Carolyn Hinsey's comment in SOD

The thing is, yes, Gabi defended Nick constantly, no matter who tried to talk to her. And it was a lot of people. Just like Sami defended EJ, and Brady defended Kristen. But I agree, Gabi began to get these flickers of ..."why should I do that, why are you telling me this, why are you talking against so and so"....but then, she seemed to shrug, all is o.k. But then Nick went over the line with her. He pushed her to get a lawyer, got one for her, sat with her, speaking up constantly, answering for her, despite Aiden directing his remarks and questions strictly at her. (Aiden caught on right away, thus his parting remark to Gabi, that he is representing only her".
And Nick finally really stepped over the line when he forced Gabi to call Aiden and get that court hearing NOW!
When Gabi was crying and sobbing away, she never said a word, and still hasn't. No "I loved him, or no one understood him, but I did, not even something about his dream of a happy life with her. Not a word. And she is up, dressed, out the door, and all business the next day.

Gabi may very well just be relieved that this source of trouble between her and her family & friends is no longer a problem for her. Like Kate, but not so blatant.
And I do agree, too, that Blake Berris's (Nick) comment that when he found out who the shooter was.....his reaction..."Interesting"....would not seem to indicate Gabi, even though I think she may have been there, seen something, tried to shoot him if she did not really do it. Amazing how all 3 shots were from a gun with a silencer. LOL