Daniel and Nicole


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I have been waiting for this pairing for a good long time now. However just the way it's playing out tptb are dooming them from the start.

The way Daniel told Nicole that if he ever feels she isn't over Eric they are through. Daniel's declaration wasn't about what Nicole was feeling, it was about how he thinks she might be feeling. So while her rivalry with Serena is becoming personal over Serena not accepting her apology and being so venomous, it will end up being perceived by Daniel as Nicole still having feelings for Eric.

I like that Daniel listened to Nicole when she told him that her initial reactions to Serena were about her own self worth! I really liked that he listened to her that the drink spill was in truth an accident. I almost cheered when Eric solely blamed Nicole was so verbally ugly about her to Daniel and he flat out told Eric he should not have said what he did! But I still don't think Daniel sees that Nicole's issues are now about Serena and her venomous attitude towards Nicole as she has had enough of Eric and his sanctimonious and verbally abusive treatment towards her.

So I am just waiting for the bomb to drop which really sucks because a story I have looked forward to for such a long time has a huge black cloud over it. I would love for Daniel and Nicole to get through this and solidify their relationship. I have zero confidence that tptb will write anything positive for Nicole.

One thing I would love to see is Nicole telling Eric is to screw off.
Agree 100 % with everything, SarahBeth ! :clap:I too waited for a pairing between Nicole and Daniel. Alas, I'm pretty sure if it goes sour (because of him, not because of her), everyone will be telling Daniel : I told you so... Nicole is poison... blah, blah, blah. :beat:

I will add though, that when Daniel told Nicole that if he thought (and that's the right word, "thought", because we all know that it is indeed personal with Serena now) Nicole still had feelings for Eric, he would end things with her, I wish Nicole had told him : "And if I think you still have feelings for Jennifer, I will end things too. By the way, I didn't appreciate that you felt the need to tell Jennifer that we were going out. It's really none of her business. So why did you ?"
I wish that Nicole would be honest and tell Dan that she out of the blue got a phone call about Serena! Maybe he would "help" and they could investigate the witch together. That would be a good thing to bring the two of them together ,and it would make a good story.
Like that would happen with this set of writers:rolleyes:
As a reporter Nicole should at the least look into the lead on a possible story. She shouldn't have to pass up what could be a good tip because her boyfriend might not understand that a good reporter looks into leads and if they have merit pursues the story. As insecure as Nicole is my bet is that it will be Daniel's insecurity that brings them issues. It already has when Daniel had to end their time in bed together telling her what would make him dump her.
I have been waiting for this pairing for a good long time now. However just the way it's playing out tptb are dooming them from the start.

The way Daniel told Nicole that if he ever feels she isn't over Eric they are through. Daniel's declaration wasn't about what Nicole was feeling, it was about how he thinks she might be feeling. So while her rivalry with Serena is becoming personal over Serena not accepting her apology and being so venomous, it will end up being perceived by Daniel as Nicole still having feelings for Eric.

I like that Daniel listened to Nicole when she told him that her initial reactions to Serena were about her own self worth! I really liked that he listened to her that the drink spill was in truth an accident. I almost cheered when Eric solely blamed Nicole was so verbally ugly about her to Daniel and he flat out told Eric he should not have said what he did! But I still don't think Daniel sees that Nicole's issues are now about Serena and her venomous attitude towards Nicole as she has had enough of Eric and his sanctimonious and verbally abusive treatment towards her.

So I am just waiting for the bomb to drop which really sucks because a story I have looked forward to for such a long time has a huge black cloud over it. I would love for Daniel and Nicole to get through this and solidify their relationship. I have zero confidence that tptb will write anything positive for Nicole.

One thing I would love to see is Nicole telling Eric is to screw off.

Amen Sister you said it all
I have been waiting for this pairing for a good long time now. However just the way it's playing out tptb are dooming them from the start.
Of course they are dooming them from the start. Nicole is the writers' punching bag. She's the one that Salem's A-list can feel superior to and reject no matter many stupid and/or dishonest things they've done in the past. This includes premier party girl/card-counting Melanie, lover boy Jonas who turned Chloe into a cheating wife, vindictive sourpuss Eric, Sami "EJ has Changed" Brady, sketchy Serena, etc. Also, when the writers need a story line, they have Nicole do something so blatantly wrong and stupid that it brings down the scorn of one and all on her head -- e.g., accusing sleeveless Jen Jen of pushing her down the Town Square steps, destroying the Chyka papers, and most recently entering Serena's hotel room. Apparently, for the writers, giving Nicole an intelligent, positive story line is mission impossible.
I can't wait for them to be over. Never liked Daniel and i have been liking Nicole less and less and less in the last year. It started going down hill with her trying to please Eric. Then shredding the papers. And when that whole thing ended, I was hoping she would finally see that she can make herself happy by loving herself first and the show would let her be single for a while and enjoy the single life. But nope. I feel like she is too old to still be so needy and clingy and whiny.
I agree. It would've made more sense if Daniel and Nicole were CONSIDERING getting back together, but ended up not doing so because they aren't over their exes (which is just blatantly obvious, especially in Nicole's case). I really think the only reason the writers put them in this short relationship is just so that the viewers can see more sex. It would've been better if the writers had Nicole get back with Brady for a short-fling: they have done that before, just casually having sex, and this way, we wouldn't have to sit back and watch the idiotic babbling between Brady and Mela-baby Jonas.

I would've LOVED Nicole & Daniel together if the writers hadn't made it so obvious that Nicole still wants Eric. OR, if they'd gotten together that time when they were flirting, before Nicole started dating Eric.

I still think Nicole would be best off with Rafe.
I think he is going to be sorry when he realizes she is only using him. Of course I don't really care since we are talking about Dr. McPervey.
I will add though, that when Daniel told Nicole that if he thought (and that's the right word, "thought", because we all know that it is indeed personal with Serena now) Nicole still had feelings for Eric, he would end things with her, I wish Nicole had told him : "And if I think you still have feelings for Jennifer, I will end things too. By the way, I didn't appreciate that you felt the need to tell Jennifer that we were going out. It's really none of her business. So why did you ?"

That was indeed a glaring missed opportunity because no couple in the last few years has been on the merry-go-round more than Daniel and Jennifer, and Nicole got a hard, swift boot to the butt when they first reunited (when she blamed Jen for pushing her down the steps). Nicole should have asserted herself and told Daniel "that goes for you too buckaroo".
I don't think Nicole is using Daniel. I think she is just desperate for any man that will show her some attention and when they do, she believes it's love and she has to hold on to them with all her might. Maybe if Theresa hits her over the head she will lose that trait.
Agree with everything you said, SarahBeth.

One thing I don't understand about this story - I'm not a reporter. But if I had someone as nasty as Serena out for me, I'd have my cellphone recorder handy at all times. (Especially if I had Nicole's track record for fibs, half truths, and other assorted lies.) I really don't understand why she hasn't caught some of this venom on tape, if only to use in her own defense later. I guess Victor has the Salem Brain this week.