Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 16, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMera Offices (Establishing Shot) - Gabi is looking at a picture of her and Stefan while steaming. Connie calls in hammy sick. She reminds Gabi to take revenge on Stefan and Ava. At the multi-use apartment, Connie talks to cardboard Li.

Square - Melinda meets with Ava. She wanted to handle this outside of the office because it's super delicate. She wants to talk about Connie Vininski and is worried about pushback from Gabi. All of Connie's references were fraudulent. She was onboarded before the Gabi Chic brand was acquired, so Gabi was responsible for her onboarding, and Gabi has been stressed with the launch and Rafe's coma. A previous employer (Saxton's) gave her a glowing reference to get rid of her because she was psychotic. Melinda will axe Connie if Ava lets Gabi know what's up. Ava is afraid of dealing with Connie.

Horton House - Jack is reading a paper. Julie comes in and hugs him. They got in late last night. He tells her Abigail is alive. They discuss how they will slowly ease her into meeting people. Jennifer knows, and Jennifer arrives (portrayed by Cady McClain). Jennifer wants to see "Abby" right away. Jack stalls, but agrees.

DiMansion Study - Abigail comes down in Gabi's robe. She snarks at Stefano's portrait. Chad brings in breakfast on a tray. She slept in the guest room. Stefan comes in and pours himself coffee. He assumes Chad's mystery guest has met Gabi because of her attire, then asks for an introduction. Chad tells him that it is Abby. He gets a recap between scenes. Chad doesn't correct (but does emote) how Stefan got his name and they describe his history with Abby as "complicated". Later, "Abby" is upstairs and Stefan is thankful the rape wasn't mentioned. Chad didn't mention Abigail's numerous traumas because he doesn't want to hinder her memory returning.

Cardboard Li Must Be on the Lease at this Apartment - Connie has plans. She plays word games. Melinda knocks on her door. Connie will get rid of her. Connie won't let Melinda in, even though Melinda wants to speak in private. Melinda fires her in the hallway. She demands her laptop and badge. Connie refuses. Melinda will call the police.

DiMera Offices - Gabi has a plan to get proof about Ava and Stefan. Kristen comes in and they talk in circles about business and personal matters before recapping the hit-and-run involving Sarah Kiriakis. Ava drives a gray car. Gabi knows Kristen knows but Kristen won't fess up. Because of how DiMera contracted with Gabi Chic and how Kristen has made the launch a centerpiece of her CEO position, Gabi has power over Kristen. Kristen admits what Gabi said was true, but it was just once (does Kristen believe this?). Kristen says they were drunk and lonely and it didn't mean anything. Gabi knows Kristen would go nuclear but Kristen doesn't think that's a good idea. Ava enters.

DiMansion Study - Stefan reminds Chad of all the horrible things that happened to Abigail here. He will help if he can. Chad is happy to have Abigail back, but try telling that to his face.

DiMansion Gold Bedroom - "Abby" looks at a picture of Chad and Abigail (Marci Miller) and makes a face. Chad comes in and tells her this is where she was stabbed by Clyde Weston. "Abby" says it makes no sense that he would kill her just to keep her alive, and describes the new reason Clyde killed her. He got a call from Jack and tells "Abby" that Jennifer is coming over. "Abby" says it's OK.

Horton House - Jack asks Julie to look after Thomas and Charlotte while he takes Jennifer, who vows to bring Abigail back to her family home soon.

DiMera Offices - Ava asks if everything is OK? Gabi lays it on thick, saying that she was telling Kristen how well she and Ava are getting along. Gabi will take Ava to lunch to celebrate. Ava wants to tell her some news, Gabi says it will wait until lunch and she'll have Stefan save them the best table. Ava is excused (even though she's Gabi's boss). Kristen wants to know Gabi's plan, and has to follow her orders.

Bistro - Gabi and Ava sit and before Ava can deliver the news about Connie, Stefan appears and Gabi slinks over to him. She proposes a toast, hopes it is not awkward, and has a lot of dialogue as they pour champagne. Gabi thinks she was brought on at DiMera because Ava felt guilty for being a lying, cheating, b-word who slept with her husband.

DiMansion Study - Jennifer hugs Chad as she and Jack arrive. "Abby" is upstairs and will be down in a minute. "Abby" calls someone and tells them that everything is going according to plan. END
Chad is an idiot. DNA test does not prove this is Abigail. And I knew she wasn't. Either another Salem DNA test fail or another of Jack's secret children. Of course they won't figure it out til after Chad sleeps with and probably impregnates her. Then real Abigail will come back but I hope not. Gwen can come and out her "sister". This chick needs to be better actress. And I mean the character. I really like the actress. She should have been super upset in bedroom. That's where she died. I'm sure she knew that. That would suck Chad in. Though he already absolutely thinks she's Abigail.

