Daniel and Marlena


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I think that it is complete crap that Daniel and Marlena told Brady that they got the formula from Kristen but left out the details of her demanding that Eric not testify against her. Eric should just testify anyhow.
Yep ! They've given the drug to John now, so let's have Eric testify. Oh, wait, unless only Dimeras have the right to go back on their words, lie, cheat, kill, etc. :rolleyes: Seriously, I could see this scenario :

Eric : I'm going to testify.

Kristen : But you promised.

Eric : Well, I lied.

Kristen : That's so unfair ! Daddyyyyyyyy !, she yells, while being thrown in jail.

Well he's not a priest anymore and has been lying to himself for months so this should be no problem for him. I think it was absolutely unconscionable that Marlena actually asked Eric not to testify.

It would be one thing if she went to Eric and told him "Kristen is up to another blackmail scheme and she says Stefano's doctors can help John but only if you don't testify and there's no way I could ever even consider asking that of you". But she didn't. She put a man above her own son.
There has to be a way to get around it. He promised not to testify in court. What if he testifies via video camera....pre-recorded. Heck, what about Nicole. She saw all those papers, where Dr. Chyka named Kristen, wrote to her. Some were salvaged. Dr. Dan had them, turned them over to the cops. But Nicole could testify to how she found Eric in that hotel room, called 911, and what the papers said.
I just do not want Kristen to get away with this. I so hate it all. But I suppose, "reasonable doubt" will enter in. Not only that, Nicole would have to admit she destroyed evidence, getting herself in trouble with the law. So....guess perhaps she cannot testify.

So what happens if everyone goes back on their word? Marlena testifies to the blackmail condition Kristen gave for the drug. Eric testifies as to what she did. Daniel to how Kristen kidnapped him, had him beat up, etc. Kristen goes to jail.
What would happen then to them all? Does Chad do something now, per Stefano's orders? What?
I just find it so difficult that one man has the power to cower an entire town. I hate it.
I just find it so difficult that one man has the power to cower an entire town. I hate it.
This is totally off-topic but it reminds me of a program I saw several years ago on Dateline (or other news show) about a town bully. He was so evil and got away with so much that, one day, several town members met at the local café. Someone shot and killed the bully, on main street and in broad daylight, and no one admitted to it. Everyone in town (except for the bully's wife) said they didn't see a thing. The murder was never solved.

I have often wished the same thing had happened to Stefano way before EJ was ever born.

I saw that show, KathyLu, remember it well. Actually, it is surprising that it has not been done to Stefano. Heck, with the way anyone can walk into DiMansion, it should be a piece of cake. In fact, Days did a great job when "on a dark and stormy night", they had all those Salemites sneaking into the house with a gun, Stefano was shot as he sat in his chair, listening to opera, and no suspects. LOL

He was dead, but then Days changed their minds and their writers, and had it be a clone. Tsk. Tsk.
And didn't they just drop finding out who the murderer was? Well just because it wasn't Stefano doesn't mean there wasn't a murder.
I was talking to my mother a few minutes ago about DAYS because she missed yesterday's show. She asked me what happened with the "slow doc". I asked while laughing "who are you talking about? Daniel?" And when she said yes, I asked her why she called him slow. She said he talks slow, he moves slow, and he looks slow. I almost hurt myself laughing so hard because here is my 62 year old mother calling Dr. "Drive all of the women wild" Jonas the "slow doc". :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Though it was difficult to comprehend, it was Ian MacAllister who shot the clone. He had kidnapped Stefano, wanting everyone to think he was dead, because he felt that he was an heir to the DiMera fortunes...(Stefano's father having had an affair with Ian's mother) or some such drivel. New writers did not want Stefano dead, and wanted to be rid of Ian, so they tweaked story when they came aboard.
Personally, I thought the initial premise was really great. Sort of an Agatha Christie/Alfred Hitchcock way of dealing with the bad guy.

