Days may be preempted in your area today, Thurs., 7/17

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Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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NBC broke into programming about the Malaysian plane that appears to have been shot down near the Ukraine border.

Depending on what time Days airs in your area, it might be preempted while this news break is going on.

Thoughts and prayers going out to the families and loved ones of those who perished in the crash.
Right now, they don't know a whole lot of anything. They keep prefacing every statement with "we have no confirmation, but......".

It went down on the Russian/Ukraine border (which the Malaysian airline won't even confirm yet; they're only saying they "lost contact" with the flight).

They said 295 people were on board; 280 passengers and 15 crew members.
Sad news today.

Some are reporting it was shot down. I don't keep up
with the news so I don't know what's happening on that
side of world.
There are people on twitter complaining about the interruption wondering why it couldn't be reported on cable news. Why is it so hard for folks to understand that not everyone has cable so local networks have to broadcast important stories like this. A damn plane with 295 human beings on it crashed under suspicious circumstances and some people only care that it's interrupting their soaps.
I'd say most afternoon shows will be cancelled. What I'm not clear on is if Russia or Ukraine launched the missile? Seems like they were saying Russia, I know they showed a picture of a Russian tank but it's never been outright said that I've heard. Granted, I've been in and out of the room doing chores so I may just have missed it.
The Ukrainian military has been battling a group of pro-Russian "separatist" terrorists from Ukraine in the region where the plane far, it seems they are suggesting these rebels launched a missile that was intended for the military and it hit the plane instead.
The other thing I didn't understand is why the plane would have flown through Ukraine anyway, given two other planes have already been shot down there this week. Granted, they weren't passenger planes, but still, when things are as tense as they are, anything in the sky is a threat. Just seems like every airline would be rerouting just as a precaution.
Hopefully NBC Days site will have today's episode online to watch because of this horrible news.
It is being reported that it appears the Pro-Russian separatist (terrorists) is responsible and not Ukraine nor Russia.
My local NBC station is still showing regular stuff. Days starts at 1 my time.
The other local network channels showing the crash.

Has NBC made an announcement about today's show being shown later?
I'm guessing it's up to the local networks to decide if/when they will air Days today. Many will probably air it in the wee hours of the morning; that's what my local NBC affiliate does when the show is preempted for national news.

My gripe with the preemption is that it started around 11:30 eastern time and they're still on air with really not much more info than they had nearly 3 hours ago. Time to wrap it up and give updates as they find out or wait until the nightly news to give the latest reports.
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