I really like Cady McLain but not as Jennifer. Melissa Reeves (real Jennifer) will always be Jennifer.

So glad all the Connie stuff is coming to an end. Hope Melinda pushes way in and sees cardboard Li.
Solid episode again apart from Connie's solo scenes. If Dead Li isn't there, I'm not interested.

I love new Gabi, from neutralizing Kristen to exposing Ava and Stefan. She is way better than either of them.

And Melinda is quickly becoming one of my faves. I know it won't happen but I dream of her with EJ.

And thank you writers, even you Ron, for quickly making it clear this Abby is a fraud.

Side note: did Ron really give Alex a week off? I said, just watched the show, Yes, that is exactly what happened. Doesn't mean she is Abby, tho. she could be someone PRETENDING to be the amnesiatic Abby. Real Abby could be deceased, held prisoner, in a hospital, anything. This sounds like plan to get all the $$$$ there is that Abigail has, then go far away and enjoy living the "good life".
Chad is an idiot. DNA test does not prove this is Abigail. And I knew she wasn't. Either another Salem DNA test fail or another of Jack's secret children.
Apparently, it hasn't occurred to them to match her DNA with Jennifer's. Matching Jack's DNA just proves that she's Jack's daughter (or possibly niece/cousin because of the margin of error). This assumes that the test wasn't tampered with.

Matching Jack & Jennifer still wouldn't be 100% proof, but it would be more conclusive.
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She could be Abby, surgery, with amnesia etc., but has been "brainwashed" or programmed to think she's another person (by Clyde or whomever) and to pretend to be Abby. Or something like that. And, if she's not Abby, curious as to what happened to Abby's body.
but in her own private ficticious dream land
I think she's 930 miles away from a fictitious dream land - it would take a day for her to drive there.

She didn't just lose her marbles, they rolled into the river, ended up in the ocean, and were digested by a whale.
If Dead Li isn't there, I'm not interested.
I hope Remington Hoffman (Li) is getting paid for the use of his likeness. I imagine he is, but not much. Honestly wish he were still around.
This sounds like plan to get all the $$$$ there is that Abigail has, then go far away and enjoy living the "good life".
Maybe this person is Nanny Bridget's granddaughter, and she will finally get all that wonderful Irish land.
You know, it almost seems like when the story began, they had not decided who the person would turn out to be.......and did not decide until after filming had begun for a while. Then again, they might have changed their minds mid-filming. LOL
Nicely done, Jason!
I had a dream that an entire episode was done with cardboard cutouts, and it was better than some of the regular episodes. :rotfl:

But, seriously, folks, don't we think it's inevitable that Connie will conk Melinda over the head with cardboard Li?

Cherie Jimenez (Gabi) continues to deliver, and I know we all can't wait to find out what her revenge will be.

I never thought that was Abigail, and still don't think it is possible she is unless Dr. Rolf erased her memories before or after the plastic surgery. What if Marlena performs hypnosis?

Since Clyde is in solitary, guessing he had this plan set up to be activated at the right time with his underlings doing the dirty work.

How gullible everyone is. Test Jennifer and the kids and be in the lab! Someone probably tampered with that test!!
I hope Remington Hoffman (Li) is getting paid for the use of his likeness. I imagine he is, but not much. Honestly wish he were still around.
You needn’t worry Jason, Remington Hoffman (Li) is certainly getting paid for the appearances of Cardboard Li. Under the concept of right of publicity, a living person’s name and image cannot be used for profit without his/her permission. California has even extended that right to deceased persons. I recall attending a session at a legal conference where the son of Bela Lugosi (Dracula) related how during his childhood he and his family often saw merchandise with his deceased father’s face on them and they never got a dime, nor could they stop it. In California this can no longer happen.
Who does Gabi think she is, trying to lord it over Kritter Kristen and thinking Ava will be greatly distressed by her knowledge of her tryst with Zero? Kritter should tell her to try to peddle GabiCheap to Xander who’d offer her what it’s really worth — five cents. As for Ava, she’s been through so much in life that Gabi’s wrath over the tryst shouldn’t faze her one iota. Even Stefan Zero might not be that upset after all. Today, he appeared to be considering the attractive possibility that the Abigail alter might reappear instead of the real thing when Jack’s daughter regains her memory. Wouldn’t he prefer hot times with the alter to encounters with ex-con Gabba-Gabba.

Kudos to Melinda for sacking crazed Connie and for checking her references. (Has this ever happened before in Salem?) That said, she’d better stay out the lunatic’s apartment. She just might find herself on the wrong end of a kitchen knife the moment she’s distracted by the sight of cardboard Li.

Finally, I can’t say that I’m distressed over the possibility that Abigail III is a fraud. The great difference in her appearance and the farfetched nature of a story that she was held captive for ages by Clyde were a little hard to swallow.