But let's get back on track...back to Daniel & Marlena......I can understand why they did not initially tell Brady, but Daniel has made sure he has done so now. Brady did react exactly as they knew he would, suspicious and worried Kristen was pulling something to off John. But Daniel reassured him on that point, and then pointed out the sacrifice Eric had made, how Kristen was going to go free, and want to resume with Brady. I just hope Brady sticks to his guns. I do like how Marlena is staying so much at John's bedside.
@cryin......The funny thing about ol' "slow doc", is the actor doesn't talk that way when he has done other shows/movies. Nor does he move that way. I guess it is a "Dr. Dan thing". LOL Then again, soaps want the actors to drag out everything. Replies, stares, even answering the door.
Some years ago, 2 male actors from different soaps were on the Carson show, and talked about that. And they actually did an impromptu improvisation which really got one giggling at how they waited a few beats between sentences, even words, back & forth. The actors may have been Doug Hayes and John Bergman. (sp??)
Well he's not a priest anymore and has been lying to himself for months so this should be no problem for him. I think it was absolutely unconscionable that Marlena actually asked Eric not to testify.

It would be one thing if she went to Eric and told him "Kristen is up to another blackmail scheme and she says Stefano's doctors can help John but only if you don't testify and there's no way I could ever even consider asking that of you". But she didn't. She put a man above her own son.

I completely agree. I feel it was extremely inappropriate of her to ask her son not to testify just because of a man. Then again, we all know Marlena is not the best mother in the world.
Eric's life was not in peril, and he had already decided he was not going to return to being a priest. John has been the love of Marlena's life, her husband of over 25 years, the man who helped raise her children, and in fact, raised them by himself for many years, when she was thought dead. They have been thru a lot together, have been at death's door, John has rescued her, she has rescued him. This is not just any man. This is John, the man who Eric considered his father for many years.

And while Marlena hated and hesitated to do so, she did ask Eric, but it was up to him to say yes or no. And he did not make the decision right away.
"just because of a man"??? John Black is NOT just any man. And please understand, Marlena & John are not among my favorite couples, but Marlena was at her wit's end, and felt she had no choice.
I think it was a terribly hard decision for her to make to ask Eric, but HIS decision shows how much of a good man he really is, and that he definitely was the bigger person in this case.
I have read several remarks regarding Marlena's request to save John's life. Eric did have to give up his revenge or justice, but certainly not his life. I would ask the same of one of my children given the same circumstances. In my opinion life and death trumps revenge and justice any day.
Indeed. Agree 100 %. And I still say that, now that the drug has been given to John, Eric still could testify. So what if he goes back on his word ? This is beyond ridiculous. In fact, Marlena and Eric could have had a secret conversation and worked together and now, they both bring Kristen down. Problem solved.
There has to be a way to get around it. He promised not to testify in court. What if he testifies via video camera....pre-recorded. Heck, what about Nicole. She saw all those papers, where Dr. Chyka named Kristen, wrote to her. Some were salvaged. Dr. Dan had them, turned them over to the cops. But Nicole could testify to how she found Eric in that hotel room, called 911, and what the papers said.
I just do not want Kristen to get away with this. I so hate it all. But I suppose, "reasonable doubt" will enter in. Not only that, Nicole would have to admit she destroyed evidence, getting herself in trouble with the law. So....guess perhaps she cannot testify.

So what happens if everyone goes back on their word? Marlena testifies to the blackmail condition Kristen gave for the drug. Eric testifies as to what she did. Daniel to how Kristen kidnapped him, had him beat up, etc. Kristen goes to jail.
What would happen then to them all? Does Chad do something now, per Stefano's orders? What?
I just find it so difficult that one man has the power to cower an entire town. I hate it.

Your suggestions are too logical for DOOL!!!! God forbid they do anything the real world might!
I am flabbergasted this storyline is STILL going on. This started not long after I stopped watching. Oh wait!!! Yes...I can believe it. SIGH. I'm caught up now...but some of y'all might have to help me figure out some of these "new people". I don't know much about Ben, Aiden, or Paige. Sorry to get off topic...