College Degrees (or not)


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Several of our posters here are going to college, taking classes, etc. And, in joking around, it made me start thinking about just WHO among the Salemites actually HAS a college degree. Now I will grant that Aiden & Justin probably have them, being attorneys. And Am sure the doctors have the medical degrees, and even though Melanie seemed to have gone to the Speedy School of Nursing (perhaps online) I am going to say that the nurses have their degrees as well.

We have Salemites running gigantic corporations, or holding titles of President, Vice President, CEO, and sitting on various Boards of other companies/institutions, etc.

Now I know Sami never graduated, Philip, Belle & Shawn did not. I don't think Chloe did either. Chad didn't. Will hasn't, neither has Gabi.

So....who else do you think either never finished college, or never even went?
Chad went for just a year. He got shot, hospital, and on the road with Stefano. Sonny has not been going to college......Will was, but doubt he is any more, too busy writing trashy articles.

I remember Brady BEING in college, but he went off with Chloe to Europe, so no degree for him.

It does seem that Salem is just an amazing place. A small town that huge corporations make their headquarters, and then operate out of a borrowed table in the square, a cell phone & a briefcase. A place where you definitely do not need an education to get a fabulous high paying position.
Lexie was shown going to cop school but she got her medical license fast. Did we ever see or hear mention of her in medical school at any time? She didn't even have to go through residency.
Now I will grant that Aiden & Justin probably have them, being attorneys. And Am sure the doctors have the medical degrees, and even though Melanie seemed to have gone to the Speedy School of Nursing (perhaps online) I am going to say that the nurses have their degrees as well.
Justin and Aiden couldn't have gotten into law school without a college degree. In addition to Super Jonas and Kayla, such past cast doctors such as Cameron Davis, Nathan Horton, and Richard Baker all would have needed college degrees to get into med school. Anne Milbauer also could have a degree. Other than these characters, the only other person who would have needed a degree was Eric, because it's required to get into a Roman Catholic seminary. (When he attended, who knows?) Other than Abigail (who may be the only person ever to graduate from Salem U.) and maybe Sonny, no other characters appear to have graduated from college. Since many hold responsible jobs, it's clear that in Salem, the old saying that "it's not what you know, but who you know" clearly applies.
Yes. It just bugs me how the younger people in Salem START college, then get these fantastic job offers, without any education/training whatsoever. Yes, I understand they don't want to have a character be going to school for 4 years. But heck, even 2 yrs. can get you a degree of some kind.
This is February, and Ben talked big time about starting back to school in January. Have not heard a single word about him going, choosing classes, etc. etc.
Jack and Jennifer both went and finished. Lucas attended Salem U and I think finished. I think Carrie went and finished too. Not sure about Austin though.
That is odd. I don't remember Jack or Jennifer ever going to college. but maybe it was off camera. I thought the first time Salem U was ever mentioned was when Belle, Shawn, Philip & Mimi all "went". Carrie became a lawyer elsewhere, yes, I would assume she got a degree, since she became an attorney. Austin...don't know how much college is needed to become a "forensic accountant", but also assume it was off camera.
Jack's time in college was referenced off screen and numerous references were made to Jennifer attending/still being in college during the early years of Jack and Jennifer. When they make love in the cave Jack said he was "grateful to college professor or who ever brought her his way" . References were made nonetheless on screen even though Jennifer actually physically going was off screen but I also remember an episode where credits to graduate were mentioned too.
DrBakerFan, good one...Abigail did finish college.

I was mainly trying to think of characters who were on canvas during their college and graduated as part of a storyline. Abigail's the only one I can think of. Don't recall Jennifer going to college, at least not graduating.

It would be nice to know what JJ and Rory are going to college for. What are they trying to major in? It would be a setup for future storylines further down the road.

Are you crazy? LOL...if they say what they're majoring in, it will tie their hands when they turn them from reporters to doctors to business owners to cops for future storylines!!! :)
Jennifer was Jack's intern...therefore, in college. I do not believe that Jack would've hired her at the Spectator, nor Nicole, as a journalist without a college degree. Just because they are not shown going to school (how uninteresting) does not mean they did not go/finish.

School doesn't usually lend to soapy goodness unless it is a professor/student affair, i.e. Abigail and Austin (although it was a set-up). Also, Abigail was supposed to have graduated, I thought. Anyone at the hospital would have to have some sort of degree. All of the attorneys (which would include Carrie); most of the cops would have some training. Marlena would have to have a degree. Most of the business people would need a degree regardless of family ties to the company; but school is boring to watch (take it from the professor). :)