Creepy Clyde

I like Clyde....DAYS needs a new villain in Salem, because I think the DiMeras' reign of terror is slowly coming to an end, and that suits me just fine.

Clyde is a take charge kind of guy, lets other people do the dirty work for him, he is the BOSS. He doesn't back down when he sees trouble, like a wannabe who shall remain nameless, and only saw fit to mentally and physically harm women and children!

Back in Popular Bluff he probably did some despicable things to his family, but that SL is moving so slowly we probably will never find out! So I am judging him from the time he has been in Salem.
I don't even want to know about what happened back in Poplar Bluff-something awful I am sure. But I do like his approach as the new bad guy, not so in your face to or to unbelievable but pretty bad!
I don't like Clyde as a person. But I'm loving the actor's work, and I think his accent is pretty good. I think he is an interesting villain--one the show so desperately needs, because let's face it, there aren't any. Stefano and his family are slowly disappearing from canvas, and their storylines were getting old and dull anyways. And the other villains cough*Eve*cough are just nosy and boring.

I also think Clyde and Kate would be a fun evil couple.
He might be good for a new bad guy but I want somebody to dig up his history with those kids and if he raped her or pimped her out or forced Ben into doing something dirty, well that's how low it can get. Plus I think old Vic still has some gas in his tank...... Watch your step Clyde lol...
Days did once upon a time have 2 villains to worry about.....Stefano......and then Victor. They would sort of take turns. and then the show would bring on various "bad guys" to hang around for 3-6 months, before being vanquished.
I think James Reade, who plays Clyde, is an excellent actor, and it shows. He sure does know his character, doesn't he?

Oh, yes, Clyde is definitely evil, and apparently someone who doesn't get his own hands dirty either, lol. Fits right in, doesn't he? I doubt we will ever learn the Poplar Bluff background stuff, because it does appear Clyde wants to put roots down in Salem, and take over the entire town.
You right about that also I think they took some of the smarts away from Rafe because finding that druggie that fast with everything on him was wayyy too easy. Rafe need to really put his thinking cap on again.
Don't get me wrong, I definitely want Clyde exposed, but mostly just so that this long and boring storyline with Jordan will finally come to an end and we (and the characters) can move on. As for Victor, I kinda like him as the funny good guy. I'm sure it was great to watch while he was bad, but with Maggie as his wife, he's been neutered (that said, I love them as a couple).
I think we are beginning to see the side of Clyde that Jordan is so desperately afraid of. After EJ's murder, he coolly took care of everything just like a pro would have done having Jeremiah "hide" Miguel (yeah, right) and setting up a dead junkie to take the fall.

I do feel that Clyde has been brought to Salem as the next major villain. As for what happened in Poplar Bluff, we may not learn everything, but I do hope we at least learn why Clyde spooked Jordan to the point of running off and taking Ben.
Oh, I think Rafe is being pretty cagey. After all, he did not say, yeah, we got the guy. He only said what they found, and what they found ON the guy. And when asked pointedly, only said, well, everything points to this guy. I am sure Rafe figures it was just TOOO easy.
Days did once upon a time have 2 villains to worry about.....Stefano......and then Victor.
Clyde can't hold a candle to either Stefano or Victor, who both have a certain style, sophistication, and gravitas. More importantly, Clyde is the type of man who somehow abused Ben and Jordan to an extent that they are both still traumatized by it in adulthood, which by itself makes him truly loathsome. The Salem P.D. has been a laughingstock for far too long. It's about time to give Rafe, Roman, and Abe a big win by having them apprehend Clyde and his hirsute assistant. (And then maybe look the other way as one of Stefano's goons give the Poplar Bluff creep the Arnold Finnegar jailhouse treatment.)
They should let Clyde be Chad's learning experience on how to be that DiMera that can run the empire and then give him a woman who he loves as much as she loves him. But the problem is tptb had that when they put EJ and Nicole together and they screwed that up big time.

Who could be Chad's counterpart and accept him for who he is? Right now the only woman on screen anywhere near filling that bill is Theresa. I have no interest in Chad being the bad boy and Jordan being his little prissy judgmental "he can be a good guy" girlfriend.
I think Clyde is doing a fine job of establishing himself as THE new villain in town. At first I couldn't stand him. Now he is becoming someone I may grow to love to hate. Somehow removing the facial hair made him more believable as not being just a guy from Poplar Bluffs blowing through town, but rather a significant player in Salem.
Clyde gives me the willies. I just find him so creepy. He's such a liar. I cannot believe Kate is fooled by him. If they rode off together, I would be first in line to cheer.
Oh, but who is to say Kate believes him? She is such an accomplished liar herself, and always plays her cards very close to her chest. Heck, look how she faked out Rafe for so long, Stefano, the board of directors, among others.
Yep, she could be taken in, perhaps. Clyde is pretty confident he can do that. He is not trying in the least to get romantic with Kate, just his ol "look at me, trying to do right by my kids, am a changed man, yada, blah, blah. LOL
Oh, but who is to say Kate believes him? She is such an accomplished liar herself, and always plays her cards very close to her chest. Heck, look how she faked out Rafe for so long, Stefano, the board of directors, among others.
Good point. As the old saying goes, "never kid a kidder." Unless he's done some serious research, creepy Clyde has no idea of what he's dealing with in Kate. He ought to talk to people in the know about Kate, such as Lucas, Sami, Victor, Stefano (if he dared), Chloe, Quinn Hudson, etc. If he doesn't watch his step, the Poplar Bluff child abuser could find himself the recipient of one of Kate's "special" recipes. (And not the type that she used to feature on "Hearth and Home.")
You right about that also I think they took some of the smarts away from Rafe because finding that druggie that fast with everything on him was wayyy too easy. Rafe need to really put his thinking cap on again.
That's exactly what I was thinking when Rafe told Sami about it. Sami and Chad are smarter than to believe that it was some random mugging that went wrong. But then in her defense, she is mourning and her mind is clouded by that.