Days of Our Lives - Fri., 7/10/15

Tate will certainly love his mother despite any of her bad intentions and Brady should treat Theresa with respect for his son's sake.

Brady is just mad that Theresa did not sign the generous/controlling custody agreement he offered and now he is taking it out on her.

The only thing Brady needs to do for his son's sake is ensure Jeannie T. gets the agreed upon time with their son. Nothing more nothing less. He does not even need to interact with her in person if he doesn't want to. There are many couples who raise kids together without physically interacting with one another. Sad but possible.

I don't think he should have invited her to move in at all but I think he did it selfishly so that he could have Tate under his roof rather than living elsewhere.
I agree with what you wrote.

I just think if Brady was being self-serving to move Theresa in for more time with Tate, he need not treat Theresa with such disdain when he does interact with her. She is not trying to keep Tate from Brady and she speaks to Brady civilly despite her known/unknown intentions, so is it too much to ask that he do the same?
Okay I tried watching today's show. But Will and his "Sonny will realize that he needs this marriage" and the "I have to get out of the house because I'm obsessing over how I ruined my own marriage" routine??

How many of you have friends who "GRAB" you hard enough as you walk away to throw the items you are carrying to the ground????

But it's just too much garbage.

Thanks DaysD, for watching and writing up today's utter nonsense.
Theresa said she thought she found a place and might move in a week or
two. Brady should have found a place for both of them and help with the
rent since he's Tater Tots father.
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Oh, I really have to disagree with that. They have a joint custody agreement between them, no one is taking the baby away from anyone. Theresa COULD have been looking for a larger place while Tate has been in the hospital, but instead was going to use the place she currently lived inwhich was fine. Also plotting how to get Brady back in her bed. But she proved herself totally inept at making room for the baby there. And people much younger than Theresa, who have never had anything to do with a baby, (whether real life, or on the show) have done a better job in small spaces.
It is called "common sense". Also, caring about the child more than yourself.
As has been stated, he offered her the larger place, servants,money for the care of the baby, and more $$$ for herself. She said NO.
There is no reason they have to live together, in a separate home, to raise Tate. NONE whatsoever.
Yes, Theresa could have signed that agreement but then she would be bought and kept. Instead, she is wanting real love while she is obviously going about it the wrong way. I still think that Brady needs to get his contempt in check and treat her better since it is all his fault that she is even in his life.

She never misrepresented herself as to what she was about to Brady. He had no problem using her for sex and drugs so he needs to get over himself.

Theresa was not even given a chance to fail before he wanted her to move in and basically took control with the stupid nanny. He brought this on himself, so man up.
I thought it was funny that Abigail almost always carries a large purse yet conveniently she was carrying a tiny purse so that she could drop the separate bag with the pregnancy test. Talk about obvious plot device.

Also, I think this was the first time we've seen Eric and Ben's apartments in the same episode. Editing much?

Theresa said she thought she found a place and might move in a week or
two. Brady should have found a place for both of them and help with the
rent since he's Tater Tots father.

Brady has NO responsibility whatsoever to find Jeannie Theresa an apartment. She is a perfectly healthy adult with a job. What she should have done is told him she was keeping Tate at HER apartment which was fine in the first place.

Yes, Theresa could have signed that agreement but then she would be bought and kept. Instead she is wanting real love while she is obviously going about it the wrong way.

And when she tells Brady she doesn't plan to go to work so she can stay home with Tate under Brady's roof and at his expense, isn't that the same thing as being bought and kept? That's exactly what she wants and Miss Jeannie Theresa Donovan wouldn't know what true love is if it was right in front of her. She is a selfish, vindictive and unrootable character.

Again as others have stated repeatedly, Brady has no reason to be civil to her after she tried to murder his father. Kid or no kid.