College Degrees (or not)

I'm not asking to watch JJ sit through a lecture. But it would be nice if the writers took the time to throw a line in here and there, and then show them graduating from school. Failing that, it'd be nice if college lasted longer than 3 years for anyone except Abigail.

As to "soapy goodness," the Days writers haven't the slightest clue how to do that, so they might as well show someone doing homework. I also wouldn't mind if characters graduated High School, moved off to college, and came back after graduation a few years later.

I've got $10 that says JJ will be done with school (aside from flunking out) by next Summer (‘16).
The thing is though sometimes there's a slight SORAS that occurs while these characters are in college. I believe Will already graduated or at least it is presumed he did. Remember how he was 18 maybe 19 when he was with Gabi, then they showed Arianna's birth certificate and it said he was 20 or 21? Then at some point not too long after that they showed him drinking alcohol freely at the Pub or the Club. Arianna will be 2 soon so Will is 22 or 23, old enough to have received a 4 year degree. Also, keep in mind, this past fall was when the next crop of teens entered college so the writers probably wanted to separate Will (and whoever else in his age group) from those younger folks.
I can remember the Belle/Shawn/Philip/Chloe high school graduation. They even threw their caps in the air.
They made a point of saying Abby finished colletge early, and would "graduate in May with the class. I appreciated that.
See, in re: mention is made, even in passing. That h.s. group I mentioned BEGAN college, but a year later they were all into careers of one kind or another. Belle had designer panties with days of the week embroidered on them, sold thru Basic Black. Philip headed up Titan. Chloe was in her opera career, and Shawn D.....I think he was trying for law, or being a cop or something. Don't care. NONE went to college more than a year.
Yes, some jobs/careers require a degree.....but Sami never finished high school as JS pointed out

Will has perhaps gotten older....but he did NOT finish college. He got accepted to a special 2 week seminar by some impressed professor or writer in his freshman year. From there, he was back to studying at school again, but some essay caught that Zoe's eye, and when the Sami/EJ stuff hit the papers, Zoe figured she had a gold mine with a family member who was able to write.
He never finished college. Gabi, the baby, the wedding, etc. Articles, joining mom out in CA to write a script, etc.
We see Ben, wanting to go BACK to school. That tells us he went for a period of time, and had to leave.
It just seems that in Salem, like that money tree that just constantly supplies dollars, the posh jobs flow just as freely without the degrees that are necessary in the real world.
The thing is though sometimes there's a slight SORAS that occurs while these characters are in college.....

Exactly!! That's why, all things being equal, I'd like them to ship the kiddos off to school when they finish High School, and then they can come back later as "older" characters.

SORAS bugs me a lot, but even moreso when it's the same dag-blasted actor playing the part!!

Oh and let's remember...the writers appear to want us to remember only the last 5-10 minutes of show...hence the constant flashbacks. If it's important to remember, they'll show us one. LOL
Just because it's not mentioned onscreen doesn't mean characters never graduated. Didn't Will, Gabi, Tad, etc graduate high school in 2011? With a slight SORAS it's not out of the realm of possibility that they graduated college by now. For whatever reason Abigail was de-SORASed and in college for what seemed like forever and then it was mentioned she got her degree. I don't know. People do leave college early for job opportunities so maybe that is what happened with Will. I think he at least got 2-3 years in.

I agree that it works better story-wise if characters come back after an absence with the degrees just so it doesn't seem so jarring onscreen when characters go from high schooler to CEO practically overnight. Sami is a funny one considering her lack of education how far up the business totem pole she has gotten. Lol.