Daniel and Kristen

Vomit!!!!! Brady's at the door. What do you want to bet that Jenn decides to go see Daniel one last time before heading to her mother's. I would die laughing if Daniel and Kristen yelled "get out, go to hell and close the damn door" at Brady and Jenn.
Yep, those of us who were lamenting the loss of angry hate sex since the death of the belovèd EJ DiMera were in for a real treat today, as hateful statements turned to struggling and of course, clothes removal for our resident tan wonder surgeon and our favourite former social worker turned vengeful cougar.

Luckily, we still have hope they may get interrupted before this hateful and disgusting act is furthered...please oh please Brady, walk through your good friend's living room and into his boudoir - SPARE US ALL, PLEASE!!
In my opinion, this whole thing is not only out of character but makes no sense. First of all, Kristen was "giving up" on Brady? SInce when does Kristen give up on anything or anybody. Secondly, Kristen saying that Jen was "the most wonderful woman in the world" makes me think it would make more sense for her to go try to seduce Jen than try to seduce Daniel, especially since his response was to tell her to get out of his apartment. Thirdly he grabbed her to get her out of his apartment, and she kissed him, then suddenly they're in the bedroom. The only way it makes any sense whatsoever is if Kristen had some sort of aphrodisiac drug in her lip gloss.
Thirdly he grabbed her to get her out of his apartment, and she kissed him, then suddenly they're in the bedroom. The only way it makes any sense whatsoever is if Kristen had some sort of aphrodisiac drug in her lip gloss.
Over at Y&R, Eileen Davidson's character, Ashley Abbott, just created a love potion perfume. Maybe Eileen Davidson (Kristen) forgot to remove her love potion perfume that day! :rotfl:
Dr. Dan doesn't seem to need any aphrodisiac......he will hop into bed in a flash.

Except for the times he declined to go further than a kiss with both Nicole and Jen, the time two weeks ago when Jen came in her best dress to seduce him and he told her to go away, the 50 billion times before this he turned Kristen down, the 30 billion times before that that he turned Theresa down and several times he turned Eve down. (Numbers may be slightly exaggerated but you get the point.)