Clyde/Jordan/Ben speculation

guilty pleasure

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
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I seem to remember reading something similar about this in another post here, but I can't remember where. Since I am perpetually behind in watching Days (LOL!), someone may have been talking about things that I am just now seeing happen (I just finished Wednesday's show). I apologize if I'm repeating a topic already discussed... feel free to merge if necessary.

So, Clyde revealed that Jordan's mother was pregnant when she died. I think some of you have speculated that Paul may be Ben and Jordan's brother. I probably don't remember all the details of this story (because, you know, they are so riveting), but I wonder if it was the mother's desire to kill herself (and maybe Jordan) to escape Clyde, especially now that she was pregnant. And Clyde new it, and followed them, and somehow made Jordan look responsible, or believe she was responsible. He seems psychotic enough to do such a thing, and manufacture a scenario to hold something over her head that was completely of his doing (even if indirectly). And it would ensure that his secret would be kept, and that he could continue abusing or the illegal activities or whatever he was doing, as long as he had Jordan under control. That could also explain Jordan's decision to escape Clyde... maybe that's what her mother said they were doing. I don't know... just a thought.
Apparently Clyde had been abusive to the mother, he drank excessively (and has blamed it on that). I think when Ben or Jordan tried to defend Mama, that is when they caught it.
Clyde says Mama wanted to go the doctor - well, Clyde was home, why did he not take her? No, she wanted Jordan to take her, and even drive tho Jordan was very young. So it would seem Mama was very upset.
I think maybe they argued, maybe he got abusive again. Either she was worried something happened to the baby because of physical beating by him....or she could have wanted to leave him, or ...well, let's say not be pregnant any more. She may have just been trying to escape from Clyde, which is why he was following them, and Clyde wants to control Jordan, so blames her, that she did it on purpose. I mean, he keeps saying "you killed your mama because she was pregnant with my child. That is why you did it". ??????
I must have been distracted when I wrote that - I left out my big speculation! LOL... stupid, I swear!

What if mama was trying to run away from Clyde, took Jordan with her, and whoever was driving, they crashed the car. Clyde was following them, found the crash, and something happens... but maybe mama got away and couldn't drag Jordan along? Or thought she was dead and left her? Didn't Clyde say that he didn't call the cops, to protect Jordan? (Or did I make that up? How can you not call the cops when someone dies and get away with it? I guess nobody said anybody got away with anything...?) Anyway, I'm wondering if Paul might be that baby, and Paul's mom could be Jordan's mom who escaped the crash. Paul's mom could have told him a different story, or could have actually gone to Japan to hide from Clyde, but that would explain the stories not lining up initially. And, of course, it could explain Clyde's story to Jordan, which also keeps her under his control, etc. He could, and would, say terrible things to Jordan to make her think whatever he wanted - control - since she apparently doesn't remember what actually happened, when he knows all along that mama got away and Jordan was just along for the ride.

If mama died in that crash, there had to be a funeral.
If she did not. that baby just could not be Paul, who has to be older than Ben right now.

Jordan has said Ben is 5 years younger than her, and she left Poplar as soon as she became 18....and that they were on the run for 8 years.They have been in Salem about a year. It makes Jordan around 26-27, & Ben around 21-22. Ben was 6-7 yrs. old at time of the truck crash. just does not work age wise. They have talked age just too much.
Someone (I think TheWriter) put how far-fetched and silly it would be if Paul was Jordan and Ben's brother/half-brother---similar to how far-fetched it was to make Maggie related to Daniel and Melanie. I must say, I agree. Based off the age stuff, it just doesn't seem likely that'll be the case. If it is, I'll be shocked that the terrible writers of DOOL could've conjured up something that even worse and more ridiculous than that egg-baby storyline.
I too find it too far-fetched for Paul to be Jordan/Ben's brother, but who knows with these hacks. (Let's remember the pointless return of Stefano, the egg-baby, and the fact that our rapist hero EJ was born after his stepson Will.)

Personally I think Mama was trying to escape Clyde, and was going to have an abortion. My speculation only...Clyde didn't know she was pregnant until AFTER she was dead. The "my boy" thing is just Clyde being a good ol' Southern guy. (Think JR during SueEllen's pregnancy on Dallas, during which he never considered SueEllen might have a girl.) They really have given us no indication of HOW pregnant the late Ms Weston was. My guess was she was early in the pregnancy, and wanted to get the abortion in order to protect herself and the kids from Clyde.
I know the show has done far fetched things with the SORAS factor, but it usually takes time from when a character first appeared as a child, etc. Jordan, Ben & Paul are just all too recent, and have had ages mentioned too many times. Heck, when Ben first showed up, people were "speculating" that he was Jordan's son.

But yes, really, the decision to have an abortion really seems more plausible a reason for Mama's desire to quickly leave and making Jordan drive.
And you know what? Heck, Maybe Jordan wasn't driving, but Clyde has told her this all these years to control her??? I mean........he said he got her out of there, so anyone, including police, that came along would not know Jordan was even there.
I wonder if there is a newspaper in Poplar Bluff, so someone can go into the archives and see if there was a news story, or an obit?????
I too thought of the abortion angle. Another possibility was that Mother Weston had been physically abused by Clyde and needed a doctor to treat her injuries. Also, Guilty Pleasure's suggestion that Clyde was chasing them explains why the truck crashed -- excessive speed. Jordan once mentioned that she attempted to drive the truck although she didn't know how to handle a stick shift. From my own experience learning how to drive my mother's 1950s VW, people are unlikely to crash cars because they don't know how to use a stick shift. Instead, they stall them out when they try to shift into first gear or once under way possibly mess up the transmission because they forget to depress the clutch pedal when shifting into second, third, or fourth gear. (I recall an old news story about some crooks who stole a car to get away and went nowhere because they didn't know how to drive a car with a stick shift.)
If mama died in that crash, there had to be a funeral.
If she did not. that baby just could not be Paul, who has to be older than Ben right now.

