Confused about ages

I can't see the photos either. Glad it's not just me. :)

But it annoys me to no end that Brady and even Belle are now the same age as Sami and Eric and Jordan is being pushed into scenes with Chad and Abigail after having a relationship with Rafe for so long. Jordan should be friends with Nicole, not Abigail.
I agree; Jordan and Nicole still haven't shared scenes (they may have met off-screen though, as Nicole mentioned her recently while speaking to Rafe). Nikki needs some girlfriends, now that Chloe's gone.
No, they all came from the internet archive of Beth's Days Page. They were there all day and just disappeared a little while ago. Weird.
I can see them now too. Thanks for posting JS!

LOVE the Jensen Ackles (Eric) photos. It's funny back then I don't remember him being in many scenes with Belle and Brady so seeing these is fun, even if some are just publicity shots. I do remember Belle being SORASed while he was on the show because I remember a scene where Kirsten Storms (Belle) was coming out of the cafe at Salem Place depressed and he bumped into her and offered to buy her a soda LOL. Belle was SORASed right after the John-Marlena wedding.
Ahhhh, the "olden days" before the internet and no real spoilers.

I still remember the shock and outrage when the Salem Stranger killed Marlena. I remember Entertainment Tonight showing fans at the studio gates protesting and Deidre Hall (Marlena) walking out with a scarf around her neck and wagging the ends of it at the camera, with a sly smile.

I read an article that said they had her taking some fan phone calls on the main switchboard, trying to reassure them and telling them to keep watching for an exciting twist in a few days.