into the open grave and cover him with dirt. I hope not the latter.

Shouldn't Abbie's casket be filthy? It looked like it was just bought and put there. Did no one notice?

I also agree with someone who posted that Connie sort of resembles Nancy. Maybe it is the voice and her face shape, not sure, but she sure does. However, I don't like her anymore. I liked her that one time she was on a while ago. This story line is not good.

How naive is Marlena to believe that Everett was back! We knew, didn't we, that Bobby was pretending. I want them both gone.

It won't be long before Ava and Stefan are found out by Gabi, we can see that coming.

I also wish Li wasn't killed off (or maybe he still is out there somewhere, never say never). He was a better character with more interesting possibilities than Bobby/Everett, which has gotten very stale.
let me guess. . . 1) this is a dream
I made note of the apparent effect at the end because it directly contradicts what Crazy Connie said she was going to do. So I'm speculating that she is thinking about this, but not going through with it. But who knows with this Möbius strip of a storyline?
As have limited connections to the internet here in the mountains for streaming I did watch a couple of scenes.... yes, it looks like Gil dropped the book when walking in.... thanks garysgirl....

Now can someone explain why Gabi is wearing velour or velvet on a nice HOT summer day?
I would have thought Stefan & Gabi already did the deed but guess they had restraint for some reason.

Everett & Bobby is getting really old. Why doesn't Marlena suspect that Everett isn't really out? That Bobby is lying so he doesn't have to tell Jada anything?

Connie was not covered in blood. Not at all.

Gabi is not good at keeping mouth shut. Who will she tell that Abigail might not be dead?

Kristen is just a horrible character. Hate seeing her - ever!!

Really? Connie stabs him while he's on phone so someone can hear!? Not that I want Rafe stabbed but I hope it's not a dream. That would be super lame for Friday cliffhanger!!!