Jordan has said Ben is 5 years younger than her, and she left Poplar as soon as she became 18....and that they were on the run for 8 years.They have been in Salem about a year. It makes Jordan around 26-27, & Ben around 21-22. Ben was 6-7 yrs. old at time of the truck crash. just does not work age wise. They have talked age just too much.
Yes, they have mentioned age and years a lot. That said, when has a timeline for births of characters ever really stayed close to reality. Age just seems to matter when they can use it to charge people with a crime and have them be under or over 18 so they can send whomever they want to prison.
Usually, when they screw around with the ages, they do not mention age at all. And usually, the characters have been around for a while., oh, I remember very well learning to drive in a car with a stick shift, hated it, gave up. A few years later, finally got my license via automatic drive. And a couple years later, the mother-in-law & I, with 2 kids, went on a trip up to Canada thru Michigan. She got tired of driving her stick shift, so wanted me to drive. I was refusing, she was insisting, was pulled off to the side. I tried, honest I did, but just what you said, jerked the car a bit, stalled it, she decided before I ruined something, that I was right, could not drive a stick, and took over. LOL
I agree with you all - it IS a bit far-fetched to think that Paul is the long lost baby brother. For whatever reason, I can just see it happening. It would be more interesting if it were NOT the case! It was just something that occurred to me, especially considering all of Paul's on-screen phone calls with his mother, and the whole Clyde family drama, and the creepiness with which Clyde keeps manipulating Ben and Jordan. I guess we'll see soon enough... thanks for adding your thoughts and scenarios!
I wonder if there is a newspaper in Poplar Bluff, so someone can go into the archives and see if there was a news story, or an obit?????
There is: the Daily American Republic, and the Poplar Bluff Public Library is listed as having issues since 1934. This means that Rafe could drive down to Poplar Bluff on his day off from "Club Victor," and maybe get to the truth about the Weston family mystery.
Age doesn't matter on Days. Regardless of what has already been stated. These writers have already rewritten Jordan in a way that's not consistent with how the character was less than a year ago. So why wouldn't they have Paul be the baby? They can just as easily rewrite what was said about Ben and Jordan's ages. There have been too many clues pointing to this already.

And my guess is that Clyde is NOT the father of the baby either. I think it will be another Stefano spawn which would create more for Victor and Stefano to battle about given the history of Sonny and Paul.
Someone (I think TheWriter) put how far-fetched and silly it would be if Paul was Jordan and Ben's brother/half-brother---similar to how far-fetched it was to make Maggie related to Daniel and Melanie. I must say, I agree. Based off the age stuff, it just doesn't seem likely that'll be the case. If it is, I'll be shocked that the terrible writers of DOOL could've conjured up something that even worse and more ridiculous than that egg-baby storyline.

I completely agree! Just because because Paul is the new guy in Salem and we haven't seen his parents etc doesn't mean he has to be related to anyone in Salem.
But you know how the writers just LOVE to connect newbies to established characters, in ways that make absolutely no sense. A few that come to mind:

Melanie turning out to be Daniel and Carly's kid, then Daniel being Maggie's egg-baby from a procedure that didn't even exist when he would've been born.

Quinn Hudson being Vivian's never-before mentioned son.

Madison James being Sami's best friend in school, even though Sami and Eric were on-screen in Salem during the time when they supposedly met (in Colorado).

Cassie and Rex being Kate and Roman's twins, carried by Marlena.

Chelsea Benson, friend of Abby, being the stillborn Georgia Reed Brady.

Paige turning out to be Eve's daughter and Shane's granddaughter.
I have no doubt you are, Jason. In fact, I think you even work in the health care field, must be the genes. LOLOLOL
While I will agree that Days has done some far fetched things to "connect" those who arrive in Salem.....the reasoning for it, at times, left a great deal to be desired. Look at the entire convoluted story about Melanie. Max Brady figures she is his bio sister, goes looking and finds her in France, brings her back. But it turns out, she is not the bio sister, she as adopted.
Now Melanie already had the strong bond with Maggie, and some idiot thought "would it not be terrific if we could connect them bio some way? And why they picked on Daniel is beyond me. See, the story was that Daniel, already a doctor, and Carly, also already a doctor, met at a medical conference, had a bit of fling with alcohol involved. So...both had to be around 30 plus maybe a year or two. And now here is Melanie who is a nurse, full fledged. Mid-20s.
Do you think of Daniel being mid-50s? Nope, neither do I.

While I agree Tori seemed to have a reason for not wanting to come to Salem, if there is someone she does not want to meet, how would she know (if it was Clyde) that he was in Salem?

So here is another thought......In the past, and we know how Days never recycles stories, Kate was married to Curtis, got pregnant by another man, was kicked out, etc. etc. And thus we have the wonderful Lucas, who I just love. So, if, as some here just are sure is the case, Mama did not really die.......but was pregnant by another man, Clyde found out, argued, she was trying to leave, he followed. (yes, I already said this all, I know), but she managed to survive, fled to Japan where her father helped her. However, Will said today that Paul was RAISED in the U.S. And Paul is OLDER than Ben. It just does work.

What about Stefano? Victor? Roman? (If Stefano took Kate's eggs, and Roman's sperm to create twin carried by Marlena, what would stop him & his evil doctors to do the same with Roman's sperm & Tori? Or even John's sperm? I truly hate sci fi, you all have no idea.