Daniel: "I love Nicole..."

Just reading the title of this thread :sick:

Daniel loves Daniel and his Egg mommy and his daughter and Philip & Chloe's son (Yeah, I went there!!!) and anyone else that worships and adores him. I don't think there is a viable person on the canvas right now that they can pair him up with. My thought is they should backburner him for at LEAST 6 months (Doctors without Borders would be good) and just stop forcing him into nearly every storyline there is. Then if he's needed back, bring him back with a purpose and keep him single & lovin it. Bring Jack back for Jen and pair Nicole with Eric. Rafe...bring on someone new for him or keep him single as well. Maybe give him 72 cats or something to occupy his time...
He still asks more of Nicole than he's willing to give though. It was Nicole who had to compromise, asking for just one more day before she could tell him all about her and Xander. Now, did Daniel showed her the same courtesy when he wouldn't talk to her about his meetings with Jennifer about JJ and his sordid affair with Eve ? Dan knew full well Nicole was not at ease with him still being friends with Jennifer, but he didn't budge. And Nicole didn't keep accusing him of not being over Jen Jen, like Daniel has been doing regarding Nicole and her supposed feelings for Eric. Daniel kept telling Nicole he could not tell her anything about Jennifer, yet, he won't accept that Nicole too must sometimes keep things to herself.

Don't get me wrong, I was really hoping, a while back, that Nicole and Daniel could be the end game. And sometimes, I think I could get back on board, IF Daniel truly accepts her for who she is. But alas, I think Daniel thinks too highly of himself to do that. Thus I would rather see Jack come back, and him and Nicole, the two town pariahs, get together and show all what they are worth.

I must say, also, that if indeed (fingers crossed) Jack comes back, I do not want him near Jennifer the shrew ever again. Sorry, this is off topic, though, but I wanted to say it.
He still asks more of Nicole than he's willing to give though. It was Nicole who had to compromise, asking for just one more day before she could tell him all about her and Xander. Now, did Daniel showed her the same courtesy when he wouldn't talk to her about his meetings with Jennifer about JJ and his sordid affair with Eve ? Dan knew full well Nicole was not at ease with him still being friends with Jennifer, but he didn't budge. And Nicole didn't keep accusing him of not being over Jen Jen, like Daniel has been doing regarding Nicole and her supposed feelings for Eric. Daniel kept telling Nicole he could not tell her anything about Jennifer, yet, he won't accept that Nicole too must sometimes keep things to herself.

Don't get me wrong, I was really hoping, a while back, that Nicole and Daniel could be the end game. And sometimes, I think I could get back on board, IF Daniel truly accepts her for who she is. But alas, I think Daniel thinks too highly of himself to do that. Thus I would rather see Jack come back, and him and Nicole, the two town pariahs, get together and show all what they are worth.

I must say, also, that if indeed (fingers crossed) Jack comes back, I do not want him near Jennifer the shrew ever again. Sorry, this is off topic, though, but I wanted to say it.

I totally agree with your post especially the bolded part because I also never want to see Jack be put back with that insane lack of compassion harpy EVER AGAIN!
He still asks more of Nicole than he's willing to give though. It was Nicole who had to compromise, asking for just one more day before she could tell him all about her and Xander. Now, did Daniel showed her the same courtesy when he wouldn't talk to her about his meetings with Jennifer about JJ and his sordid affair with Eve ? Dan knew full well Nicole was not at ease with him still being friends with Jennifer, but he didn't budge. And Nicole didn't keep accusing him of not being over Jen Jen, like Daniel has been doing regarding Nicole and her supposed feelings for Eric. Daniel kept telling Nicole he could not tell her anything about Jennifer, yet, he won't accept that Nicole too must sometimes keep things to herself.

Don't get me wrong, I was really hoping, a while back, that Nicole and Daniel could be the end game. And sometimes, I think I could get back on board, IF Daniel truly accepts her for who she is. But alas, I think Daniel thinks too highly of himself to do that. Thus I would rather see Jack come back, and him and Nicole, the two town pariahs, get together and show all what they are worth.

I must say, also, that if indeed (fingers crossed) Jack comes back, I do not want him near Jennifer the shrew ever again. Sorry, this is off topic, though, but I wanted to say it.
Oh I totally agree that Daniel wants more from Nicole than he is willing to give. Case in point, Jenn and her garbage, which I wish Nicole would have demanded the same honesty that he did (though he refused to believe her then). But it was nice that he actually didn't just put his foot down and make a demand. This time he did listen and compromise and not just disbelieve her about another man. I'm ok with the compromise because they came to it together.
Daniel and Nicole have been broken up for months. He put the brakes on with her because he was convinced she was lying about her feelings about Eric. Xander comes into the picture and starts showing interest and Daniel all of a sudden wants to stake his claim, confess his love for her to anyone who'll listen, and assumes Nicole will just fall back into his arms if he mumbles a few soft words. When Nicole says she can't tell him what's going on with Xander, he tells her once again, he's DONE. I'm sorry but this screams bruised ego and tells me all I need to know about God's gift to women, Daniel Jonas. No woman will ever do right by him unless they are doing exactly what he wants, how he wants, when he wants. Like I said, unless Nicole walks, talks, chews, spits, and blinks in Jonas approved ways, she'll never measure up.
LOL, I'm sorry but I can't let Daniel's reaction to Nicole on Monday go. Nicole was WORKING when Daniel set up that fake meeting with her. Daniel knew she was working but he refused to back off, and refused to consider and respect the fact that maybe, just maybe what she was doing was work related. He himself has kept Nicole in the dark about things that happen at the hospital (even when the patients are her friends) because of his profession and "privacy". Why won't he afford Nicole the same professional courtesy? I'll tell you why. He's a jerk!