Clyde/Jordan/Ben speculation

My money's on Stefano as of today. Tori's afraid to come to Salem until she discovers Stefano's been prevented from returning to Salem...blah blah blah.

I really hope I'm surprised because I had hoped for something just a teeny bit more creative :wine:

I think you...hammer.gif

Poirot said:
While I agree Tori seemed to have a reason for not wanting to come to Salem, if there is someone she does not want to meet, how would she know (if it was Clyde) that he was in Salem?
I made the same point in the Today in Salem thread. How would she know her downtrodden daughter, steamheaded son, and evil ex are in Salem? She's supposed to be dead...and, in their 8-10(?) years on the run, her spawn have reinvented themselves more often than Madonna.
I have no doubt the writers are stupid enough to believe that having Paul be the miracle baby and Tori be the supposedly dead Mrs. Westin would be good compelling story. However, while I can understand other posters' speculations about this I have to wonder if there is another possibility. As far as I know, Paul's father hasn't been mentioned, only his mother and grandfather. Why is Clyde the only option here? Why not Stefano or John? There are lots of story possibilities with John being his father and would actually give John and Marlena a STORY. :eek: Or what if this has nothing to do with Paul having an unknown father in Salem. Maybe Lucas had a fling with Tori while in the far east and Tori knows Lucas is in Salem and doesn't want to run into him. To me it just doesn't make sense for Paul to be related to the Poplar Bluff crew for a multitude of reasons. I think if he's related to anyone it would be a more established character not a bunch of newbies. At least that would make more sense but with these writers logical storytelling is a foreign concept.
...Why is Clyde the only option here? Why not Stefano or John? There are lots of story possibilities with John being his father and would actually give John and Marlena a STORY. :eek:...
Yep, and we'll never see it. (John...hmmm, that had never occurred to me...and I love the idea! Maybe she could be afraid because Stefano is involved...on the other hand, the timeline gets us in trouble there, too.)
I think if he's related to anyone it would be a more established character not a bunch of newbies. At least that would make more sense but with these writers logical storytelling is a foreign concept.

To increase their share, it makes more sense to connect him to the Westons. Better business for them. To please fans, it makes sense to connect him to a core family or leave him tangentially connected. But these hacks only write bubble stories. Seriously sick of the "interview" in the sleazy hotel room.
Oh, Jason, but the timeline with John is much more easy to fudge. I don't know what John was doing 25 years ago (give or take) but everything can always be blamed on Stefano. :wink: Maybe while the pawn he had some affair with Tori that he doesn't remember. Just trying to put other ideas out there as the current theory just doesn't fly for me with all the talk about Jordan's and Ben's ages and Paul seemingly the same age if not older than Ben. The only way that idea would work for me is if Paul was about 18 or 19. He's not. It's been established he has been a baseball player for a number of years and had a thing with Sonny at least 4 years ago so he has to be mid 20's.
My money is on Stefano. I said this from day 1 when Paul first aired.

I think Tori is afraid to come to Salem either because of Stefano or because of Jordan/Ben/Clyde. It sounds like her dad is influential so if that's the case, then he might be keeping tabs on them for Tori.

To JS's point, we are seeing the same "ties" to Serena now that she is in Salem. Suddenly half of Salem knows and loves her yet she wasn't mentioned before she arrived. Yeah right.