Bo and EJ

NBC thinks that focusing on that "hip, young" audience is the way to go, and the way their sponsors want to go. LOL.
It's odd that when the "suits" want a young, hip audience, they populate Victor's club with people who are anything but. In addition, their young characters -- Jeannie T., Will, Ben, Paige, etc. -- may be young, but they're hardly hip. Clueless or downright stupid is more like it.
Let's hope EJ stays dead. Speaking of his death, I can't wait for Stefano to exact revenge on Clyde for being responsible for EJ's death. Perhaps Kirakis and DiMera will team up.

As for Bo, I would want him to return just to feel the sting of Hope moving on with Aiden and perhaps Ciara getting close to Aiden, in Bo's place (which would drive Bo insane, another man raising his daughter.)

Then perhaps a new storyline can occur bringing Billie back in which Bo hopefully gives up on getting Hope back, and goes back with Billie. Last time Billie was in town she hardly had a storyline other than always being around Kate, like her daughterly sidekick. (which was out of character for Billie).