Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 16, 2024

Thanks, Jason.

Disappointed we only saw cardboard Li. I hope we can see talking Li again.

Why did Chad tell Stefan that the DNA test proved the woman was Abby? Chad must've flunked science class since
it takes two to make a baby and that means two separate DNAs. Kayla should have said something too, that
the test didn't say the woman was actually Abigail, just related to Jack.

Interesting Melinda decided to check into Connie's resume and found out it was a lie.

Connie is right, a lot of people lie on their resume. Did Ava put on hers she was a crime boss or she sabotaged
a plane to crash? :)

Kristen proved she's loyal only to the DiMera company and not family when she told Gabi that Stefan and
Ava slept together.

Did Gabi call Lady Whistleblower to the Bistro so Leo can write about how Ava and Stefan slept together?

I'm surprised we found out so soon the woman who might be Abigail was calling someone to say that everything is going
as planned. Is the woman Abigail or not?
Since DNA results have been tampered with at that hospital before, if they wanted to trip up any potential test saboteurs they could test both Jack and Chad and then intentionally mislabel the samples. Kayla would know that "Jack" = Chad. So if Dr. Green tried to make the test say that Mystery Woman was Jack's daughter, it would actually say she was Chad's daughter. They might need to mislabel her sample also. Otherwise, Dr. Greene might tamper with both and they'd get results saying she's Jack's daughter and Chad's daughter.

(I realize this probably violates hospital policy.)
You needn’t worry Jason, Remington Hoffman (Li) is certainly getting paid for the appearances of Cardboard Li. Under the concept of right of publicity, a living person’s name and image cannot be used for profit without his/her permission. California has even extended that right to deceased persons. I recall attending a session at a legal conference where the son of Bela Lugosi (Dracula) related how during his childhood he and his family often saw merchandise with his deceased father’s face on them and they never got a dime, nor could they stop it. In California this can no longer happen.
This is probably why G.I. Joe filecards in the 80s had a disclaimer stating "any resemblance to any real person either living or dead is purely coincidence" or something like that. Some characters actually were based on real people, but that was generally either one of the people working on the toyline or a professional athlete who was paid for their likeness. (In those cases, they might not have used the disclaimer.)
You needn’t worry Jason, Remington Hoffman (Li) is certainly getting paid for the appearances of Cardboard Li. Under the concept of right of publicity, a living person’s name and image cannot be used for profit without his/her permission. California has even extended that right to deceased persons. I recall attending a session at a legal conference where the son of Bela Lugosi (Dracula) related how during his childhood he and his family often saw merchandise with his deceased father’s face on them and they never got a dime, nor could they stop it. In California this can no longer happen.
I remember several years ago when Steve Burton (Harris) was on Y&R, someone tweeted him to say his picture was shown on GH that day. He joked that he'd make enough from the use of his picture to buy a fast food burger.
Can anyone tell me just WHERE in this episode Leo appeared? I ran thru the streaming episode twice, and no Leo, so am thinking something was deleted in the streaming version perhaps???
I remember several years ago when Steve Burton (Harris) was on Y&R, someone tweeted him to say his picture was shown on GH that day. He joked that he'd make enough from the use of his picture to buy a fast food burger.
JS, you’re right on target A right of publicity doesn’t mean that a person’s name or image is worth much, it just prevents others from using it without permission. Imagine if Gabi used Holly’s image in the GabiCheap Fall catalog. A right of publicity action could stop the use of her image, but it doesn’t mean she’d win big damages.
Kayla should have said something too, that
the test didn't say the woman was actually Abigail, just related to Jack.
It's also super weird in all of this that they haven't taken, say, Thomas's toothbrush, and tested it against mystery woman.

However there is now enough evidence to suggest that all these plot holes are actually part of re-Ron's plan. Probably his last one.
I know a lot of people didn't like the Everett story but at least the characters involved in that didn't have to act so clueless. In this case Chad and Jack are like pups having bacon waved in front of them. In what world does Clyde "kill" someone, go to jail for it and then decide to just lead them to her. And no real questions about her at all. She's saying Clyde was her friend basically so it's not like she was locked up against her will unless I missed something she told them. And then they think nothing of her agreeing to go with them. Clyde was certainly right to target this clueless bunch.
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I think Chad probably flunked a lot of classes.

He's also obviously never watched Fired Up because Mystery Woman is clearly AnnaLynne McCord (joke).
Let’s not be too hard on poor Chad. As a high school senior, he was accepted by the selective Wake Forest University and Stefano offered to pay for his tuition there or at any other school Chad got into. Instead, he stayed in Salem where the negative influences of local society inevitably caused his intellect to deteriorate. This is a common problem in Salem. Just look at poor, befuddled Brady. (Rory was wise. His pot smoking helped insulate his mind from the effects of living in Salem.)
Thanks for the summary. It was a decent show, mainly because of Gabi. I can't wait to see what'll happen on the Monday episode regarding that. I also am excited to see what goes down with Melinda and Connie. She needs to go already. Not really into the "Abby" storyline.